My Princess

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Adrian's POV

I knocked on marinette's trap door. She opened it and didn't seem really happy to see me.

"How is my princess doing?" I asked kissing the back of her hand.

"Just fine" she said with a big smile.

"I went to go check up on you the other day but you weren't there. Where were you?" I asked.

"I...I was....I was at my best friend's house, yea. She needed comfort" she said tilting her head and folding her hands moving up and down from her tippy toes. "what are you doing here?" She asked.

"I can't visit my beloved purrincess" winking at her.

"I mean don't you have night patrol?"

"Yea but I'm pretty sure the newbie is out there somewhere" I said.

"There's a new hero in Paris?" She said she hopeful eyes.

"Yea I guess, but enough talking about her."I said while flexing my arm.

I grabbed her by her waist and pulled her close to me. "Tell me more about you" I whispered in her ear. I can feel her arching her back and getting tense. I nibbled on her neck leaving a mark and I hear her having trouble speaking. She wraps one leg around me and puts her arms over my shoulders. I moved slowly up to her jaw line and made my way to her lips. When I kissed her she gripped my hair from the back and started to pull it making me purr a little. I pick her up so both legs are wrapped around my waist. I made my way towards her bed and placed her gently on her back. I pull away to see her shinny blue bell eyes. We both stare at each other for a few moments. I start to feel her hands sliding up and down my stomach. I give her my signature smirk and start to kiss her again, but this time I slipped my tongue into her mouth and she jerked. She broke the kiss and push my chest away and untangling herself from me.

"I think you should go" she said bitting her bottom lip and looking away from me. I nodded and jumped off her roof top to another roof top and found myself soon at my bathroom window. It was hard for me to go to sleep. All I could think about was her sweet taste and the way she touched me.

Marinette's POV

It was 7:00 in the morning. I've never woke up early before so I didn't really know what to do after I was done with my morning routine. I went to school and saw my best friend talking to Nino outside of the school.

"Good morning Alya, morning Nino" I said waving.

"Hey girl, look at you, your so early" she said hugging me "oh my god I have to tell you something" she grabbed my hands and we jumped up and down. I had a confused face on; on why she was so happy.

"Me and Nino are going out!" She screamed out in my face.

"Wow, that's amazing, congratulations" I said giving her my most happiest smile.

"Hey guys, what's going on" I turn around and Adrian was standing right beside me.

"I-I h-hey Adrian" I say swinging my hands around my head. Ugh I can't get anymore weirder.

"U-uh hi marinette" he stuttered, putting his hand behind his head. What's going on with him. Oh my gosh does he like me too since he stuttering. I thought to myself.

When we were about to walk inside we see Eastern Blue fighting an akumanized person. I start to run to side the of the school building and saw that Adrian was there too.

"I...uh..sorry" I said.

"It's alright, it is a good place to hide" he said.

"I'll just go somewhere else" said running to where we have lunch.

"Tikki transform me!" I yelled but not too loud that people can hear me.

I run towards Eastern blue and so did chat noir.

"My lady" he said bowing down. "Ladybug!" Blue yelled running to me and then hugging me. "I need your help, everytime I try to get close to her she keeps blowing me away with umbrella" she said pointy towards stormy weather.

"Another stormy weather?" Chat asked.

"Guess so, so that would mean that her akuma is in her umbrella" I said running to stormy weather. Blue and chat followed me.

When I was about to throw my yoyo at her umbrella, nunchucks grabbed it before I can. A male in a white suit with white and brown mask and dog ears came in front of us.

"Miss me little birdie" he said winking at Blue. I could feel my face get hot as I saw him wink. It was so........attractive.

He jumped up in the air dodging lightning bolts being thrown at him while spinning in the air and landing on all four. "Inflame!" He yelled. His eyes turned red and his hands were on fire. He ran towards stormy weather still dodging her attack moves and got her umbrella burning it into ash. "Ladybug now!" He yelled. I catch the akuma and let it free.

"Bye bye little butterfly" I say waving it goodbye. It's a good thing that stormy weather didn't do any damage because I didn't get to use my lucky charm.

"Hello, my lady, I'm Jack Russell" he said kneeling down to one knee and kissing the back of my hand.

"Woah, woah, woah" chat noir said, pushing his face away from my hand.

"Paws off" he hissed.

"Jack!" Blue yelled running towards him and giving him a hug "you came. But why?"

"I can't handle all that crime fighting all by myself. So I came to you" he said giving her a very big warm hug "plus you didn't tell me ladybug was here" he said letting go of her and coming to me again, but chat wouldn't let him touch me again.

Beep beep

"Sorry got to go, will meet again, ladybug" winking at me and with that he threw his nunchucks a swung away. I didn't stop staring at him till he wasn't visible anymore.

"Aw man, I missed him!" Alya said with her phone out.


We didn't have school because of the akuma attack so I was waiting till it was time for Adrian's photoshoot. Time passes and it felt like forever. I walked to the park and got there at 3:20 sharp. I brung my sketch book just in case Adrian looks at me I'll be on my book instead of looking like a creep staring at him.

In the middle of the shoot he walked towards me and he asked if I would like to join his photos, and absolutely I say yes. He started talking to his photographer.

"No, no, no!" He yelled "there is too much pictures of you with girls. What we need is......." He looked around "him!" Pointing To a boy with brown hair and light brown eyes wearing a white t-shirt with a grey sweater with his sleeves rolled up and regular blue jeans and white sneakers.

"You! Come here" he said still pointing at the boy.

"Me?" He asked, pointing to himself and looking back.

"Yes, what we need is friendship" the man said clenching his fist close to his chest as if he were pledging for the flag.

The teenage boy walked towards us in confusion. "You will be in a photoshoot with this young man, you must know him". The boy nods and agreed to take pictures I went back home in disappointment. Right before I left the park's entrance I took one more look at Adrian and so did he. He didn't look to happy.

Adrian's POV

It was time to patrol the nights. I went to the Eiffel Tower to enjoy the nice autumn weather. When I was close enough to the tower I saw ladybug and Jack talking. She was laughing and having a good time. She never does that with me. He put her arm around her and she blushes. I started to text ladybug.

Chat noir
Hey where are you ?


Chat noir
Hello ?

Oh sorry I was doing something. I didn't notice that you texted me.

Chat noir
Where are you?

I'm out patrolling.

Chat noir
Could we meet up in our usual place?

Sorry but I feel like patrolling by myself.

She didn't even want to see me. She wants to be with that......that...smelly dog. I went to marinette's house because she is the only person that cheers me up. She's the only one that shows me love. The only one that actually cares about me. I went to her home and once again she wasn't there. She must be busy once again. I thought to myself.

"Hey kitty" Eastern Blue said to me. She caught me by surprise and I meowed and jumped at the same time. "Can't sleep neither?" She asked.

"Actually I'm the night sky is mine so I patrol it to make sure things are okay" I said grabbing  the back of my hair.

"You don't look to happy about it thought" she said jumping of the roof top and gliding towards me. "Is there something bothering you?"

Should I tell her? I mean I've only know her for 2 fights. "Don't worry, I keep my mouth shut" she said raising her and left hand putting her right hand on her chest.

"I thought that all little birdies tells things to people" I said laughing. She rolled her eyes, I think. It's pretty hard to tell since her eyes are all black. She then grabbed my wrist pulled me over roof top over roof top. "Where are we going?" I asked her. "Somewhere you'll be happy" she said still hopping over roofs.

When we got close to our destination she covered my eyes and laid me down on the floor. Scratch that, she laid me down on grass. "Okay now your scary me" I said nervously. She uncovered my eyes and there I saw the beautiful night sky. There were so many stars in the sky I couldn't even count them. "Pretty isn't it" she stated. I looked at her and saw the reflection of the stars in her black eyes. They really are pretty. I thought to myself.

Hey guys thanks for reading this chapter. It means a lot. Once again please don't copy my creation if you like it and there will be more chapters in the future. Stay tuned and comment on what you guys would like in the future. Thanks again. Luv you.

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