The blue mask

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Marinette's POV

"Marinette that was another amazing battle" tikki said to me.

"Thanks tikki but, don't you think chat noir seemed a bit off lately"  said to my Kwami.

"Kinda. But isn't that a good thing, his finally not flirting with you"

"Well I guess. It's been a long day, goodnight tikki"

"Night Marinette"

And with that I fell asleep tossing and turning in her bed.


Morning came and I was running late for school. When I got into the classroom i found a new student sitting behind Chloe.  I walked to my seat to sit next to my best friend. She starting saying things about where the new girl came from, but i wasn't listening to her because Adrian bought a new shirt that fit perfectly on him.

"Hey girl? Are you even paying attention?" Alya said, waving her hand side to side in front of my face.

" yea" shaking off my thoughts away.

The teacher walked into class and asked the new student to come and introduce herself in front of the class. When I looked back to see why she was taking so long, I saw her shaking her head saying that she doesn't want to go in front of the class.

"Ugh" Chloe said, rolling her eyes. "Hurry up!"

She was hesitant but managed to go to the front.

"Um..hi my name is Juli, a-and I'm from the Far side of Paris" she pointed towards the window. That's so cute.

"And what do you like to do?" The teacher said.

She looked and at her with a you've got to be kidding me face.

"Sleep" she said looking down to her feet.

"Other then sleeping?"the teacher said

"Take naps" twirling her thumbs

"Wonderful. Okay you can take your seat now".

She walked back to her seat and when the teacher turned her back on us Chloe put her foot out and tripped her.

I got up and helped her out and try to be friendly as possible, I don't need her to get akumalized.

"Thank you" she said with almost watery eyes.

"No problem"


Lunch came by and Alya and I went up to Juli that was sitting next to the bathroom by herself. Right when Alya was going to say something we heard a scream coming from streets.

A woman wearing a purple leather suit with her feet showing and black, pink, and yellow hair with her face painted was jumping from car to car whipping people. I ran towards the bathroom stall and transformed.

"Tikki transform me!" I yelled.

I ran towards the woman and spotted chat noir behind me.

"Hey freak show!" Chat noir yelled.

"The names not freak show its whipper" she whip chat noir but he dodged it. I threw my yoyo trying to tie up her legs so she can fall but she keeps hitting it away.

Another person but this time in blue came up and tried to hammer her but whipper jumped away dodging her attack. The person in blue came up to us and said "I think her akuma is in her whip".

"Wait how do we know we can trust you? You could be her partner" I said to her raising an eyebrow.

"I have a miraculous instead of a akuma" she pointed towards her bracelet that was on her right wrist.

"The name's Eastern Blue" putting her hand out to chat noir.

"I'm chat noir, glad to have a new team member" he said shaking her hand.

I didn't introduce myself, instead I gave a glare. I took out my yoyo and swing to whipper. Chat noir followed me and so did Eastern Blue. I rolled my eyes seeing that she ran can jump high slightly higher than us. When the whipper used her whip on me Eastern Blue came in and hammered the whip to the ground. I used my yoyo to grab the other end of the whip and chat noir used his catalysm on it and the akuma flew out.

"Time to free you from evil!" I grabbed the akuma in my yoyo then set it free leaving a white butterfly.

Right when I was about to bound chat noir fist I see him high five Eastern Blue. I then grab his wrist and pull him away from her.

"What was that about?" Chat noir asked to me.

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you left me hanging or that you believe that this Eastern Blue is a hero" I said in frustration.

"Aw is my bagaboo getting jealous" he said wiggling his eye brows and putting his hand on his chin.

"N-no! Just leave me alone" and with that i left.

I de-transform back to my regular self and stuffed my face into my pillow.

Adrian's POV

"What was that about?" I asked my lady.  

"I don't know, maybe the fact that you left me hanging or that you believe that this Eastern Blue is a hero" she said with the most adorable face.

"Aw is my bagaboo getting jealous" I said in a flirt.

"N-no just leave me alone" she ran then rapped her yoyo on a street light to give her a boost.

"What happened with ladybug?" Blue said putting her hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know"

"Woah that was amazing what's your name?" Alya said putting her phone in Blue's face.

I left them in peace cause my miraculous beeped. I went off home and sat the edge off my bed.

"I'm hungry" plagg cried out.

"Fine. Be right back" I said going to the kitchen.

I felt my phone vibrate and I checked to see what it was. It was my lady texting me. I bought both of us a phone so that we can contact each other. She was hesitant at first but now she's just used to it.

I'm sorry about the way I acted, it was silly for me to do.

Chat noir
There is nothing to apologize for my lady.

I grabbed the cheese and left the kitchen. Once plagg was done eating I had to go night patrolling.

"Plagg transform me"

I wanted to see how my princess was doing so I went to go pay a visit.

I knocked on her trap door three times but no answer. I waited a bit before barging in, she could be just getting out of the shower or something. Few moments later I knocked  again but no answer so I just let myself in. Hope she doesn't mind. When I entered she wasn't anywhere in her room, I peeped into the living but still no one, well other than her parents that were watching some sort of movie.

I left her room and jumped from building to building and found a red blur on the Eiffel Tower. I used my stick to extend it to where the red blur was, and there was my lady laying down looking up to the beautiful night sky.

"What a coincidence that we are both here, it's like fate is telling us that we are meant to be" I said swinging the bottom of my tail.

"I don't think that's it kitty" she said sitting up and chuckling.

"Why are you out here, the night sky is mine. Unless you wanted to spend more time with me".

She laughed "I can't enjoy this beautiful night?"

"It would have been better if you would have invited me" I said trying to kiss her but she turned my head to all the lights in Paris. It was beautiful.

"Pretty isn't it" she said

"Gorgeous, like my lady" I smirked.

I didn't move and neither did she. Her hand was still on my chin from turning my head and she turned me back around. She came closer to me and almost reached my lips until her miraculous beeped.

"Oh...well I guess I going" and with that she threw herself off the Eiffel Tower and swung her yoyo, building to building.

I threw my self back making my back hit the ground of the tower. "I was so CLOSE!" I yelled.

After patrolling I headed home and went to bed. All I could think about was ladybug almost kissing me.


"Hey Adrikins" Chloe said running towards me. I gave a fake smile and try to step back but mange to get caught in her arms again.

"Hi Chloe" putting my head back so she doesn't kiss me.

"My daddy is having a spring party. Want to come with me?" Blinking her eyes as if there was something in it.

"I don't...know Chloe..."

"Awww come on. Please"doing a bad impression of a puppy face.


"Yay" she said throwing her arms up"I'll see you on Friday" tapping my nose.

When I was about the enter the class room I fell forwards and landed on top of Juli.

"I-I'm sorry!" I said, struggling to get up.

She stood up and rubbed her forehead. There was a big red spot on it.

"It's fine, please watch where you are going next time" she said with a  small angry look on her face. Why do girls always get the wrong first impression of me. I put a sad face on whiling going to my seat.  During the middle of class Marinette walks quietly into the class room and takes her seat. A smile forms across  my face and I look back to see her face once more. Every Time she's late to class she's has that worry look and it makes me blush, not enough for Nino to see though.


Marinette's POV

When school was done I ran home and didn't bother to say anything to anyone besides my mother. I went up stairs and transformed.

"Tikki transform me!"

For the first time I actually want to fight an akuma. I was hoping not to bump into Eastern Blue, but I spoke to soon.

Blue jumped off a building and glided her way towards me carrying a jar full of akumas. I knew it. I spoke to myself. I spun my yoyo and grabbed her legs and pulled her close to me. I step in her chest and had her tied up in my string, laying flat on the floor.

"What are you doing with akumas!" I yelled at her, making my yoyo string tighten around her as I speak.

"I came to you with all these akumas so you can free them from evil. Your the only one that can do that and when I found out that ladybug is here and came and want to give this to you" she said trying to release herself from my yoyo.

I let her go and she let them free into the air, and I got them all in one shot.

"Bye bye little butterflies"

I looked at her and gave her a little nod.

"Well I guess you are one of us" I said putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks for accepting me ladybug. It's an honor" she bowed with both arms up like she was holding a dress.

"The pleasure is mine" I bowed in return.We both laughed.

"Hey I know this wonderful bakery want to go?" She said with a big smile.


She took me to my parents bakery. I didn't say anything but since my mother is in love with superhero we got ours for free. We then sat on a roof top and ate croissants.

"So are you and chat noir going out or something?" She said raising an eye.

I chocked on my croissant and shook my head fast. "N-No...we are just partners"

She gave me a look and continue to eat. "You don't like him?" She asked me.

"Well I like him but not in a relationship kind of way"

"He's a real hottie, you know" she said laughing. I pushed her arm playfully.

"What about you?" I asked.

"What about me?" She questioned.

"Do you like your partner?"

She didn't say anything. She looked down and stared into my eyes. It was kind of scary because she had no pupils, but it would be rude to look away.

"I do....but.....he doesn't like me back. I joke around here and there like your kitty, but...there was this one day when he told me that he's in love with someone else I just stood there confused" she looked down at her croissant.

"And that's when I found out that you were here so I just moved here and tried to find you"

"But your partner is by himself..."I said with sad eyes. I can't imagine what I would do without chat noir.

"He's a good fighter. He basically gets the akuma himself without my help. I'll probably go visit sometimes to get the akumas" she said while finishing her last bite.

"Don't you think he'll miss you" I said.

"Maybe...but he needs to stay over there for the akuma attacks" she said while standing up. "Anyways see you some other time" and then she left.

It was getting dark so I headed home too. As i fell onto my bed I heard a knock on my trap door. When I opened it it was none other than chat noir.

Thanks for reading. I hope you guys liked it. Eastern Blue is my very own character that I made so pleasssseeee don't steal her. Thanks again and comment on what you guys want for my future post.


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