Petit Papillion

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Hey guys. So instead of making long chapters and having you guys wait for the update. I'm going to be doing shorter chapters. I'll try my best to update quicker so you guys don't have to wait that long. Ive been sick lately and still am but I thought that this story needed an here ya go. :)


HawkMoth stood in the center of the room laughing at ladybug and her team trying to defeat Ice dancer. "Stop fooling around and get their miraculous" he said to the Ice dancer. When the purple outline faded away HawkMoth heard a creek from behind him. He turned around quickly and pointed his staff at the noise and that cause all the butterflies to surround what ever was over there.

"Show your self" he demanded. The black figured slowly walks to HawkMoth with both hands up. A woman was shown. She had long golden hair that was put into high pig tails. She had a gray mask and suit with pink and purple spots on her arms and legs. Her eyes were pure yellow and pale skin.

"W-who are you?" HawkMoth said getting distracted by her appearance. He found her beautiful. Her suit fit her perfectly, showing out her curves.

"Awe don't be like that butterfly" she said in a British accent with a huge grin on her face.

"HawkMoth" he corrected her.

"Yea~yea~ same difference" she put her hands down and smaller butterflies surrounded her.

"Do you have a Miraculous?" He asked her. She put her hand to her heart and pretended she was shot in the heart.

"Ouch, that really hurt"

He looked at her confused. He isn't amused by her little act.  "Who are you?" He repeated.

"I am Petit papillon" she greeted herself with a bow. "It looks like you forgot about me" she looked around the room seeing that it was dark because of the snow surround the window.

"Why are you here? If you come to defeat me, you better turn around when you got the chance" he said putting his staff down. She started to walk around the room and go to the window.

"You know it was hard following you from Paris" petit papillon said looking out the window and see the beautiful snow starting to fall down the sky. She turned around and saw HawkMoth face full of fear and confusion. He had no idea that she was following him. She might even know who he is under the mask. She walked towards him and put her hand on his cheek.

"I'm here to work with you Gabriel Agreste"  and with that she kissed him. HawkMoth stood there wondering what just happened. When she parted from the kiss she gave a little smirk. HawkMoth winced in pain and fell to the ground. Petit papillon knew exactly what was happening. It happened to her every time her akumanized person was getting weak. 

"Here let me help you out" she turned around to face the window and looked around the city. She found someone that just slipped and and fell in front of their crush and stared to cry. Petit Papillon smirked and held out her hand. She cupped a small butterfly and it turned into a blackish pinkish butterfly. "Fly away my little devil and Evilise her"


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