Complicated love

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"Chat" Marinette said in a low voice so that Juli doesn't hear. I stayed calm so I don't look suspicious.

"did you just call her purrincess?" Juli said laughing. I chuckled a bit but Marinette stayed serious. The look on her face scared me. I've never seen her like this before.

She took me outside the room and closed the door behind her. "Are you chat noir?" She repeated once again in a low voice.

"Me? Chat noir? I wish" I said laughing. "I'm not as cool as he is".

"Why'd you call me that then. Only chat noir says that to me" she said relaxing her face.

"You hang around with chat noir?" I asked with my eyes widening.

"U-uh yes" she said turning her head and blushing. Gotcha. Now the pressure is on her. A little smirk escaped my lips.  "That's cool! How's he like?" I asked using my amazing acting skills. She looked down at her feet and her face become more red. "He' to be around with" she said with a smile on her face. She moved her hands around her head like she always did when she felt embarrassed. "N-not like that though" she said fast. I chuckle and she starts to giggling.

"See you Tomorrow then" I said and waved goodbye going to my room.

"Bye" she said in a low voice and went back inside her room.

"Where were you lover boy" I hear a voice behind me.

I turned around and Nino and léroy were standing there. Léroy had his elbow resting on Nino's shoulder while Nino had his arms crossed.

"What do you mean?" I asked in a nervous laugh.

"You went next door" léroy said.

"Oh that, um...I heard a thud on my wall and went to go see if everything was okay"

They both look and me. They started to walk slowly towards and I slowly move backwards.

"Mmmh" Nino hummed "we heard you and marinette talking outside" he squinted his eyes at me.

"Marinette is taken you know" léroy added. I stop moving backwards and look at him confused. Didn't he break up with her?

"Didn't you break up with her?" I asked.

"No" he laughed "sadly she broke up with me" he finished. My eyes widen at what he said. I then thought about the message she sent him early in the train.

"But....what about the message in the train and talking to her in private thing. Didn't you break up with her?" I stated. He looked at me with a confused face but then changed it to suspicions look.

"You read my messages between me and her?" He said worried. I didn't say anything. "How much did you read?" He continued.

"Only where she said that she loves you" I said lifting up my chest. Nino oooohhhh as I said that. That made me laugh a little. Léroy put his head down.

"She still loves you doesn't she?" Nino said suddenly getting serious.

"It's not like that" he said.

"Then what is it" I said in a deep tone.

"I-I like JULI!!" He yelled the name that came out of his mouth. Nino and my eyes open wide.

"The new girl?" Nino asked. He nodded.

"What does this have to do with marinette?" I asked.

"This is kinda of embarrassing but.........I asked marinette if she can give me advice on how to say it" he grabbed his phone from his pocket and showed us the messages.

Marinette I don't think that will work.

It's simple just say

I love you

Yea....I can't do that!! 

He put his phone back in his pocket and put his head down in embarrassment. I snickered and he heard me. I then clear my throat and so did Nino.

"Dude she right. If you like her that much you should just go for it" Nino said breaking the silence. Léroy sat down on the couch and threw his head back and groaned.

"How did you and Alya go out?" He asked closing his eyes.

Nino jumped and then ran out the door. What's wrong with him? I sat down on the opposite couch that léroy was sitting on. I put my leg on top of my other leg and extended my arms so that I could comfortable.

"When did you fall for her?" I asked him.

"Juli?" He asked turning his head to face me.


"Ever since grade school" he said laughing"I was being bullied by some kids and she came and rescue me. Same thing in our old school. She would always come and help me out when I was being picked on" I see him differently now. He seems weaker than ever. "But I know that she's not into me" he finished.

A glass drop in the kitchen and léroy and I sat up quickly.

"Did you hear that?" He said. I nod my head And grab a pillow and léroy takes off his shoes and held them up. "Ready?" I asked. He nods and we slowly make our way to the kitchen. We saw broken glass everywhere And the fossil was on. Léroy went to go turn of the water.

"Ahhhh" he yelled and jumped back "fuuuu- forgot about the glass" he sat down and then started to look at his foot. I walked to the sink and turned off the water. Plagg flew into my jacket and I jerked from the breeze.

"Uh....ill be right back" I said to léroy avoiding the glass.

"Uh hu" he said still focus on his foot.

I closed my bedroom door behind me and Plagg flew onto the bed. "What the heck Plagg?" I whispered screamed.

"What?" He said folding his arms while floating in the air.

"What happened?"

"What happened where?" He said titling his head.

"In the kitchen" I whispered screamed louder.

"Ohhhhh that." Uncrossing his arms "I was being chased by a dog!"

I raised an eyebrow and just ignored what he just said. "Why did I even asked" I rolled my eyes and went back to léroy.

"Got all the glass out?" I asked and bend down to him.

"This fucking glass won't come out!" He said in frustration. I grabbed a flashlight and pointed it to his foot. I see a lot of blood but no glass.

"Are you sure there's glass in there?" I asked.

"I'm pretty sure there is" he said in a attitude.

"Try and walk it off" I said and helped him up.

He took half a step and fell. "Fuck!!" He yelled. I grab my phone and text marinette to come and help us out. A few moments later I hear a knock on the door.

"It's open!" I yelled. The door opened and Juli was right next to Marinette. Juli had her own flashlight and Marinette holding her sewing kit.

"Take him to the couch" Juli said in a serious tone. I did as I was told with a little bit of help from Marinette and Juli. We sat him down carefully and he put his foot on Juli's knee.

"Marinette flash the flashlight to his foot please" she so polite. I can see why léroy likes her. She isn't ugly neither. Juli opened the sewing kit and got out a needle. "Oh man. I forgot my handkerchief in my luggage" she talked to herself. I got up went to the kitchen avoiding the glass and getting wet and dry napkins.

"Here" I said giving her the wet one.

"Thanks". She cleaned up the blood and started to work on getting the glass in his foot.

"Wait wait wait wait WAIT!" Léroy said screaming the last word when Juli put the needle into his foot.

Time passes by and it took longer than necessary to get the glass out of his foot because léroy was being a little baby about the needle.  He stood up and started walking around feeling free. "Thanks so much" he said to Juli. Juli came up to him. She tippy toed as much as she can but still couldn't reach Léroy's forehead. She pointed her figure to the ground and she bend down. She kissed his forehead. "Be careful next time" he had this dumb look on his face.  It was so funny. Marinette looked at me and was about to burst into laughed because of it but I put my finger up to my lips and tried to shush her and myself. But it failed and we both started to laugh.  They turned their heads to us is and were blushing. Marinette then calmed down of laughing.

"Goodnight again Adrian" she said with a smile. I wanted to kiss her so bad but I knew I can't. "G-goodnight" I stuttered and she giggled. Marinette Left with Juli and Nino came back inside the room and saw our faces red and broken glass still on the floor.

"And what were you doing all this time?" I questioned Nino. He put his hand behind his head and chuckled.

"Alya" he said looking down "what about you guys. You're red as a tomato".

"Juli" léroy said.

"Marinette" I replied.


Marinette's POV

I woke up by cold water being poured on top of me.

"Hahaha" I hear two girls laughing.

I put an angry face on when I see Chloe and Sabrina in front of my bed. Chloe was recording the whole thing while Sabrina was holding a bucket. It couldn't even be a cup. It had to be a freakin bucket. I took the blanket off of me and went straight to the bathroom. When I turned on the shower and got in I hear a small scream. Looks like they got Juli. I got out the shower and put on something really warm to wear since we are going to be outside the whole day.


The class met up on the main floor. The teacher was giving directions about today's schedule but I wasn't paying attention. My mind was all on chat noir. I miss him so much. I felt a little nudge on my arm and it was Juli.

"Earth to Marinette?" She said poking my stomach.

"S-stop" I said laughing. She kept poking me and I couldn't stop laughing.

"Hahah j-Juli. Plea-se" she stop poking me and I tried to catch my breath.

"Stop goofing around we have a task to do. Come on Sabrina" Chloe said pointing her fingers at her and tell her to come.

"Chloe you can't bring Sabrina" Juli said breaking the bad news.

"Why not?" She said puckering her lips.

"Because she's not in our group" I added.

She didn't respond back. Instead she left with her and we never saw them ever since.


Juli and I were waiting for the train to arrive. Adrian, Nino and léroy came up and stood next to us.

"Hey dudettes" Nino said with a wink "what happened to Chloe?"

"She ditched us" Juli said and rolled her eyes.

"You don't mind if we tag along right?" Adrian said to me. I blush a little bit and nod.

The train arrives and it was packed. We tried our best to squeeze in and not hurt anyone's foot. The door close and Adrian was very close to me. My head was on his chest and I am feel is heart beat go fast. My heart beat was going fast as well. The train jerked and that caused everyone to lose their balance. Adrian was pushed by someone and he pulled my hair by accident which caused me to moan low. I hope nobody heard that. I can feel my cheeks heating up as the train ride continues. Our stopped comes and we head to the London clock tower. Our task was to take good pictures of the clock tower and write a paragraph of it.

We did exactly that and finished early. I can see Alya and Rose trying to get the perfect angle for the picture.

"Do you wanna maybe go ice skating with us?" Léroy said to Juli. And I can see Adrian and Nino fist bump. Behind him.

"Sure" she said with a smile. I went to Alya and told her that we are going ice skating and she couldn't be anymore happier.


Third POV

"Here you go" Marinette got her ice states and put them on. She had trouble tying her shoes lace. Adrian can see her having trouble and lend a hand.

"Thanks" Marinette said blushing.

"No problem".

They walked to the ice staking rank and marinette and Adrian were both on the sides. They can see Alya helping out Nino and Juli helping out léroy but neither of them know how to skate to help each other out. Adrian tried his best to get off the side and skate to the middle to try and learn but fell in the process. Marinette laughed at him.

"What are you laughing at?" He said laughing "I'll like to see you try" he challenged her.

She took her hands off the side and made her way slowly to Adrian. He let out a hand so she can help him up and he pulled her to the ground.

"Hey!" She exclaimed. He chuckles and she starts to join. Alya comes to them and Nino slightly behind.

"Need help" she put her hand out and laugh.

"Yea" they both said at the Same time.

"Hey! Let me go I didn't do anything!" A man said struggling to get out of the two security guard's grip. They threw him out of the building and the man looked back at the up at the doors.

He sighed. The metal opened from a circular window and light was shown in papillon layer. White butterflies scattered the room and papillon was waiting in the center.

"Ah sadness and anger. Perfect emotion to get revenge" he cupped a white butterfly and turned it into a black/purple color. He let it free and the akuma left through a small hole that the window had. "Fly away my little akuma and Evilise him".

The akuma flies into the man's pair of ice skate that he was holding. "Ice dancer, I give you power to have revenge on the people who kick you out. In return you give me ladybug and chat noir miraculous". 

"With pleasure" A black and purple fog surrounded him and his outfit changed to having a coat and some warm clothes to a tight leather ice skating outfit with ice skates that have Sharp blades on the sides.


Sorry it took so long I was kinda stuck on some parts. And I don't have a picture for this chapter. And if there are any spelling mistakes srry bout that too. But anyways thanks for reading. Comment on what you'll like and vote. Oh and check out my new book it's called "partners in crime" See you guys next chapter. ✌️ luuuuvvv youuu


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