The Trip

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Adrian's POV

The class was gathering around the train station. And almost everyone came to the trip except for max. He said that his parents won't allow him to take long distance trips with them. Nino, Léroy and I sat behind the seats that Marinette, Juli and Chloe were sitting in. Since this is a fancy train there is a table in the middle of two seats facing each other. Nino and I sat in one Side while léroy sat on the other. I hear Marinette and Chloe fighting on who's going to sit where. Chloe flipped her hair on Marinette's face and sat in the seat. I see Marinette with a angry face and having trouble putting her Luggage above her seat. I wanted to help her but since Nino was sitting right next to me with his headphones blasted with music Léroy got to her first.

"Thanks" she said giving him a warm smile.

"No prob Shorty" he said messing up her hair. When he sat back down he looked at me and gave a cocky smirk. I glare at him. This is going to be wonderful trip. I roll my eyes And look out the window seeing people going into the train. I see a couple kissing each other goodbye and it reminds me on what happened yesterday.


"Mari" I said looking straight into her gorgeous blue eyes. "Would you go out with me?"

She looked away and and stepped back slowly. She hit the wall behind her and looked back at me. "I...I can't"

I look at her with a confused look. Is this about what happened at the party? "Why not?" I said quickly almost about to tear up.

" someone else" she looked away again. She can't even look me in the eye. I grab her hands and cupped them. They were cold.

"I love you marinette" she jerked when I said those words. "Please" she pulled her hands away. And looked at me.

"And I love you!" She yelled but not too loud. "But you didn't love me back. And now I'm trying to move on and your still bringing me down" she said. I can see her eyes shaking. That must of been hard for her to say. "I've tried to love you the way I loved you back then, but ever since you punched léroy in the face it changed the feeling I had for you". I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. "I still love you, can't lie about that but.....someone already stole my heart away" she finished. She grabs her scarf with both her hands and covers half of her face. "I'm sorry" she said in a low voice and I was left alone in the hallway. I sat back down in my seat and Alya put her hand on my shoulder. Who else could she possibly love other than me?"

Flashback ends

I close my eyes for a spilt second and I found myself sleeping. When I woke up I see that Nino was asleep as well and léroy was gone. He must have gone to the bathroom. I heard a ding and vibration on the table. I look down and see what must have been léroy cell phone. I look over to see what happened and saw a message from marinette. MARINETTE??  I flipped the phone over so it was right side up.

I love you

I saw another message but I didn't have time to read it. I flipped the phone back the way I saw it and léroy sat down. He gave me a confused face and grabbed his phone. He read the text message and gave a small sigh. Did he break up with her? Is he tired of marinette? He doesn't care not one bit about her. He texted her back and put his phone down.

"You look tired" I said giving a fake smile.

"Kinda" he said then his phone vibrated and he texted back. When he put his phone down marinette got up from her seat and went to us holding two cookies in her hand.

"We need to talk. Pronto" she said in a serious face. "Umm... Adrian do you mind if we talk alone?" She asked slowly. I nod my head and went under the table not to wake up Nino. I sat where marinette sat which was next to a Juli. The train turned harshly and I fell on top of Juli hitting her head on the window and my forehead hitting her forehead. We accidentally kiss and she smacked me. I sat down trying to get my balance. I look overtook her and her eyes were watery.

"I-I am sooo sorry Juli" I said putting out my head to her. She turned her head and look out the window. The train went into a cave and now I see Juli through the window's reflection. She looked down at the table and started to tap on it. Her eyes becoming more watery and letting out a tear sliding down her cheek. I try to wipe it off but she pushed my head away.

"" she said in a low voice. She was crying. Did I hit her too hard. She put her hand on the red spot I left after bumping into her and another tear came out.

"I'm sorry it was by accident. I swear" she look over to me and her dark brown eyes were sparking and slightly red. I saw her mouth wiggling and she started to cry low. I hug her and she didn't hug me back.

"You hit me really hard" she said. I feel bad. She must be sensitive. I rubbed the back of her head and look at her. I kissed the red spot and she jerked. She put her hand where I kissed her and she looked at me and gave a warm smile. She's so small and cute. "Sorry again" I repeated. She giggled a bit.

"It's alright. I kinda was in the middle of thoughts and when you hit me and then stole my first kiss, I didn't know how to take it and I started to cry. I usually don't cry in front of people" she stated. 

"Why would you cry?" I asked. I know it's none of my business but she shouldn't be crying at all.

"Well for one you hit me and kissed me" I chuckled a bit "and two because my crush ever since last year is going out with someone they just met" I can relate to that " and three my mom is in the hospital and they say that ...... She only has a month" she said looking down. I put my hand on her shoulder and she looks up at me.

"It's gonna be alright. She's going to be fine" I said trying to cheer her up.

"I don't have the money" she said shaking her head. "I can't pay for her medicine"

"I'll help you out" I said and she looked up at me.

"Really! You will do that for me....but how will I pay you back?" I have her a smile and said "don't cry anymore". She looked away but then nod her head. I see Chloe coming from the bathroom and sits down next to me.

"Uh Chloe I don't think there's no more space here" I said trying not to squish Juli.

"Oh your right" she laughed. She then fixed herself and put her body on mine. It was very uncomfortable. Her boney butt is digging into my thigh.

"Chloe I think I hear Eastern Blue talking over on the other side of the kart" Juli said.

"Yea as if. I'm in love with ladybug" she laughed.

"Did you know that Eastern Blue and Ladybug are best friends and that they are always together" she raised an eyebrow. Chloe quickly got up and started running at the end of the kart.

"Eastern Blue?" I laughed 

"Yea isn't she amazing" she said admiring her thoughts of Blue.

"what about chat noir he's cool too" I pointed out.

"He's alright but Eastern Blue hammer is way cooler than a baton" she stated.

"Juli where have you been? All her hammer does is hammer things. My baton can extend" I said with confidence.

"My? Don't chu mean chat's" she laughed. 

"Oh yea. That's what I meant" I said with a nervous laugh. Marinette comes back.

"Oh hey Adrian" she said surprised.

"Oh sorry here" I stood up and went to where I was sitting. I see Chloe running towards me and I hop over léroy and sit next to him by the window.

"Sorry I don't think there's any room here" I said and spread my legs and so did léroy so there was no more room for a person to sit.

"Oh don't be silly Adrikins. You. Sit somewhere else" she said to léroy. Léroy looked at her in confusion.

"Excuse me?" He said getting annoyed.

"Did I stutter?" She repeated.

He got up for his seat. "Good boy" Chloe said patting the top of his head. He then quickly grabbed Chloe by the waist and pulled her close to him and he whispered something in her ear. It was quick, within a second. He then let go of her and she didn't move. Her eyes were wide open and so was her mouth. He winked at her and she huffed and walked away.

"Dude, what did you say to her?" I asked.

"Nothing. I just put her in her place" he said shrugging his shoulders. He took a bit on marinette's cookies that he left on a napkin and control be on his phone.


Hours pass by and we are finally in London. It was the late afternoon and the teacher lead the way to the hotel. The hotel was huge. It was larger than Chloe's hotel. "alright class get into your groups" the teacher said moving her hands in a circular motion. She came to each group and handed us our hotel passes. "We will start our activities tomorrow. For now rest in your rooms". Juli comes up to léroy and shows him her key room.

"Look we're right next to each other" she said showing her key number to him.

"Yea looks like it" he said in a nervous laugh. We go to our rooms and it had four portions. Three of the portions were bedrooms and the fourth was a kitchen/dinning area. Now I see why we were grouped instead of paired.

"This room is huge!" Nino yelled and a low echoed followed it. It was slightly bigger than my room so I found it normal.

"Now this is what I called five star hotel" léroy said nodding his head. "Dibs on this room" he ran and toss himself on the bed while throwing his luggages on the floor. 

"I'm having this one!" Nino yelled running to the room next to Léroy's. I guess I'll have this one then. I thought to myself and started walking to the room to the far left.

When I sat down on the bed I heard a thud on my wall. I ignored it thinking that it was just Juli or marinette throwing their luggages as well. Until I heard it again. I go out to the patio that was connected with their patio and knocked on their Back door. I see three figures tugging on each other through the curtain. I went back to my room and knocked on their front door. Juli opened it and had a worried look.  "It's happening again" she said. I look over her shoulder and see Chloe and marinette tugging on a luggage. Juli let me in and I walked up to them.

"What's going on?" I said putting my hands out.

"Adriaaaannnn!" Chloe cried out "Marinette isn't giving me my luggage" she then let go of it and marinette fell to the ground. I went up to her and helped her up.

"That's a lie!" She screamed "your not giving me my luggage" she protested. She got up from the floor with my help and and hugged me.

"Adrian tell her something" she mimicked Chloe. It was so cute. Chloe is nothing compared to Marinette. She hugged me tighter and Chloe try to separate us. She let go and suck out her small tongue. Chloe huffed and sat on top of a bed that shared the same wall as mine.

"Chloe I already call this bed room" Marinette said in a anger. Thank god I didn't have to share a room with Chloe. She'll probably crawl all over me in the middle of the night and say that she was "sleepwalking".

"Chloe, she called this room first you should just accept that"'I said in a calm voice.

"She's Lying Adrikins" Chloe said in a sad voice and did the puppy eyes. She started to fake cry and we all roll our eyes. I went up to Chloe and gave her a hug and whispered something in her ear.

"If you let her have this room you'll get to be on one of my photoshoots" I let go of her and she stood up from the bed.

"Alright, Marinette you can have this room I'll just get the one far away from you" she said then whipped her pony tail and walked away.

"What a princess" Marinette said flopping on her bed.

"It's alright. At least you got the room" Juli said sitting besides her.

"T-thanks" Marinette said sitting up.

"Any thing for my purrincess" I said and bowed. Oh shit! Did I really say that???

She gave me a confused face and stood up. She walked towards me.


Hey guys thanks for reading. I really appreciate it. Hope you liked this chapter and comment on what you would like for the future and vote 👍. Luv youuuuu ❤️🐞



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