After The Storm

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Heather ran into the kitchen while the Planters and Anne were eating dinner

Heather: Guys we got a letter from Marcy!

Anne: Yes! Finally!

Polly: Jealous... I never get mail

Sprig: Open it! Open it!

They all stood around Heather as she read the letter

Heather: She says we're ready to go to the temple!

All: Alright!!

Anne: Is there anything else on there?

Heather: There's a checklist which includes food, weapons-

Sprig held a bowl of soup

Sprig: Check!

Polly held her swinging mace

Polly: Double check!

Anne: Cool! What else?

Heather: Armor! Do we have armor?

Hop Pop: Got it covered! Believe it or not I made each of you your very own suit of armor.

Anne: Whoa!

Heather: Really?

Polly: Cool!

Sprig: Seriously?

Hop Pop made the four of them dress in this:

Heather's armor was exactly like Anne's

Heather: I can barely move...

Anne fell over

Anne: I'm down! Anne's down!

Polly: Hop Pop! This is the opposite of a suit of armor!

Hop Pop: Exactly. Less mobility means less trouble.

Heather: How do we even take this off?

Polly: Hey Heather anything else on the list?

Heather: I think just one more thing

She read the list again

Heather: The music box

Hop Pop looked shocked and horrified

Hop Pop: Uh right the music box! No problem! My contacts will have it ready by tomorrow

Anne: Great you're the best!

Hop Pop laughed nervously

Heather: Are you okay Hop Pop?

Hop Pop: Y-Yep! Totally fine!


Later that night Anne and Heather went to bed

Anne: All packed and ready to go

Heather: I can't sleep. Can you?

Anne: No I'm too excited!

Heather: I'm more nervous... It's going to be so awkward seeing Marcy again...

Anne: Why would it be awkward-

At that moment they both heard footsteps outside

Anne: Sounds like someone else can't sleep either

Heather: It's probably Sprig

Anne and Heather followed Hop Pop outside and saw him digging in the dirt

Anne: Classic old Hop Pop being a freak. I'm gonna give that nerd a little scare.

Heather: Wait what if he's sleepwalking? I heard it's dangerous to wake someone up when that happens

Anne: I'm sure it's fine

Anne started walking behind Hop Pop but then he saw the hole was empty

Hop Pop: I-it can't be! The music box! It's gone!

Anne and Heather: What?

Hop Pop turned around and saw both of them

Hop Pop: Anne! Heather! what are you doing here?

Heather: What are YOU doing here?

Anne: Did you just say... the music box is gone?

Hop Pop starting sweating

Hop Pop: I can't lie anymore! I buried the box here! And now it's missing!

Heather: Wait what?!

Anne: But you said your contacts were gonna-

Hop Pop: There were no contacts! I read the box was dangerous! I didn't know what to do! I panicked! You gotta understand! I was just trying to protect Sprig and Polly!

Heather's yellow hair streak started to glow and Anne saw it

Anne: What the-

Heather: What about US?!

Anne: You've been lying to us... This whole time!

Hop Pop: No! Well yes but... it's complicated!

Heather: How is any of this complicated?! We're just trying to get home and you LIED! You're a lot like Sasha!

Anne: What are you trying to do keep us here forever? *gasps* That's it isn't it?! You sicko!

Hop Pop: No! No! I-it's not like that. I-it's just... I've lost so much already and-

Heather's hair streak stopped glowing

Heather: Well you just lost us too

Anne: We can't be here right now...

Anne and Heather started walking away

Hop Pop: Anne! Heather!

Anne: Don't follow us!

Heather: DON'T!!!


The next day Anne and Heather slept in the same cave when they first got to Amphibia

Anne: *Yawn* never thought we'd sleep not since the Plantars took me in. Well at least I'll always have you Heather

Heather: I'm not going anywhere Anne

Anne: Thanks. By the way I'm not sure if you noticed this but your hair streak glowed

Heather looked at her hair

Heather: It did?

Anne: Yeah! I'm not sure if the rain or something else-

Suddenly there was thunder and a shadow in front of them

Anne and Heather: AHH!!

The shadow was Hop Pop and he walked into the cave

Anne: Oh it's you...

Heather: We need a clear we don't want to talk right now

Hop Pop: Please just let me explain!

Anne: Just leave us alone! Why can't you do that?

Hop Pop: I need you to know why I hid the music box. It's dangerous. I was just trying to protect the family.

Heather: Are we not part of the family?

Hop Pop: I didn't say that!

Anne: Then what are you saying?

Hop Pop: ...There's something I've never told you. Something hard to talk about... The truth is-

At that moment they three of them heard Sprig and Polly scream

Anne: That sounds like-

Hop Pop: Sprig! Polly!

Heather: We have to help them!


Anne, Heather and Hop Pop made it to a giant pit in the ground filled with magpie beetles

Anne: What the heck is this?!

Hop Pop: Its some kind of love monsoon!

The three of them saw Sprig and Polly inside it

Sprig and Polly: Help! Help!

Heather: We're coming! Try not to panic!

Hop Pop: We'll have to work together!

Anne: Work with you? Not gonna happen! We'll save them ourselves!

Heather: We've had plenty of adventures without you!

Anne and Heather went into the pit and jumped across the beetles but were about to fell when Hop Pop grabbed their hands

Hop Pop: Please! I know I lied to you but trust me. At least long enough to save the kids!

Anne and Heather nodded then Hop Pop helped them stand up

Anne: Sprig! Grab on!

Heather: You too Polly!

Sprig grabbed Anne's hand while Polly grabbed Heather's while also holding the music box

Hop Pop: Alright Kids! Hang on!

Hop Pop starts to spin them around and fly out of the pit then land on the ground

Heather: Phew... Anne are you okay?

Anne held the music box and nodded

Polly: That was amazing!

Sprig: I can't believe we did it!

Anne: Yeah we did and now...

She puts the music box in her backpack

Anne: we're through here

Heather: Sorry guys...

Anne and Heather stood up to leave

Sprig: no!

Polly: Where will you go?

Anne: we'll go stay with someone who isn't a liar

Heather: Or stay with Marcy in Newtopia

They both started to walk away

Hop Pop: Wait! Let me at least explain. What I did wasn't right but I didn't do it to trick you!

Neither of them looked back

Hop Pop: *sighs* Sprig and Polly's parents...

Anne and Heather finally stopped to look at him

Polly: Hop Pop...

Sprig: That wasn't your fault

Hop Pop: It was a few years ago... I was on a journey when herons attacked Wartwood. Sprig and Polly survived but their parents... weren't so lucky.

Herons attacked Wartwood

Hop Pop: If I had just been there... I know things would've been different! Ever since then I swore I'd never let my family down again! That I'd do anything to protect them. So when I found out the box was dangerous I lied to you and hid it away. I thought I was protecting my family but now I realize how foolish it was. You two are also my family! I should've seen that sooner but I've let you down... I let us all down

He fell on his knees and started crying

Hop Pop: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm just so sorry!

Anne walked kneeled down and hugged Hop Pop while Heather stood next to her

Anne: Hop Pop... I forgive you

Hop Pop: Thank you...

He looked at Heather

Hop Pop: Heather?

Heather: I just need a little time but we'll get there... I promise

Hop Pop smiled then Sprig and Polly joined the hug

Sprig: Reconciliation!

Polly: Frog hug!

Everyone laughed a little bit

Anne: Can we get out of this storm?


Later that day the weather cleared and Hop Pop showed the book the Sprig, Polly, Anne and Heather

Hop Pop: This book has been in our family for as long as I can remember and look

He flipped to a page that had the music box and the words 'The Calamity Box'

Sprig: Whoa!

Polly: Cool!

Anne: 'Calamity Box'? Yeesh! That does sound bad

Heather: Calamity DOES mean disaster...

Hop Pop: Yeah not exactly comforting

Sprig: I guess all we can do now is wait for Marcy

Anne: Yeah... Guys I hate to say it but this temple quest may be more dangerous than we thought

Heather: Which means we'll have to be extra prepared

Hop Pop: Well... think this gang can handle it?

Anne: That depends on what Heather says

Heather: What? But you usually-

Anne: This is our next big challenge. Do you think we're ready?

Heather: ...Yes!

Hop Pop: you sure you don't wanna wear the puffy suits?

All expect Hop Pop: Hop Pop!

Hop Pop: Okay. Okay. Just had to ask

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