A Day At The Aquarium

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The very next day everyone went to see King Andries but were still a little tired

Andries: Wonderful to see you all again!

All: Hey King Andries

Andries: So ask me if I found out anything about the box!

Anne: Did you-

Andrias: Bingo! Hahaha! Ta-da! Take a gander

He held a big book opened a page and put it on the floor. They saw a picture of the music box

Sprig: It's the music box!

Heather: With the gems and their colored!

Sprig: It's the music box!

Andrias: According to this book it's a magical artifact that is thousands of years old. Apparently my ancestors used it to visit entirely different worlds. They were peaceful explorers scientists if you will. These three stones are the key to getting it working again but they need to be recharged

Anne: Recharged? How?

Andrias: The book mentions three different temples each channeling a different kind of energy. And once the stones are recharged-

Anne: We'll have a way home?!

Andrias: Steal my thunder why don't you? But yes! Boom!

He flips the page back and forth, showing the gems charged

Anne: I don't believe it! A real chance to get home!

Heather: This is so exciting!

Marcy held Heather's hand

Marcy: Right?!

Heather blushed and smiled then Marcy let go

Marcy: Now let's get out there and conquer these bad boys!

Anne: Woohoo!

Heather: Yeah!

Andrias: hold on. Let's rein those snails in for a sec. The book only gives the location of one temple. Besides you still have a lot of preparing to do before you set off

Marcy: Good point. Gotta get equipped for a mega-quest like this. Armor to buy, maps to study and weapons to forge!

Heather: Along with sharpening our weapons, extra training and packing.

Marcy: This is definitely gonna take a few days!

Hop Pop: Few days huh? Well I hate to say it but we really need to get back to Wartwood. The harvest is coming up and we can't miss it.

Anne: Okay Marcy me Heather and the Plantars will head back to Wartwood and when you're ready we can just meet up

Heather: Like divide and conquer you know?

Marcy: It doesn't really make sense for you two to go back to Wartwood

Anne: Say what now?

Heather: Huh?

Hop Pop, Sprig and Polly: Wait what?

Marcy: The last thing we should do is separate again now that we're so close to finding our way home

Heather: I-I didn't think about it that way...

Anne: I guess that's true but we uh... need to go to Wartwood to get the music box! Right HP?

Hop Pop: Technically yes.

Marcy: Nonsense. Once Hop Pop gets the box back we'll just send a servant to pick it up. More efficient that way.

Heather: I don't know...

Marcy put her hand on Heather's shoulder

Marcy: Heather you have a big heart

Heather blushed again

Marcy: But right now you have to follow your head. The Plantars got you and Anne here to me. It's time to let them get back to their lives. Why don't you guys take the day to say goodbye?

The planters Anne and Heather all felt like they were about to cry

Andries: You folks want a giant tissue? Seriously you would not believe the size of these tissues

Heather: That would be nice...

Andries: I'll get you one!


The five of them went to the wagon to think about what to do next

Anne: Hey guys come on. It's not like this is goodbye forever

Heather: W-We just have to make the most of it

Hop Pop: You know what gang? You're both right. The least we can do is have a fun last day together

He opened a map of Newtopia

Hop pop: Now come on let's pick an activity. There's the opera house, the coliseum, the aquarium-

Anne: There's an aquarium? That's perfect. Anytime I was feeling gloomy back home, the aquarium would always make me feel better. There's nothing more peaceful than being surrounded by water and sea creatures

Heather: don't forget the music. It's always so calming

Hop Pop: Oh good thinking!

Polly: Works for me!

Sprig: Yeah! Let's go have fun and not think about our crippling sadness!

They all immediately got sad again

Polly: Nice one


The planters, Anne and Heather went to an aquarium stage show

Host: All right give it up for our stingrays Sugar Ray and Billy Ray! And now for the main event II'll need a volunteer!

Sprig raised his hand

Sprig: Oh me! Me!

Host: You the pink frog over there! Come on down!

Sprig hopped next to the host and everyone cheered

Host: What's your name, and where are you from?

Sprig: Sprig Plantar from Wartwood.

Polly: Wartwood represent!

Heather: You got this sprig!

Host: Well Sprig Plantar all you gotta do is put a fish in your hands and hold it out over the tank!

She gave a fish to Sprig

Sprig: And the stingray will jump out and eat it?

Host: Usually but we have a very special guest today. Everyone put your hands together for Wanda the Water Snake!

A giant water snake swam out of the water then dove back in

Heather: ...Oh no

Anne started crying

Hop pop: Wait what's wrong?

Anne: It looks exactly like the water snake that almost ate me and Sprig when Heather didn't want to go with us!

Heather: I tried to convince them to stay!

Hop Pop: What? When?!

She showed him a picture of Sprig in the lake

Anne: That was the day you tried to lock us in the house!

Hop Pop: I knew it! You two always...

He also started crying

Hop pop: disobeying and causing trouble!

Polly: That was the day I realized you weren't going to eat us!

Heather: And when I knew you weren't dangerous!

They all started crying together but Anne saw Sprig about to do the same

Anne: Oh no! Sprig's about to-!

Sprig burst into tears and dropped the fish.

Wanda got scared and dove back into the water so they ran up to sprig to protect him

Anne: We've gotta get Sprig away from that snake!

Host: Oh you've got nothing to fear from Wanda. The gal's afraid of her own shadow

Anne: That's a relief

Heather: Not so bad

Polly: Close call

Host: Oh no no no. It's the rays you should be worried about. Yeah they love the taste of frog flesh

The ray swam around Sprig

Heather: What? Then why let him be your volunteer?!

Host: Everyone should get a chance to be included!

Heather: Aww-

Anne: Heather! The sting rays!

Heather: Oh right!

The five of them fought off the sting rays

Hop pop punched one back into the water before it could bite sprig

Polly filled her mouth with water and sprayed the other one

The first sting ray got back up but Anne and Heather hit it with a hover board

Sprig did the same with the second one

Anne: You're up Polly!

Polly filled her mouth with water and sprayed both of them right over the Newtopia wall

All: Yeah!


The five of them were immediately kicked out of the aquarium

Security card: and stay out!

Sprig: Oh man that was classic!

Polly: We stung those stingrays!

Heather: Just like back in wartwood!

Anne: Only this time you're way more confident!

Heather: Thanks Anne!

Anne: Well we didn't have a relaxing day at the aquarium

Hop Pop: But now we've got another perfectly us memory to cherish


Later that day the planters were getting ready to leave

Marcy: Have a safe trip back Planters. Let us know when you get the music box and we'll send someone to come get it.

Hop Pop: Thank you kindly Marcy

Anne and Heather hugged them

Heather: We're going to miss you...

Hop Pop: I know but no more tears everyone. We'll see each other again

Anne: Will we though? When?

Hop Pop: I don't know but we're family and family always finds each other

They all let go of the hug

Sprig: Spranner against the world?

Anne and Heather: Spranner against the world

The three of them did their signature handshake and then one last hug

Sprig got on the fwagon and the planters finally left

Marcy: I'm sorry... This just made the most sense

Anne: I know... the logical thing to do...

Heather: It's still hard after everything we've been through...

Marcy: Hmm...

She got an idea

Marcy: You know, the more I think about it, maybe sending a servant to get the music box isn't such a good idea. We need someone looking after that thing the second Hop Pop gets it back. Someone we trust. Maybe even two people to keep it extra safe!

Anne and Heather looked at Marcy

Marcy: I'm sure I can handle the preparations here by myself. I'll just come pick you up on the way to the first-

Anne and Heather hug her

Marcy: Temple!

Anne: Thanks Marcy

Heather: We really appreciate it

Marcy: Now go and follow your hearts

Anne: Ok later bye!

Anne ran off and Heather was about to follow her when she looked back at Marcy one last time

Heather: Following my heart led me back to you

She kissed Marcy on the cheek and ran off with Anne

Heather: Why did I do that?!


They both caught up to the fwagon and stood in front of it

Hop pop: Huh?

Anne and Heather: We're coming with you!

Sprig: Yeah!

Polly: Hop on up here sisters!

Anne and Heather sat with them

Sprig: Thank frog! I really didn't know how I was gonna make it without you!

Anne: Now let's go home!

Heather smiled but also thought about Marcy


Meanwhile Marcy blushed but smiled

Andrias: Always sad to see the people you love go isn't it? I have a proposition for you Marcy and I think you'll find it very interesting

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