The Sleepover To End All Sleepovers

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The planters, Anne, Heather and Marcy arrived in the Newtopia castle

Anne: Dang girl. This is where you've been hanging out this whole time?

Marcy: I wouldn't say I 'hang out' here but yes! Staying at the castle has been awesome!

Heather: I can see why. This place is amazing

Sprig: Wow I can't believe we're here!

Polly: And that we're about to meet the king of Amphibia!

Hop Pop: Wow just look at this place. Am I dressed okay? Should I have worn my silk ascot? I'll go back and get it!

Marcy stopped Hop pop before he could leave

Marcy: Hey hey. Don't stress guys. This is no big deal

Then Lady Olivia opened the doors that lead to the throne room

Lady Olivia: Okay frog family. You're about to meet King Andrias. This is a big deal

Everyone gulped except Marcy as they walked into the throne room

Lady Olivia: May I present to you Andrias Leviathan Lord of Amphibia. Peacekeeper of a thousand years and the first of his name...

They all looked up to see Andries looking intimidating

Anne: Now that's king sized

Andries suddenly got super excited

Andrias: Hello Planter family!

He stood up and hugged them and then let go

Andries: it's so good to finally meet you!

Polly: Love this guy!

Lady Olivia: Dear King Andrias just once it would be nice if you followed proper castle etiquette

King Andrias: Oh etiquette shmetiquette!

Anne and Heather waved at the king

Andries: And what do we have here?

Heather: It's uh a pleasure to meet you your majesty

Andries: Please just call me Andries! It is my name after all! You must be Heather and you must be Anne

Anne: Hey!

Andries: Sup! am I saying it right? Sup?

Marcy gave a thumbs up

Marcy: You got it!

Andries: Haha! The thumb of approval! And here's a thumb for your friends!

He also have a thumbs up

Anne: Oh right back at you!

Anne gave Andries and fist bump

Heather: we call that a fist bump

Andries: A fist bump! How delightful!!

He jumped up making the ground shake a little bit

Anne and Heather: Whoa!

Andrias: But now let's get down to business shall we? Getting you girls back home safe and sound. Hmm... Alas without the music box I'm afraid there's nothing I can do. Marcy doesn't have it and well I assume you two don't have it either

Anne: Oh well actually we do have the box!

Heather: we had it when we got here!

Marcy: What? Are you serious?

Heather: Yeah!

Heather was now more excited knowing there could be a way back home

King Andrias: Why this is marvelous news! Come let's see it!

Anne: Well we don't have it have it Hop Pop left it with some contacts to see what they could learn about it!

Hop pop smiled awkwardly

Heather: Anne didn't you take a picture of it?

Anne: Oh yeah!

Andries: Oh yes a picture!

Anne showed Andries a picture of the music box on her phone and noticed the gems were dray

Andries: how peculiar. Marcy didn't you say the gems were colored? Look here. They're gray

Anne looked back at the picture

Anne: Hey you're right. I never actually noticed that...

Heather: but that's still something though right?

Andries: Yes! This will require further study in the deepest of our archives. Give me a few days to work with this information. At that time we shall reconvene and set a glorious plan in motion!

Anne: Great! Mar Mar what can we do to help?

Heather: we're here if you need us

Marcy: Can you translate ancient Amphibian runes?

Heather: Uh...

Anne: I sure... can't!

Marcy: Don't worry I got this

Anne: Nice! Just like group projects back home

Heather: Sorry we can't help...

Marcy: It's not a problem! And I'll let you know once I find anything

Heather: Ok sounds like a plan

Andrias: Until then my dear planters go forth and enjoy the sights of Newtopia. We've booked you a suite at the Hemisphere Hotel my treat. And here...

He held out both his fists

Andries: Pick a hand!

Anne walked up to Andries right hand and he nodded

Anne: This hand?

Andries opened his hand but there was nothing

Andries: psych! But wait what's this?

He held a golden credit card

Andries: The royal Credit card! It will grant you access to do anything in Newtopia! Be safe with this now. Wars have been waged for less

Andries gave it to hop pop

Heather: Thank you Andries! We really appreciate it!

Andries: it's the least I could do for friends of Marcy!


A few days later Marcy was in room watering her plants

Marcy: Watering the plants watering the plants

The flytrap snaps at her

Marcy: Ah! Branson! No! Bad boy!

Then the door knocked

Marcy: *gasps* Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! They're here!

She opened the door and Lady Olivia walked in

Lady Olivia: Good evening Master Marcy Anne Boonchuy, Heather Phoenix and the Planters have arrived for your...

They all burst in wearing pj's

All: Sleepover!

Anne and Sprig started jumping on the bed

All: Sleepover! Sleepover!

Lady Olivia: ...Sleepover. If anyone needs me, I'll be in the kitchen drinking... juice

Lady Olivia left and Anne pulled Marcy and Heather into a hug

Anne: This gonna be!

Marcy: awesome!

Heather: I missed our sleepovers!

Marcy: Me too!

Sprig: It's the perfect way to spend the night before we hear from the king!

Anne: I wonder what he learned about the music box!

Marcy: I don't wanna give anything away but it's gonna be pretty cool

Heather: you know what he's going to tell us?

Marcy: yep! But it's a surprise!

Then Hop pop walked in the room

Hop Pop: Okay kids I'll be back in the morning for our meeting with the king. You enjoy yourselves while I'm off to spend a little much needed me time. And by me time I mean a full body-

Sprig slammed the door

Sprig: Bye hop pop!!

Polly: Alright! Me and Sprig's first sleepover!

Sprig: Better make it a good one. These will be formative memories

Anne: Whoa I just realized we've never done a sleepover without Sasha

Marcy: Oh you're right. You think we can pull it off? Sasha's the sleepover queen not us

Heather: she always decided what we did on a sleepover

Anne: but who says there has to be just one queen?

Marcy: Everyone that's sort of how the whole system works Anne. Well unless we're talking about two different queens from different kingdoms or two queens are married

Anne: Marcy the three of us have done tons of sleepovers. We know everything about them

Anne, Marcy and Heather: Pajamas, junk food and gossip galore! Pillow fights, movies and tearing up the dance floor! And listen up cause this I won't repeat never ever go to sleep!

Heather was suddenly less excited

Heather: I could never do the last one...

Sprig: what do you mean?

Heather: I always fell asleep around 9:00 PM. Latest I stayed up was at 10:00

Marcy: but that's going to change tonight! Sasha always said falling asleep early means total failure. A true sleepover goes until sunrise!

Anne: Enough setup. Let's get our sleepover on baby!

All: Yeah!


A montage started of the group doing fun things around the castle

They rode a mattress down the stairs and crashed into armor

Tried on a bunch of different royal clothing

Finally sprayed silly string from caterpillars at Lady Olivia

Lady Olivia: Ah! Alright that's enough!

Anne: Huh?

Lady Olivia: While I'm glad you kids are having fun let me remind you that some castle rooms are off limits namely the basement which is strictly-

At that moment Anne sprayed Lady Olivia with more silly string

Anne: montage is back on baby!

The five of them had a pillow fight

Ate all kinds of snacks

Finally painting on some of the portraits on the wall while Heather just watched


Later Anne, Marcy, Heather, Sprig and Polly made it back to Marcy's room laying on the floor

Polly: *yawns* That was awesome...

Sprig: Best sleepover ever

Anne: See told you we could pull off an awesome sleepover without Sasha. What time is it anyway? 5:00 AM? 6:00 AM?

Heather: *yawns* let me check

She checked her phone and looked at the time

Heather: 9:00 PM

Heather didn't seem upset

Anne and Marcy: What?!

Heather: Yep Perfect timing

Heather was about to fall asleep but Anne started shacking her

Anne: No stay awake!!

Heather: Whoa!

Anne let go of Heather

Anne: Sorry! I panicked!

Marcy: Anne, Heather I think it's time

Anne: Really? Are you sure they're ready?

Heather: Oh no...

Marcy: Is anyone ever really ready Anne?

Heather: I'm not!

Sprig: Ready?

Polly: Ready for what?

Anne and Marcy: The Scare Dare challenge!

Marcy: The rules one of us comes up with a scary dare and we all have to do it

Anne: But whoever bails first gets their name added to...

Marcy: The Book of Losers!

Marcy held a notebook called 'Book of Losers'

Anne: Yeah and once your name is in the book of losers it'll be there forever!

Heather wrapped a blanket around herself

Heather: you guys do this without me... I'm always get to scared and my name is the only one in that book...

Anne : Oh come on Heather that's not true!

She opened the notebook and looked more disappointed every time she turned the page then eventually closed it

Marxy: You know what? Forget about the book of losers! Let's just pick a dare and have fun!

Heather: Y-Yeah you make a good point

Marcy: Alright all we need is a scary dare!

They all tried to think but couldn't come up with anything

Anne: Huh... I don't remember it being this difficult.

Marcy: That's because Sasha always came up with the best scare dares

Heather: I remember when she chose a horror movie and laughed when I was too scared to watch it...

Marcy: relax Heather we'll all be together the entire time

Heather blushed and smiled

Heather: Thanks Marcy. I'll try to suck it up

Marcy: that's what I'm talking about!

Anne tried not to squeal but then looked at a map of the castle and got an idea

Anne: Hey what about the basement?!

Marcy: Anne that place is probably off limits for a reason. This may not be a smart idea

Heather: Phew...

Anne: Come on Marcy. It's what Sasha would do

Marcy: Well that is true. I hereby accept this Scare Dare challenge!

Sprig and Polly: We also accept this Scare Dare challenge!

Heather: Scare Dare challenge...


The five of them snuck passed Lady Olivia and opened the door to the basement which had a long black staircase

Sprig: so... who wants to go first?

Heather: Not it

Polly: I vote Anne!

Anne: What? Why?

Marcy: Well it was your idea

Heather: but we're right behind you


They all walk down the stairs with Marcy in front, but she eventually fell

Marcy: Ah!!

All: Marcy!

Anne, Heather Sprig and Polly caught up to her at the bottom of the staircase then helped her up

Heather: are you ok?

Marcy: Yeah I'm good!

The five of them looney around and they were in a hallway of mirrors

Sprig: Whoa that's a lot of mirrors.

Anne: So... anyone wanna turn back?

Polly: As if

Heather: I can do this

Sprig: me too!

Marcy: me three!

The group kept walking and used their phone lights to see

Marcy: You know some cultures believe mirrors can ward off malevolent spirits... Or summon them!

Heather gulped and stayed close to Marcy

Eventually they found a locked door with a sign on it

Anne: Uh Marcy what does this say?

Marcy: My command of Newtopian linguistics is limited but what it says should be fairly obvious.

All: Keep out

Suddenly the door cracked open

All: AH!

Anne: Okay somebody's gotta wanna go back by now

Sprig: I-I ain't going in no book of losers

Polly: Me n-neither!

Heather: s-sucking it up remember?

Marcy: Guess we'll go a bit further then

Anne: Uh-huh... Living my best life right now!

Heather: y-yep totally not having a panic attack...

Anne opened the door and it was a room with water and coffins

Anne: What the heck? It's some kind of creepy crypt

Polly: Whoa! You mean like with dead bodies? Cool!

Sprig and Polly looked around but now Marcy was worried

Marcy: we shouldn't be here. This feels all sorts of wrong. I'm sorry I pushed you Heather

Heather: I-It's OK. I've just had enough nightmares

Anne: Guys I uh think Marcy's right. We should head back upstairs

Sprig looked back at Anne

Sprig: Oh I see. So I guess you two are okay with going in...

Polly and Sprig: the book of losers!

Anne: We don't wanna go back cause we're scared. This place just isn't our style.

Heather: Oh no I'm scared. Really close to being terrified

Sprig: it's not that big of a deal! How about this one of you take a selfie by a coffin

Marcy looked at Anne and Heather

Marcy: would Sasha do this?

Heather: Uh huh...

Anne Marcy and Heather stood by a coffin

Sprig: I have to admit...

Polly: It is pretty creepy

Anne held up her phone

Anne: All right say desecration.

Anne, Marcy and Heather: Desecration!

They took the picture but Anne's eye was glowing on it

Anne: wait this photo's kinda janky

Heather: i don't think it's your phone...

Anne: what do you mean?

Suddenly fish ghosts appeared out of nowhere

All: AHH!!!

Anne: what the heck are these things?!

Sprig pointed at a cute one

Sprig: hey this one's actually kinda cute

Heather: Sprig! What are you doing?!

Marcy: don't touch it!

The ghosts had bones inside of them

Polly: AH!! They're gonna eat our bones!

Sprig: Forget this! We're losers! We lose!

Sprig and Polly ran off while the girls stayed together

Anne: I don't get it! Are they aliens? Ghosts?!

Marcy: Does it matter? Let's get outta here, Scoob!

Anne: Roger that. Wait what did you just call me?

They heard Heather scream and saw she was cornered by a ghost

Heather: AHH!! Get away from me!!

Marcy: Heather!

Marcy grabbed Heather's hand and ran off with the others


Anne, Marcy, Heather, Sprig and Polly eventually made it to another hallway with mirrors

Anne: Man someone really loves mirrors

Next they came across a garden

Marcy: What the... A garden? But how are these plants growing so well without sunlight?

Anne: Mar Mar we don't have time for this. Come on!

Anne dragged Marcy with her but then Heather saw a picture of a red moon and the music box

Heather: is that a blood moon?

Sprig went back to get her

Sprig: Heather we gotta keep moving!

Heather: R-Right!


They all made it out of the basement but were back in Marcy's room

Marcy: My room?

Sprig: Don't question it!!

Sprig locked the trap door and it became quiet again

Anne: Oh thank goodness that's-

Suddenly the ghosts appeared right in front of her

Heather: Not over!!

All: AHHH!!

Anne grabbed a book

Anne: Take this you overgrown gummy worm!

She threw a book at one of the ghosts but it just went right through

Sprig: Quick! More books!

Heather: buts it's a ghost!!

Anne: do you have any other ideas?!

Everyone started throwing more book but nothing worked

Marcy: This isn't working! What hurts a ghost?!

Anne: I don't know!

Heather: what happened in that ghost hunting movie?!

Then Sprig used a mirror to shield his face but the ghosts own reflection made it physical and fell on the floor

All: What the...

Marcy hit the fish with a pillow

Marcy: It's physical? But how?

Anne Marcy and Heather saw sprig holding a mirror

Anne Marcy and Heather: The mirrors!

Anne: Both hallways to the crypt were filled with mirrors

Heather: And every ghost avoided each one!

Marcy: which means the refraction of their own light turns these creatures physical! So now we can-

Anne: everyone grab a mirror!

Anne gave everyone a mirror which they used to turn every ghost physical

Heather noticed her yellow hair streak was glowing through the mirror

Heather: is my hair glowing?

All: Not now Heather!

Heather: Sorry!

Next the five of them pushed the fish back into the basement and moved a chair over the trap door

All: Phew...

Marcy: So... anyone think they're going to be able to sleep after that terrifying experience?

Sprig: Nope.

Heather: Not happening

Polly: Nuh uh

Anne: Oh heck no!


Anne Marcy Heather Sprig and Polly stayed up until morning

Sprig: Welp we did it.

Polly: We stayed awake all night

Heather: *yawn* yay...

Marcy: Oh I still have so many questions. What were those things? What's the deal with the basement? And if those were really ghosts is there actually an afterlife?

Heather: Wait you have a point!

Anne: I didn't even think about that!

Sprig: Well one thing's for sure. That sleepover was amazing!

Polly: It was the best!

Sprig: *sighs* I just wish I didn't have to add my name to the book of losers

Polly: me thief

Heather held the notebook and opened it

Heather: you get the honor of being the second and third people in it

Sprig: who's the first?

Heather's name was the only name written in it

Sprig: Oh

Anne: I'm sorry we pushed you Heather

Marcy: Yeah based on what you told me I thought you were ready

Heather: It's ok. I'm always going to be scared of something but I least have you guys to help me

All: Aww!

Anne: you know what? Hand me that pen!

She got the pen and wrote her name down

Anne: You weren't the only one who was scared! I was terrified!

Marcy wrote her name too

Marcy: same here

Finally Sprig and Polly wrote down their name

Sprig: so we're all losers but in a good way?

Anne: exactly

Marcy: the only one brave enough to never get in the book was Sasha

Anne: *sighs* We have to find her Marcy and make things right

Heather: there might be a chance to save our friendship

Marcy: there is. I just know it!

Suddenly Lady Olivia burst in

All: AH!!

Lady Olivia: Rise and shine kids! Because of you I barely slept a wink last night. Well whatever. It's go time. Your audience with King Andrias is about to begin. Get ready!

All: Yes ma'am!

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