Marcy At The Gates

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Sprig looked at a map of Amphibia

Sprig: Newtopia! I can't believe it! It's been a long journey but we're finally almost there!

He noticed Anne and Heather looking at their group photo

Sprig: Hey you two ok?

Anne: Huh? we've been traveling Amphibia for weeks. I thought there'd be some sign of Marcy by now but nothing

Heather: I'm really worried about her...

Sprig: why? Your last friend was kinda... totally evil

Anne: Hey! Sasha Heather and I might be going through a rough patch but that doesn't mean I don't care about her and since she got zapped here with me it must mean that Marcy did too. Also, Marcy is completely different from Sasha. She's harmless.

Sprig: really? How?

Heather: Well...


Flashback on earth...

Marcy was playing video games during volleyball

Marcy: Yes! Just cleared new game plus!

Heather: Watch out!

Heather hit the volleyball onto the other side of the net

Marcy: Whoa! Thanks Heather

Heather: Y-You're welcome!

Couch: Marcy Heather Sasha Anne you lose!

Sasha facepalmed


Later Marcy walked backwards in the hallway

Marcy: Okay guys the dungeon's almost ready. Then we can finally play some Creatures and Caverns. Oh yeah!

Heather: Wait!

She closed a locker before Marcy could bump into it

Heather: Phew...

Marcy: that was close! Thanks Heather!

Marcy continued to walk away

Sasha: One of these days she's gonna get herself killed. Heather Isn't there something you want to tell her?

Heather: W-What do you mean-

Then she saw Marcy trip into a garbage pale

Anne: Marcy!

Marcy stood up

Marcy: I did it again didn't I?


Back in the present...

Anne: she was super smart but super oblivious and insanely clumsy. Like maybe the clumsiest person alive

Sprig: wow that must be horrible

Sprig dropped his glass of water

Heather: it's not that bad. Marcy and I always came up with our own characters for movies we liked and talked about it all the time. I really miss that...

Anne: She's alone here now... and instead of kick balls-

Sprig: She could get mauled by an elephant scarab or crushed to death by a heron or worse flayed alive by a-

Anne and Heather: not helping

Then Polly opened roof door of the fwagon

Polly: guys get out here! You won't believe it!

Anne Heather and the planters left the fwagon and saw Newtopia

All: Whoa...

Heather: we're really here...

Anne: it's amazing! It's majestic! It's... hurting my eyes

She rubbed her eyes

Hop pop: There she is gang Newtopia! If there's a way to get you home it's in that city!

Anne: well then let's get down there!

All: Yeah!

They all walked towards Newtopia but I have to walk through a very shallow moat

Anne: Well my feet are soaked

Heather: Now my socks are wet...

Polly was floating on the water

Polly: Now this is the life-

She bumped into a hole in the ground

Polly: Huh? Hey what do you think made these holes?

Hop pop: Better not to ask. Come on!

Hop pop held Polly and kept moving

Polly: I feel like this is gonna come back later!

Anne knocked on the giant door

Anne: hey anybody home?

Heather: Hello?

A small newt opened a window on the door

Gatekeeper: You can't come in here. Newtopia's closed

All: What?!

Anne: Closed? Like closed closed? Or like closed for lunch?

Gatekeeper: The city is closed closed to all outsiders

Sprig: What the hey hey? Why?

Heather: what's going on?

Gatekeeper: until the barbari-ants are gone of course. Good luck out there!

He closed the window

Anne: What's a 'barbari-ant'?

Hop Pop: Beats me. We don't have them in the valley

Sprig: Psh, they close the whole city because of a few little ants?

Heather: they sound like big ants to me

Sprig: I don't think-

Suddenly giant ants knocked sprig onto the ground

All: AH!

Sprig: Big ants! Really big ant!

Anne: started to feel a bit antsy...

Heather felt her back but didn't have her spear

Heather: dang it! I left my spear in the fwagon!

At that moment black goo was thrown around the ants and an flaming arrow was shot at it setting it on fire

Anne: what the?!

All the ants ran away

Heather: who just helped us?

Another arrow was shot with a rope tied to it which attached to the fwagon

Polly: Hop Pop can I get a crossbow for my birthday? Please please please!

Hop Pop: Eh we'll talk

The person used the rope to glide down towards the group

Hop Pop: That's one cool newt!

The rope broke and Marcy fell in the water

Marcy: Ow!

Hop Pop: ouch...

Sprig: Been there

Polly: Didn't really stick the landing

Anne: Wait a second...

Heather: Is that...

Marcy stood up from the ground

Marcy: Okay so Newtopian rope can hold an average human girl for... 2.3 seconds!

She started writing in her notebook

Marcy: Maybe I could reinforce the rope with ironspider silk to increase the tensile strength!

Anne and Heather: Marcy?

Marcy put her hood down and saw her friends

Marcy: Anne? Heather?

Anne and Heather: Marcy!!

Marcy: Guys!!

Anne and Heather immediately hugged Marcy

Marcy: is it really you?

Anne: Marcy can't believe it!

Heather: You're really here!

Marcy: the three of us? Here?

Heather held Marcy's face

Heather: this is real right? I'm not dreaming?

Marcy: Haha! No Heather I'm really real!

Heather blushed and immediately let go of Marcy

Heather: S-Sorry! I don't know why I did that!

Marcy: It's ok! I get it! we haven't seen each other in months!

Anne tried not to squeal and hugged Marcy again

Anne: we missed you so much!

Marcy: Aw I missed you too!

Sprig was still a little suspicious

Heather: You look so different! Like Robin Hood!

Marcy: I know I know right?! It's nuts! This is real!

Marcy pointed her crossbow at Anne but she moved it aside

Anne: yeah very real

Marcy: Ah sorry! Isn't this place wild? What an adventure! Aw man! I've really grown out here! Come into my own! Leveled up! No more clumsy klutzy Marcy. Can you believe it?

Heather: Yeah I can! You clearly changed so much! B-But in a good way!

Marcy: so have you Heather! You're way more energetic and pumped up! I love it!

Heather: R-Really? Thanks-! Ah! You're capes on fire!

Marcy saw her cape on fire

Marcy: What? How?!

Anne: I got it!

Anne dipped her cape in the water

Marcy: Note to self nonflammable cloak preferable!

then the planters walked up to them

Hop pop: so who's your friend?

Anne: You guys meet Marcy!

Heather: Our second friend from earth!

Marcy: Oh my gosh. Who are these cuties? Are they your surrogate frog family? Did they find you and take you in? Oh! I love the found family trope! Gosh this is just like the hero in my favorite game!Vagabondia Chronicles! The greatest JRPG of all time. Have you played it? Do you wanna play it? do you wanna borrow it? Just say the word and I'll lend you my copy. Man it'll change your lives! I showed the game to Heather and she loves it!

Heather: Yeah it's still one of my favorites

Sprig: Uh...

Anne: Yep the Plantars took us in. The one you got there is Hop Pop

Marcy measured Hop pop's head

Marcy: Uh huh as I thought 62 centimeters!

Hop Pop: Yep! All brain

Marcy: Judging from the size of your cranium and flecks of sediment you're from Frog Valley right?

Hop pop gasped

Hop pop: You can tell all that from my head?

Marcy: I've been studying Amphibia history and farm culture is super underappreciated in my opinion. You're the backbone of society and do not get enough credit for it

Hop pop gasped again

Hop pop: Thank you!

Heather: The small one is Polly

Marcy looked at Polly

Marcy: a pollywog!

Polly: Hi!

Marcy picked up Polly and used the sun to see the inside of her body

Marcy: Hmm... I'd say those legs should be coming in in about... two months give or take!

Polly gasped

Polly: can I get that in writing?!

Marcy: oh yeah absolutely!

Marcy wrote down 'legs in 2 months' on a piece of paper and gave it to Polly

Polly: Thank you!

Then Marcy ran up to sprig

Marcy: Oh! And hi there! Wow I've never seen a frog your color before. You're not poisonous, are you?

Sprig shook her hand

Sprig: Maybe I am maybe I'm not

Marcy: Wait really?

Sprig: Yeah I literally actually don't know

Marcy: I will iodine that later!

Anne and Heather walked up to her

Anne: So what about you Mar mar? Have you been in Newtopia this whole time?

Heather: have you done any traveling?

Marcy: Here and there but uh mostly here. I actually warped in right inside the city walls pretty lucky right? Like what are the odds- Oh okay! Oh my gosh! Remember that game Heather and I tried to get you and Sasha to play Creatures and Caverns?

Heather: Oh yeah!

Anne: ...No

Marcy: It turns out newts are just like Cephalons from Shadows of Xelnoth! Anyway I just role played like your typical artificer rogue and the next thing I know boom! I'm the chief ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard!

Polly: Uh... were those words?

Heather: That's so cool! Sprig Polly Anne and I went to this training camp where I got own spear!

Marcy: Really?! Can I see it? Can fight with it? What was the training like?

Heather: Sure, yes and fun!

Anne: So Marcy can you get us into the city? We tried the gate but they won't let us in

Marcy: Unfortunately those gates will stay closed until the barbari-ants are defeated. Luckily we've got a plan! Come on!


The planters Anne Heather and Marcy visited three newts in a tent

Marcy: Sup triple B?

Bartley: Ah Master Marcy! Uh who are these strangers with you?

Marcy: They're with me. The Plantars traveled here all the way from the valley!

Heather: Nice to meet you

Marcy: that's Heather and this is Anne-

Anne poked Marcy

Marcy: Ow

Anne: Hehe sorry just still can't believe your here

Heather: it's kinda unreal

Marcy: I know what you mean!

Bartley: You'll be glad to hear we've agreed on a battle strategy

Blair: What? We've agreed on nothing!

Marcy: Well, no worries. I think I got it figured out. Anne Heather do you remember when we studied insect migration patterns in biology class?

Anne: Nope

Heather: Not really...

Marcy: Well since the weather warmed up those ants have been sending scouting parties deeper into our territory

She moved a figure of an ant closer to a model of Newtopia

Marcy: In fact I predict a full scale invasion is just around the corner! The king has asked me to stop them before they turn Newtopia into a giant anthill!

She crushed the castle with a fake anthill

Heather: that sounds like a lot to handle...

Sprig: wait you work directly for the king of Amphibia?

Marcy: Uh huh!

Hop Pop: Sprig behave yourself!

Anne: I didn't even know you guys had a king

Hop Pop: Well duh we're not anarchists

Polly: Speak for yourself!

Heather: it's just that you never mentioned him before

Hop pop: I thought it was obvious!

Marcy: Okay Plan is we're gonna sneak behind enemy lines and drive the ant queen away. With her gone the rest should retreat

Sprig: Oh yeah? And how are we doing that?

Marcy: Check it out!

She held a sash with small yellow mushrooms and Polly gasped

Polly: Boom shrooms?!

Marcy: Not quite. These are stink shrooms!

Marcy put on the sash

Polly: Oh... Carry on

Marcy: They're designed to release pheromones that should drive the queen away instantly but we will have to fight our way through a bloodthirsty hoard of ants

Polly: My interest has been restored!

Marcy: We'll have to be extra careful If one thing goes wrong-

She almost knocked over the table

Anne: Uh Marbles this sounds pretty dangerous. Yeah why don't you leave the mission to me and the Plantars? We did stuff like this all the time in the valley

Heather: Anne I grew a lot in Amphibia and it's clear Marcy did to! I think she should come with us!

Marcy: Thanks for trusting me Heather!

Heather moved her hair out of her face

Heather: y-your welcome

Anne: Marcy your cape is on fire

Marcy: What?!

She noticed her cape was on fire and immediately put it out

Hop pop: Those capes sure are flammable

Marcy: just trust me. I can handle this. Now let's get going. Mission engage!


The group made it down the tunnels

Marcy: Alright! Let's go

Anne: Hold up stay behind me! Okay if we can just stay in this formation-

Marcy walked ahead of everyone

Marcy: This is gonna be a cinch guys! Trust me I know these tunnels better than anyone!

Heather noticed Marcy was walking right towards a hole

Heather: Be carful!

She grabbed Marcy's cape before she could fall

Marcy: Whoa! Thanks!

Heather: A-Are you ok?

Marcy: Yep!

She wrote a note down in her journal

Marcy: Note to self do not step in holes

Anne: Seriously let us handle this. You'll be safer in the back

Sprig: I gotta say I do feel pretty safe back here-

Suddenly an ant grabbed sprig with its mouth

Sprig: AHH!

All: Sprig!

At that moment the rest of them were surrounded by more ants

Heather: Marcy remember you said you wanted to see my spear?

Marcy: Yeah?

Heather grabbed her spear from behind her back and was ready to fight

Marcy: Whoa!

Anne: Alright everyone fight mode!

Sprig stood next to them

Sprig: Yeah on it!

Polly: oh hey sprig you survived

Sprig: I kicked it!

Anne: Okay Marcy stay close!

Marcy wondered off and looked closely at flowers

Heather: Marcy!

Marcy used the flowers to make a potion and threw it at a wall which exploded

Marcy: Guys this way! Come on!

The planters Anne and Heather followed Marcy through the hole. Then Marcy threw another potion which grew vines keeping the ants from getting any close

Marcy: Insta-vines! Read them myself

Polly was still on the other side

Polly: Uh guys a little help here?!

Marcy: whoops

All except Marcy: Not the baby!!

Anne was able to grab Polly before the ants could

Heather: Phew... that was close

Anne: Marcy!

Marcy: Oh sorry sorry! But it all turned out ok right? Anyway isn't vegetation in Amphibia just the coolest?

Hop pop: You think vegetables are cool?

Soon they all found the queen ant who was taking care of the eggs

Sprig: Well at least she's a good mother

Heather: What's the plan Marcy?

Marcy: Glad you asked. We're going to have to plant these around the room

She gave a handful of stink shrooms to everyone

Marcy: That way she gets a nose full. They're set to go off in five minutes so move quickly. Also the queen is nearly blind but hears really well. So be very very quiet

Each of them nodded and split up while Heather went with Marcy

Marcy: Ok Heather do you have enough stink shrooms?

Heather: Yeah I-

She heard a rock fall from the stop of the cave

Heather: Look out!

Heather pulled Marcy out of the way and they both hid behind the rock so the ant queen didn't see anything

Marcy: Heather what are you doing?

Heather: I-I was just trying to help

Marcy: I know but you don't have to. I was about to get out of the way myself

Heather: I'm sorry...

Marcy put her hand on Heather's shoulder

Marcy: Hey I it's ok and when I do need help I know you and Anne will be there

Heather blushed but then they saw sprig get eaten by the queen


Heather: No!

Marcy: don't panic! He's still alive! These bugs take a while to digest their food. Look!

She pointed to the queens stomach and could see sprig through it

Marcy: I can still save him!

Heather: Wait!

She held Marcy's hand to keep her from leaving

Heather: Let me go with you!

Marcy: only I've studied barbari-ant biology Heather! It has to be me!

Heather: but we can work together!

Marcy: why won't let me do this on my own?!

Heather: Because you were my first real friend!

Marcy was shocked and Heather blushed again

Heather: I-I'm still worried about what might happen

Marcy smiled and held Heather's hand tighter

Marcy: you don't worry. I can take care my myself now I promise. Just trust me

Heather: ...I do. Now go!

Marcy: see you on the other side!

Marcy ran off and bounced on all the ants

Hop Pop: Who knew these ants were so bouncy?

Marcy: I did! Cause I studied them!

Marcy let herself be eaten by the queen and hop pop covered his eyes

Ho pop: I can't look!

Polly: dibs on the crossbow!

Heather: don't worry! Marcy's got this!

Marcy fought off the queen from the inside and she was spit out while holding sprig. Her eyes glowed green for a split second

Sprig: Wahoo!!

Anne and Heather were able to catch them but they all still fell on the floor. Then the whole group were surrounded by more ants

Polly: Uh not looking forward to being torn apart right now!

Anne: Marcy any ideas?

Marcy checked the timer on her phone

Marcy: Three... two... one!

All the stink shroom went off scaring all the ants away

Sprig: AH! It smells so-! Oh it actually smells kinda nice

Marcy: I mean it will liquefy your lungs if you breathe too much of it so...

Anne: Well time to go!

They all started running out of the cave

Marcy: Hey Heather? thanks for trusting me

Heather: no problem. We couldn't have done this without you


The planters Anne Heather and Marcy made it out of the cave

Marcy: Mission success!

Sprig: Hey uh Marcy? Sorry for all the suspicion earlier. I was wrong about you. You're no backstabber

Marcy: Hey I'm just glad you're okay. It's obvious you mean a lot to Anne and Heather

Sprig: and you mean a lot to them to! Especially heather

Suddenly a giant bell rang and the Newtopia gates opened

Marcy: Now come on. Who's ready to go to Newtopia?

Anne Sprig and Polly followed Marcy into the city

Heather: Wow Marcy hasn't just grown she's evolved. I'm really proud of her!

Hop Pop: Always impressive what people are capable of isn't it?


Everyone made it into Newtopia and looked around

All: Whoa!

Anne: look at this place!

Hop Pop: Mighty impressive

Polly: I want to touch everything!

Anne: This is like a city city

Heather: looks so much bigger then from outside the gates

Then a bunch of newt soldiers showed with Lady Olivia

Marcy: Well met Lady Olivia!

Lady Olivia: The king sends his greetings Marcy. He trusts you have succeeded?

Marcy: Yep!

She threw an ant head on the floor

Lady Olivia: Ah still fresh I see. Excellent work as expected of the great Marcy Wu

A soldier grabbed the head and walked away

Lady Olivia: and I see you brought company

Marcy: Lady Olivia meet Anne and Heather! Two of the friends I was telling you about

Heather: Uh pleased to meet you Olivia

Lady Olivia: it's a pleasure to meet you to Heather

Anne: same to you dude! Oh uh milady

Anne and Heather both bowed

Marcy: and these are the planters

Hop pop: Hey there!

Polly: Sup.

Sprig: Hello. We can bow too!

Hop pop: Your Highness

Sprig and Hop pop bowed

Olivia: Yes well uh... Welcome to Newtopia! Plantars, Anne and Heather. This is an old city but one rich in history and splendor! Please don't touch anything that looks important

Sprig broke a statue by accident by sitting on it

Sprig: I'm ok!

Lady Olivia: do enjoy your stay...

Lady Olivia and the soldiers walked away

Hop Pop: She seems friendly... ish

Anne: So are you like a big deal here or something?

Marcy: Let's just say I have a perfect record when it comes to missions

Heather: not surprised. You were a straight A student back home

Marcy: Oh but it's no big deal really!

Sprig: Ok so Marcy I've got a couple of questions. How'd you get so smart? What's your cloak made out of? What's in your pouch? Where'd you get that wrist thing? What were Anne and Heather like back home?

Hop Pop: Kids will you help me get the fwagon unloaded? Let's give Anne Heather and Marcy some space

Anne got an idea

Anne: uh I'll help to! You guys packed a lot of stuff

Heather: what? Anne-

Anne walked away with the planters but have Heather two thumbs up while smiling causing her to blush

Marcy: You ok Heather?

Heather: Yeah Yeah just a lot on my mind

Marcy: Wanna walk about it?

Heather and Marcy sat by a fountain

Marcy: I'm guessing you and Anne haven't found a way home yet?

Heather: No... And now that we're here I don't know what to do next

Marcy: Hey I get it. But first we have to find Sasha

Heather: Oh uh Anne and I did find Sasha but we had a fight...

Marcy: no way! What is bad?

Heather hugged her knees

Heather: there was a lot of yelling. was just so tired of being pushed around and ignored... now I don't know where she is

Marcy: Well even if we find a way home it's pointless without Sasha.

Heather: so what's next?

Marcy: I don't know. Back home Sasha always decided the plan

Heather: Maybe the three of us can come up with our own plan

Marcy: Yeah! it's worked out for us so far right?

She stood up on the fountain

Marcy: Come on stand up!

Heather: if you say so

Heather stood up

Marcy: Let me see that power pose!

Heather made sure to stand up straight

Heather: Like this?

Marcy: Good enough! I'm Marcy Wu!

Heather: and I'm Heather Phoenix!

They both held hands again

Both: and together with Anne we're going to find Sasha and find a way home!

Marcy: Hahaha! and Heather? For what it's worth... I would never ignore you

Heather: ...I-I know!


Meanwhile King Andries was watching Heather and Marcy through a window

Andrias: The pieces are starting to fall into place... It's time for her to be apart of the game

He put a figure that looked like heather next to two pieces that looked like Anne and Marcy

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