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Sprig Anne and Heather were sitting on the roof of their house

Sprig: Spring is finally here.

Anne: Alright new season new possibilities. I'm ready to blossom into my best self

Heather: same here. I can already feel change coming

Sprig: So you two feeling better about the whole Sasha incident?

Anne and Heather had a few flashbacks of what happened

Anne: Yep! Totally fine!

Sprig: Really?

Heather: Ok I have a little PTSD but I'll get better

Srpig: what's PTSD?

Heather: Oh 'post traumatic stress disorder' it means I have a bit trauma but again it's nothing I handle handle

Sprig: That's good! Cause if I had to fight like that I'd be devastated! Heck I'd be upset just hearing someone talk about it-

Anne: Oh look Hop Pop and Polly!

Anne pointed to Hop pop and Polly driving a family wagon with Bessie

Hop pop: Yoo-hoo!

The three of them got down from the roof and ran up to the family wagon

Sprig: Whoa Hop Pop What is this thing?

Hop Pop: Impressive huh? This here's an all terrain custom modeled family wagon. Calling it the fwagon

Sprig: Whoa

Anne: Fwagon? Really?

Heather: I like it!

Hop pop: thank you Heather! It was cheap too!

Polly: The previous owners died in it!

Heather: uh... the bodies aren't still in there are they?

Polly: unfortunately no! I checked...

Heather: Phew...

Anne: So why do we need a new wagon?

Hop Pop: Fwagon

Anne: Not calling it that

Hop Pop: Well with the snow melted and the mountain pass open we can finally travel outside the valley to Newtopia!

Sprig: Oh my frog! We're going to Newtopia?

Anne: What's in Newtopia?

Hop pop held a map of amphibia and pointed to Newtopia

Hop Pop: It's the beating heart of Amphibia! A bustling metropolis full of ancient knowledge run by the wisest of newts. If anyone can help you get home it's them!

Heather: Oh Newts Newtopia makes sense

Anne: I can't believe it! You mean this could actually be our ticket home? Not only that but maybe out on the road we'll find Marcy!

Heather: I can't wait to see her again

Hop pop: Pack your things kids! We leave tonight!

All: Yeah!

Hop Pop: Say Anne Heather since you two don't have a lot to pack could one of you give Chuck the spare key when he swings by?

He held their house key

Anne: Who's Chuck?

Sprig: We played bugball together

Polly: He grows tulips

Heather: I don't remember him...

Anne: yeah not ringing a bell. Why does he need a key?

Hop Pop: Because I hired him to protect the house from all the things waiting to destroy it

Anne and Heather: Wait what?!

Hop pop: An empty house is vulnerable. Needs protecting not to mention our crops the very soul of a farm. Left alone to face wildfires, locusts, tornadoes, flaming locust tornadoes... Anyway here you go!

He gave the key to Anne

Anne: Didn't realize you guys are risking so much to help us

Sprig: Eh he's just being dramatic

Heather: I don't think so... not after what we've seen

Hop Pop: Al right kids time to get packing!

The planters went inside to pack everything

Anne: Starting to feel a little guilty about all this... Well at least Chuck's gonna handle it. Whoever that is

Heather: Hop pop wouldn't have someone he barley knows to watch the house

Anne: Yeah that's true

Just then a buff frog arrived on a buff snail

Anne: Chuck!

Heather: It's nice to meet you

Dave: actually I'm Dave. That's Chuck

He pointed to a smaller frog who jumped off the snail

Chuck: I grow tulips!

Dave raced off with his snail but then Chuck was attacked by giant bugs

Heather: Chuck!

Anne: no! There's no way this guy can handle the job! the house is doomed and it's all my fault!

Heather: hold on Anne maybe Hop pop hired Chuck for a reason

Anne: we can't take any chances!

Heather: that's a good point...

They both fought off the bugs and saved Chuck

Anne: Chuck buddy turns out we won't need you after all because we're gonna disaster proof the house ourselves

Chuck: tulips!

Chuck gave thumbs up and passed out

Heather: Uh Anne-

Anne: he'll be fine! Okay first I need supplies. But they can't just be any supplies. They have to be the best supplies. Cause the Plantars are risking everything for us. Their home, their livelihood, their frog hopping future! And that means they deserve the best right?!

Heather was a little surprised that Anne was freaking out

Heather: ...Maybe we should start with a shovel?

Anne: Let's get TEN!


Anne and Heather arrived Loggle's shop while carrying a bunch of supplies

Loggle: hiya kids!

Heather: Hi Loggle

Loggle: Let me guess! Disaster proofing your house?

Anne: Oh yeah we got everything I need for the house. Just need something for the crops. The very heart and soul of a farm! You got anything for that?

Loggle: As a matter of fact I do!

He moved a curtain to show a barrel filled with green liquid

Loggle: My latest concoction. This gunk won't just protect your crops, it'll awaken a power within them. A power some would say that's better left-

Anne: We'll take it!

Heather: Wait what?

Loggle: Don't you wanna hear the rest of my cryptic warning?

Anne: hmm... Nope!

Heather: you sure?

Anne: Hmm... Yep! I know what I'm doing!

Heather: alright I trust you

Loggle: me too! Cash or credit?


Anne and Heather made it back home with everything they needed

Heather: you ready?

Anne put on safty goggles and Heather put on a hard hat

Anne: Lets do this!

They both worked together fortifying the house

Heather: Phew... looks pretty good

Anne: yep! Now for the final touch

Heather: what about Loggle's warning?

Anne: I told you I got this!

She dumped the green liquid onto the crops

Anne: Boom baby!

Just then the planters left the house with their bags

Hop pop: Whelp let's get the fwagon loaded shall we?

Anne and Heather noticed Sprig looked exhausted

Anne: Whoa Sprig are you okay?

Sprig: Yes great. How are you?

Heather: Um... Good

Hop pop saw the house was more fortified

Hop pop: Wow Chuck really outdid himself! Ain't nothing happening to this place while we're gone!

Suddenly all the crops became live monsters

All: AH!

Hop pop: Veggie monsters!

Polly: I've had this nightmare before!

Anne: Oh wow how could this have happened?

Heather: Anne!

Anne: alright I get it! But first... action time!

All: Yeah!

Everyone pulled out their weapons and attacked

Anne cut an eggplant in half with her sword and tennis racket

Heather threw her spear right through a tomato

Polly: sling me bro!

Sprig used his slingshot to throw Polly at a carrot

Soon all the crops were defeated

Anne: We did it! And the house is undamaged!

Heather: That's what I call teamwork!

Suddenly all the crops combined to become one giant monster

Polly: Cool!

The monster punched the planters against the fence

Anne: Guys!

Heather: Anne be careful!

Heather pulled Anne out of the way before the monster could step on her

Anne: Phew! Thanks Heather!

Heather: Your welcome but it's not over yet!

The monster stomped towards them but stepped in one of the traps but fell towards the house

Anne: Wait no! Don't go that way! That's toward the house!

Heather: I don't think it's going to listen to-

The monster crashed into the house destroying it

Anne and Heather: NO!

Anne: the house... everything we worked so hard to protect...

Heather: That thing just made a big mistake...

The monster got back up but Anne's eyes glowed blue and Heather's hair streak glowed yellow

Anne cut off the monster's arm while Heather stabbed its leg

Heather: Anne! NOW!

Anne jumped up to the monsters face and used both her weapons to stab it in the eyes

The monsters collapsed on the floor and became normal vegetables again

Anne: eat your vegetables!

Heather: You Ok?

Anne: Yeah! You?

Heather: besides the adrenaline rush? I'm fine

The planters ran up to them

Sprig: That was amazing!

Polly: You saved our tails

Anne: but the house...

Hop Pop: The important thing is we're all okay. It's not your fault a mysterious green energy turned the crops evil

Heather: Anne?

Anne: Actually it is...

Planters: Say what?!

Anne: So uh it's kind of a funny story. I got rid of Chuck then I fortified the house and maybe fed the crops some evil curse magic Loggle made

Hop pop: What?!

Anne: Heather tried to talk me out of it but I just wanted the house to be safe while you guys were taking this big trip for us

Heather: you guys already did so much already

Hop pop: we're not taking this trip for you. We're taking it with you

Sprig: We got your back no matter what.

Anne: Thanks fam! We can hold off on Newtopia we'll fix the house first

Heather: we still have the supplies

Hop pop: No need!

He blew on a horn and Chuck rebuilt the house in seconds

Chuck: I grow tulips

Anne: Whoa!

Hop pop: why do you think I hired Chuck in the first place?

Heather: that's what I said!

Hop pop: Alright kids It's a two week journey to Newtopia so we better get going!

Sprig Polly and heather got inside the fwagon but Anne stopped to talk to hop pop

Anne: I was thinking wouldn't it be a good idea to bring the music box with us on the trip?

Hop Pop: Oh uh... No uh it'll be safe with my contacts for the time being!

Anne: Ok HP I trust your judgment!

They both got in the fwagon and it started moving

Hop pop: no turning back now!

Heather: wait! I didn't give the key to Chuck!

Hop pop: we're turning back now!

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