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Flashback a few months ago on earth...

Heather was getting a piece of paper from her locker when Maggie walked up to her

Maggie: Hey Heather is that your diary?

Heather: No it's just a sheet for math. I have a test tomorrow

Maggie: Oh well good luck

Heather: thanks-

Maggie: Psych!

She grabbed Heather's paper and read it

Heather: Hey!

Maggie: Aww are these lyrics to songs?

Sasha walked up to them

Sasha: Hey Margot! Leave her alone!

Maggie: oh yeah or else what?

Sasha: Or else you can forget coming to my awesome house party next week. It'll be really sad when the whole class is enjoying the pool without you

Maggie: jeez Sash I was just joking. Here

Maggie gave the piece of paper back to Heather and walked away

Heather: Thanks Sasha

Sasha: No worries. You just gotta speak their language but you have to learn to stand up for yourself

Heather: Yeah I know...

Sasha: Anyway let's go see Anne! It's her birthday!

Heather: Oh right I almost forgot-

At that moment the bell rang

Sasha: ugh buzz kill


Sasha and Heather met up with Anne in biology

Mrs. Virk: Alright class. Today's your lucky day cause it's frog dissection day!

No one in class was excited and Anne looked at her dead frog

Anne: Ugh! Frogs are the worst!

Heather: J-Just try not to look at it...

She could've sworn she saw her frog blink

Heather: AH!

Heather almost fell off her seat

Mrs. Virk: everything ok Heather?

Heather calmed down and sat up straight

Heather: Y-Yes! I'm fine sorry!

Sasha: I don't worry I'll get us out of this... Ah! Mrs. Virk! T-The sight of blood! I-I'm gonna be sick!

Mrs. Virk: Oh dear. Anne why don't you take Sasha to the sick room before she desecrates these beautiful frog bodies with her vomit? Bring Heather to so she can calm down and clear her head

Anne: oh no problem!


Sasha and Anne ran down the halls while Heather was right behind them

Heather: Wait up!

Anne: Sorry Heather!

She noticed the nurses room and stopped moving

Anne: hey guys! Sick room's over here

Heather: I'm not sick I just need a minute-

Sasha: Forget the sick room. Forget school. Let's get out of here and celebrate your birthday in style

Anne: skip school? I don't know

Heather: are you sure?

Sasha: Yes! Anne this is your 13th birthday. You only get one of these. So let's make it the best birthday in the history of birthdays. And Heather you need a day to unwind and relax! This perfect for that!

Heather: I guess that makes sense

Anne: Well... alright. I gotta be home by 6:00 though. My parents are throwing a big party and they really want me to be there

Sasha: Right right you got it. Now let's get this thing started!


a montage started of Anne Sasha and Heather doing fun things all day

The three of them rode their bikes down the street

Heather watched Anne and Sasha play dance dance revolution but Sasha kicked the machine and it spat out the coins

Sasha used spray paint to paint her name on an alleyway wall

Sasha pushed a cart with Anne and Heather inside at the park


Finally they got smoothies at a smoothie store

Anne: So that's what a unicorn tastes like

Heather: little to much sugar though...

Anne: Hey uh Heather what time is it?

Heather checked her phone

Heather: 6:45

Anne: oh shoot!

She stood up

Anne: it's almost 6 o'clock! I gotta go!

Heather: we'll meet you there

Sasha: Family party right? Lame! Let me guess a clown? With balloon animals?

Anne: I-I know it's not the coolest but this is important to them

Heather: we'll meet you-

Sasha got a text from Marcy

Sasha: Oh my gosh. Marcy says she found the perfect gift for you downtown!

She showed Anne and Heather a picture of the music box

Sasha: A frog music box for the frog lovers! I wonder if those gems are real

Sasha started to push her friends out the door

Sasha: Come on let's keep this party train rolling-!

Anne: Sorry dude you don't understand. I really gotta go

Heather: don't you get it? I wouldn't keep you from your birthday

Sasha: Oh I get it! You're both good little girls who gotta go home to their mommy and daddy! Come on hang out with your friends that love you

Heather: I you know you do but-

Sasha: Heather. Anne. This isn't cute anymore! We are meeting up with Marcy right now. End. Of. Discussion.

Both Anne and Heather were shocked

Anne: ... I guess it's okay if I'm a little late

Sasha: there you go! What about you Heather? You don't want Marcy to think you ditched her do you?

Heather: N-No! I'm in

Sasha: Boom! I knew you'd both changed your minds!


Back in the present Anne and Heather saw someone right outside of wartwood

Anne: is that...

Heather: I'm not sure

The person took off her hood and it was revealed to be Sasha

Sasha: Anne?! Heather?!

Anne and Heather: Sasha?!

All three girls immediately hugged each other

Anne: I can't believe that it's you!

Heather: You're really here!

Anne: we weren't sure if you were! We woke up all alone!

Heather: wait is Marcy with you?

Anne: where have you been?! We missed you so much!

Sasha: slow down I'll fill you both in later right now I'm just glad I found you guys. We came as soon as we heard

Anne: we?

Sasha: Yep just me and some friends of mine

Captain Grime walked next to Sasha

Grime: Nice to finally meet you Anne Boonchuy and Heather Phoenix

Heather: Uh hi-

Suddenly they toad army started to invade the town

Anne: Sasha! The toads!

Heather We gotta go help-!

Sasha: Chill out! They're with me

Anne: Wait what?

Then the planters ran up to them

Sprig: Anne! Heather! The toads! They're everywhere. We barely slipped out while the guards were-

Polly noticed Sasha

Polly: Holy toot another human!

Anne: Oh guys meet one of our besties from back home Sasha!

Sasha: Hey!

Heather: we've known each other since kindergarten

Anne: Sasha meet the Plantars. This is Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: Eh

Anne: Sprig

Sprig: Hey!

Heather: And the youngest. Polly

Polly: Sup

Sprig: hey Sasha I'm Anne and Heather's bestie to! I guess that makes me your bestie in law! Haha!

Sasha: does it?

Sprig suddenly felt very awkward

Sprig: Uh did anyone else feel that?

Heather: feel what?

Hop Pop: Walk it off boy

He walked in front of Sasha

Hop pop: Yes hi nice to meet you. Now can someone please tell me why there's a toad army invading Wartwood?!

Sasha: You're Hop Pop? Thought you'd be taller

Hop Pop: Huh?

Sasha: Relax! We're not invading anything. Come on you two. And the frogs. We don't want to keep Grime waiting!

Hop Pop: Captain Grime?!

Sprig: The cruelest toad soldier of all time?!

Polly: Here?!

Sasha: he's not so bad once you get used to him. Now hurry up nerds

Sasha walked into wartwood

Heather: wow its like she never left

Anne: I know right?


In wartwood the toads Anne Sasha and Heather stood in front of the townspeople

Grime: Frogs of Wartwood! We toads have come here to...

Everyone got nervous but then Grime threw some confetti

Grime: ...invite you to a banquet! The moment we heard that Anne and Heather were here we rushed over to reunite these two friends and hold a celebration!

Sasha looked at Anne and Heather

Sasha: Aw bring it in!

She hugged her friends and Anne was happy but Heather felt a little awkward

Grime: Despite my rough exterior I really am just an 'old softy'

Sasha: Ahem...

Sasha smiled and so did Grime but his smile was creepy

Sasha: Uh so what do you say Wartwood? You ready to party back at the tower?!

Mrs. Croaker: What do Anne and Heather think?

Anne: Sasha's been my friend since kindergarten. If she says it's fine it's fine!

Heather: Yeah let's give the toads a chance

Sasha: Whoo! All aboard the party barge!

Everyone got aboard the party barge

Heather: who knows this could be fun

Polly: we're going to party all night long!

Sasha walked up to them again

Sasha: hey Anne Heather you're with me

She pointed to a fancy toad carriage

Anne: Wow cool! Hey mind if the uh Planters come along?

Heather: if it's not to much trouble

Sasha: of course not! The more the merrier!

Hop Pop: First class!

Sprig: I call window seat!

Hop pop sprig and Polly ran inside the carriage

Anne: Haha! They're fun!

Heather: you won't believe the adventures we've been on

Sasha: you'll get a chance to tell me all about that later


Everyone made it to toad tower

Sasha: So here we are!

Anne: Ominous

Heather: a little spooky to

Sasha: Oh Percy!

Percy ran up to Sasha

Percy: yes commander?

Heather: commander?

Sasha: Yep that's me! Anyway Percy I'm gonna give Anne and Heather a quick tour. Escort the frogs to the banquet hall

Sprig: Hey I wanna go on the tour too!

Polly: Me three!

Hop Pop: Come on kids. Give the girls a chance to catch up with their friend

Anne: don't worry we'll find you guys later!

Heather: remember to have fun

Sprig: We'll try

The planters walked inside toad tower

Sasha: You two certainly seem close with those three. What happened to 'Ew frogs are the worst'? And Heather you almost fainted the last time you saw a dead frog and now you're telling me you went on adventures here?

Heather: I-I didn't faint! Just panicked! Theirs a difference...

Anne: hey the important thing is you're getting better with your anxiety!

Heather: Thanks Anne

Anne: Besides Sasha frogs are actually pretty great once you get to know them. We've been living in their basement since we got here

Sasha: A basement? Yuck! Follow me I'm gonna show you something crazy!


Sasha showed Anne and Heather her bedroom

Sasha: this is where I've been living!

Anne and Heather: Whoa!

The room giant with a couch stuffed animals a dining table and statues of Sasha

Sasha: Yo Brunton!

The chief walked up to her

Brunton: yes commander?

Sasha: bring us the usual

The bunch of toads walked in with plates of human food

Anne: Pizza? Tacos? Hamburgers?!

Heather: No way!

Sasha dipped a french fry in ketchup

Anne: Whoa you've got ketchup?! It just occurred to me we've been eating bugs for a month.

Heather: I don't get it how did you make all this?!

Sasha: I just told the toads all the ingredients needed and the chiefs made everything I told them to

Anne: ...that's such a simple solution!

Anne started eating as much as she could while Heather had a taco

Brunton: Anything else Commander?

Sasha: Run the hot water please. For the shower.

Anne: Shower?!

After Anne took a long hot shower Heather decided to take one next

Anne: Wow Sash this is so surreal I can't believe you're really here

Sasha: I know right? And once this is over we can finally find a way out of this crummy gross world.

Anne: Uh Once... what's over?

Sasha: Oh the rebellion

Anne: The what now?

Sasha: You don't know about the rebellion? Look I'll explain. Just promise not to freak out or anything. It's actually good thing that Heather's in the shower. Cause this will freak her out

She walked up to a map of the valley

Sasha: So you've probably already noticed that the toads in this valley have one job to rule over the frogs and lately those frogs have been stepping outta line. turns out these rebels have been inspired by a certain frog. You might just know him. Stood up to some tax collectors even ran for mayor against the local toad

Sasha held a poster of hop pop and Anne was shocked

Anne: What?! Hop Pop's not a revolutionary!

Sasha: Doesn't matter. Word has traveled like wildfire and we've got to make an example out of him So the toads are just gonna feed him to that thing

They both walked up to a window and saw a giant man eating plant then Anne gasped

Sasha: Okay here's the thing I struck a deal with Grime. I'd help him capture Hop Pop and crush the rebellion and Grime and his army will help us find a way home. The whole banquet trick was my idea obvi. Now we've got those slimy frogs right where we want them Isn't this great?

Anne: Uh... shouldn't Heather know about this?

Sasha: Ha! Of course not. You know how her anxiety is and i can't deal with that right now. I'm just protecting her so just keep this on the down low ok?

Anne: ...Yeah got it

At that moment Heather walked out of the bathroom wearing clean clothes

Heather: sorry if I took awhile. There was a lot of dirt in my hair

She noticed how shocked Anne looked

Heather: Uh everything ok?

Anne: Y-Yep! I just forgot something downstairs so I'm gonna find it!

She walked past Heather but than stopped

Anne: when I give the signal make a run for it

Heather: What-?

Anne: just trust me. I got a plan

Heather: Ok

Anne finally left to help the frogs

Sasha: oh yeah she's totally freaking out

Heather: About what?

Sasha: oh nothing important. Come on let's make sure she doesn't hurt herself


Sasha Heather and the toads found Anne and all the frogs exit a manhole

Sprig: Uh did I say stink? I meant are very handsome!

Sasha: Anne... very disappointing

Heather: Guys what's really going on here?

Sasha: you just have to trust me

Heather: I don't know if I do anymore...

Heather realized what she said and covered her mouth

Sasha: what was that?

Heather: N-Nothing!


Sasha took Anne Heather and the townspeople to the top of the tower where grime was waiting for her

Sasha: Caught these prisoners trying to escape, Grime

Anne: Dude are you crazy?

Heather: Sasha-

Sasha: Sh! I'm trying to get us home

Grime: Very impressive Sasha. Always playing Flipwart when everyone else is playing Bog Jump

Anne: Huh?

Heather: Uh...

Sasha: Wha?

Grime: Well see Flipwart and Bog Jump are games but Flipwart of course is far more complicated and... I'm trying to say you're smart!

Sasha: Oh thanks Grimesy!

She walked next to him

Sasha: What can I say? Just how I do! Up top!

Grime: oh right!

Grime gave Sasha a high five

Anne: Sasha please!

Heather: you're going to far!

Anne: There has to be another way!

Two toad soldiers blocked Anne and Heather from walking up to Sasha

Grime: There is no other way creatures! Our very way of life is at stake. I don't expect outsiders like you to understand. Seize the traitor Hopediah Plantar!

Heather: traitor?

Toads grabbed hop pop

Hop Pop: No! Get your hands off me!

Anne: NO!

Anne kicked the toads away and grabbed a sword

Heather: Anne!

Anne: Heather help out me out here!

Heather: I-!

Sasha: Enough!

All the toads stepped back and Sasha walked up to them

Sasha: Anne what are you doing? Are you really gonna risk your life for these talking frogs? We don't even belong here. Don't you wanna get back home? See your family?

Anne: Yeah but-

Sasha: than put your sword down and stay next to Heather. End. Of. Discussion.

Anne put her sword down

Heather: Anne-!

Sasha: quiet heather! That's what you're good at

Sprig was shocked at what Sasha was doing and threw mud in her face

Sasha: Ah! What the heck?!

Everyone gasped

Sprig: For someone who's Anne and Heather's best friend you sure don't know them very well. They're brave, smart and most of all not gonna be pushed around by a bully like you!

Sasha held her sword

Sasha: I've had just about enough of this. Might as well throw all of you in that man eating plant

Heather: Wait!

Sasha: oh here we go

Heather: what are you
saying let me get this
straight you're going
to them?!

Anne: I should've told

Sasha: whoops so I
guess the cats out of
the bag so whats the
big deal?

Heather: l can't believe
you kept this from me!

Sasha: well since I'm
older It's my load too

Heather: No...

Sasha: you have to
listen it was such a
hard decision I just
wanted to help you
the anguish it takes

Sasha stepped closer to Heather

Sasha: do what was

She made an evil smile and Heather got even more upset

Heather: to think that
I admired you! Well...

She pushed Sasha away and her eyes glowed yellow for a second

Heather: I don't need
your condescension!
cause I'm not a child
too protect! was the
talk of virtue just the
pretension? was I to
naïve to expect you
too heed the morals
you're purveying?!

Anne: that's exactly
what we've all been

Anne held her sword and Heather held her spear

Both: since you don't
care if they die then
our friendship must
be a lie!

Sasha: Guys-!

Both: if you'll do what
ever and except us to
stay in line! your rules
are all shades of gray
when you don't do as
you say you make the
frogs suffer just to kill
them today!

Sasha was shocked than both Anne and Heather looked at sprig

Anne: thanks for believing in us sprig

Heather: you really are our first real friend

Sprig: Spranner against the world!

Grime started laughing

Sasha: What are you laughing at?

Grime: Looks like you've got rebellious seeds of your own. You've given me plenty of advice. Now let me give you some. Stamp this out and make them yield. Fail and nothing will ever be the same

Sasha held her sword and got ready to fight

Sasha: not gonna happen

Both Anne and Heather glared at Sasha

Grime: My friends! Instead of a messy free for all I have a splendid idea! How about we settle this...

He stood on a rock to get a better view

Grime: the toad fashioned way?!

The toad soldiers surrounded Anne Heather and Sasha than held their shields

Grime: Trial by combat! If your champion wins, you all go home no harm no foul. But if our champion wins well... it should be clear. But first Anne and Heather must choose who fights!

Anne: I'll fight-

Heather: Anne... I've been scared for to long and I don't want to be anymore

Anne: you're sure you're ready?

Heather: only one way to find out

Anne nodded and the toads let her stand with the planters

Hop pop: Heather you don't have to do this

Heather: if I don't nothing will change

Heather and Sasha were both ready to fight

Grime: Begin!

Sasha ran towards Heather and tired to attack but she blocked every one with her spear

Sasha: What's gotten into you Heather?! You're supposed to be shy and timid!

Heather: I'm learning how to grow as a person!

She pushed Sasha causing her to lose her sword

Heather: So now I'm NOT going to be quiet when you tell me to!

Sasha got angry, grabbed a dagger from behind her back and tried to attack but barley missed

Heather: AH!

Sasha ran towards her sword and grabbed it then they both started fighting again until she tripped Heather

Sasha: They're just slimy little frogs! They don't MATTER!!

Heather got frustrated and her yellow hair streak started to glow

Sasha: what the-

Heather: these frogs might not matter to you... but they matter to ME!

Heather used her spear to knock both Sasha's sword and dagger out of her hands

Than Heather's hair streak stopped glowing and everyone cheered for her

All: Yeah!

Anne: That's one of my best friends!

Heather smiled at Anne than looked back at Sasha

Heather: I'm done with you pushing me around

She looked at grime

Heather: we're free to go now right?

Grime: yeah I don't think so

He used his tongue to grab hop hop and held him over the edge

All: Hop pop!!

Grime: Pretty cool huh? This ends now!

Suddenly the tower started to shake

Grime: what?!

Anne looked at Wally

Anne: Wally what did you do?!

Wally: What? I thought we agreed! Wait could you not tell I was winking? Oh curse you one eye!

Heather: Guys the whole place is falling apart!

Toad Soldier: We gotta get out of here!

All the toad soldiers started leaving the tower

Grime: where are you going you-

The floor underneath grime collapsed and hop pop used that as his chance to escape

Hop pop: eh I never liked that guy

He opened a trap door for everyone to leave

Hop hop: all of you! Get off the roof quick!

The townspeople escaped while the ground underneath Sasha collapsed

Sasha: AH!

Anne and Heather: Sasha!!

They both grabbed onto Sasha before she fell

Anne: we've got you!

Heather: don't let go!

The planters started to help them but it still wasn't enough

Anne: Sasha Everything's gonna be totally fine! Just hang on!

Heather: we're not leaving you!

Sasha saw the tower to continue to fall apart

Sasha: Guys... maybe you're better off without me

Heather: What?

Sasha let go and started to fall

Anne and Heather: No!!

But that moment grime caught Sasha in time and walked away

Then Anne and Heather just sat on the roof

Sprig: Anne... Heather... are you ok?

Anne: yeah sure... N-Never been b-bet...

Anne started crying and so did Heather then planters hugged them


Everyone made it back to wartwood safely right went the sun came up

Hop Pop: I know that was hard for you both. Thank you you know for everything

Anne: Hop Pop you guys are my family

Heather: we'd never let anyone hurt you

Sprig: So you guys wanna get breakfast and come up with some kind of plan to get Anne and Heather home?

Hop Pop: It's gonna be dangerous and perilous even!

Heather: with a lot of risks

Polly: Understatement!

Anne: Well whatever happens next one thing's for sure. If we're together I know we'll be all right

Heather looked at the yellow streak in her hair

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