Combat Camp

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The Planters Anne and Heather were riding Bessie to a daycare

Sprig: I still can't believe you're bringing us to a day care Hop Pop.

Hop Pop: Look I'm sorry okay? But I have to go to the Annual Crop Convention. It's a long ways away and I can't leave you kids on the farm alone for the weekend

Sprig and Polly: What?

Heather: this doesn't really seem fair

Anne: Ugh! Are you kidding?

Hop Pop: Wish I was Anne but you kids need supervision. Why sometimes it feels like we have at least two wacky adventures a week!

Soon they all arrived at a small tower

Hop Pop: Here we are!

A newt walked out of the tower

Tritonio: Greetings I am Tritonio Espada the instructor of this day care.

Hop Pop: Huh I thought Briar and Iris Bogwater ran this place

Tritonio: The Bogwaters retired last year and sold their business to me

Hop Pop: Well in that case I'm Hopediah Plantar. This here is Sprig Polly Heather and Anne. Those two be gigantic but they're also a children

Anne: Hey!

Heather: Rude

Tritonio: Ah yes! I shall educate them! Teach them true discipline!

Hop Pop: Oh I like the cut of your jib Mr. Tray-tony. Did I say that right?

Tritonio: Absolutely not.

Sprig Polly Anne and Heather all got off of Bessie

Sprig: This isn't so bad I guess. There is a cool tower

Anne: You guys don't get it and Tritonio's a teacher enemy of all that is good

Sprig: Uh what's so bad about teachers?

Anne: Let's just say me and them don't mix. They just don't like me it's robably cuz they're jealous of my carefree spirit

Sprig: what about you Heather? Did you get along with teachers?

Heather: not really. I was to shy to ask a question or participate, I'm terrible in gym and I'm barely getting passing grades

Anne: school in general is hard for both of us

Hop Pop: Well kids looks like you're in good hands here with Mr. Tritonio. Crop Con here I come!

Hop pop took off on Bessie

Tritonio: Finally It is just us now do let us cast aside these illusions yes?

He teared off his clothes revealing he had another suit underneath

Tritonio: And this is no mere day care! This is a Combat Crash Course for kids! Adults they shelter their children. I say no! Teach them to fight. For danger lurks around every corner of Amphibia! Stay on your toes! Trust no one! Look over there!

Heather: Huh?

She turned around and Tritonio hit her arm with a stick

Heather: Ow!

Tritonio: I said trust no one! Now follow me and we will begin the next lesson

Polly: This guy's awesome!

Anne: Eh we'll see. You ok Heather?

Heather: Yeah I'm fine

They all followed Tritonio inside the tower and were now in a room full of weapons

Tritonio: Your next lesson is to pick your weapon. Find one that resonates with you

Polly picked up a blue mushroom

Polly: Oh what are these?

Tritonio: Ah the noble boom shroom. Small and unassuming but in the right hands

He pushed on the stem which caused the boom shroom to glow

Tritonio: Explosive!

Tritonio threw the boom shroom which exploded in the air

Polly: Whoa!

Tritonio: Perfect for you I think. Who's next? No wrong answers

Heather picked up a gold spear

Heather: I can use this?

Tritonio: Ah a spear! Keeps your enemies at a distance while also causing crucial damage! Good choice!

Heather: Really? Thanks

Anne was about to pick up a sword but Tritonio stopped her

Tritonio: No! Wrong!

Anne: What? How so?

Heather: I thought you said there were no wrong answers

Tritonio: I'm sorry but from what I have seen Anne does not have the dexterity to wield a sword. Pick something else

Sprig held two sai's

Sprig: Whoa these are big forks!

Tritonio: excellent choice Sprig

There was another explosion in the distance

Heather: AH!

Polly fell in front of Anne

Polly: So what's the next lesson?


A montage started of everyone training together

Anne Sprig Polly and Heather jumped across tubes

Tritonio: Wonderful Sprig! Anne good job! Polly truly inspiring! Heather knees higher!

Heather: but I-

Tritonio: keep going!

Next they all climbed across monkey bars

Tritonio: Sprig Polly nice work! You to Anne!

Heather followed Anne Polly and Sprig

Tritonio: No Heather more nimble!

Heather: O-Ok!

Then the bar Heather was holding broke and she fell on the floor

Heather: Ow!

Finally the four of them were climbing up the tower

Tritonio: That's it children! Feel the stone beneath your hands, the strong breeze in your hair. Much like the breeze on a fast moving train.

Sprig: Man Tritonio's so encouraging

Anne: Yeah even for a teacher

Heather: then why is he being so mean to me?

Sprig: Why don't you just ask him why he's doing it? Tritonio says 'An honest dialogue is more powerful than any weapon'

Anne: that's the corniest thing ever heard

Heather: I guess it's still nice though-

Her hand slipped and she fell again

Heather: AHHH!!

She onto the ground next to Tritonio

Heather: Ow...

Tritonio: Even your fall needs work Heather


Later that night Tritonio made dinner for Anne Sprig and Polly by a campfire

Tritonio: Here children your quinoa macro bowls are ready

He looked around for Heather

Tritonio: Where is the yellow one? Does she not like quinoa?

Sprig: She said she wanted to be alone

Sprig pointed to Heather sitting at the top of the tower

Tritonio: I shall talk to her

Anne: I wouldn't. Heather's really sensitive

Tritonio: Maybe I can help with that

He climbed to the top of the tower and found Heather sitting down

Tritonio: are you not hungry Heather?

Heather: I'm ok thanks... I just understand why I'm so bad at this...

Tritonio: Heather you are not bad at the training!

Heather tried not to cry

Heather: then why do you yell at me so much?

TritonioI: if I seem tougher on you it's not because I don't like you. It's because I see a girl who has plenty of room to grow!

Heather: really?

Tritonio: Indeed In you I sense someone that with a little effort could achieve greatness and I am sure your teachers back home felt the same way

Heather: but I get so scared with so many things... it doesn't help I'm in a world full of monsters

Tritonio: try facing your fear one step at a time. And this is your first step...

Tritonio handed Heather the spear she found earlier

Heather: whoa...

Tritonio: they say you do not choose the weapon but the weapon chooses you. Get some sleep Heather for tomorrow the real training begins!

Tritonio jumped off the tower

Heather looked at her reflection in the sharp end of the spear then moved some of her hair out of her face and smiled


The next day everyone continued training

Tritonio: Parry! swing! Imagine I'm a fearsome assassin! Or perhaps a meddlesome train conductor!

Tritonio was to fast for heather

Heather: I can't keep up!

Tritonio: Indeed! But when you find yourself outmatched think outside the box!

Heather saw light coming through the window and used her spear to reflect it into Tritonio's eyes

Tritonio: Ah!!

Heather knocked Tritonio's sword out of his hands

Tritonio: Excellent! You've all improved so much. Especially you Heather

Heather: Thanks

Anne: that's what I'm talking about!

Tritonio: Now come It is time for your final test


Anne Sprig Polly Heather and Tritonio go into the basement

Tritonio: Tomorrow is our last day together. So I put together an exercise to test all the skills you've learned

He put a map on a table

Tritonio: I have rented a train inside of which I have hidden a fake priceless ruby. Also I have hired actors to portray guards who will stop at nothing to keep the ruby safe. You must retrieve it using the wisdom and skills I have taught you. Now study these plans we leave at dawn!

Tritonio jumped away and left the basement

Sprig: So... does anyone else think this just looks like we're robbing a real train?

Polly: Yeah could Tritonio be using us?

Heather: this does seem pretty real to me

Anne: That's ridiculous! Tritonio's a good dude who believes in us! I think we should do it! Heather you saw how encouraging he is to you!

Heather: I guess that's true...

Sprig: Anne you seem... oddly invested

Polly: Yeah where's old 'teachers stink' Anne?

Anne: That Anne is dead and buried!

Heather: wait what?

Anne: Now come on! these plans ain't gonna study themselves!

Sprig: You got me convinced

Heather: this is just a test

Polly: As long as I get to use my boom shrooms I'm good


Later that day laid in front of the train tracks causing the train to stop

Sprig: Please governor! I'm a poor orphan boy who done and twisted his wee ankle on these here train tracks!

Train Conductor: Poor kid... Guards! Help me!

All the toads left the train which gave Anne Polly and Heather to chance to sneak on

Anne: ready?

Polly: Haha! Yep!

Heather added more coal to the train causing it to start moving again. Then the toads chased after the train

Train Conductor: Hey! Get back here!

Heather: Sorry! We'll bring it back!

Anne: Heather don't apologize! This is all a test remember?

Heather: oh right! Sorry- wait no got it

Then Sprig tripped the conductor with his tongue and made it onto the train

Sprig: Acting is fun!

Polly: Let's get that ruby!

The four of them jumped across the different cars until they saw one that was locked

Anne: Polly you're up

Polly placed a boom shroom on the lock which exploded and broke it. Then Anne opened door and they found the ruby inside

Anne: There it is!

Heather: it's so pretty too

Anne: Yep we did it guys big T is gonna be so proud of us

Then Tritonio entered the train car

Tritonio: Proud is an understatement!

Anne: Tritonio!

Tritonio: You've all done so well!

He picked up the ruby

Tritonio: here it is the Tiger Moth's Eye! Now I have one more question. What was the first lesson I taught you?

Heather: Oh was it trust no one?

Tritonio: correct!

Tritonio left the car and locked the door

All: what the?!

Anne: Tritonio what are you doing?!

Tritonio: Sorry kids but I never could've robbed this train by myself. And now that I have what I want I'll be going. Give my regards to the guards!

Tritonio escaped with the ruby

Anne: I don't believe this! He double crossed us! The first teacher I really clicked with ended up being a fake

Heather: I'm thought would be smart enough to tell it was a lie but I guess not...

Anne: don't blame yourself Heather! he's not getting away with this! Polly got any more boom shrooms?

Polly held three boom shrooms and the door exploded open

Then the four of them climbed to the roof of the train

Anne: Tritonio!

Tritonio: I have to say even I am impressed!

Anne: You really mean it? Guys now!

Anne Polly Sprig and Heather attacked Tritonio but soon Heather was the only one left standing

Tritonio: are you ready for your final lesson Heather?

Heather: believe it or not? Yeah

Heather used her spear to reflect the sunlight onto Tritonio eyes

Tritonio: Ah!! My eyes!

Then Heather knocked Tritonio's sword out of his hands and he fell on the ground

Heather: Uh... class is over! Haha! nailed it


The train stopped moving and Tritonio was arrested

Train Conductor: Thanks kids. The tower's been trying to catch this slimeball for months. Been robbing trains with kids for quite some time now the sicko

Tritonio: You do have to respect my creativity

Polly: We respect nothing!

Sprig: Yeah get out of here you fraud!

Anne: he's mostly just a faker anyway

Tritonio: See you around kids. And heather I wasn't kidding when I said you had room to grow. You certainly bested me

Heather: Uh thanks?

Anne: I just have one more question for you. Was the goatee even real?!

Tritonio pulled off his goatee

Tritonio: What do you think?


Soon Anne Sprig Polly and Heather made it back to the tower exhausted

Sprig: you probably dislike teachers more than ever now huh Anne?

Anne: You know what? Tritonio might have been a crook but he was onto something. When I get home I'm gonna give my teachers another chance. What about you Heather?

Heather: I'm going to try my best to come out of my shell. There's bound to be more opportunities to do that right?

Anne: I like the way you think

Just then Hop pop arrived riding Bessie. He had a bunch of bruises

Hop Pop: Hey kids...

Anne: How was the convention HP?

Heather: Are you ok? You look hurt

Hop Pop: Oh I'm fine. Didn't get swarmed by killer locusts if that's what you mean. How was your weekend?

Anne: Good

Sprig: We didn't rob a train

Polly: Nope. No crimes committed.

Heather: just a slow two days...

Hop Pop: Good good. Great to know we definitely didn't have two wacky adventures

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