Teenagers Or Beasts?

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A frog named sprig made his way through the forest

Sprig: Seems like the beast roams these parts so it's probably a good place for a tra-

Suddenly he was caught in a rope trap and was now hanging upside down

Sprig: Dang it! Should've seen that coming...

Just then Anne and Heather walked out of the grass. Anne was holding a sharp stick

Anne: Caught you! Thought you got the best of Anne and Heather huh? Well you didn't!

Heather: it doesn't look dangerous...

Sprig: Giant head! Spindly limbs! Face bump! THE BEASTS!

Anne: Stop following us! My friend here is already scared enough as it is!

Sprig: I have bad news for you beasts! I taste terrible!

Anne: Ew I am not going eat you

Heather: That's just gross

Sprig: You tried to eat Wally!

Heather: that's not what happened

Anne: we tried to ask 'Wally' for help but he ran off screaming the second he saw us!

Sprig: That does sound like Wally...

At that moment the three of them heard a screech in the distance

Heather: No! Not again!

Anne: It's coming back!

Sprig: What is?

Anne grabbed Heather's hand and ran off

Heather: Anne wait!

She stopped running

Heather: W-We can't just leave him behind... it's wrong

Anne: ...you're right!

Anne used her stick to cut the rope and held onto sprig

Sprig: what are you doing?

Heather: Helping!

Anne Heather and Sprig hit in a fallen tree trunk and the monster walked away

All: Phew...

Sprig: You... you saved me! You're not a beast at all! You're a hero! An ugly, ugly, ugly hero!

Heather: that's rude!

Anne: call her ugly again and maybe I will eat you

Sprig: Ha! You're not gonna eat me. You got names strangers?

Anne: My name's Anne. Anne Boonchuy.

Heather: I'm Heather Phoenix

Sprig noticed Heather's yellow hair streak

Sprig: hey how did you get that yellow stuff in your hair?

Heather: Oh someone made part of my hair a different color on purpose when I was a kid. But for some reason it never faded but I like it this way anyway

Anne: I always wanted to dye my hair!

Sprig: Oh I forgot to tell you both my name! I'm sprig planter!

Sprig shook Anne's hand but his hand was super slimy

Anne: So... your hand just barfed on my hand

Heather: Um... sorry to change the subject but do you have any food around here?

Sprig: Sure do!

He lifts up a part of the trunk and bugs are crawling around underneath

Heather: Ew...

Anne: things that aren't bugs?

Sprig: No bugs huh? We'll have to hunt around a bit.

He started to walk off

Sprig: Come on! Follow me!

Anne and Heather got out of the trunk

Anne: How do we know we can trust you?

Sprig: What? Does this look like a face that could deceive you?

He made a really cute face

Heather: Aww

Anne: I guess not

After looking around for a bit sprig found a bunch of small mushrooms that were safe to eat

Sprig: dig in!

Heather: Thanks

Anne and Heather ate some of the food

Anne: hey it's pretty good!

Heather: better then grass

Sprig: So first question... What the heck are you and where did you come from?!

Anne: we're human beings and we come from...

She stood up

Anne: another world! Either that or this is a dream

Heather: how can we both be dreaming the same thing?

Anne: I don't know

Sprig: Wow... do you know how you got here?

Anne: Nope. One minute we were in our world and the next thing we knew we were here. We don't know how to get home

Anne sat back down next to heather

Anne: or if we even can go home

Heather: it's been a really rough few days...

Anne: I know... So yup that's my story! How about you? What were you doing in the woods?

Sprig: Proving that I'm responsible!

Anne: How?

Sprig: Uhhh-

Suddenly a bunch of frogs ambushed them

Wally: There they are!

Heather: Huh?!

Anne: Stay away from us!

All the frogs tie up Anne and Heather

Heather: P-Please let us go! We didn't do anything!

Heather was trying not to cry

Hop pop: Haha! You caught the monster! Sprig I'm impressed

Anne: Dude what the heck? You set me up? I thought we were connecting! Now one of my best friends is having a panic attack!

Sprig: No! No! No! This wasn't my plan!

Just then a giant praying man mantis walked out of the tall grass

Mayor Toadstool: Hurry! Everyone! Mantis formation!

All the frogs stood on top of each other and the mantis walked away

Hop pop: hey! We scared it off!

An even bigger mantis landed on the ground. Anne and Heather were terrified

Polly: Nope. that scared it off.

Hop Pop: Yeah that makes more sense

All the villagers started running away but sprig untied Anne and Heather

Anne: what are you doing? Is it another trick?

Sprig: I'll distract that thing. You get out of here!

Sprig threw a few rocks at the mantis but then Anne grabbed its arm and heather grabbed its leg

Anne and Heather: Do something!

Anne's eyes glowed blue and Heather eyes glowed yellow each for a split second but no one noticed

Sprig: on it!

Sprig grabbed the rope and the three of them worked together to tie up the mantis

Anne Heather and Sprig: we did it!

Anne and Heather high fived but sprig used his tongue

Anne and Heather: Ew...

Mayor toadstool: Well now that that's settled what the heck are we gonna do with these things?

Heather: ...W-We have names...

Mayor toadstool: Maybe we oughta run them out of town just to be safe. Let them be someone else's problem

Frogs: Yeah!

Sprig stood in front of Anne and Heather

Sprig: Stop right there! They're not monsters. They're just lost and need our help. We should take care of them

Mayor Toadstool: Are you crazy?

Wally: Yeah what if they go nutty tomorrow and starts eating people?

Anne: Not gonna happen buddy

Heather: we don't eat frogs

Hop Pop: Don't worry yourselves silly I'll keep an eye on them all three of them

Mayor Toadstool: Hmm... Have it your way Hopediah Plantar but I don't like it. All right boys pack it in!

All the frogs went back home

Sprig: Looks like I'm back to causing trouble for the family again huh?

Hop Pop: Trouble? Sprig standing up to that angry mob to help these creature out-

Heather: H-Humans... we're called humans

Hop pop: right. To help these humans out was Some of the bravest and most responsible stuff I've ever seen!

Polly: That was pretty cool Sprig. It was also really dumb!

Hop pop: Yes. Really really dumb

Sprig: You think I'm responsible?

Hop Pop: Well yeah I mean just this one time...

Sprig: Yes! Woohoo!

Anne: Welp this has been great but just give us a map we've gotta find my way out of this kooky place

Heather: maybe some food and fresh water?

Hop pop: sorry but traveling won't be good right now

He showed Anne and Heather a map of the valley

Hop pop: This here valley is surrounded by mountains that are impenetrable this time of year

Sprig: It should clear up in a couple of months.

Hop Pop: But until then you try to cross those mountains

Polly: You will die

Heather: yeah I would rather stay here for now

Anne: Are you telling us we're stuck in this crazy place for two months? Where are we gonna stay?


The planters took Anne and Heather back home to there basement

Hop pop: All righty. Kitchen's upstairs. Breakfast at sunrise sharp

Anne: ok thanks dude

Heather: we really appreciate your help

Hop pop: as long as you don't cause trouble you can stay here as long as you need

Hop pop went back upstairs and Sprig visited them holding plushies

Sprig: hey getting comfy Brought some toys to keep you company. I'm glad you're both living with us monsters

Anne: Yeah us too weird little frog boy

Heather: I think we'll get along Ok

Sprig: Ok Good night. Sleep tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite... Seriously they can drain a body in seconds

Sprig went back upstairs and Anne took out the music box from her backpack

Heather: does it still work?

Anne: only one way to find out

She opened the music box but nothing happened

Anne: looks like we're going to be here awhile

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