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I stood there with my eyes wide open and my jaw dropped at the sight in front of me.

Jack Foster.

How in the name of fucking hell did the asshole find me!?

I couldn't form words as my mouth opened and then closed over and over again. What the hell was I supposed to do now? There were so many people around. What if he said who I was out loud? I was so fucking screwed! Calm down, Evelyn!

"Jack? " That was all I could manage out as I gaped at his defined face. He had dirty blonde messy hair, piercing green eyes and a very defined jawline. Whatever, he was a grade-A asshole for all I knew!

Ryan's head snapped over to me and he cocked his eyebrows, as if to ask if this was the same Jack I had told him about. I nodded my head at him and he clenched his fists at his side, with pure hatred on his face as he shot a deadly glare in Jack's direction.

Ryan moved closer to my side and I instantly felt relaxed and safe. How did he do this? Oh never mind, more important matters at hand here! Focus, Evelyn! Think!

"Tiana, is that really you? " Jack said taking a step in my direction. Ryan took a step forward and raised his eyebrows in a warning. He then took my hand in his, " C'mon let's get outta here, Evelyn! "

"Evelyn? Her name is Tiana, do you even know who she is? " Jack said, lowering his voice in a threatening way. I didn't know he could do that. With his thick Aussie accent I thought he could only ever say charming things to impress girls into sleeping with him, hmm!

"I know exactly who she is and you need to back the fuck off, " Ryan said. The veins in his arm were popping out because of the tense way he was standing. "What are you doing here, Jack? " I asked him in a low voice so no one around us would know that I knew him.

My eyes flickered back towards the bar kitchen and I sighed in relief that Jenny wasn't looking at us. " You know what, let's talk outside. " I gestured to Ryan and he dragged the scumbag out of the bar, quite literally.... but, hey who cares, right?

" What are you doing here, Tiana? All the people back home are looking for you. The record label has been flipping over the fact that you just disappeared from the face of earth and they're not sure if you would even go on the tour for your album. And Stella, boy she's been going insane over your safety!" Jack said while wincing and rubbing his arm where Ryan had held him. Weakling!

I couldn't help but snicker at the last part, Stella? Flipping over my safety? Hate to break it to you fella, but she's been hunting me down to kill me ever since the day I ran away.

"Oh yeah, and what about you Jack? Missed me? " I cocked my head in one direction and looked at him. He took a step back as I took one ahead. Ha, good, he was afraid of me. After all I was his crazy ex who ruined his career after he cheated on her. What? He deserved it!

" N-no I did not miss you Tiana, I jus-just, I was worried about you, " He stuttered and I chuckled. "Oh cut the crap, Jack I know she sent you to look for me, didn't she? " Ryan came to stand behind me and I looked up at him with a mischievous smile. He smirked back at me.

" N-no, what are you talking about Tiana, nobody sent me here, " Jack backed up against the wall. "But, you know what Tiana, I'll go back and tell everyone where you've been hiding and they'll come looking for you." He had the audacity to smirk at me. Oh Jack, the game's on, alright!

"Oh yeah, you think we're just gonna let you go so easily, " I said, lightly lifting the hem of my sweater to take out the revolver tucked inside my pants. Ryan's eyes widened a little and a proud smirk appeared on his face. Jack's jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes snapped to mine.

I pulled my lip between my teeth to keep from laughing at his expression. "Oh Jack, baby, you don't really think that I'm gonna let you go and ruin my plans so easily, do you? " I didn't know if it was Ryan's presence behind me or the gun in my hand that gave me my confidence back, but I was enjoying it way too much. The look on Jack's face was priceless.

" You, won't shoot m-me Tiana, " Jack said in a weary tone, fear etched in his features. "Oh you know me well enough Jack, to know that I would very easily shoot you in between the eyes without a second thought. Now where were we? Oh yeah, hand over your phone and any other things you have on you. Now! "

I extended my hand in front of him and he looked at it unsure but then placed his phone and wallet on it. I smirked and Ryan let out a small chuckle at the look of pure terror on his face. Not removing my gun that was pointed at Jack's chest, I pulled out the scarf from around my neck and handed it over to Ryan.

He gave me his iconic half grin and tied Jack's hands up with the scarf tightly. A little too tightly might I add. " Get in the car, " I said. "I'm not getting in a car with you and your... boyfriend, " Jack looked like he was almost in tears. I rolled my eyes at his pathetic state. " It's either the car or a coffin, mate. You choose, " Ryan said and winked at me.

We walked Jack over to Ryan's Chevelle and put him in the back seat. By this time he was actually crying and by crying I mean full on sobbing. What a pathetic fool! Tell me again how could you ever even date him? I thought to myself. Cause he was hot. Oh shut up, subconscious!

"What did you ever see in him anyway, Sunflower? " Ryan asked me while shaking his head. I swear this man can actually read my mind. I just shrugged.

"That's not what matters right now, " I said trying to bring him to talk about the more important things at that moment. "Oh yeah, right, where the fuck did you get that gun from? "

I glared at him and he just smiled at me innocently. "That's not what matters either, dumbass, we need to think what we're gonna do with this...asshole in your car! " I said gesturing over to Jack.

He sighed, "Okay, okay fine I'll stop. Now, what do we with this 'Asshole' ?" I cocked my eyebrow at him and he gave me a teasing lopsided grin. He was useless.

I sighed, "Let's just get back to your place and lock him up in the laundry room. " Ryan chuckled, " That's the worst plan I've ever heard before. " "You have a better one? " I deadpanned. He held up his hands in surrender, " Nope, you're the boss. "
" The heck I am! "

After running inside and telling Jenny that we had some place important to be, (I almost cried at the thought of leaving my food behind) we rushed back to the parking lot. We got in the car and Ryan drove us back to his place.

It was almost sun down by now and the entire road was lit up with lights. The air was cold and wet due to the afternoon downpour and the entire scene was picturesque. Just as we rounded the corner to Ryan house, I frowned at seeing that the lights were on. "Why are the lights on? " I asked looking over at him. " Oh shit, the guys are home. "

Great, just fucking great!


• Author's note •

Haha! I loved writing this one. Let me know what you think about Jack. Do you think he's working with Stella?

Much love

M :)

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