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As we pulled up in Ryan's driveway, I was going over all the possible excuses we could make to the boys about where did we go, why was I still living over at his place, why the place was such a mess and the most important, what was a sobbing tied up man doing in the backseat of Ryan's car?

Sadly though I couldn't really come up with anything and by now I was freaking out.

"Hey, Sunflower, " Ryan shook me lightly to bring me out of my daze. I looked over at him and sighed deeply. " Why are you even freaking out over this. The guys are trust-worthy. We can just tell them." I sighed. Maybe he was right.

"Let me out of this place! " Jack screamed from the backseat and I groaned loudly, " Uggh, why did I not gag his mouth! "

Ryan laughed at my frustrated state and I shot him a glare. He chuckled and hopped out of the car. I got out too and then opened the backdoor, contemplating how to get him inside the house.

" Get out of the car, " I said and Jack flinched at my tone. Nope, I did not feel bad about it. He was the one who had to go become Stella's minion and then come looking for me. He brought this on himself!

Ryan came up behind me and put his arm around my shoulders. "Calm down, Sunflower. You've already frightened the man half to death. " "Who said he's a man, " I muttered under my breath getting irritated by his shivering state. Some 'man' he was!

"What are you guys doing? " I jumped at Evan's voice. I looked over at Ryan as he waved him over. " What are you doing? " I hissed at him. " Calm down, Evelyn, the guys are trustworthy. I know them, they won't tell a soul. And besides we cannot do this alone. I think we should tell them, " Ryan whispered.

I sighed deeply. He was right, we couldn't do this alone and Ryan seemed to trust these people so maybe they were trustworthy. Besides, we could definitely use some muscle power to get this weakling out of the car.

Evan walked over to us and his eyes widened at the sight in front of him. "Who the hell is that? " I giggled at his expression. "He's Eve's ex. Long story short, he's a hostage right now. Mind helping me getting his sorry ass inside the house? "

Evan looked at Ryan with his eyebrows raised and then his eyes shifted to me. His smile became genuine and he lifted me up in a bear hug. "I missed you, Evie! " I laughed at his cuteness.

Weird how he called me what my Dad used to call me. After Stella had started calling me Evie to tease me, I hated it but coming from Evan it strangely reminded me of Dad.

"We met yesterday, Evan. " I laughed. He gently placed me back on the ground and smiled while pinching my cheeks. Okay, he was officially my favourite person. I laughed again and Ryan looked at us amused. "Just remember you have a girlfriend, Evan. " Evan snorted, "Oh c'mon Ry,  Evelyn is like the sister I never had. Besides I would never do that to Jen. " I smiled at him, everyone loved a loyal guy. "And you're like the brother I never had. " Evan looked down at me with a strange almost sad look and smiled.

We turned our attention to our hostage. Evan ducked inside and easily lifted Jack over his shoulder. Jack let out a stream of curses at him. Evan did nothing but slapped Jack on the butt cheek. I let out laugh as Jack's face turned as red as a tomato.

We entered the house and I saw Naoh and Aiden in the living room, fighting each other for the remote. I swear they were 5 years old in their heads. Their eyes widened when they saw that Evan had a man on his shoulder.

"Dang Evan, I didn't think you swung that way! " That was Aiden obviously. Ryan laughed loudly. Evan looked like he could murder Aiden any moment. Noah was still looking at us wide eyed. I face palmed myself. "Shut up, A, " Evan spat.

"Oh hey, sexy. I see you came back for more," Aiden winked at me and I rolled my eyes. "We never did anything in the first place Aiden, " I said in the most boring tone I could pull. "Let's change that fact then, " he winked again licking his lips suggestively and I almost gagged.

" That's the worst pickup line I've ever heard. No wonder you're single, " I scrunched up my nose at his actions. This time it was Noah who laughed loudly, " She burned you, bro! " Ryan snickered and Aiden pouted like the five year old he was.

"Hey guys, this guy is kinda heavy you know, " Evan said pulling our attentions back to him. I looked over at Ryan, " What do we do with him, Ry? " Ryan tapped his chin while thinking about it.

"Who is he anyway? " Noah asked. "Evelyn's ex, " Evan said casually. "Dang, if that's what happens to your exes, then you better stay away from me girl! " Aiden said holding a pillow close to his chest as he leaned further into the couch. I laughed. Okay, maybe he could be cute too, sometimes, but mostly only obnoxious.

"I think we should just lock him up in the laundry room for now, that's the only room that doesn't have any windows, " Ryan said and I looked at him with a smirk. "Yeah okay shush girl, I know you're a smartass! " He said looking at the knowing smirk I was giving him. I chuckled.

We locked Jack up in the laundry room. Don't worry we left the light and the wall mount fan in there, on. We're not cruel after all!

I sighed as I sat down on the floor next to Ryan and picked up a beer from the table. Noah was sitting in the recliner while Aiden and Evan were sprawled on the couch. "So, are you gonna tell us why Evelyn's ex is locked up in your laundry room, Ry or are we just gonna ignore it? " Noah pointed out after gulping half of his beer down in one go. Jesus.

"You wanna tell them, Sunflower or should I ?" Ryan asked and I sighed. "I think you should start from the beginning, " He added.

Here we go.... But before that, " Do you know when Jenny and Sophia get off? " I asked the boys. "I'll just give Jen a call. " That was Evan. "Cool, I want them here too when I tell you guys, " I fidgeted with my ring nervously. Ryan noticed my nervousness and gently squeezed my forearm in reassurance. I smiled at him.

"Oh man, they're already in love! " Noah said in a sing-song way and I scowled at him. " Shut up, " Me and Ryan both said at the same time which made them all laugh.

"Okay, I told them to come over after she gets off, Sophia didn't have a shift today so she'll pick Jen up and they'll be here in an hour or so. " Evan said putting his phone back in his pocket. "Okay, so what do we do till then? " Ryan asked looking at me.

"I kinda have this song at the back of my mind, if you guys could help me with it, " I said looking at each one of them. "You write songs? " Evan asked excitedly. " Uh huh, you'll know soon enough, " I said and Ryan chuckled. I got up and walked upstairs to bring mine and Ryan's guitars down.

When I got down with the two cases in my hands, I saw all the boys laughing together. I smiled at their goofiness. They were like family to each other and anybody could see that. "Oh there she is, you took your time," Ryan said looking at me. I sat back down near him and handed him his guitar.

I took mine out of the case and Noah audibly gasped. " That's a White Falcon, where the fuck did you get that from? " I laughed at his enthusiasm. He loved guitars, just like me and it was pretty obvious.

"You wanna try it? " I asked holding the guitar out for him. He gasped again, " You're letting me try it? " I smiled and nodded at him. "Oh god, I love you Evelyn, " he said throwing his arms around me. I chuckled at his cuteness. Pulling away from me, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment, he gently took the guitar from my hands. We all laughed at his childish actions. He started strumming the guitar lightly producing a somewhat recognisable tune.

I realised he was strumming one of my songs. I smirked. "Y'all really are fans, eh? " Ryan laughed heartily and all the others looked a little confused. " You all are Tiana's fans aren't you? " I asked amused. "Oh fuck yeah, have you seen that girl sing. I'd do anything to go to meet her in person one day. Just imagine if she ever agreed to sing with us, Ry. That'd be amazing, right?"

I blushed a little at the admiration in his voice. Ryan chuckled at my expression. "Oh yeah, I wouldn't mind a steamy night with that sexy beauty, " Aiden said suggestively and I choked on my beer. I coughed loudly and Ryan burst out laughing. " Evelyn babe, I think you should tell them, " He said lightly laughing in between. "I think I'll wait for Jenny and Sophia, " I muttered.

"Tell us what? " Evan asked. "That she's actually-", I cut him off by throwing a pillow at him.   "Shut up, Matthews."   "Feisty, I like that! " He winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

Before I could retort with anything, however, the front door opened and Jenny peeked in, Sophia was right behind her. I perked up, " Finally, I could really use some female company right now. " Jenny giggled at my remark and came over to give me a hug.

"I knew they would get on your nerves so I got you the special roll you didn't get to eat at the bar earlier, " She said smiling at me. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how I fell in love with Jenny. "You're an angel! " I smiled at her and took the cheese roll out of the bag and delved right in. Damn, it was delicious. Sophia came in and I hugged her too.

" So what was it that you wanted to tell us Evelyn, spill! " Jenny said while snuggling up at Evan's side while Sophia sat comfortably with Noah's arms around her. I shipped these two so bad! I swallowed the bite in my mouth and looked at each of them.

They were all looking at me expectantly. I shifted my gase towards Ryan and he smiled at me reassuringly. I smiled back and took a deep breath.

Here goes nothing.....


• Author's note •

Here we go.... The moment of truth! Do you think Evelyn did the right thing by telling them? Let me know what you think ;)

Much love

M :)

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