Chapter 1 - Outside the Archipelago

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A/N Hi readers! This is the first chapter of my new HTTYD fan fiction, 'Newcomer's Arrival'. Please read, vote and comment! Enjoy...

My eyes shot open, only to find that I was in a dark and gloomy room. The only source of light came from the naked flames dancing around in the furnace. But it was dark enough that I couldn't see the far wall. I was all alone. My head spun from side to side, my heart beating rapidly. I tried to call for help; there was a cloth wrapped tightly around my mouth, trapping my sounds. As I shook around in my seat, I realised that my wrists were tied to the arms of the chair, the ropes gripping tightly to my raw skin. My ankles were tied too. 'Where am I?' I thought, my head throbbing with pain. Sweat rolled down my forehead. But as a bead of perspiration dropped onto my hand, I realised it wasn't sweat. It was dark red...the colour of blood. It was sticky too, the drop slowly running down my hand until only a thin line of red remained. All I could remember before I blacked out was that I was almost bludgeoned to death.

Just then, a bright ray of light pushed its way into the room as the door opened with a creak. I squinted as my eyes tried to adjust to the light. And then it was gone again. I could faintly make out a large, bulky figure standing metres away from me. He made his way over to the furnace and lit a torch, blowing at the remaining flames until they died. A trail of smoke rose into the air, the torch flames shivering with fright. The man walked towards me. Each step he took was silent, yet thunderous at the same time. He paused for a few seconds before leaning closer. So close that our faces were centimetres apart. And his breath... I swear to Odin that it stank ten times worse than the stinkiest stink you've ever stunk. His revolting odour stung my nostrils.

As he pulled down the cloth on my face, he flashed a smirk that almost made me want to vomit. "What do you want, Severin?" I asked him furiously. He stood straight and walked around me in a circle, holding his torch in one hand. My eyes followed his every movement.
"Hmm, what do I want? What do I want?" Severin repeated, "Oh, I know. I want to be chief. And that can only happen if your father is dead. And in order to do that..."

At that moment, a shock of realisation hit me. "You have to kill me and my family." I finished.
"You're very clever, Misty Adderling. I would be lying if I said I wouldn't remember you. But alas, sacrifices must be made. I can't have you interfering in these chiefly matters, can I? First, it will be you. Next, it's your siblings. Then, your mother. And lastly, the precious chief of the island, your father." he said grimly.
"You're not gonna get away with this!" I exclaimed.
"Oh, but I think I already have." he replied, covering my mouth with the cloth. And with that, he exited the room.

I waited until I could no longer hear Severin's footsteps.
'This is going to hurt...' I muttered in my head. Just at that moment, I managed to stand up and fall back down - hard. The wooden chair broke and I wriggled out of the ropes. I sprinted to the door and opened it slightly, peeking my head through the crevice. The coast was clear. It turns out, I was in the mess hall. My house was not too far from here, but I would still have to be careful. Without hesitation I darted through the streets, passing the village market, the fishing hut and one or two of Severin's henchmen. In the space of a few minutes, I had arrived at the front door and was desperately knocking on the wood. It was a few moments before someone opened the door. To my relief it was my mum, who instantly ushered me indoors.

"Oh, Misty! Thank the gods! I was so worried! At least you're safe now, but we have to leave. Quickly, get your things. Pack only your essential items.They're coming for us," she explained hurriedly.
"I don't understand," I started, turning to face my dad, "why we have to leave. I know that Severin's after us but that doesn't mean we have to leave Donar, right?" Nobody answered. There was an awkward silence as my parents and my older sister looked away from me. My little brother was too young to comprehend what we were talking about so he played quietly with his little stuffed dragon.
"Pack now. Talk later," ordered my dad, Canute the Knot. Reluctantly, I climbed upstairs and packed up everything I needed: clothes, my sketch pad and notebook, and a few more things. Wearing my warmest coat and boots, I slipped my sword into its scabbard and put on my Viking helmet. I ran back downstairs and collected some dragon nip while my sister and mother filled a bag with food and water. My father was helping my brother get ready so I went out back to see the dragons.

My dragon, Skyglider, was an uncommon species of dragon - a Shadetwister. She had bright yellow eyes with black round pupils; a pointed horn on her head; a line of large pentagonal plates running down her neck and smaller ones going across her back and tail; a long and curled tail; four short legs with razor-sharp claws; and massive majestic wings. Her whole body was a velvet purple colour with specks of cyan scattered along her body.

She was also a chameleon dragon, which meant she could camouflage to her surroundings. She could change into the colour of the night sky or a sunset and more, just by saying a time of the day (for example if she thought about the midnight sky - or I said the words to her - Skyglider would camouflage into a pitch black colour). Her species was similar to Changewings, except Shadetwisters could only change colours when they were in the air and they also shot flaming, poisonous darts out of their mouths.

There were three other dragons beside Skyglider: Firequencher, my father's Monstrous Nightmare; Whirlbreath, my mother's Typhoomerang and Stealthwing, my older sister's Hobblegrunt.

I silently strapped the saddles onto their backs before I saw my sister came over to me.
"Hey." she said, smiling at me.
"Oh, hey Runa." I tried to smile back but judging her expression, I could tell that I failed. I looked away.
"Are you okay?" she asked empathetically.
"I guess so. I'm just gonna miss it here - even though this family has gone through more threats than the average amount of fish a Viking can catch in a year." Runa chuckled and then pulled me in for a hug.
"Well, don't worry, Misty. We'll find a better place to live." she replied, before turning around to go back inside.

And that's when we heard them...

A/N First chapter...done! Only I-don't-know-how-many-chapters-there-are chapters left to write :D If you liked the beginning of this story, please keep your eyes peeled for the next chapter! Have a great day! BBBYYYEEE!!!

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