Chapter 2 - Moving Away

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A/N Hey everyone! I have finally published the second chapter of my new story! I hope you like it :)

I dashed into the house, searching for the noises. I heard the yells and bellows of Severin's followers and they pounded on the door. No one said anything, but I knew what was going on. We had to leave now! Grabbing our bags, my family and I raced out the back door. Surprisingly, no one had thought of checking behind the house. I climbed onto Skyglider's back and secured myself to the saddle. Looking behind my shoulder, I saw Runa sitting on Stealthwing, my mother on Whirlbreath and my brother and father on the back of Firequencher.

"Go!" called out my dad, pointing at the distance. We took off. Skyglider and I were closely followed by my family members, my sister trying to overtake me. My Shadetwister swiftly flew left and right, blocking Runa's Raincutter.
"Hey, no fair!" she whined as I grinned at her.
"This is no time for playing!" yelled my mum, urging us to fly faster. Severin's followers had seen us, and many of them were now flying with their own dragons in our direction. They were in hot pursuit, zooming through the air on dragon-back. His henchmen were fast. But we were faster. With ease, all of us doubled our speed and hoped that we would soon escape from this chaos.

My family had grown up with dragons for generations, so we knew nearly all their strengths and weaknesses. Their habits, anatomies, flying patterns...almost everything there is to know about these reptiles. I was born here, in Donar, and have lived here for all fifteen years of my life. Runa was also born and raised on the island for eighteen years, as well as my four year old brother, Halvor. Our parents aren't from Donar though. They were born on an island in the Archipelago called Berk. They told us the Adderling and Hafdottir families had been secretly training dragons together long before anyone else had. One day, when the Adderlings were out on a quest, the Hafdottirs were caught training dragons and were immediately sent to see the chief.

The chief of Berk despised anything remotely related to dragons; he was obliged to ban the family from the isle if they did not kill the dragons. The Hafdottirs were loyal to their dragons and could not bare to see them die. They were also very loyal to the Adderlings. They didn't speak a word of their alliance with my dad's family. After my mother's family refused to kill the dragons, the chief made his decision. The Hafdottirs had to leave the Isle of Berk. At the time, my parents were only infants, but were the best of friends. So just imagine how heartbroken they were the day my mother's ship came to sail them far away. Outside the Archipelago.

My father still had his other two best friends after that, but he never told me their names. Anyway, a few years later, my dad's family received a letter saying that my great-grandfather was going to be chief on another island. Apparently, he was the closest descendant of the previous chief. The Viking who was meant to become chief after his father passed away was banned from the island, along with his cruel wife and their only son.

We didn't know it yet, but their son was around the same age as my dad. He was a man who learned to hate my father more than anything in the world. A man who would threaten all of us with death. A man named Severin Osterason.

So the Adderlings left Berk too. My father had to be very brave after he lost three best friends. He thought all hope was lost for him. To a very surprising coincidence, the Hafdottir family lived on the same island the Adderlings moved to - Donar. It was a wonderful reunion for both families. Once my great grandfather was chief, he brought dragons onto the island; my parents' families taught everyone how to train them. But when the Osterasons came back, everything changed. When my great grandfather ruled, the threats just started. They became more frequent when my grandad was chief. They escalated when my dad took over his position.

Throughout my life, my father had told me that we were forbidden to go into the Archipelago. He didn't want Severin to know there was life outside our borders. After a while, I became more curious and tried countless times to find a way in. It would've takes hours to get there, so I always had to turn back.

I think I was daydreaming too much because at that moment, I heard my sister's voice ringing in the air. She told me she had called my name three times. I didn't hear her. Following the direction my sister was pointing at, I turned my head. Horror and fear flooded into my body. Severin's men were very close. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw my dad take out his smoke pen. I made one for everybody a few years ago. It was hard to disclose stuff secretly within my family in Donar, so I made smoke pens to help us temporarily communicate with each other.

As thick gas sprayed out the end of the tube, my dad drew something in the air. It was our flight sign - what we used whenever we were in trouble whilst flying. He drew the image large enough for us to see before it dispersed into faint wisps of gas. It was the symbol of a runic letter.

Algiz. Shield.

I immediately knew what to do. Skyglider and I flew a few metres ahead as a man with his untamed Whispering Death flew close behind. Then, I gently pulled back on the scruff of her neck and we abruptly stopped. Thankfully, we had achieved in confusing the dragon and his rider. The Whispering Death screeched to a halt (if dragons can do that) to avoid slamming into us. This gave us enough time to turn around and shoot. My dragon emitted green, flaming arrows which twirled and sliced the air with high velocity. The Whispering Death managed to avoid most of the arrows, but some occasionally found their way into its underside, just enough to graze the dragon's skin before falling into the bottomless sea below us.

Meanwhile, the rest of my family members were fending off several more dragons. Slowly but surely, we backed the riders up until the were almost touching each other. Severin and his Skrill were battling against my father and Firequencher. I watched as my dad carefully threw Halvor to my mum to keep him safe and then continued to blast waves of fire in Severin's direction. She soon found herself in battle with another dragon rider. Halvor was passed off to Runa, who then gave him to me. All the while, my silly little brother was giggling as if this was the best game of 'Pass-the-Baby' ever. I placed him on my lap and secured him between my arms. "Ready to get out of here?" I asked him as he stroked Skyglider's head.
Halvor exclaimed, "Fly, Skyglider. Fly!" I couldn't have said it better myself.

All four of our dragons made a circle around the others, trapping them inside, while still firing shots to keep the dragons at bay. I found Severin in the centre of the huddle, struggling to push his way between the other dragon riders. We looked at my dad, who nodded back at us, telling us to ready our weapons.
Taking out my supply of smoke bombs, I whispered to Skyglider, "Ready, girl?"
She crooned in response, her mouth open to let out an arrow. I waited for my dad's call.

When everyone was ready, he bellowed, "NOW!"
Simultaneously, we threw a bomb each - including Halvor - into the circle.
"Shoot, Sky!" I called out. Instantly, an arrow whizzed out of her mouth and pierced the bomb. It detonated, into shards of metal and a whole load of thick gas. The other bombs exploded at the same time until there was a hazy cloud of fog surrounding Severin and his gang of Vikings.

By the time the fog receded, we would have already been long gone.

A/N So I've decided to call you all my JDTs or sDTs depending on your age. SDT stands for Senior Dragon Trainer and JDT stands for Junior Dragon Trainer. Ages 9-15 are my JDTs and the 16s and above are my SDTs. Comment what you are below! Have a great day! BYEEE!!!!

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