Chapter 13 - Clearing the Confusion

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Stoick's POV
I couldn't hold it in any longer. I had to find out whether I was right or wrong about the Adderlings. It was imperative for me to know. I decided that I would hold a small meeting with the village committee and invite some other Vikings too. Gathering up all of my evidence, I waited in the mead hall until everyone had arrived. By the time that all the villagers came, I started the meeting. In the room were the Haddocks, Jorgensons, Ingermans, Thorstons, Hoffersons, Adderlings, Arris', Herlaus', Vestars, Larsons and Gobber the Belch. "Thank you all for coming," I began, "I have called you all here today to discuss something very important that I have realised." There was some mumbles in the crowd but the noise soon died down.
I heard Astrid whisper to Hiccup, "Do you know what this is about?" My son looked at me and smiled. I smiled back and nodded.
"I think I do," he replied and stayed quiet soon after.

I took out the parchments I had kept with me and lied them flat on the table. "You see, I have been having a lot of flashbacks ever since the," I said and gestured to the Adderlings, "newcomers' arrivals. And it got me wondering if I had a past with them. Not just me, but Gobber too." I saw Perla lace her fingers through Canute's hand and squeeze it gently. "It might sound crazy - believe me, I thought it did too - but I feel," I turned to look at the two parents, "like I've known you all my life. Could it be possible that you've lived here before?" I asked them. Canute's mouth opened to say something but I had to show all my evidence. "But before you answer that, I wanted to show you all these old documents I found. I managed to put all of the pieces together and it makes sense now. First of all, there was a document which said that there was a family who was banned from this island for working alongside dragons, which we now call dragon training. They were the Hafdottirs." I showed the families the paper and gave them some time to skim through it.

I told them about my flashback of the little girl and her family leaving on a boat and never coming back.
"I remember that day!" exclaimed Gobber, listening intensely to everything I was saying.
"And then I found another document which stated that someone named Ivar Adderling was leaving Berk to become the chief in another island. And that island was named Donar." I stared at Canute and Perla to see if they were showing any signs through their facial expressions but I couldn't spot anything. I walked a little closer to Perla. "Perla, what was your maiden name?" I inquired curiously. Without hesitating, she replied,
"Hafdottir." She didn't smile, or frown - her face wasn't blank, but it wasn't full of expression either. Some of the villagers let out short gasps. I wasn't really surprised; I was happy but I didn't make a sound, and I then nodded a thanks to her. I moved onto Canute.

"Canute, what generation of a chieftain were you in Donar?"
"What was your grandfather's name?" piped in Gobber.
"His name was Ivar Adderling." he replied. Gobber and I looked at each other and grinned.
"So let me get this straight. Your names are Perla Adderling and Canute Adderling. Your name used to be Perla Hafdottir," Gobber said, looking at Perla and then at both of them, "You both used to live in Berk and then moved to Donar and back to Berk. I used to have two friends with the same names as you. And you look exactly like them, only older." They nodded at him.
"You are correct," Perla and Canute chorused.
"So does that mean..." I began to ask, before Canute exclaimed,
"We're back!"

And then Gobber and I cheered louder we've ever done before, hugging Perla and squeezing Canute a little too tight. But he didn't care and squeezed us even tighter. I had my best friends back! The rest of the Vikings clapped and acclaimed for us. I glanced at Hiccup and saw him smiling at me again with his arm around Astrid's waist. After that, I thanked everyone for coming and they all left until the Adderlings, Gobber, Hiccup and I were the only ones left.
"If you knew all along, why didn't you tell us that we knew each other?" I asked, waiting for an answer.
Perla replied, "We wanted it to be a surprise for a while. Also, we wanted to see if anyone remembered us." I nodded in agreement.

When Hiccup and I arrived back at home, he lit the fire and gave me a mug of yaknog - complementary of Astrid. "Well done, Dad. I'm proud of you." he said, tapping my arm. I patted him on the back and said, "Thanks son, I appreciate it. Now get to bed. You have a big day tomorrow."
"Why? What are we doing tomorrow?"
"You'll find out in the morning."

I took one sip of Astrid's yaknog and instantly regretted doing so. I didn't want to spit it out; I struggled to swallow it but managed somehow, throwing the rest of the beverage out the window. I was elated about the arrival of my long-lost friends but I was also looking forward to tomorrow as well.

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