Chapter 11 - Remembering Your Past

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A/N Sorry for not updating in a while. Hope you like this chapter :)

Stoick's POV
Canute's name was strangely familiar, and so was Perla's. It felt like I needed to know where it was from. I decided to go to the mess hall and check some documents - just to see if there is some information in them. I wanted to be alone so I left when there was no one around. Today was a good day because all the kids were out doing whatever kids do, and all the adults were helping the Adderlings feel welcome. All the important village records were archived in large chests located at the back of the hall, in a small storage room.

When I arrived, I didn't know where to look first so I went to the first box I saw. It was right in front of the large shelves where the rest of the crates were kept. There were two smaller boxes on either side of it. Flipping through the slightly tattered pages, I didn't find anything that could be useful to me. Then I moved over to the chest on the left. I couldn't find any information. And then the one on the right. Again, nothing. For what seemed like an eternity, I checked all of the papers in the boxes left on the floor, and even most of the ones on the shelves.

Looking higher up on the layers of racks, I saw something glimmer in the corner of my eyes. I curiously moved the chests aside until I found a little casket decorated with complex patterns and a diamond encrusted lid. Inside the box was a single scroll rolled very carefully into a cylinder. I took it out with complete care and unravelled the paper. It was written over forty years ago.

The chief has recently found out that the Hafdottir family have been secretly working alongside dragons for the past years. He fears that this will lead to a dragon rebellion against mankind. It has been a tradition to kill these dangerous creatures for centuries but they have failed to do so. Therefore the Hafdottirs will be banished from the island for disobeying the rules. Anyone else in favour of their actions will go with them. From this day forth, the Hafdottirs will never return.

I rolled up the scroll and tucked it into the strap of my belt. I needed more details so I continued looking for other documents. One particular contract caught my eye. I found it in another crate labeled 'Departures'. Skimming and scanning through all the pages, I discovered something about the Adderlings. This was written around the same time as the scroll.

Ivar Adderling has received news explaining that he will be the new village chief in an island named Donar. Him and his family will be leaving Berk within a period of two weeks. There will be a leaving ceremony for the Adderlings in the Mead Hall on the day before their departure. The chief expects everyone to come and say their goodbyes.

After reading the paper, I folded it up and kept it next to the scroll. I just had to look for one more thing. The record of everyone who has lived and is living in Berk. It was inside a cabinet this time; I immediately looked for the letter 'H'. Harald, Hallvard, Hallfrid. Nope. Hildig, Hrudottir, Holmfast. No luck. Holmstein, Hafdottir, Heddinson... Oh wait! Go back one. Hafdottir! I took out the paper and read through the names of the family until I saw one I recognised. Perla Hafdottir. I was speechless; I couldn't really think straight. But I knew that I had to look for one more name. This time, I searched for the letter 'A'. Asvald, Asmund, Arfast, Alfdottir, Arnsson. Ah, I had found it. Adderling. Once again, I inspected the page for the name I was looking for. And there it was, Canute Adderling.

A sudden memory flooded into my mind.

"Where are you going?" I asked the girl with the brown hair. I tugged the sleeve of her shirt, begging her to answer me.
"I don't know." She was crying, the tears streaming down her face. Her hair was flowing in the wind and she was holding onto her mum's hand. "Mummy, where are we going?" Her mum did not reply. I was standing with Gobber and the boy with the black hair. We were all trying to stop them from leaving. My dad and Gobber's dad pulled us away but the other boy's dad stayed with him. Gobber was throwing a tantrum.
"Why did you stop our game, Dad? I was going to win!" he screamed, "And why is Perla getting in that boat? Where is she going?!" His dad didn't saying anything too.
My dad was the first one to speak. "Say goodbye to Perla. You won't ever see her again." I didn't ask why. All three of us ran towards her and we hugged each other as if the world was going to end. We eventually stopped crying and waved Perla off as her ship sailed away.

I staggered out of the hall and back home. No one was here. Laying all the sheets out on the table, I sat on my chair and tried to add everything up. After I went over everything, it all started to make sense. I had to see Canute and Perla first thing in the morning to clear up my confusion. Just then, Hiccup entered the house. I quickly gathered up all the papers when he wasn't looking and tried to hide it under the table. "Oh hello, son. How was your day?"
"Hey, Dad. It was good, but what are you hiding under the table?"
"What do you mean? There's nothing under the table..." I replied nervously.
"Dad. Show me." he said. I sighed and places the sheets on the table.
"What are those?" he asked.
I thought for a long time, a silence burning in between us. "You'll find out soon enough."

'From this day forth, the Hafdottirs will never return.'
'"Say goodbye to Perla. You won't ever see her again." I didn't ask why.'

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