Chapter 5 - Rings a Bell

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A/N Hello JDTs and DTs! This chapter is written as Stoick's point of I hope you like it!

Stoick's POV
'Where have I heard those names before? Perla... Canute... Adderling...' It rang like a bell in my head. It's as if I had a connection with these names. A strong one. 'Odin, help me. This is going to irk me until I find out the truth. Those names are at the back of my mind. At the very bottom of a large pile of paperwork. I haven't forgotten them - or lost the memories; I just don't remember where I know them from.'

I trudged back home with these questions floating around in my head. Going past the village houses, the mead hall and the training academy, I finally arrived at my house. I took off my helmet, rubbing my sore head gently. I have had a long day. Opening the door, I peered inside only to see Hiccup sitting at the dining table, Toothless resting by his foot. "Son, can you give me my rock please?" I asked him, closing the door quietly behind me. Hiccup got up from his seat and took out a large, flat rock from a frozen box of ice. Then he pulled out the second chair and gestured for me to sit down. I slumped into the stool and exhaled loudly.

"Tough day, Dad?" he inquired, handing me the stone. I nodded, unable to speak. Outside, crashes of thunder boomed ferociously. With each fearful quake, followed the crackle of lighting bolts striking anything that came in its path. The door suddenly swung open, the heavy rain sounding like a thousand miniature hammers. I rushed to the front of the house and shoved the door, securely locking it. Sitting back down, I rested the stone on my right temple.
"Let's just say some interesting events have occurred today." I smiled at my son weakly. I was tired. Exhausted. "I think I'm going to get some rest. You should too." I stood up, tucking the chair under the table, and walked to the stairs. Hiccup nodded and smiled in reply. I lifted one foot on the first step and turned my head to face him. "Oh, before I forget, I want you to meet the Adderlings tomorrow. The new Vikings. You know, show them around and such. There's a young lady around your age too, you could introduce her to the others. Maybe help her make some new friends. Well, I should get to sleep now. Goodnight, son." And with that, I went up the stairs and into my bedroom.

It was silent in the house, with what Valka not being around anymore. It's been 18 years and I still miss her. I hung my helmet on my clothes pole and climbed into bed. Covering my body with the blanket, I stared up at the ceiling, reviewing my day. Earlier Gobber, myself and some of the other Vikings went searching for wood and fish for our winter supply. There was plenty of wood in the forest, but not many fish in the lakes - they must've already migrated to a warmer area. We had enough fish to last us for the winter, though. It was still a couple of months away. We spent hours looking for resources; when we got back, I had more chieftain issues to deal with. The twins had caused some trouble with the weaponry area, so there was that to fix. When Gobber came with the Adderlings later on, something struck me. It seemed to me that Perla and Canute looked really familiar. Like 'I've-seen-you-before' familiar. Maybe not 'I've-definitely-seen-you-from-somewhere' familiar, but 'I-feel-like-I-know-you' familiar... If that makes sense. Anyway, I really wanted to know them better, just like how I knew nearly everyone in Berk well. I wanted them to feel welcome. Feel at home.

When I received their letter a few weeks ago, I was empathetic towards them. I've had experience with outcasts, and I knew what it felt like to not belong somewhere. They probably had a tough time with the chief or something along those lines. I wonder who the chief was in Donar... All this thinking was worsening my headache. I tried to forget everything and concentrated on practically nothing. I focused on the darkness behind my eyelids, until I could see coloured specks and shapes moving around. I listened to the storm dying down, the soft pitter patter of the rain droplets splashing against the wall of the house. I heard Hiccup and Toothless coming up the stairs and go into their room.

When I fell asleep, I had a dream. I don't know how long the dream lasted but I know that it was different to the dreams I regularly have. Very different.

It was a bright and sunny day. My three friends and I were playing in the soft, luscious grass. Three boys, including me, and a girl. I recognised one of the boys as Gobber the Belch. We were all infants. Our parents were supervising us, watching us from the other side of the small field. We were playing tag; I was 'it'. Chasing after the other boy, I ran as fast as I could. But I tripped over a pebble, accidentally somersaulted and fell flat on the grass. I broke into giggles as my friend sprinted over to help me. He held out his hand and I grabbed it, heaving myself up with his help. I grinned before saying, "Tag! You're it, Canute!" I release my grasp and turned around, sprinting in the other direction.

That's when the dream ended. My head jerked up from the pillow, startled. My breathing quickened, as did my pulse. It took me a few moments to realise I was back in my bedroom. I don't know how I got back to sleep; I did, somehow. Those four words echoed in my head before I dropped into my deep slumber...

"Tag! You're it, Canute!"

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