Chapter 6 - Warm Introductions

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A/N Hey everyone! This chapter is about Hiccup's perspective starting from when he was up to when he is meeting the new Vikings. Hope you enjoy!

Hiccup's POV
The next morning, I felt the gentle nudges of Toothless' snout pushing against my arm. I figured he wanted to wake me up, but I was too tired to actually do it. When that didn't work, he rolled me onto floor with one swift shove. I landed on the hard wood with a thud, groaning as my head hit the side of the bed during my descend. And yet, I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes. Just then, Toothless slumped on top of me, with his chin resting on my stomach. Startled, my eyes shot open. My dark brown eyes met his emerald green ones, just like that day when I first found him. I detected something heavy and slimy move across my face. Toothless was licking me as a last resort. His tongue left a trail of thick saliva dripping off my clothes. With much effort, I pushed his head up and crawled out of his hold, rolling backwards in the process. "Toothless, you know that doesn't wash off!" I exclaimed, wiping the saliva off me.

Minutes later, we were flying around the village, performing spins and all kinds of tricks every now and then. Dad had told me the following night to meet the Adderling family so Toothless and I made our way to the training academy to get the gang. When we arrived, Astrid and Fishlegs were already waiting for us. Now those we had to wait for were Snotlout and the twins. To pass the time, Astrid practised her long distance shots while Fishlegs stated facts about the dragons from the Dragon Manual off by heart. I was looking over the notes in my journal until eventually Ruff, Tuff and Snotlout decided to show up. They had dirt all over them, their clothes were ripped and bits of leaves and twigs were stuck in their hair.
"Where have you three been? We've been waiting for you for ages! You'd better start speaking up soon or else--" Astrid started, throwing her axe in the air and catching it several times. I held her shoulder and gently pulled her away before someone got hurt.

"Thank you, Astrid. I think I'll take it from here." I said, glaring at them. "What were you up to?" I looked at the twins and then Snotlout.
"Don't look at me! Ask the twins what they've been doing. I don't understand you Hiccup. Why do you always blame me when something goes wrong?!" complained Snotlout.
Fishlegs retorted, "Maybe because you're nearly always to blame when something bad happens."
Snotlout began to mimic Fishlegs in a terrible accent. Fishlegs did the same and out of nowhere, Snotlout drew out his sword from his scabbard.
"Fishlegs Ingerman, I'm calling you out. Defend yourself!"
"Ah, bring it on!"
"What's that Fishlegs, you wanna fight to the death?"
"What? Who said that? For the love of Thor, nobody said that!" I exclaimed.

I've had enough of this. I called out to Toothless, who shot the sword straight out of Snotlout's hand with a plasma blast.
"Will someone please just tell me what was going on?!" I screamed impatiently.
"Well... we kinda stumbled into some angry Monstrous Nightmares on one of the dragons islands." explained Ruffnut.
"And why did you go there in the first place?"
"Duh, to find a hollow tree to fit in." replied Tuffnut.
"Why would you need a-- You know what, I'm not even going to ask. So why did you go there Snotlout?"
"To collect some Monstrous Nightmare gel. I was running out." he said, holding up a jug of green Nightmare gel. "It was these two muttonheads' idea to disturb the dragons while they were asleep." Of course, I should've known.
"Forget that now. We've got some new neighbours to greet." And with that, we exited the arena and flew to the village huts to look for the Adderlings.

It was quite easy to find the Adderlings' house - we just had to look for the one that wasn't decorated like the others. The gang and I got off our dragons and I went up to the door, knocking on it three times. Seconds went by before I heard a click and the door opened with a creak. A woman peered through the crevice between the door and the frame. I smiled as she opened it further. "Hello, I'm Hiccup Haddock. Stoick the Vast's son. My father asked us to come here and meet your family." She let us in, calling her husband to come.
"I'm Perla and this is my husband, Canute." she said, gesturing for us to sit at the table.
"This is Astrid, Fishlegs, Snotlout, Ruffnut and Tuffnut." I said, pointing at each of them. Canute called for his children to come downstairs and meet us. I thought there was only one. A little boy was the first to come running down the stairs, jumping before his dad caught him from the bottom of the steps. Canute's son giggled as he placed him on his shoulders. "This crazy kid over here is my son, Halvor." his dad acknowledged.
"Hello big people!" Halvor said to us, waving and beaming brightly.
"Awww, he's so cute! Can I carry him?" asked Astrid, stretching her arms out to hold Halvor. He immediately jumped into her arms and sat on her lap, playing with her hair. He had ocean blue eyes and dark red hair, like his mother.

Then the girl my dad was talking about silently crept down the stairs, acting quite shy. She had light brown hair, which was braided into a plait. Even from half way across the room, I could tell she had dark blue eyes, like her father and brother. She avoided making eye contact with us as she made her way to the living room. I heard Snotlout uttering, "Whoa!" in amazement. And amazed he was. He literally couldn't take his eyes off of her.
"Uh, hi. I'm Runa." she looked up from the ground and gave us a bashful smile. Her dad pulled out a chair from under the table and gestured for her to sit down.
"Sit down, Runa. Get to know each other." Runa was about to say something when someone entered the room through the back door.

It was a young girl who looked like she was the same age as Gustav. She hurried to the cupboard in the kitchen and got out something which looked like dragon nip. Then, she turned around and attempted to get out of the house as quickly as possible. But she was stopped by her mum. Very slowly, she turned around to face us and gave us a reserved smile. Her mum shot a look at her so she began walking towards the table.
"Hi," she muttered.

"Hello, what's your name?" inquired Fishlegs, smiling at her. The girl looked at the floor.
"Misty." she murmured.
"Misty... what a beautiful name!" he complimented. Misty blushed slightly.
"Thank you."

There was a seat beside me, so I asked Misty if she wanted to sit. She said she was fine with standing up, but I insisted so she sat down between me and Astrid.
"Right. Well, we'll leave you all to talk." said their mum, holding her husband's arm and going upstairs. It was awkwardly quiet for a while. Ruffnut broke the silence.
"So, I have a feeling you want to know our names. I'm Ruffnut and this idiot here is my brother, Tuffnut." she said, pointed at herself and then at Tuff.
"That muttonhead with the messy hair is Snotlout." continued Tuff, looking at him.
"Over there is know-it-all Fishlegs." Snotlout explained, lifting his chin in Fishleg's direction.
"The blonde, tough girl with the axe is Astrid." Fishlegs said.
"And lastly, the scrawny, one-legged guy - who happens to be the chief's son - is Hiccup." Astrid finished.
"Wow. Thank you for the warm introductions, guys." I said sarcastically. Misty sniggered and I could tell Runa was stifling a laugh. Halvor was laughing too, but only because Astrid decided it was a good time to tickle him.

We heard Halvor whispering our names to himself, looking slowly at each person.
"Astrid, Misty, Hiccup, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Runa and Halvor!"
"Awww, he knows our names!" exclaimed Astrid, squeezing him tightly. For most of the morning, all nine of us - including Halvor - continued to talk about each other, how the Adderlings were finding the change, about Berk and a whole lot of other things.

It was one of the best mornings I've had in a long time.

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