Chapter 7 - Expect the Unexpected

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A/N Hello all the DTs and JDTs out there! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I had writer's clock for a few days so I needed to get some inspiration to write this chapter. Anyway, I hope you like it!!!

Misty's POV
I don't know how long we were talking for but I already knew that we would have a lot of fun here on Berk. We were probably chatting for the whole morning - and we would've kept sitting at the table and hang out if I didn't suddenly remember to do something. My eyes widened for a moment and then I silently got up, letting the others continue with the conversation. The small bag of dragon nip was still on the kitchen counter, along with a basket of fish. I walked over to the worktop, hearing the faint murmurs of the teenagers. Just as I was about to reach for the food, Astrid called out to me. "Hey Misty, where are you going? Why don't you stay?" she asked, all eyes looking at me.
"Oh, I just forgot to feed the dragons. I'll be back soon. Don't wait for me though." I replied.
"Wait... Hold on a second. You have dragons?!" ejaculated Snotlout, shocked. I nodded, smiling.
"Can we see?" said Hiccup.
"Yeah, sure." Runa said, getting up and gesturing them to follow us. Halvor held Ruffnut's and Astrid's hands, pulling them towards the door.

When we arrived outside, all the older kids went straight to the first dragon they saw, Stealthwing. I went over to Firequencher and began to feed him some perch... you know, just minding my own business. He gulped up his food in a mere three seconds, licking his paws soon after.
"Whoa, you have a Hobblegrunt! Who's dragon is this?" asked Tuffnut.
"Mine." Runa replied, "She's beautiful, isn't she?" Runa smiled. Her glowing expression was warm and gentle. After feeding Firequencher, I fed Mum's dragon, Whirlbreath. The Typhoomerang calmly chewed the halibut as she tickled my stomach with her polished talon. Whirlbreath was very caring. She always knew how to make me laugh. In a way, she took her loveliness after my mother. While I was giggling away with the dragon, the others moved onto Firequencher.
"Hookfang would love another Monstros Nightmare to hang out with!" called out Snotlout.

I lifted the basket of fish and heaved it onto my back, making my way over to Skyglider. The seven older teenagers were talking about Mum's Typhoomerang a few metres away. I gently placed my palm on my dragon's snout. She closed her eyes and purred soothingly. Then, I put the basket on the floor and opened the cover so she could eat the remaining few fish.

I turned around to put the basket away, only to find that they were all gazing at Skyglider in amazement. Fishlegs came up to us and asked me what species of dragons she was. I told him she was a Shadetwister and that they were a part of the Mystery Class.
"She's amazing! I've never seen anything like her!" Fishlegs was amazed, all right. Moments later, he began to stroke her neck and back. All the while, Skyglider was swishing her tail left and right, humming joyfully.
"How old are you, Misty?" Hiccup asked me.
"Fifteen." I said.
"I think we should introduce you to Gustav and his friends. They're your age, and I think you'll fit right in with them," he said. I thought about the kids I saw near the huts, and wondered if Hiccup was talking about them.

Before I could reply, I saw a grin appear on Hiccup's face.
"Want to have a spin 'round the village? We'd be able to see how rusty your lot of dragon riders are." My body was on competitive hmode.
"You're on!" Runa and I exclaimed simultaneously. We had accepted their challenge with ease.

Taking Stealthwing and Skyglider out of the stables, we all made our way outside. We were greeted by five dragons. A Gronckle, a Hideous Zippleback, a Monstrous Nightmare, a Deadly Nadder and... "Wow, a Night Fury!" There he was, sitting on his hind legs and was staring at us with wide eyes. The Unholy Offspring of Lighting and Death Itself. Within seconds, all seven dragons were running happily in circles, chasing each other's tails, roaring with pleasure. I screamed with joy as Skyglider sped over to me and threw me onto her saddle so that I could join in the fun. We ran in circles until I lost count of our laps and became dizzy. Fortunately, the dragons got tired and stopped before I was about to pass out. Runa, Hiccup and his friends chuckled as they climbed onto their dragons.

In no time, we were up and away. Flying was my favourite thing to do. It helped me forget all my worries and just concentrate on the pattern of the waves below. The shapes in the clouds. The wind rushing past my face. The sensation of feeling as light as a feather. Flying was the best thing in the world! My daydreams were interrupted by the voice of Snotlout. We landed on a rocky hill in the middle of the ocean.
"Let the master show you how it's done!" he called out.
"And that master is...?" Astrid chimed in.
"Me, of course!" Snotlout replied proudly. Hiccup rolled his eyes and told Runa and I that we'll get used to his constant yapping...eventually.

Snotlout and his dragon, Hookfang, flew off the small island, heading towards a massive rock. They dodged it just in time. Snotlout was screaming helplessly, which explained that he lost control of his Monstrous Nightmare. Hookfang soared through narrow archways, weaving his way in and out of the piles of stone. When they reached the last arch, the dragon changed direction and glided back towards us. But then he bent backwards, flying up higher and higher in the air. Very abruptly, the dragon dived down and was approaching the water. There was no way Snotlout could avoid crashing into the ocean in time. I braced myself for what I was about to see. In seconds flat, I heard the deafening impact as the dragon and his person swooped into the dark blue sea. Even from underwater, I could hear Snotlout's frantic yells. Moments later, they jumped out from the water and spun around in a full circle before landing back on the island beside us.
"Well, that was...something." I tried to compliment, "Who's next?"

A/N Please vote and comment :) Have an awesome day! Byeee!!

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