Chapter 8 - "You Call That Rusty?"

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A/N Hi JDTs and DTs, I'm very sorry for not updating lately but I was able to finish my chapter today, so here you go...

Hiccup's POV
After Snotlout's "amazing" performance, Astrid wanted to show Runa and Misty what she could do. This was going to be interesting. Without hesitation, she ran off the edge of the island, plummeting towards the dark blue ocean below. Stormfly flew after her, waiting until Astrid was a few feet away from the water. Then the dragon caught Astrid with two claws, throwing her in the air before she landed on the saddle. Seconds later, they were dodging rocks, swivelling past archways and spiralling in circles. Even from over here, I could hear the joyful shrieks. Just then Astrid jumped off the saddle, flipping backwards, and then landed back on Stormfly. Wow, she is amazing! But it was not enough to beat my bud and I.

When they came back, I volunteered to go next. In no time at all, Toothless and I were up and away. We flew in circles, doing loop-the-loops and spinning around without a care in the world. As I adjusted the angle of Toothless' tail with the stirrup, as weaved in and out of jagged rocks with ease. His wings titled from side to side, skidding across the water. We were heading towards a large archway. At just the right moment, I jumped off the saddle and landed on top of the rock, with my dragon flying under the arch. I ran to the edge and dropped off, plummeting a few feet until he caught me. "You're timing was a little late, bud." I told him, chuckling. He slapped me with his ear. "Ok, fine. I'm big baby." Instead of going back to the island, Toothless twirled around rapidly, flying higher and higher up. "And now the spinning. Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile." Very abruptly, he stopped and then threw me off his back. We were upside down, plunging towards the ocean. We were face to face, my eyes meeting his.

We were unstoppable, going where no one goes.

"Just a little longer, buddy." I muttered. "Wait for it, wait for it...NOW!" At my command, Toothless turned around and I gripped onto his saddle. Then I placed my prosthetic foot into the stirrup and pushed it down to balance his angle. After a few more flight tricks, we were back with the others. "So what did you think?" I asked Runa. She hmmm'd for a second and then replied,
"That was quite the show, but I think I know someone who can top you." She grinned and looked at her sister.
"Misty?" I asked, confused. Runa nodded. "Alright, then. Let's see how rusty you are." I said to Misty, smiling. She beamed brightly and then readied herself.

"Skyglider, down." she said. The Shadetwister flew off the island and hovered above the surface of the sea, waiting. All of a sudden, Misty sprinted towards the edge and performed a forward flip off the island. She hurtled speedily, approaching her dragon. She landed straight onto the saddle. She and Skyglider flew around rocks...upside down! They performed tricks and spins I didn't even know were possible. Just when  thought it couldn't get any better, Meadow crawled over to her dragon's tail, clinging onto it as she pushed herself off Skyglider. Skyglider, still dodging archways and islands, moved her tail closer to one of her hind legs.

Runa's sister grabbed onto the leg. "Sunset!" she exclaimed. Within seconds, Skyglider's royal purple skin had turned into a shade of light orange and pink, the colour of a magnificent sunset. Amazing! I heard her call out, "High Noon!" as she jumped to the other leg. Just like that, I lost sight of them in the brilliant blue sky. Moments later she yelled, "Evening!" Skyglider changed into dark blue and yellow, the pair shooting through the sky like a star. Lastly, Misty hopped onto the last leg, shouting, "Midnight!" Her dragon's skin was pitch black, like Toothless'. They glided over to us. Misty jumped off Skyglider, smiling at me. "You call that rusty?"
"Okay, I gotta admit it. That was pretty cool." I confessed, raising my hands in the air. It looked like everyone else was speechless; their chins almost touched the ground. Well, excluding Runa, whose smile reached her eyes. "You guys are gonna fit in perfectly!"

Where No One Goes - Jonsi

Let the wind carry us
To the clouds, hurry up, alright
We can travel so far
As our eyes can see

We go where no one goes
We slow for no one
Get out of our way


I'm awake when up in the skies
There's no brake up so high, alright
Let's make it our own,
Let's savour it

We go where no one goes
We slow for no one
Get out of our way


We slow for no one
We go where no one

We go where no one goes

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