Acting Your Age...Sorta

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"Hey, what's that smell?" Mike asked as he and Emma got to the living room/kitchen.

"Breakfast!" Megan smiled brightly.

"Ooh! What's for breakfast?" Emma asked.  

"Eggs, bacon, pancakes, and waffles!" Megan smiled.

"That looks amazing!" Mike said as Megan put a full plate of everything in front of him.

"Hey babe!" Kid Flash flirted with Megan when he came into the kitchen.

"Hi Wal-Kid Flash!" Megan almost slipped.

"What's cooking?" Artemis asked.

Superboy just walked in and sat down.

"Good morning friends, Mike, Emma. Has anyone seen Robin?" Aqualad asked.

"Not since he left with Batman." Rocket said.

"Yeah! When do you think he'll get back?" Kid Flash asked.

"Batman and him are dealing with the Joker. It might be a few weeks." Artemis said.

"A few weeks?" Emma asked, now worried.

"Yeah, Robin gets injuries from Joker a lot." Kid Flash said.  

Recognize: ROBIN B-o1

"Rob!" Kid Flash's eyes lit up and he was gone in a flash.

The same flash was back in the kitchen rummaging through the cabinets.

"Where's the first-aid?!" Kid Flash yelled. 

"Here. Why?" Artemis said, handing KF the box.

"Rob's hurt!" Kid was out again.

Immediately, everyone was heading to the Zeta Beams.

"I'm okay." Robin winced.

"You were stabbed! I'm sure you're not okay." Kid Flash frowned.

"I just need some stitches." Robin winced as he tried to get up.

"Sit. Stay." Roy demanded.

Robin did as he was told.

Roy pulled out some supplies and took care of him.

"Joker?" Roy asked.

"Luckily it was only a stab wound. Wonder why he didn't get his crowbar." Robin thought out loud.

Recognized: BATMAN o1

"Good, you're here." Batman said upon arrival. 

"Yeah." Robin winced.

Batman took over taking care of Robin.

When he did, Batman nodded at Roy as a subtle thank you. 

Roy just nodded.

"Hey Emma." Mike said.

"Yeah, Mike?" Emma asked.

"I feel like one of those documentary people. 'Today, we are observing the Batman in his natural habitat.'" Mike said.

Robin burst out laughing, and the rest of the Team soon followed.

"Thanks, I needed that!" Robin said, still smiling.

Batman sliced the last of the tape and stuck it to Robin.

"Done." Batman said.

Batman looked at Mike and just nodded.

"Robin, you may stay here if you feel like it, but if you're not feeling well, come back to the Bat-cave." Batman said.

Robin smiled and got up.

"'Kay, see you later Batsy!" Robin smiled.

Batman left through the Zeta-Beams.

"So...anyone wanna do some karaoke?" Robin smiled madly. 

"You are ON!" Kid Flash zoomed out of the room.

"Last one there is a rotten egg!" Robin yelled as he ran after KF.

Immediately everyone ran to the living room.

Unfortunately, Mike was the last one there.

"ROTTEN EGG!" Robin yelled and threw something at Mike.

Mike got hit on his forehead.

 It was an egg.

It dripped down his forehead, onto his nose, and just dripped down more.

"What was that for?!" Mike yelled.

"You were the last one here." Robin said, "Therefore, rotten egg, gets hit with an egg!"

Robin crackled.

"Excuse him, it's a bad choice he has. We should have told you before; he's a child." Artemis said.

Emma snorted.


"HEY! I'm not a kid! I'm fourteen for your information!" Robin yelled.

"Kid." Artemis said.

"You are only two years older than me!" Robin growled.

"Please, let's not start with the fighting again." Aqualad said.

Robin huffed and turned away.

"Aqualad's right. Sorry Robin." Artemis said.

"...Fine. Let's do karaoke now!" Robin jumped up and down.

"Forgetting something?" Mike pointed to his face.

"I'll get you a towel!" Miss Martian said.

"I don't improves his face, what do you think Rob?" Kid Flash smirked.

"HEY!" Mike yelled.

"Yes, it's definitely an improvement." Robin nodded. 

Mike growled and tried to catch KF and Robin.

"Mike! MIKE!" Emma yelled.

"What? You heard what they said!" Mike scowled.

"They're children! You're an adult! Act your age!" Emma said.

"We're NOT children!" Everyone on the Team yelled.

"I'm fourteen!" Zantanna and Robin yelled.

"I am seventeen." Aqualad said.

"Eighteen." Red Arrow growled.

"I'm fifteen." Rocket and Artemis had hands on their hips.

"Sixteen!" Kid Flash pipped in.

"Oh! I'm also Earth years of sixteen!" Miss Martian smiled. 

"Sixteen...I guess?" Superboy was confused.

"You guess?" Emma asked.

"He has the body of a sixteen year old,  but he's only two months old." Megan said, handing the towel to Mike.

Mike washed off his face.

"How is that possible?" Mike asked.

"Clone." Everyone said.

"Well then..." Emma said.

"Sooo...karaoke?" Kid Flash held up the microphone. 

Everyone smirked.


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