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Thank you Awills2021 for suggesting to bring Wolf into this mess! :D  

"So, have you ever had to go be a hero during school?" Emma asked.

"Yes." Most of the Team responded.

"What's the weirdest excuse you've used to get out of class so you could save the world?" Emma asked.

"That I had to use the restroom." Artemis said.

"I pretended to be sick." Robin said. 

"I spilled water all over myself." Kid Flash said.

"Restroom." Megan said.

"Same with Miss Martian." Superboy said.

"I do not go to school." Aqualad responded.

"Restroom." Zantanna and Rocket said.

"Seriously? You faked being sick?" Kid Flash asked.

"I didn't fake it. We were making soup in cooking class and I was paired up with this kid who put like, everything in sight in our pot. We had Twizzlers, peas, a bunch of random stuff in it. Anyways, I ate some of it to prove a point to the teacher. I ended up vomiting on his shoes." Robin said.  

"Ewwwe." Artemis' face scrunched up in disgust. 

"I felt off for days." Robin shivered. 

"So, speaking of well-being, how many injuries do you get every time you go out?" Mike asked.

"It depends on the villain we're facing." Robin said.

"How so?" Emma asked.

"Well, as you saw today, with some villains we don't get any injuries. With others...well, our life is hanging by a thread." Robin said.

"Who gets into critical state a lot?" Emma asked.

"Robin." Kid Flash said.

Robin wasn't looking at any of them.

"You have to remember though, that he has to face crazies like Joker." Kid Flash said.

"Yeah, he's...horrible." Artemis shivered.

A loud bark was suddenly heard.

Emma screamed when a giant WOLF came into the room.

The mutated wolf walked over to Superboy and sat down next to him.

"Hey boy!" Superboy smiled and petted the wolf.

"What is that?!" Emma yelled.

"That is Wolf. He's a wolf." Superboy said and went back to petting Wolf. 

"You have a wolf as a pet?" Emma tried to understand. 

"Yes." Superboy said.

"Uhm...having a wolf as a pet...well, wolves aren't normally pets." Emma tried to explain. 

"So?" Superboy asked.

"So? SO?! He might eat you!" Emma yelled.

"Wolf is very nice. He's even house-trained! He wouldn't hurt you. Not unless you provoke him!" Megan smiled.

"Why don't you pet him?" Robin smiled from his spot, lying next to Wolf and petting him.

Wolf, in response to Robin, laid his head on Robin's chest and stretched out.

"Aren't you scared of him?" Emma asked Robin.

"No. He's like Batman! Looks mean and scary, but is really a cuddle-bug!" Robin laughed.

Emma got close to Wolf and then petted his fur.

Wolf's fur was surprisingly soft and smooth. 

"Oh! Mike, come pet him! He's so soft!" Emma smiled.

Mike came over and petted Wolf too.

"Wow! How do you keep his fur so soft?" Mike asked.

"Wolf gets a bath three times a week." Megan said, "And then we comb through his hair!"

"That must take a lot of time." Emma said.

"Not really. His fur just looks thick, really it's just thin and really soft." Megan replied.

"So, any one else want food?" Kid Flash asked.


"This is very good, Miss Martian!" Emma smiled as she took another bite of her chicken noodle soup.

"Thank you! I made it all from scratch." Megan said.

"Chicken noodle soup is the best when made from scratch!" Robin smiled.

"Now if only I can get my cookies correct like my soup." Megan said, pulling out a batch of burnt cookies.

"Hey, you'll get there someday! All it takes is practice." Emma said.

"Oh! I know this person who is makes GREAT cookies. Like, the best cookies you'll EVER taste! Maybe he can come over and help you out sometime!" Robin said.

"Wait, wait, WAIT! Are we talking about Agent A's cookies?!" Kid Flash yelled.

"Who else makes great cookies?" Robin smirked.

"YES! Agent A's cookies are the BEST! When can he come over?" Kid Flash vibrated in his seat, really excited.

"I'm not sure. I need to check with Agent A and Batman." Robin said.

"Getting a cookie lesson from Agent A? Miss M, you're a lucky girl." Red Arrow said.

"What's so special about this 'Agent A' anyways?" Artemis asked.

"He's only the greatest person EVER! I mean, Batman trusts this man with his life! You know that he's high ranking when BATMAN TRUSTS him!" Kid Flash yelled. 

"How come we've never heard of Agent A before?" asked Rocket.

"He's top secret. Only a select few know about him." Robin said.

"How long has he been a superhero?" Megan asked.

"Uhmmm...quite a while." Robin said. "He's been around before Superman. I mean, he raised Batman. So, he's like...GrandBat? He's the oldest hero." Robin thought. 

"He raised the Batman?" Artemis asked in disbelief. 

"Helped raise me too!" Robin smiled.

"Wait...does that mean that there's two Batmans?" Kid Flash asked. 

"Hummmm...No, I don't think so..." Robin put the question aside to ask Batman later.

Robin and Kid Flash looked at each other.

"More like...Batman and GrandBat." They agreed.

"We shouldn't call him GrandBat though, he'll kill us if we call him that. It's just like DaddyBats. Let's be safe and keep it to Agent A." Robin told them.

Everyone agreed, after all, who wanted to get into a fight with the person who raised the Batman?


"So, as you'll be staying here for the next month, you shall have semi-permanent rooms. This means that you'll have rooms, but not codes." Aqualad explained after dinner. 

"And here are your rooms." Kid Flash said, coming to two doors side-by-side. 

"Our rooms are all down this hallway too, so if you hear noises, it's us." Artemis explained.

"Unless you hear noises that are gun fires, in which case, someone may have broken in." Robin said.

"But no one will break in because this is know League territory." Megan said, trying to calm down the reporters.

"But they know we know that they know, and they might try to break in anyways." Robin said.

"But they're not because that's stupid." Kid Flash glared at Robin.

"You have to be ready for anything." Robin whispered and then disappeared into the shadows.

"Dude? Dude! How do you do that?!" Kid Flash looked for Robin in the shadows.

Robin's crackle was heard.

"IF anything bad happens, or you have a nightmare, we're here." Aqualad reassured everyone.

"But be alert. It's night. That's when all the crazies come out." Robin warned from the shadows.

"By crazies, he means him." Kid Flash said.

Emma laughed.

"No, he's serious. Robin, Joker is out. Let's go." Batman said, coming out of no where. 

Mike jumped.

Batman and Robin disappeared into the shadows.

Recognized: BATMAN 01, ROBIN B-01

"You better get used to that. Batman and Robin pop out of no where whenever." Kid Flash said. 

Artemis laughed, "Understatement!"

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