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"Uhmmm... there's no chance of pretending that that didn't happen, is there?" Artemis asked. 

"No." Emma said, shaking her head.

"I-I'm so sorry!" Robin said, looking at Megan with wide eyes.

"You were are still in shock. It's okay." Megan said, bringing a cold towel to Robin's forehead.

"So what we saw was your memories?" Rocket pieced together.

Robin looked down but nodded.

"So, you're...Of course, you are, Mr. We'll-laugh-about-this-some-day!" Artemis smirked.

Roy and Wally looked at each other.

"Listen, we have our secret identities for a reason. No one will say anything about any identities for now on. No matter what you've heard or seen." Aqualad took control of the situation.  

Emma and Mike nodded in agreement.

"So...what now?" Mike asked.

"Well, I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to have like what we just had. So, no more Lion King. Ever." Rocket said taking the movie out and putting it back into it's case.

Everyone agreed.

"What would your villains say about you?" KF asked.

Everyone looked at him.

"Just...questions! A little normalcy. At least, the most we can get with this business." Kid said.  

"My villains would call me 'Baby Flash' and spar with me. They're pretty nice." Kid Flash shared.

"My villains used to call me 'Speedy,' now if they do, I break their hand." Red Arrow glared at the floor.

"My villains always say that they'll have revenge. Cliche stuff." Zantanna said.

"Same!" Rocket smiled.

"Mine try to kill me." Artemis said.

"My King and I's villains try to take over the world or destroy it." Aqualad said.

"I don't really have any villains. I mean, they call us children, but that's about it." Megan said.

Superboy grunted in agreement.

"Well, Catwoman calls me her 'Kitten.' Riddler just likes to tell riddles. Penguin wants money. Freeze is looking for a cure for his wife but turned to a life of crime to find a way to cure her. Poison Ivy really likes nature. Killer Croc is a murderous crocodile. Clayface wants revenge. Harley Quinn is in love with the Joker. The Joker is insane and abuses Harley. Man-Bat is just an evil scientist. And Hugo Strange is a messed up psychologist. Basically, Gotham is for the insane and murderous type. Oh! They all call me 'Boy Blunder' or by my name and original title." Robin concluded.  

"Any nicknames your heroes call you?" Emma asked.

"RA and Thing Two." Red Arrow said.

"Zee!" Zantanna smiled.

"Rock." Rocket answered.

"KF, Kiddo, Kid, and Thing Three." Wally said.

"Arty." Artemis grumbled.

"Megan, as you now know, Miss M, Meg, Megs." Miss Martian answered. 

"I do not have any. I mean they use Fish Boy jokingly, but that's it." Aqualad said.

"None. Superman doesn't even talk to me." Superboy's hands clenched into fists.

"I have so many! Bird, Birdie, Bird-boy, Robbie, Boy Wonder, Wonder Boy, Rob, Cutie, Little One, The First, and Thing One!" Robin smiled.

"So, you're the first, then Red Arrow, then Kid Flash. Who's next?" Mike asked.

"So, it goes me, Red Arrow, Kid Flash, Aqualad, then we saved Superboy, then Miss Martian joined our team, then Artemis, then we kidnapped Zantanna, and then Rocket joined." Robin said.

"You kidnapped Zantanna?!" Emma was surprised. 

"Hey, it was bound to happen sooner or later!" Robin said.

"Zatara was angry, but he'll get over it." Zantanna said, shrugging.

"So, how exactly was this Team formed?" Mike asked.

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