School Day

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"Wow." Emma said after original four told their story.

"'Got your nose?' Really?" Artemis looked at Wally.

"It worked, didn't it?" Wally smirked.

"Baywatch." Artemis rolled her eyes.

Robin suddenly gave a large yawn. 

"Nap time?" Wally asked.

"Mmmm." Robin wanted to curl up and take a nap.

"I got this." Aqualad picked Robin up and brought him to Robin's room.

He soon returned to the living room.

"I suggest we do as Robin and get some sleep. We do have school tomorrow." Aqualad said.

Everyone started getting up and leaving to go sleep in their rooms.

Aqualad stopped the two newscasters though.

"I would like to express my concern over how tomorrow will play out. If anyone is in civilian clothing tomorrow at breakfast, I have to ask you to not record any video or audio during that time. I also ask that you do not reveal any identities that may come to light." Aqualad said.

"You're the boss right now." Mike nodded.

"We wouldn't want to put any of you in more danger than you already are." Emma said.

"Thank you both for being in agreement. I shall see you both tomorrow morning." Aqualad nodded before leaving.


When Emma and Mike walked out into the kitchen/living room, they were met with the teens all in the kitchen, helping themselves to food.

Kid Flash was completely unmasked and stuffing his face with food.

Miss Martian was no longer green, but a Caucasian girl in a skirt, blouse, flats, and shrug. 

Superboy was wearing his hero clothes, but his shirt was plain black.

"How has no one noticed that you're Superboy when you just change shirts to become a hero or civilian?" Emma asked, completely dumbfounded by how stupid the population seemed to be.

"We still don't know. Honestly, we gave up trying to understand how no one knows our identities by now." Wally shrugged.

"Muffin?" Rocket asked, pushing a tray of Chocolate Chip Muffins to the two news reporters. 

Emma grabbed one and started to eat it.

"So, we already know Miss Martian is Megan. Are we allowed to know anyone else's?" Mike asked.

"No. The less you know, the better. That way if anyone kidnaps you, you can't give away us or our families." Robin said, with slight bitterness in his tone. 

"Why do I have a sneaking suspicion that that happened to you?" Emma asked, too attentive for her own good.  

"I can't answer that. Identity." Robin said, looking into his cup of apple juice. 

He was no longer hungry for his Chocolate Chip muffin. 

"We have all had some bad experiences. I think it's best to not talk about them." Wally said with a grimace. 

"Okay. I didn't mean to start anything." Emma said.

"It's fine. Just drop it." Robin said, getting up and taking care of his half full dishes. 

He walked out and into the Zeta Tubes to go to Gotham.

"I really didn't mean to start anything. I was just curious-" Emma started.

"It's fine. Robin had been through some really tough stuff. The topic of family is really...sensitive to him. Just try not to bring it up." Kid Flash interrupted her. 

"I think family is a sensitive topic to all of us." Aqualad said.

Emma nodded and dropped the topic.

But Miss Martian frowned.

She needed to fix this.


Soon, the cameras were back on and it was only Aqualad, Red Arrow, Emma, and Mike.

"So, you don't go to school." Emma said as they sat in a slightly awkward silence. 

"This is very boring." Red Arrow said, getting up.

"Let's spar." Red Arrow suggested.

"Negative. We have sparing tonight." Aqualad said.

"Want to watch Flaming C?" Aqualad asked. 

Red Arrow sighed, "Why not?"


The four of them spent the next few hours watching the Flaming C.

Finally the Zeta Tubes called out the first heroes to return from their school.

Recognized: Robin B-01, Artemis B-07

"Hey! We got two back!" Emma smiled as said two heroes walked in.

"Wal-Kid Flash gets out in thirty minutes." Robin said.

"Cool. How was school?" Mike asked.

"Boring 'cause it's school." Artemis huffed and then plopped down onto the couch.

"Boring because it's too easy. Again." Robin growled slightly.

"Again? School has been too easy before?" Emma asked.

"Yep." Robin nodded.

Recognized: Kid Flash B-03

"I'M BACK!" Wally screamed as he came to the mountain. 

"KF!" Robin ran to the teleporters. 

Everyone heard a crash before they came running into the other room.

Kid Flash and Robin were on the floor, Robin obviously jumped onto Kid Flash as soon as he saw him. 

Kid Flash got up, Robin in his arms, and started making his way to the living room.

There, he laid down on the couch and let Robin curl himself around KF.

Recognized: Superboy B-04, Miss Martian B-05, Zantanna B-08, Rocket B-09

The four of them walked into the living room, looking at Robin and Kid Flash as if it was a normal scene, which it probably was to them.

Superboy just came over to Wally's feet, picked them up, sat down, and then put Kid Flash's feet on his lap.

Suddenly, a light snore came from the body on top of Wally.

Everyone smiled as they watched their little bird protectively. 

That was, until Batman called on the intercom, "Team, report to the mission room."

Immediately, Robin was awake. 

However, Megan was no where in sight.


Batman told everyone that they were to take Miss Martian's Bioship and go have a stakeout in the woods.

He told the Team that he had everything packed and in the Bioship already.

When the Team and news crew got there, sure enough, everything was packed up and ready to go.

When everyone boarded, Batman along with them, the Bioship's door closed.

Everyone quickly turned to the door and then looked at Batman who was sitting in Miss Martian's pilot chair.

Suddenly, Batman turned into Miss Martian!

Or rather, Miss Martian turned back into herself.

"Wait. What?" Emma and Mike asked in confusion.

"I'm kidnapping everyone!" Megan smiled and started flying the Bioship.

"YES!" Zantanna and Rocket yelled together. 

Robin laughed his crackled laugh.

Red Arrow and Aqualad face-palmed.

Wally smirked and high-fived Robin.

Artemis looked slightly mad, but mostly happy.

And Mike and Emma had NO IDEA what was going on.

Superboy had a questioning look on his face.

"We're going camping!" Megan called out to all of them.

"I like where this is going." Emma smirked.

"Kidnapping is the BEST!" Zantanna and Rocket said, with looks of pure enjoyment on their faces.

Oh yeah, this was going to be fun.

So, this turned from not knowing how to continue to somehow going on a camping trip.

I don't know how it happened, it just did. 

Tell me what you think! Please! :D 

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