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"So what do you guys normally do around here?" Mike asked.

"Play games, watch TV, eat, sleep, yell as Kid Flash and Artemis have shown." Robin smirked and gave a small crackle.

"Don't forget you got into that too dude." Kid Flash gave a light punch to Robin's arm.

Robin made a face at him.

Kid Flash made a face back.

They both ended up laughing.

"We do other things like shopping, going to the beach, sleepovers!" Miss Martian slipped in.

"And training." a voice came from the door.

Everyone looked over to see Black Canary in the door.

"Black Canary!" Miss Martian smiled.

"Training!" Aqualad suddenly remembered, "I'm sorry Black Canary! Time slipped away from me!" 

"I can see that. As I can also see that we have visitors." Black Canary looked at the news anchor and the camera.

"You didn't know?" asked Artemis.

"No, seems Batman forgot to tell me." Black Canary frowned.

"That's weird. Batman never forgets." Red Arrow said.

Everyone looked at Robin.

"Don't look at me! I didn't even know about this!" Robin put his hands up.

"Why was no one told about this then?" Kid Flash asked.

"Because I forgot to tell." Flash said as he suddenly appeared in the room.

"Sorry, I was supposed to tell you and the rest of the League, but I got tied up with Captain Cold and Trickster." Flash said.

"And you just got out of that?" Black Canary asked.

"Noooo. I was supposed to tell you on Tuesday, buuuuut I forgot after the fight. I just remembered when I turned on the TV and saw the channel you're live broadcasting on. By the way Hi fans!" Flash smiled at the camera. 

Everyone except Superboy, Megan, and Aqualad face-palmed. 

"You and I need to talk after training." Black Canary whispered to Flash.

"Team, training room!" Black Canary addressed them all.

"You might want to be careful in there. They tend to get a bit...well, just watch out." Black Canary told the two visitors. 

Once the Team, Black Canary, Flash, and the guests were all in the room, training began.

"So, who wants to go first?" Black Canary asked.

"OH! ME, ME, ME! PICK ME!" Kid Flash jumped up and down waving his hand in the air wildly. 

"How about...Kid Flash?" Black Canary said unenthusiastically.  

"YES! So, babe, after this how about we go-AHHHH!" Wally was cut off by Black Canary who already took him down.

Robin crackled, Artemis gave a chuckle, Superboy looked unamused, Megan was a bit worried, Roy was mad (as always), Zantanna winced, Rocket had wide eyes, and Aqualad just shook his head.

"How many times do I have to say 'We are here for training. Nothing more, nothing less.'?" Black Canary asked.

"Right babe! Be prepared to be taken down!" Kid Flash grinned.

"In your dreams!" Artemis whispered to Robin, who laughed even harder.

"Is Kid Flash always so...cocky? And flirty?" Emma asked. 

"Yes." Everyone except Black Canary and Kid Flash replied.

There was a thump and 'KID FLASH: FAIL' was on the floor. 

"Honestly Kid?" Black Canary was unimpressed. 

"Who actually WANTS to try?" Black Canary asked the group.

No one cared to raise their hand.

"You're all doing it. Best to get it over and done with." Black Canary said.

Aqualad stepped up.

The two got into their fighting positions.  

The match lasted a few minutes before Aqualad ended up on the floor.

"Can anyone tell me what happened?" Black Canary asked.

Several hands popped up.


"He got tired." Rocket said.

"Yep. That's why you'll all be working on that this week. But first we need to find out who is where." Black Canary explained the training session.

"Artemis." Black Canary got into her fighting position.

 Artemis was down in less time than Aqualad, but she still put up a good fight. 

"Miss Martian."

Megan was down in less time than Artemis.


Zantanna put up a good fight, but was down before Artemis but later than Megan.


Rocket was down before Aqualad, but after Artemis.

"Red Arrow."

Red Arrow lasted the longest so far.


Superboy was down before Artemis.


Robin lasted the longest of them all, in fact, it looked like he and Black Canary were equally matched.

"Draw." Black Canary got out of her fighting position. 

Robin nodded and got off the training floor.

"You'll all start with punching a bag for as long as you can. For those who can go long, you'll cut off will be 5 hours." Black Canary said.

"5 HOURS??!!!" Kid Flash had wide eyes.

"Piece of cake." Robin smirked.

"DUDE! NO WAY can you go 5 hours!" Kid Flash yelled.

"Have you SEEN Batman train me? Try more like 13 hours!" Robin said.

"No way! That has to be like...abuse!" Kid Flash said.

"No. It's training. Besides, I can handle it." Robin said.

"Red, Aqualad! Back me up here!" Kid Flash said.

Red Arrow shrugged and Aqualad grimaced. 

"I'm human. I have to train more if I don't want to get killed. It's okay, KF." Robin said and walked away.

"Black Canary!" Kid Flash looked at her.

She just shrugged, "It's true. He's human. He has to work harder."

"Besides Kid, you're questioning BATMAN'S training." Red Arrow said.

Kid Flash gulped.

Hey! Sorry if this chapter is a bit weird. I was kinda getting out of it in the middle there. 

Anyways, feel free to leave suggestions/comments/reviews! 

Thank you!!! :D


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