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"So, wanna play a video game?" Kid Flash asked them.

"Sure!" Emma smiled.

"Hey, do you have a tripod or something? You can play too." KF said.

"Sure, just give me a minute to set it up." Mike shuffled through his bag of equipment.

He pulled out a tripod and set it up.

Mike took a seat on the couch and grabbed a controller.

"So, this game we are all playing against each other. To play you use these buttons. This one is to jump, this one is a boost, this one is to go, and this one is to stop." Kid Flash pointed at the buttons.

"Okay, so you have to collect as many coins as you can. And it starts in 3...2...1...GO!" They all started playing.


"Dinner is done!" Megan called out from the kitchen.

It was also at that moment that they finished the latest game.

"I WIN!" Kid Flash screamed.

Mike and Emma groaned again.

"Now, what's for dinner babe?" Kid Flash asked.

Artemis huffed in disgust. 

"Spaghetti!" Megan smiled.

"Yum!" Artemis smirked.

Kid Flash was in a seat at the table in a flash. ( :P )

"And I'm also trying a bread called 'French Toast'!" Megan smiled.

"Uhmmm...not to burst your bubble, but French Toast isn't normally put with bread." Emma said.

"I know, but it's the first time we have cinnamon! It somehow always disappears after I get it." Megan said. 

Robin, who was in the middle of chewing his second bite of French Toast stopped suddenly.

"Cinnamon?" Robin asked with wide eyes.

"Yeah, that's what the recipe calls for; cinnamon, eggs, milk, vanilla, and a few other ingredients." Megan said.

Robin immediately got up, ran over to the sink and started spitting.

He turned on the water and started to get as much of the French Toast out of his mouth.

Suddenly, Robin fell to his knees, wheezing with every breath.  

"Oh my gosh! Robin!" Kid Flash started panicking. 

Red Arrow ran over to Robin's side, "Kid Flash get Batman! NOW!"

"What's going on?" Mike asked.

"He's allergic to cinnamon!" Red Arrow said.

"I didn't know! I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" Megan started panicking.  

"It's not your fault." Robin said weakly.

"Robin, breath, don't talk." Red Arrow said.

Robin nodded.


"He'll be fine." Batman said.

He came over to Megan.

"I thought that having the cinnamon disappear every time you got some would be enough of an indication that you shouldn't get it." Batman said. "I was obviously mistaken." 

Megan looked down in shame.

"However, no one is to blame...except me. I made the..mistake...of not telling you all about Robin's allergy." Batman admitted. 

Everyone gasped.

Batman NEVER admitted that he was wrong! 

"He will be fine Miss Martian. However, lets stay away from food with cinnamon." Batman gave her a small smirk.

THE BATMAN just smiled, joked, AND admitted he was wrong.

All to make Megan feel better.

"I'm sorry!" Megan burst and hugged Batman.

NOBODY hugs Batman...except Robin. 

Batman hugged back.

"As I said, it was not your fault. However, I want you all to look out for cinnamon in the future." Batman said.

Megan pulled away and nodded.

Batman nodded and walked away.

"D-Did that just happen?" Kid Flash asked.

"I think so." Red Arrow said.

"Wow." Kid Flash said.

Red Arrow nodded.


A few days later, Robin came back in full health.

"Robin! I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" Megan said.

"It's okay! I'm fine now. See?" Robin twirled.

"Still, I should have-" Megan started.

"No. It's not your fault. I should have told you. It was my mistake." Robin said.

Megan nodded.

"Any other allergies or things to look out for?" Artemis asked.

"Besides Daddy-Bats? Nah." Robin crackled a little.

"Daddy-Bats?" Emma asked.

"Batman when he gets overprotective of me." Robin explained.

"Speaking of Batman, he gave Miss Martian a hug! AND he smiled. AND he made a joke. AND he admitted he was wrong!" Kid Flash said. "All in the same paragraph!"

"Wow! Seems like you're getting to him Miss M! Before you know it he'll be cuddling with you!" Robin laughed.

"Batman cuddles?" Superboy asked.

"Yeah. Underneath that mean, dark exterior, he's just a big teddy bear!" Robin smiled widely.

"Seriously?" Artemis asked.

"Yeah! He likes to cuddle, ESPECIALLY on nights that are like, rainy or snowy, or we have a bad patrol. He likes to cuddle near the fire place, under blankets. And we get hot chocolate with mini marshmallows! Sometimes we get cookies too!" Robin smiled brightly.

"Wow. Never would've guessed Batman is a cuddlier." Emma said. 

"Most people don't. But he gives the BEST hugs and cuddles. Trust me, I've hugged everyone in the League. Coincidentally, I have also cuddled everyone in the League." Robin said.

Emma laughed, "I take it you like to cuddle."

"Yes! It's the best thing to hugging!" Robin smiled.


"So Batsy...cuddling?" Flash smirked.

"Shut up." Batman's eyes narrowed.

Cuddlier or not, Batman was still scary!

But not to Robin...

And perhaps...JUST MAYBE...not to his Young Justice Team. 

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