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Newsie: Jojo

Time Period: Modern AU

Backstory: Youre currently trying to finish something super important for school, being the excellent student you are who totally doesn't procrastinate. But a certain somebody sorta needs your help...

Y'all, fyi this is a super long one,

have fun, lol


"I swear, why can't biology be as simple as the mitochondria being the powerhouse of a cell?"

So here I am, at 6 pm, going over my notes with a mug full of coffee in hand. I have a huge biology project due tomorrow and I'm so freaking stressed about it. There are so many things you need to know and if you don't know at least understand the basics of this class, you're practically screwed.

Huffing, I throw back my head and shut my eyes for a bit. Today has just been exhausting with work and school. All I want to is cuddle with my boyfriend and just watch something on TV with him.

Come on, Y/N, you got this. In 24 hours, you'll be on your couch, binge watching whatever you want with a bowl of popcorn in your lap.

I sigh as I get back to studying.

Suddenly, I hear someone putting a key into the lock and opening the door. As the person closed it, they sneeze very loudly.

"Hey babe," said Jojo as he sets his stuff on the counter, "what are you doing?"

Before I could answer him, he sneezes and rushes to get a tissue. I look at the clock and realize that it's a bit early for him to stop by. Knowing that he was probably sent home because he's sick, I get up from my couch and head towards him.

After he threw away his tissue and washed his hands, he turned around and gave me a quick hug, "I just wanted to come by and spend a bit of time with you before I got home."

Stepping back a bit, I put the back of my hand against his forehead and he seems to be a bit warm. Both his eyes and nose look red and his voice is scratchy. Yup, he's definitely sick. Jojo honestly looks miserable.

"Hey, have you taken any medicine today? You honestly seem sick," I asked him as I went around him to get to my medicine cabinet.

"Yea, *sneezes and coughs* but I don't think it did much considering how I feel and look like. I left rehearsal early today because I couldn't dance without coughing or sing because of my throat," he said as he closed his eyes and placed his hands on the kitchen counter before leaning against it.

"Hey, why don't you go to my room and change into comfier clothes. I'll bring you some medicine and you just rest," I said as I placed some cold medicine on the counter.

He looked over and saw all my stuff sprawled out in my living room and began to shake his head, "No, you're studying and I don't want to distract you."

Rolling my eyes, I stand in front of him, my hands placed on either side of his face.

"Jojo, you're sick and that matter more at the moment. Go do what I say, don't worry about anything else right now." I kissed his cheek before moving away. He sighs as he makes his way to my bedroom. Since we sometimes sleep over at each other's places, we keep some
of our stuff at the other's place.

I boiled some water so that I can make this cold medicine my friend gave me when I got sick. As I finish up in the kitchen, Jojo walks in with some sweatpants and the sweatshirt I might or might not have stolen from him awhile ago...

"Hey, I was looking for this one all over at my place and you didn't think of telling me it was here the whole time," he asked with a small smile.

Shrugging, I gave him an innocent smile. "I mean, you signed up for that when I became your girlfriend, so..."

He opened his mouth to say something but he sneezes instead and then starts coughing.

After giving him some tissues and letting him drink some of the tea, I  wrapped an arm around his torso, leading him to my bedroom.

Once we make it there, I make him sit on the bed and let him drink the rest of the tea. Taking the cup away from him and placed it on top of my nightstand, Jojo and I lie down on my bed.

He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close, and I don't mind. I mean, I know his sick, but this is so worth it at the moment.

We really didn't say much. I just stayed there until he fell asleep, combing my fingers through his wavy, brown hair. His breathing eventually became even and I knew he was finally sleeping.

I carefully unwrapped his arms from my waist and made sure my blanket was covering him. Once he was all bundled up, I took the empty cup from earlier and quietly left my room, closing the door as gently as I could.

I put the cup in the sink and made my way back to the couch so that I can finish up the project. Without realizing it, I pretty much stayed up finishing the project. Every once in awhile, I got up and checked on Jojo to make sure he was okay. The whole night was practically a blur of biology, coffee, and checking on a sleeping Jojo.

Finally, around 5 am, I finish the project and decided that I might was well take a nap before heading off to my 8am class. I set my alarm for 7:15 before I grabbing the blanket to wrap myself and sleep on the couch.


All too soon, my alarm goes off and I feel pretty dead. However, I knew I needed to turn in the project, so I got up with a groan and made my way to my room to check on Jojo.

Upon entering my room, he's still asleep and has his arms wrapped around my stuffed animal, Luna. Laughing quietly, I take a quick picture to send to him later.

I take a quick shower and get ready for the day. As I was brushing my teeth, a send a quick message to Race, asking if he could facetime real quick before I got to class. The clock read 7:47, so I knew had to leave right now or else be late. I write a small note, leave it by Jojo's phone, and give him a kiss on his cheek before leaving my room. I grab my stuff and keys to head out of my place when Race starts to facetime me.

"Mornin' Race," I said as I closed the door.

His smiling face filled my screen, "Morning Y/N, what's up?"

Attempting my best to look energized, I give him a run down of the current situation. "Do you mind coming by and checking in on Jojo? He got sick and crashed at my place last night but I can't stay with him right now. I have to turn in a project in like ten minutes."

"Yeah, no problem," he gave a closer look to the screen before sighing, "Y/N, did you get any sleep?"

Taking a deep breath and running my hand through my hair, I questioned him, "Why, is it that obvious?"

Race just nods and I pretty much told him how I stayed up till 5 working on the project and checking on Jojo every once in awhile.

Arriving at my class, I had to end the call with Race. "Hey, I'm actually here at my class, can I talk to you later?"

"Yeah, good luck with the project. I'll probably be over at your place in thirty something minutes."

"Perfect, see you later Race and thanks again."

He waves at me before ending the call. Ugh, here goes nothing with the project.


Once I was done with everything that I had to do today, I went back to my place and pretty much crashed on my bed. However, I changed into my running shorts and hoodie that I stole from my boyfriend, knowing that I can feel much more relaxed with that on.

Suddenly, I got a text from Jojo that said, "Race took me home earlier, but I'll come by later again to spend time with you. Love you❤"

Playfully rolling my eyes, I text back, "Sounds good babe, I'll be here, bring food🍟, love you too😘"

I sit down on my couch and began to look for a series that I had become obsessed with. Finally, I find Brooklyn Nine-Nine and start watching it.

However, halfway through season five episode four, I start to feel super sleepy and I close my eyes to what I thought was five seconds.


3rd POV

Jojo arrives at Y/N's place, feeling much better than he did yesterday.

"Hey princess, I was thinking we could go out and---"

He walks in and finds Y/N asleep on the couch with the tv on. Smiling, Jojo shakes head and sits next to her, wrapping the blanket around both of them two.

Y/N sort of wakes up when she feels something moving around her. Opening her eyes just a tiny bit, she realizes that it's her boyfriend. "Oh, sorry babe, i fell asleep--"

Giving her a small kiss on the top of her head, he spoke to her quietly.

"Hey, its okay princess, why dont you rest, you stayed up all night studying and taking care of me"

Y/N began to pout, "But the food-"

"I was going to ask you if we could go out and eat but you need to sleep. You stayed up too much last night, just take it easy, baby," he said as he combed her hair with his fingers.

Still sleepy, Y/N yawns, "Yeah, I just want to cuddle right now."

She automatically snuggles closer to him, placing her head in between his neck and shoulder. And within two seconds, Y/N falls asleep. Jojo chuckles while he was wrapping his arms around her and let's her keep sleeping.


I wake up two hours later, feeling way better than I did earlier today. As I moved my head towards the tv, I saw that Jojo was watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine. He was watching one of the Halloween heists.

I gave him a quick peck on the lips before asking, "How's the show?"

Looking down on me with his handsome face, he replied, "Honestly? I just want jake and Amy to get married already. And Rosa? Love her character."

Giggling, I shake my head, "Trust me Jojo, they will... they will..."

"Hey," he gently took my face and turned it away from the Halloween heist that was occuring on the screen, "by the way, thank you for taking care of me last night. I honestly don't know what I would do without you."

Giving him another quick peck on the lips, I happily accepted his thanks. "Of course love, you're super important to me, I will always be looking out for you and will take care of you when you get sick."

He suddenly gives me another kiss, but this time, it was longer. Before we would get too carried away, my stomach started growling. Breaking the kiss, I gave him a cheesy grin.

"Umm, my stomach is sending me a message, so lets order some food."

Rolling his eyes, a grin was plastered on his face, "Of course, let's order some food."


Ahhhh, I absolutely loved writing this one! Please don't forget to comment and vote!

Love y'all!


[P.S.: Idk if this is only a Hispanic thing, haha, but I actually drink this when I get sick. Let me tell y'all that it works so well for me. The tea is not bad, the lemon flavor helps me drink it.]

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