Fire: Part 2

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Newsie: Race

Time Period: Modern A/U

Took a bit but here it is, the Fire Part 2!

Btw, I think y'all need a little laugh or smile because it kinda got serious/sad at in this part.

Anyways, enjoy!


Grabbing her hand, he brought it to his tear-stained face. "Please, Y/N," he choked, "don't leave me... don't leave me yet, baby..."

As Davey continued to give her CPR, the EMTs arrived on scene along with the firefighters who began to put out the blazing fire.

"Please," Race cried as they got closer, "help her!"

One of the EMTs calmly asked Race to step aside while the other took over and thanked Davey for his help. However, Race wouldn't budge. He wanted to stay right by Y/N's side.

The EMT spoke to Race again, "Sir, we need you to step aside, we can't assess her if you're close."

"Race," Davey sternly said, "move out of the way, let them do their jobs so that they can help Y/N."

Shaking his head, Race didn't budge. Jojo and Albert came to him and started to pull him away, but Race struggled. He had held the love of his life in his arms, unconscious. He was scared of what's going to happen to her.

As the EMTs began to put her on the stretcher in order to take her to the hospital, one of them shook their head. "She inhaled a lot of smoke, we gotta go."

Race's stomach dropped when he heard what the EMT said.

Oh God, no...

With a sudden surge of energy, he broke free from the grasp his brothers had on him and sprinted towards the ambulance.

"Y/N!" He repeated her name over and over again as he saw the doors close. Right before he reached the vehicle, he was tackled to the ground.

Race began to struggle against whoever just took him down. Somehow managing to look up, he saw that Davey had taken him down. "Race, settled down!"

The ambulance began its route to the hospital, and all Race could do was watch at the vehicle race away.

His head swiftly turned to Davey. "How the hell do you think I'm going to settle down!? Y/N's is in an ambulance, God knows what condition she's in! If you guys would've left me be with her, I wouldn't have-"

"If you don't settle down, I'm going to take drastic measures," Davey warned.

"Then get the hell off me! If you hadn't stopped me, I could've gotten in the ambu-"

Suddenly, a fist flies towards Race, and before he could do anything about it, the fist collided with his face.

Davey had just punch him in the face.

Albert looked at him in disbelief, "What the hell, Davey?!"

Jojo looked up to the sky, "Now he's gonna have a shiner when he goes to see Y/N."

Race was startled for a second before he swung back at Davey. The two scuffled on the ground until Jojo and Albert tried to pull them apart. However, Davey managed to punch him one more time.

When Jojo called his name, Race didn't respond.

"Davey, what did you do to him," questioned a concerned Mush as he got nearer to the group.

He didnt even bothering answering him. "Just breathe, Davey, in through your nose and out through your mouth," muttered Davey under his breath. "Okay, Jackson, get me some water and a towel from the house."

"On it, Uncle Davey." And with that, the boy sprint into the house.

As the trio chided at Davey for punching Race out cold, Jack and Katherine looked at their barn. The magnificent barn they had built from the ground up was destroyed. In the back of his mind, Jack prayed that the safe was able to survive the fire. So many precious items were in that safe, losing it would crush him. However, he managed to at least get one thing out.

Looking down at the wooden box in his hand, he opened it and began to tear up. Katherine stopped looking at the barn and focused her attention to what was in Jack's hand.

A gasp escaped from her and her hands flew towards her mouth. "Jack...," she whispered.

Davey looked over and immediately recognized the box. His gaze went up to Jack's face and realized what was going on. Jackson arrived with the items he had asked earlier, so he showed the other guys what to do. Looking back at Jack, he knew he needed to check on him before going to the hospital.

"Hey, take him to my car and keep the wet towel on his head," Davey instructed as he gave Albert his keys, "I need to check on Jack before I go." The guys nodded and Davey hurried towards Jack.

Without saying a word, he gently placed his hand on Jack's shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. Looking down, he saw what was making both Jack and Katherine tear up.

The picture of Jack with his parents before they died.

"This is all I got left of 'em," his voice was barely above a whisper, "I don't know what I would've done if I lost this..."

Knowing better than to say anything, Davey pulled him into a tight hug. Jack hugged him back as hard as he could, trying to pull himself together.

"Jack, baby," Katherine placed her hand on his shoulder, "we should check on everyone else and Davey needs to take Race to the hospital to be with Y/N."

Pulling back from the embrace, Jack wiped away some of the tears that managed to escape. "Yeah, okay, go to the hospital, Davey. Call me for anything."

Giving him a small smile and nod, Davey started to head towards his car.

"Aye Davey!"

He looked back at Jack, "What?"

Shaking his head, Jack gave him a small grin, "Next time, try knocking him out with one punch. You'll save yourself a couple of bruises."

Giving a slight chuckle, Davey rolled his eyes as he hurried towards his car. Thanking Jojo, Albert, and Mush for their help, he began to make his way to the hospital with a knocked out Race beside him.

"Hey Race," he began, "I know you might not hear me, but I did what I had to do. Sorry about that, buddy."

Groaning, Race barely opened his eyes but gave Davey his signature smirk. "You hit pretty well though," he mumbled, "I wonder who taught ya."

Chuckling, Davey shook his head, "You're lucky I didn't give it my all."


At the hospital, Race was at Y/N's side right when she woke up.

"What's going on? Why is everything white..."

She looks over and sees a tearful Race, and she gently places her hand on his less bruised cheek, "What on earth happened to your face..."

Before he could answer, Davey walks in with some clean clothes for Race and Y/N, "All you need to know for now is that it was the only way to get him to the hospital peacefully."

Y/N jaw dropped open as she stared at her handsome, yet bruised, boyfriend who only gave her a small shrug and grin. Race went into the bathroom to change out of his smoke-cover clothes while Davey spoke with Y/N about the last episode of The Office they saw.

"And when Jim walked in as Dwight, I absolutely lost it," Y/N laughed as she wiped a tear from her face.

Davey tried his best to imitate Dwight, "Identify theft is not a joke Jim! Millions of families suffer  every year!"

Right as the pair said, "Michael," Race walked out clean with new clothes.

"Thanks for dropping off the clothes, Davey, I owe ya one."

Getting up, he gave Y/N a quick kiss on the forehead before giving Race a bro hug, "No problem, call me if you guys need anything."

Once they were alone, Race didn't hesitate planting a soft kiss on Y/N's lips. With his forehead on hers, he whispered, "Please, never ever scare me like that again. I don't think I can ever take seeing you so motionless ever again."

Placing her hands on both sides of his face, careful due to the bruising, she gave him the smile he knew and loved, "Don't worry, baby, you ain't getting rid of me anytime soon."

Chuckling, he shook his head before pulling his beautiful girl towards him for another kiss.


Woah, this was way longer than the 1st part😂

Welp, thanks to whoever reads my book, I honestly can't believe how many people have read my book! As of rn, July 1st, 2020, at 2:15 am, around 3.2K people have read my book and that is mind blowing!

Again, thank you guys so much for reading, don't hesitate sending me a dm or commenting here any story ideas you guys might have in mind.

I would love to hear from y'all, so please comment and vote!

Stay safe!


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