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Newsie: Race

Time period: Modern AU

Background info: You and the Newsies are in New Mexico visiting Jack's art gallery opening. And to fully celebrate the occasion, Jack invited all of y'all to his ranch on the outskirts of the city. As the party was happening, the barn somehow catches on fire.



Everyone looks over to what the boy was pointing at. The barn on Jack's ranch was becoming engulfed in flames. They stood frozen for a second. However, three people sprung into action.

Y/N sprints into the barn, worrying about the horses that were stuck in the stable. Knowing that they didnt have much time left, she immediately opens the stalls and takes the horses to the pasture. There, the horses could be a safe distance from the fiery barn.

While she's racing against time to free the other horses, Y/N hears Race and Jack taking the horses out as well.

Race warns Y/N about the barn's condition. "Y/N, hurry up! The fire is getting worse!"

She was doing everything as fast as she could.

Suddenly, the brave girl felt the flames coming towards her, the heat get intense. Looking to her left, she sees Jack head into a room.

Panicked, she called his name on the top of her lungs, "Jack, what are you doing!? We need to get out! Hurry, go go go!"

He emerges out of the room with something in his hands. "Okay, go," he yells, "I'm right behind you!"

The two were sprinting as hard as they could to get out of the barn. They feel the cool summer night as they exited the barn, heading towards their friends.

"Katherine," Jack called, "I got these things out of the barn before they could get ruined."

Before Katherine could say a word, their child, Jackson, screams, "Where's Uncle Race?!"

Looking around, Y/N and Jack realize Race didn't make it out of the barn with me.

"RACE!?" Y/N screams.

"I CAN'T SEE RACE," yells Jojo as he looks into the barn for his brother.

Y/N knew what she had to do. Before anyone could stop her, she starts booking it towards the barn again.



She ignored the yelling of her worried friends and hurried inside the barn to look for Race, calling out his name at the top of her lungs.

"Race! Race! Where are you!?"

She keeps yelling at the top of her lungs, hoping that he would hear her. Before long, she begins to be smoldered by all the smoke. The smoke is burning her lungs, but she's determined to find Race.

As her coughs begin to get worse, she calls out for Race but it became weaker.

"Race... Race..."

"Y/N... Y/N... Y/N..."

Y/N feels like my brain and eyes are deceiving her. She swears that she can see Race's shadow in the smoke.

Coughing once more, she whispers his name, "Race?"

All the sudden, she's seeing two of everything, including two Race's. Y/N could hardly speak at this point when she feels her knees buckling.

The smoke became too much for her to handle.

Before the darkness overcame her, she could feel someone pick her up.

"Stay with me, Y/N, stay with me!"


Race's POV

I run outside to be greeted by my friends yelling frantically.

Looking around, I noticed that Y/N was nowhere to be found. Panic began to set in when i realized i couldn't find my baby anywhere.

"Where's Y/N," I asked, panic evident in my voice.

Davey quickly replied to me, "She ran inside back into the barn."

I felt as if I was hit by a semi, the air being knocked out of me. "SHE WHAT?!"

Jojo suddenly appeared out of nowhere and gave me a bear hug, "She was looking for you because we couldn't find you at all."

"I was making sure all the horses where in the pasture-"

But knowing she was inside the barn, I took off before anyone could stop me.

Inside the nearly collapsing barn, I find Jack looking for her as well.

"Any luck," I yelled.

"No, but I think-"


We both freeze before we hear her again.

"Race! Where are you!?"

Without uttering a word, we both hurry down smoke-filled barn. I had to find her before it was too late.

As we turned the corner, I saw her collapsing into a small lump on the ground.

"Y/N! Y/N! Y/N!"

Oh God, I thought, please dont let her die.

Jack and I get to her, and I quickly pick her up bridal style and start to follow Jack out of the barn.

"Stay with me, Y/N, stay with me!"

Running out towards the exit, we hear wooden beams falling down, causing embers to fly everywhere.

"This way," Jack said, "that's the exit! Hurry before we get trapped in here!"


As all three of them arrived outside, they hear everyone scream as the roof of the barn fell in.

Looking down to an unconscious Y/N, Race begins to panic.

Y/N wasn't breathing.

"Oh God, no! Someone, call 911!"

Davey looks at Y/N and his medical knowledge kicked in.

"Race, we have to give her CPR, now!"

Race gently puts a still Y/N on the ground before Davey began to give her CPR. Tears ran down on Race's face as he sees the love of his life still.

Grabbing her hand, he brought it to his tear-stained face. "Please, Y/N," he choked, "don't leave me... don't leave me yet, baby..."



Haha, please comment and vote to get a part 2! I mean, only if you want a part 2🙃

Thank you guys so much for reading, good you enjoyed this update!

Love y'all,


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