The Refuge

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Newsie: Race

Time Period: During the Strike

Backstory: You and Race have feelings for each other but haven't made it official yet. But alas, you did something heroic for a fellow brother.


"Cheese it, it's da Bulls!"

Y/N's heart froze for a second when she heard Jack yell those words. She was about to make her escape when she heard her best friend's cry for help.


Y/N looks back and sees him stuck between the Delancey Brothers, fear filling his eyes.

Without a second thought, she grabbed the closest Newsie, which happened to be Mush, and they both went over to help Crutchie.

"Mush, take Crutchie away from here, I'll distract the Brothers," Y/N frantically told Mush.

Mush immediately shook his head, "No! I'll distract-"

She suddenly cut him off, "No, neither of y'all deserve to go. I'll cause a big enough distraction to buy you guys some time. Now go get Crutchie, I'll handle it."

With a huge hesitation, Mush waited until the brave girl Newsie distracted the Delanceys and Snyder.

Putting on her signature smirk, she threw a rock at Morris to get their attention. When they both look back and see her, their eyes flamed with fury. "Hey morons! Dontcha want to catch me?"

The Brothers drop Crutchie and chased after a running Y/N, giving Mush a chance to pull Crutchie away.

"Crutchie! Go with Mush!"

Race was making his way out of the distribution center with his brothers Albert and Jojo when he heard the commotion. Looking back, his eyes widened in terror as he saw Y/N being sacked by the Delanceys and knocked out by Snyder. He lost his self control when he saw Y/N being dragged away to the Refuge.

"Y/N! NO!" Race tried to run towards you but was pulled back by Albert and Jojo.

He was becoming even more hysterical by the second. "LET GO OF ME! I NEED TA GET HER! Y/N!" However, his brothers dragged him away from the center in order not to be caught by Snyder or the bulls.

Albert tried his hardest to convince a frantic Race to calm down and think. "Race! We lost Y/N, but we can't lose ya too. She's a tough goil, she'll pull through."

However, Race quickly shook his head, "Ya don't get it, Albert, she was knocked out by Snyda when she helped Mush get Crutchie."

A single tear ran down his cheek.

"She gave hoiself up so dat Crutchie don't go to da Refuge," his voice barely above a whisper.

Jojo looked at Albert and they both nodded. "Come on, Racer," Jojo urged, "we need to check on da others. Hopefully no one else was taken."


The next few days were some of the most depressing days for Race. He wouldn't eat, sleep, or even gamble. He began smoking even more than usual from how anxious he felt.

It got even worse when Specs went to the Refuge to see how Y/N is holding up and brought back a letter.

Dear Anthony,
How are you? I'm doing alright, I guess. My bruises aren't as bad as I though but I think I need Specs to check on some of them. How's Crutchie doing? I'm glad he didn't come here, no one deserves to be here unless you committed a true, horrible crime.
Oh! Before I forget, I actually made a couple of new friends here. However, two of them have been by my side since I got here, Rosie and Anthony (just like you). Their parents disappeared and Snyder caught them, for no good reason, and brought them to the Refuge. When we get free, I want to take these two kids with me. I don't want to lose them.
Stay strong, Anthony, stay strong and fight for all the working kids of New York City.



A tear managed to fall from Race's eyes when he finished reading Y/N's letter.

Making his way up onto the rooftop of the Lodge, Race looked over the city and raised his head to the sky.

"I won't give up, Y/N, I won't give up."


"Newsies of New York!"

(dramatic pause brought to you by Jack Kelly and your lazy writer)


The crowd of Newsies and working kids of the city burst into cheer as they heard those words.

It's over, the strike was finally over!

Despite the wonderful news, one Newsie couldn't help but feel a bit glum. Race wasn't able to fully celebrate their victory without his partner in crime. He was so distracted by his train of thought about Y/N that he didn't hear when the officers coming in with some people.

Jojo shook Race when he pointed out a special someone, "And there's Y/N!"

It only took two seconds for Race to practically race (haha) towards Y/N and they both embraces each other in the tightest hug imaginable.

As he hugged her, Race softly spoke into Y/N's ear. "I missed you so much, you have no idea."

With tears in her eyes, Y/N whispered back. "Me too, Race. You were the one person who kept me going Race. I love you so much."

Race suddenly pulled back and stared at the beautiful girl in front of him. "You... love me?"

Nodding her head, the beautiful girl smiled brightly at the handsome blue eyed newsboy. "Yes, I always have the day you rescued me from them Brooklyn boys."

Chuckling at the memory, Race carefully tucked a strand of Y/N's hair behind her ear.

"Well, since I'm going to be your boyfriend now, I don't think they'll bother ya anymore."

Raising her eyebrow, she smirked, "Oh, so you're my boyfriend now?" He nodded before he started to lean in.

Y/N automatically leaned in as well and their lips met halfway. They didn't hear all the other newsies scream and yell their joy to see the two share there first kiss.

However, they were interrupted when someone pulled on Race's pants. Breaking apart from their magical moment, the two looked down at two adorable four-year kids.

"Race," Y/N said with a wide grin, "meet Rosie and Anthony. Rosie and Anthony, meet Race, my-"

"Boyfriend," Race said, cutting off Y/N. Crouching down, Race shook both of their hands, "Y/N has told me that you two are very close with her."

Rosie nodded, and gave a small smile, "She's reminds me of our mama."

"I want her to be our mama," said little Anthony.

Looking up to a glowing Y/N, Race asked the two kids an important question. "Do you two want me to be your papa too?"


So there, finished another oneshot! In advance, I'm sorry if it's cringy but thank you so much for reading!

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