Yes, I'm Alive Tag

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Tagged by Nycnewsgirl illmakeupaheadline and thatone_girrrll

Well hello everyone, long time no see, lol

So here I am, yes, I am alive and sorta well. School has been such a pain in the butt, especially since I'm doing online. It sucks because the teachers bombard us with work since we're staying at home. It's stupid but what can I do about it? 

Anyways... here's a tag that I was meant to post awhile ago but didn't get to until now, so enjoy :D

1. What is your real age

Uhhh, dieciséis

2. What's your worst nightmare

Its a tie between something horrible happening to a loved one and dying alone because I didn't find love

3. What's your most significant wish

Hmmm, to honestly survive high school. I want to die in ap physics and honors precal

But in all seriousness, I really want to become a doctor. Its been my wish since I was 9 years old and I feel like its a huge way to show gratitude to my parents for all of their sacrifices.

4. What's the most hurtful thing you've said to anyone

Uhhhh... "I don't know if I could ever trust you again. You've hurt me so bad that I don't know if I want to be around you anymore."

5. Ever had a crush?
Fictional? Pfft, so many its honestly concerning sometimes

Irl? Yea, like 3 or 4 but only 1 was an actual serious crush. The others were just small, temporary ones.

6. Does your crush like you back?

At one point they did but that was before I actually liked them. So technically, no...

7. What's your ideal type?

I can't describe him physically because I would like to think that their personality matters way more than looks.

Butttttttt..... I would love it if they could sing or just like music in general (if we don't sing Something to Believe In or any Gabriella+Troy duets then imma be upset)

Imma be honest here, Broadway actors and Wattpad boys have ruined my expectations for the male population. Like, have y'all read the other Newsies fanfictions about Davey and Jack, the Les Mis ones about Enjorlas, the Gilbert Blythe ones... and of course, the Lahey boys from The QB Bad Boy and Me series. Like, these dudes honestly sound perfect, so hopefully I can find my own Broadway/Wattpad boy in the future. (btw, I have reading lists on my page so if you're curious about some of the mention books, you can go check them out! I'm telling y'all, it's so worth reading a lot of those books :D)

I would like a tall dude. I don't know why but I love being hugged by a taller person. Makes me feel safe ig, haha

Being active is important too, i want to make sure we can keep each other accountable with working out

They better be animal/baby lovers because dudes playing with animals and adorable babies is honestly super cute (I would pass out at the sight)

Respecting women is a huge yes/no deal for me. If he views women as objects or just treats them with disrespect, he ain't it and i will kick him to the curb. I'm not going to deal with an idiot who doesn't think that women aren't as strong or hardworking as men because i bet you that they wouldn't last being a woman for a day (especially when Mother Nature comes by)

But most of all, I want a guy who shares my same religious belief. If he doesn't go to church or even believe in God, that's going to be a huge issue.

8. What hurts you the most?

When people think that they can just walk over you. Like, that's just such a disgusting thing to do and I've been on the receiving end of that. So yea, that really hurts me.

9. Who was my first follower?

Omg, I feel super bad because I cant remember... I'm so sorry whoever it is but thank you for being my first follower!

Btw, if you're reading this, comment here and tell me because I want to make sure you get recognized, haha

10. Who's the closest to you among your followers?


I honestly dont know tbh, I really haven't talked to a lot of people for some reason. But I would love to! So, if any of yall would like to talk with me and become friends, I would be totally down for that, haha

But to answer the question in a different way, I think Aisling is really cool (PineapplesAndPapes). As well as Crystal (Nycnewsgirl).

11. Who makes you feel worth it?

My loved ones, whether they're family or friends. I just want to make all of them proud and somehow give back to them for everything they've done for me, whether it was big or small. But most importantly, I feel like God reminds me everyday that He loves me and that He has great plans for me.

12. Who was the last one to appreciate your writing


13. What did your last pm say?


"Hello there!! I love all of your books!! I can tell you are as big of a Newsies fan as I am I hope you have a great day!! :D"

Btw, , I love you're books as well, im working on the plot you gave me :)

14. What's my phone wallpaper?


So I can do this thing where my lock screen can change to 15 different photos.

And I decided to have quotes from The Office and Brooklyn Nine-Nine because they're on the top of my favorite shows of all times

Tag 15 people 

uhh... here's what I got ¯\_(ツ)_/¯



So there you have it folks! Ig y'all learned a little more about me and hopefully it was worth reading. I'm currently working on other parts but rn, school is a priority for me and so I won't spend as much time on writing like I would want to. Again, if y'all have any ideas or requests, don't hesitate to dm me or comment here!

Thank y'all so much for reading, don't forget to comment and vote, love y'all!


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