You New Here?

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Newsie: Jack

Time Period: Modern AU

Background Info: Lately, you've been dreaming about a really cute guy who sings and whatnot. And everytime you wake up, its depressing because he only lives in your dreams. Well, until now...

For any of the future Jack imagines, just try and read it in his thick New York accent because this girl's attempt to write his accent is gonna be pitiful, lol


Your POV

"Hey, Y/N, wanna go on that roadtrip you've been talkin' about?"

Looking over, I see the cutie that has been in all of my dreams lately.

"Sure, I said, why not?"

Grinning ear to ear, he took my hand and led me to his car, "You're gonna love this, baby."

As soon as we got in, he turned on the engine and the roadtrip began.

I look over to take a good look at his face.

What. A. Face.

The sun was hitting at the exact right angle that his forest green eyes were nothing but gorgeous. Nothing but joy and life were in those mesmerizing pools of green.

Then his voice.

Oh my goodness, his voice.

It was as if an angel came down from above and was singing with the purest voice. The beautiful sound was so enchanting that I didn't notice that he looked my way and gave me a smirk, followed by a wink.

My body felt like goo as I sat back and focused on the road ahead of us, still tuning everything out except the hypnotizing sound that came from within him.

Despite singing along to the radio, his smile never left his face.

Pausing during the commercial break, he looked over at me and placed his right hand over mine, "What's going through your mind, baby?"

"Nothing, just enjoying life and these moments with you..."

"Well, that's what you get when you spend time with Jack Kelly." After saying that, he gave me another wink before focusing completely on the road.

Jack Kelly...

Suddenly, he begins to call my name.

Y/N... Y/N... Y/N...


I woke up startled, realizing it was all a dream. Again.

"UGHHHHHH," I groaned into my pillow as the sound of two pesky creatures became louder.

"Y/N, we gotta go to school," yelled my sister as our brother jumped on my bed. I grab another pillow to cover my head, groaning in the process.

"I swear if they have the pans again, there's going to be a double funeral," I thought as the two were torturing me. This is part of a daily routine with them that I detest with these two rascals.

Knowing that I had to inevitably get up before my mom could come into my room and yell at me, I pushed off both of them to the floor.

Thump thump!

"Ow! Y/N, that was mean!"

I rolled my eyes before answering, "I had to get both of you off my bed since I know you two would like to live and see thirty."

Needless to say, they both stared at each other silently, nodding in agreement.


Oh, the joy of your mother yelling at you in the mornings.

"You better be awake by the time I'm up these stairs or you can forget ordering food for the rest of the week!"

Knowing that'll probably want something on Friday, I got out of my bed and miserably made my way towards my bathroom.

It should be illegal waking up early for school. Looking at my clock, I saw that it said 5:50 a.m..

I was robbed of 10 minutes of sleep!?

Unless it was my mom's idea, someone is about to die. No, I'm not kidding.

My voice boomed through the two-story house, "Why did someone steal 10 precious minutes of my sleep!?"

Not even two seconds later, I see two little blurs pass by my room and one of them made a sound. "Because Mom needs you to drop us off today!"

Mentally screaming in frustration, I make my torturous journey to my bathroom.

Mom passed by my room as well, carrying my brother's backpack and sister's jacket, "Honey, I got to go in for an emergency call. Hurry up so that I can at least see you eat something before leaving."

I nodded my head and she dashed down the stairs, her hair still wet from her shower.

"Well, got to start the day now," I said to myself as closed the bathroom door and turned on the shower.

10 minutes later, I walk out and made my way to my closet, still upset over losing some valuable rest in my cozy bed.

Looking at my clothes and considering how tired I am, I decided to not try.

Honestly, I feel pretty lazy, so imma wear whatever smells clean at this point. I eventually chose my outfit, after realizing that I have to do my laundry.

My outfit consisted of a grey F.R.I.E.N.D.S. sweatshirt, the only good smelling jeans, and my trusty black Roshes.

Do I care that I I effort into the outfit? No, it's high school. If you try, then good for you. Sitting through classes with some of the most annoying people on earth takes too much energy, so might as well the little I have left at this point.

Darn, I wish i could've stayed asleep longer. I would've spent more time with Jack Kelly...

Man, he is fineeee...

Too bad he would probably only exist on TV or in books.

I snap back into reality when I here my mom calling me.

"Shoot, Mom's emergency call."

As I flew down the stairs and entered our lovely the kitchen, I hear my dog Lucy bark to be let in from the backyard. Smiling, I open the door and greet the little furball.

"Morning Lucy, how's my favorite girl doing," I cooed as I gave her the usual morning belly rub. After giving me a whine and small yap, she gets off her back and makes way to her food bowl.

As I gave her some food and clean water, my siblings were finishing up breakfast as Mom was getting her stuff for work.

"Where's Dad," I asked as the pleasant aroma of Toaster Strudel filled the kitchen. It might not be the most nutritious thing, but it sure makes my day better.

So I like food, sue me.

"He had to go to work early today, so can you drive the twins to school? I need to get to the clinic stat, Mrs. Hailey's dog, Gail, is about to have puppies and they need me," she said as she gets ready to leave.

My parents usually took turns on giving my siblings a ride to school but on occasion, I would drive them to school.

"Mom, just go, Gail needs you right now. Since I enter later than the twins, call me if you need anything from the house." I toss her the keys to her car and gave her the lunch bag she prepared for herself.

Sending a quiet prayer to heaven, she gave both the twins a quick kiss on the top of their heads and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"You're a lifesaver, thank you sweetie," she said as she grabbed her coat.

Halfway out the door, we could hear her say goodbye, "Bye kids, love you, behave at school."


"Okay guys, go get whatever else you need," I said as I head to the fridge to get my lunch for the day.

As I made my sandwich and packed some snacks, I couldn't help but seeing the smile that was sweet as butter.

Ugh, I thought, this imaginary boy is going to be the end of me.


After dropping off the rascals, I made my way to school. During the drive, I practically performed entire musicals by myself. For today, I decided to belt out to Waitress.

If you were passing by me in another car, you would think I was crazy. Do you know what though? It's life, my car, my music. You don't get an opinion. There for, I don't care.

Right when I parked in my usual spot, Bad Idea had just ended. Perfect timing if you ask me. Sending a quick prayer to heaven for patience in a school full of idiots, I gathered my things before getting out of my car.


For some reason, as I entered the school, I feel a buzz in my pocket.

Free food🍟: Girl, you ain't gonna believe what just happened!!!

Me: What

Free food🍟: Theres a new kid.

Me: And your point is...?

Free food🍟: He looks like a senior

Me: And.......

What is air?

Oh my gosh...

This cant be...

Me: Where's my oxygen?

Free food🍟: Idk, I'm still trying to find mine

Me: Where the heck are you!?

Free food🍟: He's currently in the choir room playing on the piano



Free food🍟: Dang, ok sis, chill


Free food🍟: oh...



My heart is racing as I start to near the choir room. There's not possible way this is real, right?

I need someone to pinch me. Hard.

I see my friend and she is ecstatic.

"Oh my gosh, so that's him? That's the dude you've been dream about?"

I take shaky breaths before confirming, "Yeah, that's him. Dude, I never thought that he could be real."

We were suddenly aware that he was singing a song.

I'm fallin', baby
Through the sky, through the sky
I'm fallin', baby through the sky
It's my callin', baby
Don't you cry, don't you cry
'Cause I'm fallin' down through the sky

And it's a tune you can hum
Oh, Broadway here I come

Like out of something from a movie, both of our jaws dropped and we slowly turned to face each other.

That voice is so much beautiful in person that I think I'm about to cry.

Y/F/N gave me a little nudge before nodding her head towards his direction. "Good looking and is musical? Girl, he's the one."

I totally agree with her, "I know! Like look at him, he looks like if he literally just came straight off of Broadway."

"Y/N," I look over to my friend who looks like she's about to have a heart attack, "You should totally be his guide!"

I froze at her words, my brain racking for any words to form some sort of response that wasn't gibberish. But that only thing that managed to come out of my mouth was, "Dszahdh!"

Before I knew what was going on, Y/F/N opened the door and pushed me into the room.

And when I turned around, the door was shut and she was no where to be found.

I slowly turned around and for the first time ever, I was face to face with the guy from my dream.

He was even more fine in person than in a dream.

The room was silent for a couple of seconds before someone cleared their throat. That someone was me.

"Umm, sorry to barge in on you like this. I, uh, heard you when my friend and I passed by outside."

Giving a slight chuckle, the fine dude got up from the piano and proceeded fix his clothes a bit. I don't know if I'm still imagining things, but I swear I saw tiny blush creep up on his cheeks.

"Oh, uh, it's totally fine. Ise never really played in front of a beautiful girl."

Now it's my turn to blush.

Suddenly remembering my manners, I stick out my hand for him to shake in which he accepts, "My name is Y/N by the way."

A smirk appears on his face as I gazed into his beautiful forest green orbs, "A beautiful name for a gorgeous girl."

I retract my hand from the handshake (even though I really liked how his hand felt in mine) and gave him a playful glare. "My my, I would think that you don't waste time complementing random girls."

A hint of fun glimmered in his eyes, "Only for da smart, beautiful, independent ones. And youse seem ta qualify. Da names Jack Kelly by da way."

Remembering everything that I've dreamt for the past couple of weeks, I couldn't help but smile, "Well then, Jack Kelly, you new here?"

He nodded before collecting his backpack from the floor, "Yea, Ise just moved heah from New York."

Leading him out of the choir room, I decided to take my chance, "Would you mind if I guide you around for the day?"

Smiling, he gave me a nod, "Not at all Gorgeous, not at all."

Giggling to what hopefully might be my new nickname, I lead him to the hallways of our high school, "Then it's settled. Welcome to your new school."

Slinging his arm around my shoulders, he decided to add onto my statement, "And to the beginning of a beautiful friendship, Gorgeous."


Oh my gosh, 2000 words.

Well, it's late so I probably wont double check for writing errors rn, haha

Thanks for reading, please vote and comment, I would really like to read y'alls reaction to this imagine

Heads up, this imagine has a part 2 as well

[A hint is that it's inspired by a song that Jeremy sings even though he says he messes it up *spoiler alert, he doesn't, he perfects it ;)*]

Love yall,


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