Come here you can sit in my lap untill I'm done working

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Requested by SomeRandomNothings

Spot POV
I was currently sitting at the table in the living room while working on case on my laptop. When all of a sudden there's a loud crash. "Shit!" I hear my boyfriend say. "You ok babe?" I didn't here a response so I got up to go see what my idiotic boyfriend was doing.

I walk into the tiny kitchen to see what my boyfriend was dong. "Tony? Are you ok?" I ask him as I notice him on his stomach spread out like a starfish. I hear him mumble something incoherent. I laughed a little at him and went over to him and knelt beside him.

"I'm sorry what was that baby?" I asked him while running my hands through his hair. "I said why don't you let me sit with you?" he whined while lifting his head up and turning onto his back.

I chuckled a little at him and scooped him up bridal style. I then sat on the couch and placed him in my lap. "I let you sit with me all the time" I said to him. Race then sat up in my lap so he was facing me.

"No not like that,like how I am now,sitting with you in your lap." He complained to me "yeah cause last time I did it ended with both of us in bed." "well sorry I can't keep my hands to myself" he said while trailing his hands up my thighs.

I took both his hands and kissed them. I then pushed him off of me and went back to the case I have to work on for class. "Spotty" Race whined at me. He then came over and started kissing my neck. "Ugh fine" I said while caving into his antics. "Come here you can sit in my lap untill I'm done working" Race eye's lit up and he squealed with delight.

He climb onto my lap and I kissed his head of his beautiful blonde messy curls and rested my head on his shoulder. "What's the case about?" he asked "something about insurance I can't say much else even though it's not a real case were not supposed to provide details to the public."

"You'll make an amazing lawyer Spotty" Race said to me while kissing me on the check. "Thank you,you'll make an amazing actor." I said while warping my arms around him and giving him a kiss on the neck.

I hope that was good let me know what you think. Also to the people that gave me prompts sorry there taking so long.

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