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Spot and Race were just walking home from school while holding holding hands like always when it started to pour. "Uhg you've got to be kiden me the one day i don't bring an umbrella" Spot mumbled "oh come down Spotty boy it's just rain don't you just want to sing and dance in it" Race said while starting to dance "you've got to be kidden me are you seriously going to Gene Kelly on me" "correct you are my little Spotty boy" "im a year older than you Higgins" "yea well im taller" "whatever". "Come on Spotty come dance with me" Race whined.

Race starred to dance around the side walk while jumping in puddles. Then he litterly started to sing in it. Spot just stood their staring at his crazy boyfriend. Aw what the hell he thought to him self as grabbed Race by the wrist and started to twirl him around. Spot then dipped him and mumbled out the last line "just singing and dancing in the rain" and kissed Race on the lips.

I know it's short but I thought it was cute.

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