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a/n: this first one is for Thomas.

I wander around Comicon, just hoping to catch a glimpse of an actor or actress I like. It had been a bad week for me, as a weird condition I have has been acting up. I don't feel presentable in the case that I do meet anyone. My dark hair is twisted up in a bun, the bright purple streak hanging loose. I push my black "hipster" glasses up my nose and hold my cane tighter. I look at my clothes. A school hoodie and a pair of ripped jeans, some black leather boots and a ying and yang necklace. Finally, I spot the Maze Runner cast, as they come out for a meet'n'greet. I hobble over, and half of the girls here run towards them. I have a phobia of crowds, and as about three hundred people swarm me, my claustrophobia kicks in. A get pushed and fall down. I reach for my cane, but someone kicks it and it skitters away. There's no way I can get up now. I curl up in a ball and cover my head, praying that no one kicks me or jumps on me. I feel a pair of arms lift me up off the ground and pull me away. I have my eyes clenched shut, but I assume it's my older brother, who came with me after I begged him for two months, bribed him with cupcakes and promised he wouldn't see anyone he knows there eight times. I feel a tear roll down my cheek. My saviour sets me down on a bench and uses a thumb to wipe away my tears.
"Hey? It's okay, you're okay," a boy whispers in my ear. It's definitely not my brother. This boy has a nice British accent. He wraps his arms around me, and hugs me. I feel fluffy hair in my face. I open my eyes, seeing some undefined shapes. Great, I lost my glasses, too. The hair is blonde, so it's no one I know. I live in a small town, and 95% of us are either of British decent or Finish decent, which means there are like, five, people I know who are blonde. And four of them are girls. And the other one I hate. I pull away and try to make out the facial features of my hero. I can't make out anything. He's just a blob.
"I believe these are yours," he laughs, noticing my squint. He places my glasses back on my face. I gasp. My hero is Thomas. Brodie. Sangster.
"Holy crap holy crap holy crapcrapcrapcrap!" I whisper.
"What? Is there like a bloody massive spider on my face?" He touches his face.
"Um no. You're -"
"Yeah. Thomas Brodie Sangster. I am aware," he laughs.
"I'm sorry if I was a bother, Mister Sangster," I say quietly.
"Mister Sangster? Call me Thomas," he laughs.
"Um, okay. Sorry if I was a bother, Thomas."
"You weren't."
Was that a compliment? I have no idea.
"What's your name?" He asks.
"Adrienne," I whisper.
"How pretty." Now that was a compliment.
"Um, I think you're a very good actor."
"Wow, thank you."
"I guess you probably have to go back to your fans, so if you could just grab my cane over there, I'll be out of your hair, and you won't have to be bothered by me anymore."
"Well, Adrienne, I'd rather not. Tell me a brief synopsis of yourself."
"I like to read, write and play music. I guess I'm kind of a singer-songwriter."
"Ha, I love reading. Do you ever write fanfiction?"
"A little..."
"What for?"
"The Maze Runner."
"Characters or cast?"
"Out of the cast, who's your main subject?"
"Erm... you."
I sigh. Might as well. I take a deep breath.
"So this is gonna sound really weird and I'm really young like way to young to date you but I've always wanted you to be my first kiss is that at all possible it's okay to say no happens all the time you know what that's a stupid idea just forget I ever said that," I blurt out, all in one breath.
"Okay," he replies calmly.
"Um... so then you're gonna forget about that?"
"Um what?" Without warning he leans in and gently kisses me. He's a really good kisser. I, on the other hand, probably suck. He pulls back. I giggle.
"Can we -"
"Do that again? Sure." He kisses me one more time.
"Is it the first kiss you've shared with a fan?"
"It actually is! Weird."
"If I tell my friends that you were my first kiss, they'll never believe me!"
"Selfie?" I take out my phone. I hesitate, then put it back in my pocket.
"I have a better idea." I reach into my "purse" and pull out my Polaroid camera.
"This way, they'll know it wasn't photoshopped," I explain. He nods. I hold out the camera. We take five pictures:
1. He's kissing me on the cheek.
2. We're hugging.
3. Selfie
4. A really goofy pic
5. A reenactment of our first kiss.
I put them into my camera case to develop. I stay and talk for a long time, then my brother shows up.
"Adrienne, we gotta go!" He shouts.
"Bye Thomas!" I laugh. He hugs me. I reach into my bag and pull out photo number one and number three. I pull it a pen and write on them. Thomas gets up and grabs my cane, walking me over to my brother. He gives me one last kiss and walks away.
"What was that?" My brother, Ashton asks.
"Ashton, if you say a single word I will kill you."

Thomas' POV
It's been a year since Comicon. I call Adrienne a ton and sometimes we drive out to a specific location and meet up. We're not dating. We're just really close friends. I helped her get her first acting job. I brought her with me to a Red Carpet premiere. I flew her out to my house and we watched a movie. Even if we stop hanging out, she will forever rest in my mind. I framed the two Polaroid shots. The first one has her phone number on it. The second one is much more dear to me. There are only two words written on the front.

Never Forget.

I won't.

A/N: was it any good? I had this reoccurring dream of this (I can lucid dream, which is where you control everything that's happening. :)) and decided to write it out. M'kay, rock on!
My brothers name has been changed in order to protect him. And cause he wouldn't let me use it.

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