Graduation Day (AU)

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A/N: this one is about Will Poulter, for my friend Emily. Forgive me if it sucks, but his eyebrows remind me of my dad... Lol weird. Had to do a bit of research for this one... Also, he's fourteen in the beginning, not whatever age he is now. Whatever. ON WITH THE SHOW!

I walk into class. It's a Sunday study group at my high school for kids who are struggling in different classes. An extra class to get them up to speed. I'd been struggling with geography and science. So, since it's only two classes, I only go for a half-day. I never ever told my friends, I'm too afraid of what they would think.
"Okay, class. Today we have a new student. He just moved here from England," our math teacher, Miss Crass, announces in her nasally voice. On cue, a boy walks into the class. He's tall, with blonde hair and interesting eyebrows. He looks kinda shy. He glances around the class, and his eye catches mine. I smile widely.
"Why don't you introduce yourself?" Miss Crass asks.
"Um, hi. I'm William Poulter. I'm from Hammersmith, London. I like acting and reading," he mutters shyly. He has a smooth British accent and weird coloured eyes, kinda blue, kinda green, kinda grey. He's really cute.
"Alright, are there any empty seats?" Our teacher calls. I look at the empty chair next to me at my secluded table in the back. It's known as the Smoocher Desk.
"Um, right here, Miss!" I call out. William starts walking to the back of the room. One of the guys throws a paper ball at me. We pass notes on a regular basis. His name's Dylan.
"Are you gonna kiss him? Knowing you, Emily, I'm sure you won't."
"Not yet. Maybe if I get to know him..." I throw the note back. He writes, then tosses it again. He overshoots, hitting William in the face. He rubs his face and opens the note. He turns bright red. I put my head in my hands. Crap. I hear scratching noises, like a pencil on paper.
"Um, I think this is yours..." Will says softly. I take the note, and check to see what Dylan had written.
"You should ask him out!" Just perfect Dyl. Good going. Then, underneath, in unfamiliar hand writing, it has one word.
"Yes." I look at William. His face turns bright red.
"I'm Emily..." I trail off.
"Yeah, I know. So, um, about that date......" His face turns even redder. I didn't know that was possible.
I fiddle with the note for a few seconds, folding it. After a few seconds, I hold it up. I folded it into a heart. Right in the middle was that one word. Yes.

*TIMESKIP* four years later.
Will and I just celebrated our fourth anniversary together. He just got picked to be Valedictorian. We went to prom together, but ended up kissing the whole time. We're both graduating tomorrow. It's been a good week.

I stand, listening to Will's speech. I'm not really paying attention though. We wrote a speech together, but we decided to scrap it. It wouldn't have ended well for us. So, he just wrote some "great teachers, great students, great year, great life" bull crap. He had read the speech out loud to me earlier today, and I know it word for word. The principal then presents him with his diploma. Tradition in our school is for the valedictorian to hand out the diplomas. He takes the first one and reads out the name. Will
"Carrie Abston." Carrie walks onto the stage and takes her diploma. Will steps out from behind the podium, so that everyone can see all of him.

After a really long time, Will calls me up.
"Emily Greyson," he says loudly, in his perfect voice. I walk up and reach for my diploma. As I reach, he drops my diploma, grabs my hand and gets down on one knee. He reaches into the pocket of his dress pants and pulls out a small wooden box. I pull my hand away and throw both of them up to my face. No. Freaking. Way. He opens the box.
"Emily Greyson, I love you so much. I loved you from the day I met you. You always helped me. You were always there for me. You were always there. I love you more then anyone could ever understand. So, with that said, would you make me the happiest man in the world, and marry me?" A chorus of aaawwwws rings out from the parents, teachers and students. I stand in shock for a few seconds. Then, I reach into my pocket and pull out something I've been carrying with me, everywhere I go, for the past four years. The paper heart. I hold it up.
"Yes," I smile. He stands up and hugs me tightly. He looks at me for a second before leaning in and kissing me softly on the lips. He takes the ring out of the box and gently sides it onto my finger. It's beautiful. White gold with a cherry red diamond in the shape of an upside-down tear. It must've cost a fortune. I examine it for another second before Will bends over and picks my diploma back up. Oh, that's right. He hands it to me, sneaking another kiss. One of my friends hops up onto the stage, standing behind the podium.
"Awwww," she sighs. "It's a heartwarming story of love and affection!" She bends over and pretends to throw up. "Can we get back to the ceremony, please? I kinda want to get this over with." I sigh. She's a year younger then us, but is a genius, so she's graduating early. Her name is Adrienne. She has a boyfriend here as well, another genius kid named Thomas Sangster. As if on cue, he hops up on stage as well. Both of them are known for being sarcastic and funny. He looks as if he's about to say something, then he gets down on one knee.
"Adrienne StJacobs, I didn't write a speech, but here goes nothing," he gulps, pulling out his own ring. He takes a deep breath.
"Blah blah blah, mush mush mush, marry me?" He laughs. I knew that if he ever proposed it would be hilarious. She takes the ring and slides in onto her finger. She takes her diploma, gives Thomas his.
"Not unless you can beat me to my house!" She shouts, grinning evilly. We all know that means yes. Everybody in the gym is laughing. I turn back to my boyfriend - ah, no fiancé. He holds me tightly.
"Thank you. The ring is beautiful," I whisper.
"You too," he replies.

*LETS DO THE TIME WARP AGAAAIN!!* sorry I'm a nerd.
A joint wedding. Like a double date. That's something I've never heard of. It was Adrienne's idea. So, apparently, Thomas had beat her in the race. The two of us went out to get matching wedding dresses. Both of them are white, with a creamy bodice and a thin belt around our stomachs that has a black flower on the side. They're beautiful. The boys went out to pick out matching wedding rings. We'll have the wedding is in five hours. I CAN'T WAIT!!

The wedding music starts. I squeeze Adrienne's hand and hand her a bouquet. Both of us are carrying white roses with one red rose in the middle. We begin to walk down the aisle. Both boys are waiting at two separate.... Wedding thingies. Pulpits, I think. Adrienne and I arrive at the end of the aisle and split, she goes and stands next to Thomas, and I next to Will.
The priest does the whole "I do" thing for Thomas and Adrienne. Then he comes over to us.
"Do you, Emily Grayson, take William Poulter to be your lawfully wedded husband?" He asks me.
"I do," I say, portraying confidence I didn't know I had.
"Do you, William Poulter, take Emily Grayson to be your lawfully wedded wife?" He asks.
"I do," Will replies, making my heart flutter.
"Both grooms may now kiss the bride," he announced. Will leans forward, kissing me softly. It's the most perfect kiss we've shared, because it marks the rest of our lives beginning.

And it all started on Graduation Day.

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