Chapter five

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Back in the Expedition Society, Oshawott and Snivy were still chatting with Zuma still.

Neither had moved for five minutes.

"Uhhh, are you ladies okay?" Zuma asked, his strong jaws clamping together as he spoke.

Oshawott nodded her head, rubbing her neck.

Oh it was only the fact that this Pokémon was the leader of the Expedition Society now.

She wanted to ask for his autograph, but she supposed an Oshawott like herself would need to keep boundaries if they were going to join this group.

"Uhhh," Snivy said, frozen.

Oshawott shook her friend. "Take deep breaths." She soothes.

Snivy starts to gulp in air.

"We want to..." she began.

Must I have to keep smacking you? Oshawott questioned in her head.

She loved her friend, but sometimes she wasn't nearly as brave as she tried to make herself out to be.

Zuma leaned forward, indicating to the young snake with legs to continue.

"We would like to join the Expedition Society. Please?" Snivy begged, stiff. She shut her eyes tight as if she couldn't bear to see the Feraligatr's face.

The Feraligatr looked troubled.

What he was troubled about? It wasn't them offering to join the Society. It was far greater.

Zuma pondered the situation deeply, the two starters near him gulping.

What will he say?

Will he reject them?

There had been a ton of sickness around lately.

Will he reject them in order to save them from the sickness that was spreading around the building?

Oshawott and Snivy's eyes were glowing with hope. Silently begging the water-type starter to let them join.

A cough interrupted their hoping and thinking.

A Pokemon stumbled around, collapsing near the three Pokémon.

Oshawott got a closer look at the Pokémon.

The Pokémon appeared to be yellow-and-Black. A big jaw seemed to hang behind her head. A pale yellow spot laid on it.

The Pokémon falling caused several Pokémon nearby, including Zuma, Snivy, and Oshawott, to gasp with shock.

"Mawile!" Zuma exclaimed, pain searing his voice as he spoke.

A Mew, which surprised Oshawott and Snivy to see, races over to pick up the Mawile.

"Stay back. She has the sickness." Mew says, instantly floating away to place the Mawile in a bed. Zuma sighed, sadness in his gaze.

"Not Mawile too. Who will help us do the researching around here?" Zuma wondered. He then turned back to the two tiny starters who were still shocked over a Mew living here. They never knew a Mew lived here.

Zuma sighed as he spoke to the two.

"I guess you can join. We're going to need all the paws we can get here. But I have to warn you, don't be surprised if you end up getting the sickness. It's very contagious, and very deadly." He told them.

Snivy curled her paws into a fist. "Yeah!" She childishly shouted as she pumped her goats into the air in victory.

Zuma only chuckled at the child-like wonder in her eyes.

Oshawott sighed. Sometimes I wonder if I could have found a more mature best friend.

Snivy swiftly hugged Oshawott. "You hear that? We're going to be in the Expedition Society! Yes! I'm so happy!" Snivy shouted.

Oshawott only smiled.

You know what? I wouldn't have her any other way. She's my best friend after all.

"So, got any jobs for us to do?" Snivy asked with excitement.

If her tail could, she would have wagged it by now.

Oshawott sweat dropped.

Zuma sighed. He was going to have his paws full with those two around now.

"Budew!" Zuma shouts loud enough for the whole town to hear.

At first nobody showed up, but then a shadowy figure started to wobble over to the three starters with much hardships.

A weird green bud was what showed up.

Her face was filled with so much worry and so much sadness as she walked closer to the water-types and grass-type.

"Yes?" She asked, her voice as soft as honey.

"These two just joined us. You have anything you want them to do?" Zuma wondered.

The Budew glanced between the two Pokémon. Snivy had a wild smile on her face, her tongue was sticking out at Budew, challenging her.

Oshawott groaned as she face palmed.

What an embarrassment.

"Uhhh," Budew said, starting to back up a bit. Snivy could be really intimidating if she wanted to be.

"So? Have anything these two can do?" Zuma asked.

"I don't know about this Zuma," Budew said, skeptically. Her eyes were filled with worry. A lot of worry.

"These two are just kids. And I'm not sure if we should be surrounding them with sick Pokémon." Budew stated. She obviously was really shy.

Zuma blinked at the young member.

"It will be alright," he said. "We need all the help we can get."

"If you say so," Budew mumbled under her breath.

"Well, come with me," she said as she hobbled away.

Oshawott and Snivy exchanged glances.

Was this really such a good idea? It seems these Pokémon have a lot on their plates without two new Pokémon joining them.

The three Pokémon walked side by side, Oshawott and Snivy making sure they weren't too ahead of Budew as she had to lead them, not the other way around.

The three walked out of the Society headquarters, passing Snubull on the way to the job Budew had for them.

They walked through the town, waving at Kecleon as they passed by.

The Kecleon waved back, dropping an Oran Berry in the process.

"Dang it!" He said, monotone.

He went to pick it up.

Oshawott stared around. Where were they going?

Their process was halted as Krokorok stepped in front of them.

"Where are you disease-ridden 'mon think you're going?" He growled, swiping his claws out at Budew, making her cry out in pain as she was smacked into Snubull.

Snubull groaned. "Oh come on!"

Snivy snarled at the Krokorok. "What the heck?! What do you want?" She asked him.

"I want to get rid of the disease once and for all. It's all over your bodies! Germs are gross!" He shouted, punching Oshawott in the face.

Pikachu's cheek sparked with electricity and anger.

The Politoed stood over his best friend with a smirk.

Pikachu's fists curled up, and the electricity that was in his cheeks transferred to his fists.

Sparks sizzled on his fist as he plunged it against the Politoed.

The Politoed let out a surprised gasp.

He turned around saying, "Oh right! The Pikachu!"

The Politoed prepared to slap Pikachu.

He ran at the angered Pokémon, paws ready to double slap him to death.

Pikachu was ready for him; he jumped, dodging the swift frog. The frog smacked into a wall nearby.

Politoed growled as he ran at Pikachu again.

Pikachu stayed put, storing up energy in his cheeks for this next move. Politoed might have been fast, but Pikachu was even faster.

He continued to store up his electricity, feeling the closeness of the frog to his body.

When Politoed was close enough, Pikachu let his Thunderbolt rip.

Politoed cried out loudly, the attack being super effective obviously hurt the older Pokémon a lot more than the Thunder Punch.

Politoed curled slightly in pain.

He flinched, electricity crackling around him.

Was he paralyzed?

That's what he gets for messing with my friend! Pikachu glanced over to his unconscious friend.

Riolu laid on the ground with swirls in his eyes. He taken a deep hit.

Pikachu realized his friend had been right to worry. This Politoed was strong, but he wasn't strong enough to beat an angry Pikachu.

"What the heck! We just wanted to collect berries, man. What are you doing, going around attacking random Pokémon eh?" Pikachu asked, approaching the paralyzed frog.

Politoed groaned in pain, his face contorted with a bunch of different emotions.

"Ugh. I don't have to tell you brats anything!" He exclaimed, standing up. He was shivering with the paralysis.

He faced Pikachu, preparing another Double Slap.

Does this Pokémon know any other moves? Pikachu pondered as he spread his legs out in an attempt to prepare himself to fight the persistent toad.

He jumped over the Politoed once more, instead of just dodging, he Thunder Punched the toad from the back.

Politoed screamed and fell over, fainted.

He sure had underestimated Pikachu.

Pikachu picked him up, shaking him.

Politoed woke up with a groan.

Pikachu glared down at him. The glare looked like it could be enough to kill.

Politoed let out a cry of alarm. He tried to smack Pikachu with a Double Slap, but Pikachu pinned him down, putting his arms behind his back.

Politoed yelped. "You will explain to me why you were trying to kill us! We need those berries! We have a baby who needs to be fed!" He explains.

Politoed didn't seem to care. "So? I have a whole family who needs food! And we're cannibals! So stop trying!"

Pikachu growled, fists curled with electricity forming on both paws.

He furiously punched the Politoed multiple times with Thunder Punch.

The cute Pokémon's face twisted.

His face sweater as he started to pant.

Pikachu was preparing another round of Thunder Punches when Politoed screeched, "Stop it! Fine! You win! Being a cannibal is bad! Stop punching me! Please! I won't mess with you or your friend ever again! Just don't hit me anymore!"

Pikachu looked happy with what the frog said.

He nodded his head, backing off slightly before approaching him once more, putting his fist softly against the cannibal's chest.

"Don't even think about doing anything. Now tell us where those berries are." Pikachu growled, another Thunder Punch sparkling on his fist.

"M-maybe we should wait until your weak friend wakes up." Politoed stuttered, not wanting to show him the berries. That is if he even had them.

"Weak?! You take that back you bully!" Pikachu shouted, not wasting any time to sucker punch him with the move.

Politoed whimpered and said, "Sorry, Sorry! Jeez. For a kid you sure are strong." The toad rubbed the multiple bruises that were on his face.

"Good." Pikachu squeaked with a nod. "Glad we're on the same page."

Pikachu walked over to his friend.

Riolu was lying on his back, breathing in painful even in his sleep. The Double Slap must have hit him hard.

He had a slap mark on his face and on his stomach. It worried Pikachu.

It was clear all over his face that he was worried for his friend.

The Politoed felt a bit touched, and just the slightest of guilt he tried to eat the two Pokémon in front of him.

He always tried to eat just berries, but he could never help himself when there was fresh meat around. That's why he had a whole store of berries.

Pikachu put his paws behind his friend's head and his back, lifting him slightly.

He wasn't strong enough to lift him off the ground, but he was strong enough to at least hold half of his body.

He turned around and glared at the monstrous Pokémon behind him.

I had no idea the world was like this! It's so scary!

His heart pounded violently within his chest, practically leaping out of his chest.

"Get some of your berries! He needs them more than you right now!" Pikachu yelled.

Politoed blinked lazily.


The tone of his voice was enough to scare even the tallest of Pokémon.

The Politoed yelped, running to a different part of the dungeon where there was a hole in the wall.

He ran inside, grabbing what he needed.

He instantly raced out, shaking in the fright.

His paws were filled with berries of all different shapes and sizes as he kneeled right besides the Pikachu and his friend, placing down the berries by threes.

Politoed leaped back, paws to his face with wide eyes.

Pikachu sighed as he reached for a Sitrus Berry.

He plopped it into Riolu's mouth.

A coughing sound came from his friend's throat.

Riolu opened his eyes with a groan.

Pikachu cried with joy as he hugged his friend, Politoed looking with a soft smile in the background.

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