Chapter four

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The Pokémon team all glanced at each other as they tried to figure out the Cyndaquil. " What brings you here?" Eevee repeated with suspicion. Riolu prepared himself for anything. They were careful when talking to this Pokémon. He could have the disease.

" I was just passing by. I saw you, and thought ' That looks fun," so I wanted to introduce myself, but didn't know how. What brings you here strangers?" Cyndaquil questions.

The only answer he got was the breeze lifting a stray leaf into the air. Eevee shifted her foot awkwardly, and looked at them.

It's going to be hard to explain this. Riolu thought as he stared at his wrist. " That is something that we would rather not discuss." Popplio said. " Now if you'll excuse us, fiery, we really need to get going. I'd rather not get the icky sickness. I don't care if everyone else does! I am more important than those fools!" Eevee barked.

And Eevee's being a bitch again. The Kecleon that they were in charge with started to babble. " I see. Can I come with you? I have no where else to go, and I think that if I come with you it will be better than what I've been doing." Cyndaquil stated.

" What were you doing?" Pikachu wondered. Silence again. Cyndaquil turned pale. He shook his head. " I'd rather not talk about it either. If we are going to- where exactly are we going?" Cyndaquil asked.

It was as if he was trying to be a leader. " Lively Town." Vulpix responded. " You're going to need to go through tons of dungeons if you're going to go there. Come on I've been through these dungeons tons of times. Trust me." Cyndaquil said as he started to walk.

Riolu found his walking way strange. He kinda waddled when he walked. It was weird. Are we really going to trust this pokemon?

Riolu looked over at Pikachu. I'm worried. Even if he is trustworthy, that sickness...can't it still get all the way over to Lively Town. Has it?

Riolu was panicking on the inside. Riolu's feet were stuck in the ground. His heart beat accelerated furiously. What if we're making a mistake. " Are you coming?" Pikachu asked, turning around.

They were all waiting. For me. Riolu nodded. " Yeah." He smiled falsely as he followed his best friend, the bully, and the weird kids as they all went inside the dark cave.

Riolu gazed down at the blackness. " Is this...a good idea?" Riolu asked nervously. He was starting to think that his friend couldn't read his mind. He was really uncomfortable with this. He got claustrophobic easily, and he wasn't thinking going inside the dungeons was ideal.

" It's the best shot we've got at evading this disease." Vulpix responded. They continued to pad within the bleak darkness that was the cave. It was a dungeon, and it was really dark. Riolu wondered what kinds of dark Pokémon were in the dungeon. Whatever they were were, they creeped him out. He was sure they wouldn't be able to defeat them; even if they all worked together they wouldn't be able to cross.

Maybe I'm overthinking things. This new land does not seem friendly. How can I express that if they're ready to go to a new town where we don't know if it's actually safe from the sickness.

Riolu had always wondered what the sickness was exactly. It consumed your thoughts and made you insane. It made the one inflicted with it sick until they were on their death beds.

Riolu shivered as he thought about it, his blue feet pattering against the cold, hard ground; water dripped from ceiling as he trekked through the wet darkness, feeling his way through.

His paw at one point hit his friend. " Is it just me, or is it too dark in here?" Riolu asked nervously, rubbing his paws together. Pikachu laughed, " Its a cave. It's supposed to be really dark. It's true it's hard to see in here, but as long as you can see where we are it's not that scary. Come on, pal, there's nothing to be afraid of." Pikachu said.

" But we aren't strong. We are weak. We haven't even been in a proper battle. How can we be sure this is even the right decision?" Riolu panicked.

Eevee scoffed. " Scaredy-chu." " Language." Pikachu said. Eevee rolled her eyes. " Trust a Pikachu to think that what I said is a curse word. You are all losers." Eevee commented.

Aerodactyl whacked her with his wing, the baby Kecleon on his back. The team continued to walk through the dark and drenched place. " This it a dark dungeon? I thought the dungeon would be lighter than it is." Vulpix questioned.

Cyndaquil turned around. " One minute." The fire type said, body glowing all of a sudden. " He knows explosion! I knew we shouldn't have trusted him!" Vulpix barked as he covered himself.

Riolu shut his eyes, brightness overtaking the dark of the cave. The source was from Cyndaquil. " Is that better?" The fire type asked shyly. Riolu's eyes had to adjust once again. His eyes finally adjusted after a few moments.

There were other screeches from within the cave. Riolu almost snickered at the fact that he was also sure those Pokémon weren't expecting such light inside such a dark and dreary cave.

" That is some light." Cubone said as she put her bone over her eyes. A loud wall broke over the conversation that was happening within the cave. "H-H-habanadooo." Kecleon babbled, not making sense because she was a baby.

" We don't speak baby, ugly." Eevee snarled at the Child. The Kecleon started to cry. " Wh-What do we do?!" Pikachu panicked. " Does anyone know how to take care of a baby?" Cubone wonders.

" What? You seriously expect us to know how to take care of that thing?" Eevee scoffs as she licks a paw and presses it over her ears, cleaning them like she was important.

" Well she won't stop crying." Cubone commented, pointing out what was obvious. " I know that freak! Shut up!" Eevee barked. " We have more important matters now. We must escape this sickness before we catch it ourselves!" Popplio barked.

" Is she hungry?" Cyndaquil suggested. " We don't know. She was just shoved in our paws by her father to take her to a place where there isn't the sickness." Cubone responded.

" Sickness?" Cyndaquil wondered, " Is that why you guys are so secretive? This sickness that's apparently spreading. Is the sickness that bad? I've never heard of such a thing." Cyndaquil stated as he walked down a set of stairs.

The group followed the Cyndaquil. Kecleon was still crying by the time they made it to the next floor. " What sort of things do babies eat?" Pikachu wondered. " This talk is ruining my innocence." Popplio remarked as Aerodactyl gently tilted his body to where Kecleon slid off of him with ease.

Kecleon was still bawling. " Find some food. We need to feed her. Babies need to eats." Cyndaquil informed them. " What about Kecleon?" Riolu asked. He wasn't sure it was a good idea to leave the child with a stranger, even if that stranger was nice.

" I'll stay with her. I can always use company in case an attack happens from an enemy." Cyndaquil offered. It was as if he knew Riolu's suspicions. " I'll stay!" Popplio offered. Cubone and Aerodactyl offered as well.

Riolu was sure that Popplio was staying because she didn't want to deal with Eevee. Riolu guessed the same with Cubone. Riolu pondered that Aerodactyl stayed because he was lazy from all the flying that he'd done.

" So the rest of us will try to find some berries. Let's split into teams of two. Riolu and I will search the left side and you and Vulpix will search the right side, Eevee." Pikachu ordered.

Eevee looked pissed. " I can't be seen with that bitch! He smells awful! When was the last time you bathed you idiot?!" Eevee barked. " I don't want to go with any of you losers! This stinks!" Eevee snarled as her ears flattened in anger. " Too bad. You're stuck here with us for now. Either you will have to help us, or we will just let you go and you will have to take care of yourself all by yourself." Pikachu growled at her, his cheeks sparking with anger.

Why is Eevee trying to make life more difficult? It is bad enough with this Kecleon baby we don't know how to take care of, and now it's even worse now that Eevee is being as bitchy as always. I would have thought that this transaction would change her, but I guess some Pokémon never change.

Eevee was always this way, but it just seemed like she was making things worse because of the fact that she was stuck with her least favorite Pokémon in the whole world. Just because Pikachu and Riolu pulled pranks didn't mean they deserved the bullshit from her.

Eevee huffed. " I hate you guys." She snarled. " We know that." Pikachu snarked, Vulpix shuffling in nervousness. Riolu didn't blame him. He hadn't done a single thing wrong, and yet Eevee didn't want to be paired with him.

" This is a matter of life or death, Eevee. Being paired with me isn't the worst thing. I don't know what I ever did to you, but I'm sorry." Vulpix apologized humbly, groveling at her feet. Eevee rolled her eyes.

" You're lucky you're paired with me and not those two jokesters. Trust me they are annoying. Now is a great example. Come on, Vulpine." Eevee barked, kicking dust at Riolu.

Riolu coughed, paw near his eyes to shield them from the vicious Pokémon's dusty kick. " We have other things to care about other than some ugly rats and weirdos." Eevee continued.

Vulpix looked back at them with confusion. He then opened his mouth to respond. " It's Vulpix not Vulpine." Vulpix corrected the 'Queen.' " Whatever. Let's go and find food for that bratty Kecleon before my paws fall off." Eevee grumped as she hared away. Vulpix ran after her.

" Eevee! Wait up!" He called. "You're slow!" She responded. It got quiet. " Come on, Riolu. We have some berries to search for." Pikachu orders as he darts away on all four paws. Riolu sighs as he watched his best friend go.

I should follow him. Riolu padded after his friend, trying to follow him and make sure he wasn't lost in the darkness. Now that they no longer had Cyndaquil's light to guide them they had to feel their way around again.

Riolu didn't like the dark. He shivered as he felt his way around, hoping his pweyes would adjust to the darkness nearby again, so he would be able to not have to feel things. He was paranoid. He was sure that if his eyes didn't adjust that he would find himself feeling the pinchers of a poisonous Pokémon.

He finally felt the soft fur of his friend. Pikachu grabbed his shoulder. " There you are. It's really dark in here." Pikachu told him. Riolu shivered. He knew it was dark in here. " Have you found any berries? I was trying to find my bearings." Riolu informed him.

Pikachu shook his head in the dark. " No. not a single berry." His red cheeked friend informed him. Pikachu put his paws on the ground, and rummaged. " Hello?" A voice commented as Pikachu and Riolu looked around for a berry.

" Hello?" Pikachu questioned confused. " I heard you fellows are looking for some berries. I can help with that." The Pokemon told them.

I don't trust that. This Pokémon sounds odd. " Really?!" Pikachu asked with excitement. " Uh, Pikachu I wouldn't trust this Pokémon if I were you. An offer like that doesn't just show up out of the blue. This Pokémon doesn't sound trustworthy. I think we should-" Riolu began before a paw smashed into his side, and then another. The start of a Double slap. The last thing Riolu saw before fainting was the green tint of a Politoed.

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