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Lexa reluctantly waited outside the pub. She still did not know how she had been convinced by her friends, because she was tired from her long journey. She had just arrived in the city and all she wanted was to be in her new apartment under a blanket and watching some series, but no, there she was, waiting for Bellamy to park the car, while Octavia and Raven texted each other. text saying they were on their way and would take a while to get there.

The pub was hidden in an alley, even so, it was the one that was fashionable at the time or at least that's what he had been told. Finally Bellamy appeared and approached Lexa smiling. She pursed her lips trying to put on a good face. It had been a long time since she had seen her friend, since he was two years older than her and had to leave early for the university. Bellamy was tall, an athlete's body, dark hair, hair and incredibly handsome, with a smile that would take any girl's breath away, but the detail that made him the most was his little freckles and his cinnamon-colored complexion, his clothing had always been very colloquial, she didn't make an effort to dress up, she was always comfortable and she didn't blame him, Lexa was exactly the same, she had always joked that if it wasn't because she was a lesbian, that brunette wouldn't escape her. There was still a queue to enter the premises.

After a few minutes of silence, she realized that her friend did not stop looking at her, always with a smile on his face. Lexa frowned somewhat uncomfortable:

– Do I have something on my face?

– "Always so sweet– Bellamy said with a mocking touch. At that moment Lexa realized that it sounded totally irritating– —Nothing, I was just contemplating how beautiful you are today—Bellamy said as he hugged her sweetly—And I'm glad to see you, I've missed you so much.

Lexa made a face, she wasn't one to give hugs or kisses, quite the opposite, just because it was Bellamy. He, Raven and Octavia were the only ones she allowed to invade her personal space:

– We have missed her so much– a female voice sounded behind them– Lexa!!

A girl from the newcomers said and hugged Lexa. It was Raven and Octavia who joined her. Octavia was Bellamy's little sister, actually also the same age as Lexa and just like the green-eyed brunette, it was also her first year of college. She was shorter than Bellamy, had long hair as dark as her brother and tended to wear it loose, cinnamon complexion, and the only thing that differentiated her from her brother was the color of her eyes, while Bellamy's were brown, his Bellamy were dark. . Octavia were green. , she was wearing tight pants, a white blouse, a tight black jacket, heels and a small bag that hung from her right shoulder, she was undoubtedly beautiful. Raven was not far behind either, she showed a smile from ear to ear when she saw her friend again. Raven had a natural beauty that many would admire, she could be the typical model that appears in fitness magazines, long chocolate brown hair, so fine and soft, dark brown eyes, wiry body with low fat percentage, and when I say short, no I say in the bones because he made up for it with a good muscle mass, his complexion seemed Caribbean or Latino, well, his roots were Latino, as indicated by his last name, Reyes. She was wearing a short skirt, with a slightly low-cut T-shirt and a black jacket.

Finally, after a long wait, they managed to enter. The place was good, there were a lot of people dancing, good music, it had a part for VIP clients, where they could sit and have a drink quietly and with good views of the dance floor. Octavia knew the manager of the place and had found a space in a corner a little further from the subwoofers, something that Lexa was grateful for, since her shoes were killing her and although they were small heels, if they were like Octavia's because Lexa would already be back home, keeping the shoes in the back of the closet along with uncomfortable underwear and not taking them out until the new year. She was not used to wearing this type of footwear, because as she had already commented, she preferred comfort to suffering, for what? to look sexy and pretty? It is not the same to walk with a face of disgust because of the pain in your feet, than with a smile and enduring a whole night for the comfort of a pair of sneakers.

Octavia's friend approached smiling, he was tall, dark, very muscular, it seemed that Rambo had given birth to him and he came from the very bowels of the Caribbean, the perfect mix to appear in a magazine for muscular guys, he had a shaved head and did not go unnoticed that he was also handsome. He is the typical guy who monopolizes all the attention of females, heterosexuals, bisexuals, lesbians, metrosexuals, and although many do not want to admit it, he also attracted the attention of the male population, but I won't say it too loud, some of you know it. they'd split their chests gorilla-like so they wouldn't show how fragile their masculinity is:

– Guys what do you want to drink?

The boy asked to take note. Octavia hugged him and gave him a kiss on the cheek. It was obvious that he really liked that boy and he didn't try to hide it either, well, from the newcomer's reaction, it seemed to be reciprocated:

– Guys, I present to you Lincoln.

Everyone greeted with a "hello" while Lexa waved and forced a smile. Many would see it as an asocial gesture, the truth is that she was a bit shy.

The first to order was Raven who was still fascinated by the place, yes, she is the typical girl who gets excited easily despite ingesting the normal amount of caffeine than the average population, she had a truly enviable energy:

– I'll take Rum Cola.

– I'll have a lemon Fanta, today I have to drive.

Said Bellamy, who was sitting next to Lexa. As a general rule, he liked to drink and have a good time, as long as he didn't have to drive, you have to be responsible, if you drink, don't drive:

– You serve me the usual drink.

Octavia said as she winked at him, which made Lincoln smile. Finally, Lincoln looked at Lexa to see what she would drink:

– I want a coke.

Lexa wasn't completely teetotal, but for personal reasons she preferred not to drink, she had a better time with her five senses at one hundred percent, that didn't mean she judged people who preferred to drink. Before leaving, the dark-haired man repeated the order to make sure he didn't forget anything:

– A Ron-Cola– he said pointing to Raven– a lemon Fanta– he pointed to Bellamy –a pina colada for the beauty– Lincoln said while this time it was he who winked at Octavia–and a coke for the girl eyes green.

Lincoln left after verifying that he hadn't forgotten anything, and even so, Lexa still had the feeling that she shouldn't be there, that she should be in her new apartment, enjoying some TV series while eating a tall bowl of popcorn. corn, but no, there she was, surrounded by attractive people, who could perfectly well be actors and actresses in some television series for teenagers and momentarily be the crush until another younger and cooler actor or actress appeared. At that moment Raven pulled her two friends and dragged them to the dance floor, Lexa reluctantly accepted, she knew that Raven was insistent and that she would end up winning if she dared to protest. She began to move somewhat embarrassed because she had no rhythm, what's more, her movements seemed like a Saturday night fever, the only thing missing was the toupee and John Travolta's flared pants, apart from the fact that she had long ago proclaimed herself the girl clumsier. in the world.

Little by little she began to let herself be carried away by the enthusiasm of her two friends who were jumping and laughing. Shame free. Until, of course, Lexa ended up losing her balance and was about to fall, but thank God, someone grabbed her from behind and prevented her from making a complete fool of herself­:

– Thank– Lexa said turning around somewhat embarrassed, being face to face with her savior, she was totally self-conscious, because, despite the dim light of that place and the constant flashes of the disco balls, she was completely lost before the gaze of that young girl, he couldn't exactly make out the color of her eyes, only that they were light, her hair is blonde and wavy, the young girl's face was serious and her clothes were out of place, it was too much, elegant, that was the word, he looked like he came out of a lawyer's buffet– You!

He managed to finish thanking, a little goofy really. Almost impossible to describe that moment. They can say that Lexa felt unwell for a few seconds due to a heart condition, that the sugars in Coca Cola gave her a little arrhythmia, or that she felt "love at first sight":

– you're welcome– The blonde girl said without looking away from Lexa, she continued to keep her face serious– You should be more careful.

– I'll try, but I can't promise anything.

Lexa said shyly. The blonde girl finally curled one corner of her lips. He was about to say something when something or rather someone caught his attention, making him look away from Lexa. When she was out of visual contact with the blonde, she could feel as if she was freed from hypnotization, which didn't last long, because the blonde looked at the young woman again:

– I have to go– he said erasing his slight smile– I hope nothing happens to you.

The blonde headed towards the direction in which she had looked moments before. Lexa was so absorbed by the imminent beauty of that woman that she had completely forgotten to ask her name, her last name, her Facebook, her Instagram, her twitter or any social network where she could contact her and not lose contact, but when she had realized, it was already too late, well, asking him that after a measly "clumsy care" would be weird. The woman was lost in the crowd. When he was finally able to react, he looked for his friends, they had returned to the VIP area. Bellamy, was just as boring as Lexa and would rather look like the typical guy who leans on the bar and smiles at the girls than the typical slimy guy who doesn't miss an opportunity to invade girls' personal space. They had curiously watched as Lexa talked to the mysterious blonde:

– look at her! – Raven said cheering– She has just arrived and is already conquering a girl.

– You see– Octavia joked too– and seemed prudish.

Well, Lexa could be anything but a prude, just that she was an upright person who hated sporadic relationships, nightclubs with too many people and, above all, current music with lyrics riddled with machismo and camouflaged as toxic romanticism:

– And with the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my entire life.

Bellamy said that he couldn't help noticing the blonde girl. It was evident that she had stood out and dazzled from the first moment she appeared. Raven and Octavia cleared their throats with a mock expression of pained pride. Bellamy, seeing the girls, scratched his triceps like a nervous tic:

– girls, you are also beautiful– He looked at his sister– Well sis you know...

At that point the girls stopped pretending and burst out laughing. While Lexa had her gaze fixed on the point where she saw the blonde girl leave. Bellamy was right. That girl was the most beautiful and fucking sexy he had ever seen in his life, those clear eyes, out of tune with the flashing lights. Would he see her again?


It was not the first time he had gone to that Pub and he realized that it would not be the last. Thanks to Lincoln doing him the favor of giving him the notice. Someday, Caroline would end her life for a disgust. She was crossing the dance floor when someone bumped into her. It wasn't the first time something like this had happened, it was a place that used to be full of people and especially on the dance floor, but that night would be different, or at least that's how it felt:

– Thank– The girl stared at her with a self-conscious expression and if it weren't for the lack of light, she would swear she had blushed– You!!

I wish I had all the time in the world to perfectly detail the beautiful young lady. The universe broke the mold by creating such an angel, her round eyes, the environment was not suitable to distinguish if they were green, gray or blue. Her cheekbones, have you ever seen such perfect cheekbones? She doubted it, her lips, they had always talked about Angelina Jolie's lips, no one from the world of Hollywood had come across this girl, because they were the sexiest she had ever seen in her entire life, those lips invited to be kissed. She had long hair, very long, to do a L'Oréal ad, it was hard to tell if it was dark blonde or an ocher blonde shade, it wasn't even brown. Clarke was even scared by such beauty, someone like that must belong to the supernatural world, an angel or a demon who dared to cross her path to enslave her with his presence, forgetting the reason she was in that place, she had to remind herself that she had to breathe because she was out of breath. "God, she's unbelievably beautiful":

– you're welcome– Clarke answered– You should be more careful.

– I'll try, but I can't promise anything.

There was something in her tone of voice that sounded sweet, it was like listening to a unique melody in the world. He couldn't even contain himself and let out a small smile. It had been a long time since she felt like this, but something caught her attention in the distance, a blonde girl laughed and danced like crazy, while a dark-haired boy groped her and smiled. "Damon, filthy swine":

– I have to go- She didn't want to get away from her, but she had to get Caroline away from Damon– I hope nothing happens to you.

Until now, she had hated that place with all his being, well, she still hated it, however, she had found something, or better said to someone, that made it really interesting for the first time. As she walked away from her, she wished that the universe would play in his favor and at least be able to see her one more time. She made her way through the people, there were no more epiphanies, had to bite the bullet until he approached Caroline, although, before the distance between them was completely broken, two sullen-faced bodyguards stepped between them. Damon noticed the arrival of Clarke, with funny dance movements, almost burlesque, he approached the newcomer, on his lips there was a drawn smile, always with his bad boy demeanor. Although Clarke knew a truth that few knew and that is that Damon was a coward at heart:

– Hi, beautiful eyes– He said pushing away his bodyguards– you missed me?

She could even describe Damon with her eyes closed, she had gone with him in high school. His eyes were blue, jet black hair, tall, muscular, fucking sexy. There should be some anthropological thesis that explains how the majority of the population whose attraction is masculine feels a weakness for men with dangerous features. We must also point out a certain detail and that is that Clarke would like to erase from her life that Damon Salvatore was her partner, rather a youthful love, but it all ended when he began to hang out with bad people and lead a life that almost ended with her. She ignored Damon and approached Caroline, she grabbed her cheeks and watched how her pupils were dilated and took her a few seconds to recognize Clarke:

– What's up Sister?– She pushed Clarke away and kept dancing– Are you here to spoil the night again?

Clarke got angry at that rudeness, grabbed Caroline's arm and began to pull her way out of the premises, running over Damon. Clarke's sister began to complain, and Damon made as if to intervene. Luckily Lincoln passed by and recognized Clarke, so he went over and helped her with her sister and to face Damon if necessary, but Salvatore didn't dare to question him. between the two of them they took Caroline out the back door to avoid putting on a show at the front door. Clarke looked at Lincoln gratefully:

– Thank you, Lincoln– she said without letting go of Caroline who was still struggling– I couldn't have done it without your help.

– No problem– said Lincoln, who didn't dare let go of the rebellious young woman– Where have you parked? I accompany you.

Clarke and Caroline were almost the same height, Caroline was maybe a few inches taller, Clarke was much bigger than Caroline, more in shape, Clarke was more of an hourglass, Caroline more rectangular. Clarke was two years older than Caroline and they were both on an equal footing, well, as long as they were both sober, at that time Caroline was unstable and her senses were altered enough to distort those levels of pain:

– Just around the corner.

– Let me go– Caroline insisted, trying to get out of his grasp– You are not my mother.

Just as they were next to the car, Clarke, who was already tired of fighting with her sister and hearing her insults, grabbed her by both arms and slammed her against the passenger door of the car before slapping her. It was the first time she had hit her and when she saw how her little sister looked at her in surprise while putting a hand to her cheek, she immediately regretted it. Caroline held back the tears in her eyes, but still didn't say a word. Clarke tried to compose herself:

– I am not our mother– Clarke Said sadly– but i'm your big sister and that will never change– Lincoln left them both by the car and headed back to work. Clarke sighed and reached up to brush back a lock of her sister's hair, but Caroline resentfully turned her face away– You think you control everything, that you own your actions, but Damon does what he wants with you and it will end up consuming you. Please get in the car.

The older sister pleaded.

I'm translating without help and I don't know English, I hope it's a logical reading, any correction is a good help.

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