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Lexa didn't remember what she dreamed, she never paid attention to it or thought about what she had dreamed, but the morning after the group outing she did remember what she had dreamed, or rather, who she had dreamed of. She reproached herself and practically thought that this was already an obsession, she had only seen that blonde with the mysterious name once. It was as if she had condemned him to think about her. "Fuck, it's so intense" the green-eyed girl thought. Once he read in an article dedicated to the spiritual, that a feeling like this only occurred when two old souls who already knew each other from past lives met again. He got out of bed, raised the blinds and opened the windows, turned to see the clock on the nightstand, it marked 8:30. He still had time to go for a run, so he changed into his sports clothes, put the headphones in each ear, and went for a run.

When she returned, she met one of her roommates. Elena was sitting having a cup of coffee with her eyes fixed on a book "Honor, war and love". When he heard Lexa arrive he looked up and fixed her gaze. Her eyes were brown, her hair was black and wavy, her complexion was brown and unlike Raven or Lincoln, Elena's features were more like European ones. His look made young Lexa somewhat nervous, you know, she didn't like to monopolize all the attention. Elena is tall and thin, she played sports, she just didn't have the same muscular definition as Raven:

— I made plenty of coffee — he said before going back to reading — I would have waited for you, but I'm in a hurry.

— Thanx.

Lexa said with a smile as she went to the kitchen. It was kind of her to have her for breakfast together, when in reality they didn't go to the same university, it's not like she had stopped to ask what she did, she didn't know any of her roommates at all:

— You're welcome!

He listened before entering the kitchen. Lexa put some milk in the microwave and poked her head out of the kitchen with a frown. Elena was taking a sip from her cup, her back to the kitchen door:

—where is Anya?

Or at least, she thought that was the name of the other girl and for a few seconds she was afraid of having made a mistake:

— Don't know — Elena answered shrugging her shoulders and not turning around— I guess she met someone last night.

Elena and Anya were roommates for three years. Before they shared the apartment with another girl, Alicia, but when she finished her degree she went to live with her boyfriend. Elena finished drinking her coffee, washed her cup and left, saying goodbye with a simple "see you later". Apparently the brunette was not a girl of many words. "I hope Anya isn't the same" Lexa thought, though oddly enough, Lexa was the same as Elena. She had not met personally to her other roommate, she knew her name because Elena had mentioned her the day she handed over the keys. He looked at his watch as he sat down at the table to eat breakfast. It was 10:00 a.m. and I had arranged to meet Octavia to go to campus at 12:00 p.m.

At that moment, a tall girl entered, with brown eyes and Asian features, slim and pretty, a tight-fitting flowered dress, perhaps a little wrinkled, as if she had spent two days partying with the position. She was startled when she saw Lexa. He put a hand to his chest, but immediately smiled again:

— you scared me — she said as she hung her coat on the rack at the entrance— I didn't expect anyone at home. Are you Elena's friend?— Anya poked her head through the hallways expecting to find her roommate. — Where is she?

— I'm the new roommate.

Lexa said. Anya blinked in confusion as she looked at the green-eyed girl. After a few seconds of silence, he smiled again as he put his hand to his head:

— It's true! Are you Lena?

— Lexa.

The girl corrected as she watched Anya pour herself a good cup of black coffee.

— whatever — Anya said smiling — Elena told me that we had a roommate and I arranged to meet her to receive you together — this time Anya laughed — But yesterday afternoon I ran into a guy OH MY GOD!— She said this by fanning himself with his hands — And you know, I entertain myself living life.

Lexa laughed listening to her roommate, it was clear that Elena and Anya were like oil and water. The girl took a long drink of her black coffee and made a face:

— Well, the brunette must be happy....

He said referring to Elena. Lexa laughed again, at that moment upon hearing the young brunette Anya was totally surprised and blinked again as she stared into Lexa's eyes. When she saw the sudden change in her roommate, she erased her smile, especially since she hated being looked at that way, she felt her cheeks start to burn with embarrassment again:

— What happen?

Lexa asked shyly:

— Damn, now I realize— Anya replied as she laughed again— You're beautiful.

Lexa was shocked by the impudence of her roommate:

— What?

Anya who had sat in front of Lexa changed places and sat next to her. She put her arm around the brunette's shoulders and winked at her:

— What you heard, girl with pretty eyes.

Lexa began to squirm in the uncomfortable chair while Anya continued to look at her mischievously. The young girl brunette smiled sheepishly but said nothing. At that moment Anya burst out laughing as she wiped the tears from her eyes:

— Easy, Tessa.

— Lexa

Lexa corrected again:

— whatever — Anya said as she returned to her initial site— I was just kidding, pretty eyes, there's only one rule in this house and you always have to have respect.

— I thought you liked boys.

She felt stupid for making that comment, as if there was no possibility that she was attracted to both sexes or all genders, as if bisexuality was something from another world:

— And i like boys — he said after taking another sip of his coffee — But why settle for half the population? I like women too, more chances to have fun.

Lexa gave a half smile and ducked her head to hide her blush. They were both chatting before Lexa quickly went to shower. In a while Octavia would pick her up to go to campus, it was the day of the presentations and they would also take the opportunity to learn more about the university. Octavia and she had chosen to study telecommunications together, the truth is that she was grateful to have her friend studying at the same university and in the same classes.


Clarke had woken up early, she was ready to go to the kitchen to continue with her routine, she still felt horrible, she had cried until she had no more tears left to shed, when she passed through the door of Caroline's room she stopped and as if Being an overprotective mother, she turned the doorknob carefully so as not to make a noise and peeked out. Caroline was fast asleep, well, she had expended too much energy facing Clarke the night before. She sneaked in and walked over to sit on her bed. He watched her sleep soundly. She brushed a strand of blonde from Caroline's face and could see the redness on her cheek. Distressed, she withdrew her gaze from her sister while a furtive tear ran down her face.


(10 years before)

Caroline woke up to hear someone screaming in the living room. She got out of bed and began to tiptoe until she peeked out the door, hidden so no one could see her. In the living room his mother was sitting crying on the sofa and his father was standing looking at his sister while he yelled at her furiously. Clarke was crossing her arms while looking amused at the situation:

–Do you think it's funny, young lady?

His father asked more angrily:

–No, I find it pathetic– Clarke said, she was drunk and could barely get her words out – you are pathetic.

The latter made her mother cry even harder, out of disappointment and impotence, she even reproached herself. What had she done wrong for her daughter to behave like that? his father ran to hug his wife while looking disappointed at his eldest daughter. For a few moments, Clarke's blue and dilated eyes became sad when she saw her father, only a few seconds of weakness or lucidity, after those seconds her reality returned to the distortion of her alcohol-victim mind, returning to the distance. The young blonde turned her back on them ready to go to her room, she needed rest because she was beginning to feel nauseous, stumbling away she went away:


Clarke didn't turn around to look at them, she just chuckled and said wryly:

– yeah, sure.

He brushed past Caroline and practically ignored her. Caroline started to look at her angrily. Clarke struggled up the stairs, having trouble keeping her balance. Caroline remained still, while she saw her devastated parents and they cried non-stop:

– What have we done wrong?

The girls' mother asked, sadly, her husband replied with a broken voice:

– I don't know, Abby.

Caroline couldn't help but hate her sister with all her being for making her parents suffer.

Ending Flashback

Caroline slowly opened her eyes, she could see the silhouette of her sister sitting next to her who was crying at that moment. She tried to get up, but her head felt like it was going to explode, and with a groan, she collapsed onto the pillow. Seeing that her sister had woken up, Clarke wiped her tears with the back of her hand and blew her nose, not daring to meet her eyes, only said quietly:

— I'm going to make you breakfast, you could use something to eat — He got up and started to leave the room — I have to go, I'm going to talk to Miss Cece first. I hope to see you today in class — this time he said it hardening his voice a little — and don't stay in bed.

Clarke left Caroline's room, went to the kitchen, made some scrambled eggs, and squeezed some orange juice. Immediately afterwards she went to the bathroom to shower, dress and put on some makeup, she didn't want anyone to notice that she had been crying. When he got to the front door he looked in the bowl that was there to put the keys, that morning was one of those days when he had to look through his jacket and bag, because helping Caroline the night before she forgot to leave the keys. in the bowl.

That morning there was a bit of traffic so she was 10 minutes late to Miss Cece's office, something she didn't like, Cece hated people who were late and praised punctuality, she knew her well enough to know that she wasn't he liked to wait even for two minutes. When she finally reached the door of Miss Cece's office, she removed the wrinkles that had formed in her blue dress when she got in the car, cleared her throat a little and knocked a couple of times with her knuckles, waited until a female voice gave permission. Clarke entered, the office was illuminated, inside was a woman of about forty, tall with a serious face and was dressed in an executive suit. When she saw the blonde pass by, she guided her eyes to the clock that was on the table and again directed her eyes at the blonde, her gesture was disapproving because she had arrived late for her meeting:

— I'm so sorry I'm late, Mrs. Cece. — the blonde tried to apologize— But today there was traffic.

As if she were saying that there was an accident or that she had a flat tire, for her there was no valid excuse, at least that morning she did not tell him what one day she dared to say "having been more farsighted and left home earlier" :

— It doesn't matter anymore —Cece said seriously — As you know, today is the presentation to the new students— this time he got up from his chair and stood in front of his desk, shortening the distance with the blonde girl— But they called me and I have to go to a meeting urgently, so you're going to have to do the presentation yourself.

— ¿Me? — Clarke asked surprised— I wouldn't know...

— You are one of my brightest students and my favorite assistant, there is no one more qualified than you, Clarke— this time she got up and put on her coat before leaving — I trust you will do wonderfully, Miss Griffin.

She didn't have time to answer when Mrs. Cece hurried out of the office, leaving her alone. Clarke had been Ms. Cece's assistant for a year, but she had never had to deal with a whole class by herself, it was the first time she had been given a responsibility of that magnitude, we are talking about Ms. Cece, who loved the perfection and meticulousness in almost everything, she wasn't sure she was ready for it.

Clarke walked through the halls, mentally organizing the words and phrases she was going to say "shit I should have written a speech" she reproached herself inwardly. In the corridors there were already people from other years and new students, who were surely enrolled in other specialties. The blonde stopped in front of the auditorium door, took a deep breath and went in decisively, or rather, feigning confidence, because deep down she was terrified and tried to act as Mrs. Cece would have done:

—Good morning!— the blonde said out loud as she headed towards the desk in front of her, still not looking at the students present — My name is Clarke Griffin Forbes— she left his things on the desk and turns to look at the students present —"Shit this year there are a lot more people" she tried to control her breathing and barely notice the blush on her cheeks — I'm the assist...

At that moment, she was interrupted when the door opened and two young women remained motionless for a few seconds, embarrassed for being the last to arrive. Bowing their heads, they tried to hide their fear. The brunette apologized endlessly while the girl behind her stopped short and blushed when she met Clarke's blue eyes, "it can't be" the blonde thought at that moment. Well, it turned out to be the girl he had seen the night before in the Pub. Now he could clearly distinguish the color of the newcomer's eyes and she had to admit that they were the most beautiful greenish eyes she had ever seen in his entire life, it was like looking at two beautiful sapphires. she couldn't forget them even if they tried to give her a lobotomy:

— We're sorry— the dark-haired girl repeated a few more times— there was traffic.

At that moment Clarke looked away from the green-eyed young woman and her friend fixed her gaze "Control yourself Clarke, remember where you are" so she cleared her throat and tried to continue with her mission professionally:

— it's fine, have a seat — At that moment he remembered what Miss Cece would have said— try not to be late next time—She prayed that it was like that, because as Mrs. Cece had already mentioned, she was capable of not letting anyone in, she looked again into the greenish eyes of the brunette, who nodded silently—ok— It took Clarke a world to turn from looking at her to address everyone else— As I was saying....

Again she was interrupted when another blonde entered the auditorium, she had a coffee in her hand, sunglasses on and she had a bad face. Unlike the other two girls, when she saw that only Clarke was doing the presentation, she raised her eyebrows and without asking for permission went to take a seat, nor did she apologize like the other two girls, as fate turned out to end up sitting next to side of the two girls:

— Sure, take a seat, without asking permission — this last was said in a whisper while glaring at Caroline, it was a way of stealing credibility — As I was saying, my name is Clarke Griffin Forbes, but you can call me Clarke and I am Ms. Cece's assistant, professor of audiovisuals and head of the telecommunications department. She is feeling very sorry today could not make an appearance because she had a very important meeting.

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