Chapter Fifteen - The Night

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Before crossing the Arabian Sea at Karachi to get to the United Arab Emirates, the crusaders thought that it would be a good idea to stay over night at a hotel in Pakistan. Of course, Mr. Joestar decided that it would have been for the best to stay in one of the most expensive hotels in the country. He was paying, so no-one had anything to complain about it.

That night, the rooms were decided by the old man: Jotaro was sleeping with him, Polnareff with Kakyoin and (Y/N) on her own. After all that had happened to her that day, the girl knew that it was better to stay alone, even though she wished she could talk to someone.

(Y/N) was listening to the repeating clock ticking that was filling her dark hotel room. It was rather annoying, but she had nothing else to do as she couldn't close a single eye. The image of Steely Dan grabbing the back of her head and forcing her to kiss him was storming her mind. She wanted to stop thinking about it and go to sleep, but she couldn't.

The clock was showing two and a half in the morning and (Y/N) hadn't got any sleep since they all got into their rooms. Groaning out loud, knowing that no-one was going to hear her anyway, the girl got up from the bed and stretched her back, then her arms. I need a smoke... she thought as she grabbed her skirt from the floor, taking out the new cigarette pack she had just bought from a store around the hotel. (Y/N) decided to go on the balcony to have some fresh, cool air, so she could relax a bit. She had everything she needed for that, just like she had had at school, except for one thing: her music. The student had her earphones and recorder with her, but what was she supposed to do with them if the tape was no more?

(Y/N) sighed and, holding in her tears, she opened the new package and took out about two or three cigarettes. It was a long night to go. The girl opened the glass door that led to the balcony and slowly walked outside, feeling the cold floor tiles with her bare feet. The wind was blowing through her hair as she rested her arms on the railing and lit up a cigarette using Pure Silence's speed.

Her body was shaking, outside being colder than she had thought. Besides, all she was wearing were a (F/C) pair of shorts and a top with the same color, nothing more. Sighing once more, (Y/N) took a deep breath from her cigarette, trying to stop herself from trembling, then slowly let it out.

"Can't sleep?"

(Y/N) gasped, reflexively throwing away her just started cigarette, watching it fall from the tenth floor straight to the ground. She slowly turned her head to the right, seeing Jotaro on the balcony right next to hers. His expression seemed confused, having a lifted eyebrow, probably from what he had just witnessed.

"Not really, I keep thinking about... Stuff..." the girl smiled sadly. "What's your excuse?"

Jotaro grabbed the bridge of his nose, then pointed behind himself with his thumb. "The old man is snoring louder than a fucking plane!" he exclaimed. The boy made a short pause, while he analyzed the girl, who was about five metres away. When he observed in what (Y/N) was dressed on that windy weather, he glanced at himself; at least his pants were long.

Looking away from her classmate, (Y/N) took another one of the cigarettes she had in her hand and lit it up. Jotaro immediately noticed as her Stand moved around her. He searched inside his pocked to check if there were any cigs left inside. (Y/N) couldn't have more cigarettes than him, judging by the fact that she had finished most of them some days ago, in Singapore. "Did you buy a new one?" he asked with an emotionless face, referring to a new cigarette pack.

(Y/N) huffed. "Why? Do you wanna steal it again?" Suddenly, her whole body shook at once, causing her to drop her second cigarette as well. Watching it fall, her eyebrow twitched. "Oh, come on! I didn't even get to finish these two!" The girl rested her head on the railing, groaning. "Why can't this fucking day end already?" she asked herself, hoping that Jotaro hadn't heard it.

For about half a minute, the atmosphere between the two was deeply silent. For the second time that day, while she was freezing in the wind, (Y/N) was trying not to cry, singing one of her favorite songs inside her head. All of sudden, she felt something like a blanket fall on her back. Rapidly grabbing it before it could fall, she looked around to see who might've thrown it. Just then, she heard a small clinking noise. When she took a closer look at the ‘blanket‘, she observed that it had sleeves and buttons. Her eyes widened as (Y/N) realized that she was actually wearing Jotaro's coat.

She slowly turned her head to the boy that had just given her his coat. (Y/N) was ready to open her mouth and thank him, but Jotaro cut her off. "I'm out of cigs. Now we've got a fair deal." he stated looking on the opposite direction from her, with his hand in his hair.

That was the moment (Y/N) realized how different Jotaro looked without his cap on his head. Of course, different, but in a way she could never imagine she would think about him. The girl felt the urge to touch it, but she didn't even think about trying to, that guy was Jotaro, after all.

While shoving her arms through the sleeves that were quite a bit longer than she expected, (Y/N) went back inside and grabbed her little package. As she walked outside again, she saw Jotaro on the other balcony, with his elbows rested on the railing and his head on his hands. He seemed tired. His big, muscular body was leaned against the edge of the balcony, his hands slowly going through his black, shiny hair.

The girl walked to the right side of her balcony, the one closer to Jotaro's. "Well, we both can't sleep and I'm cold and you need a smoke, so why don't come here?" she suggested, crossing her arms to warm herself up a little bit. Jotaro seemed surprised to hear that from (Y/N), but he supposed it was better than doing nothing all night. "Of course, if you don't think I'm too annoying for you to stay around me..." she continued, looking away.

The boy's eyes widened slightly. He was about to laugh, but he stopped himself before doing so. So dumb...‘ Jotaro thought before opening his mouth. "You are, indeed, annoying. Very annoying. But I guess you are a bit less than Jiji is." The girl seemed pissed and amused at the same time. She smiled at him. Jotaro looked at (Y/N) and told her to move aside so he could jump over to her balcony. When she asked him if he was insane, he told her that his grandfather was sleeping with the room keys under his pillow, so there was no other way for him to get to her room. So she took it as an affirmative answer. There were over five metres between them, but he knew he could do it.

Immediately after Jotaro jumped off his balcony, (Y/N) took out Pure Silence, the boy doing the same thing with his Stand, being able to grab eachothers wrists, in order not to fall. When (Y/N) suddenly pulled Jotaro on her balcony, he dropped on the ground, but it somehow didn't hurt. It actually felt quite soft.

"J-Jotaro..." the boy heard (Y/N's) voice from below him. "You're really heavy..."

Jotaro looked down as he held his breath for a second, cornering (Y/N) to the floor with both of his strong arms. A small curl of his hair was slightly touching the girl's forehead, but it didn't seem to bother her, their eye contact being unbroken. They didn't move nor say anything, they just stood there and looked into eachother's eyes, panting.

Those pure, ocean blue eyes that (Y/N) had known for so much time. The eyes she had even started hating not long before getting into this bizarre journey with them. Blinking once with his long eyelashes, Jotaro's eyes were sparkling in the dark of the night. Between their faces were just about ten centimeters and both of them knew it very well. As their chests were stuck together, they could almost feel eachother's rather fast heartbeats. That was when it actually hit both of them. Jotaro took a short glance at (Y/N's) shiny and smooth lips, thinking about what he could do in that moment, then immediately realizing that the girl had had enough of that for a day. His pupils got smaller, trembling as his left eyebrow twitched. Without saying anything, Jotaro got off the girl's body, just like nothing had happened in the past two or three minutes. Well, literally nothing had happened, but he could've at least apologize.

"Let's not talk about this..." (Y/N) suggested getting up from the cold floor, then hurrying inside.

The boy did the same thing. "Yare yare..." he whispered under his breath, covering his mouth with his right hand, thinking about what he had almost done. After Jotaro got inside the room and closed the door behind him, he saw (Y/N) sitting down on the floor, right next to the bed, counting the cigarettes she had left in her package. The student sat down next to her and listened to the clock ticking as well as the girl's whispering voice.

One moment later, (Y/N) stretched out to him her hand, holding two cigarettes. The girl didn't speak, she just waited for her classmate to take them. So he did. Then, the two students lit up their cigarettes and remained in silence, on the floor.

After a while, looking straight at a wall, (Y/N) took a deep breath from the cigarette, the smoke drowning her lungs. She was thinking about every little thing that had happened to her during that journey she was on, alongside the Joestars and other men. Still holding the smoke in, she shook her right shoulder, Jotaro's coat falling off of it, then kept staring at it. It was all bandaged, just like many other parts of her poor, riddled body. Finally, leaning her head back, (Y/N) breathed out all the smoke she had inhaled.

Jotaro's voice woke her up from her random thoughts. "You're still cold?"

(Y/N) looked at the boy with a perplexed expression. "Ooh..." she mimed with her mouth, after she realized that she was still wearing his uniform. The girl left her smoked cigarette butt in the ashtray and started taking off the black and warm coat. It smelled like Jotaro and smoke. She smiled slightly, a small piece of her soul not wanting to give the clothing piece back to its owner.

Just then, before taking it off, a hand on her wounded shoulder stopped her. (Y/N) gasped slightly and glanced at Jotaro, before taking his hand and moving it away. "What?" she asked softly, trying to control the pain coming from her shoulder.

Jotaro huffed and widened his eyes, taking his hand back, only then realizing that she was still full of wounds and bruises. "You don't have to take it off if you don't want to." he said in his normal voice.

(Y/N) stopped for a second, but then took the coat off anyway, revealing all the bandages on her arms and shoulders, some of them still holding the blood inside. "It's fine, I've warmed up. Thanks." Jotaro took his black uniform coat back, his eyes following every little movement (Y/N) did.

It was fair, he was worried and angry at the same time. He knew that leaving the Stand users that had done those things to (Y/N) unconscious wasn't enough, but he couldn't just kill people because he wanted to. He wanted, but he didn't really know why. He didn't know why he felt so angry every time he saw a guy only looking  at (Y/N) or why he felt like he could kill anybody who dared to touch her. It was strange for him to do that for a girl.

"Jotaro?" (Y/N) suddenly called out the boy's name, lighting herself up another cigarette.

He did the same thing with the second one the girl gave him. "Hm?" he hummed, with the cigarette in his mouth, holding it with his lips.

The girl remained in silence for a second, keeping smoking, before finally hitting him with her question. "How can you hide your emotions so well?" she bursted into a silent hysterical laugher. (Y/N) was stressed, so she somehow had to let it out. She didn't know if Jotaro was the best person to do that with, but there was nothing she could lose in that moment.

"I don't." The boy's answer left her speechless.

(Y/N) looked at him with a desperate-like expression, like she had been waiting for an actual explanation. "What do you mean ‘you dont‘?" she asked, gesturing the quote with her fingers.

"Stop shaking that cigarette so much, you're leaving ashes on the carpet." Jotaro warned the girl, in the same time trying to change the subject. (Y/N) stared with empty eyes at her classmate, once again failing at figuring him out. She knew that it was useless asking him again the same question; he was not going to answer it. Leaving another smoked butt in the ashtray, she took her fifth cigarette that night out of the package. "You smoke too much." Jotaro warned her again.

(Y/N) was getting tired of his cold remarks, no matter how thoughtful they were. "Are you gonna steal my cigarettes again, then?" she hissed, bringing her knees to her chest and hugging them.

Jotaro wanted to say something about that whole situation, but he decided that it was better for both of them to keep it to himself. He didn't want to make (Y/N) feel any more angry than she already was. At least her statement confirmed that she actually hated him. ‘I knew it...‘ he thought and kept smoking, looking away from her, to the balcony.

Somehow, the girl noticed him nervously letting out the smoke away from her, so she sighed. "About what I said in Singapore..." Jotaro's eyes immediately widened as he slowly turned his head to her. (Y/N) knew that she was bringing up a sensitive subject, but it all had to be resolved by someone, and she knew her classmate was not going to be the first one to talk about it. "I-I... I was furious and I couldn't keep my mouth s-shut..." she stuttered, gesturing tiredly with her hands on her knees. The girl was trembling as her eyebrows and eyelids were twitching, that being the sign that she was on the verge of crying.

Seeing (Y/N) like that made Jotaro's heart break, but he didn't do anything. He didn't know what to do about it, so he was only standing there awkwardly, right next to her. "(Y/N), you've been through enough of this today..."

When she heard what he was saying, the girl couldn't help but cut him off. "What I've been through? Jotaro, do you hear what you're saying?" At that point, she was almost yelling, her voice slightly cracking from time to time. With a desperate face, she continued, even though she had already noticed the confused look on Jotaro's face. "Today, only today, you've been literally stepped on, got hit in the face by a foot and unfairly got beaten up! I only got kissed by some random dude!"

That was the moment Jotaro felt like he could explode, but he kept his face neutral, not letting any of his fury be seen. "You've already healed me." he said coldly.

"That doesn't count!" (Y/N) continued to argue.

A small vein popped up on Jotaro's right side of the forehead, when he started thinking of the image of Steely Dan kissing the girl against her will. Maybe he didn't like women that much because they mostly annoyed him, but he could never stand somebody abusing a woman, no matter who they were.

"That scum almost tried to fucking rape you, (Y/N)!" he snapped at her, making the girl flinch, thinking again that he was going to hit her or something. Just like the other time, he was surprised and disappointed at the same time, seeing her being so afraid of him, but at least this time she didn't take out her Stand to protect herself. That whole circus made him realize one last thing. When he noticed that (Y/N's) face was being full of tears, he finally got the fact that she was actually fully aware of what Dan had tried to do to her, but she didn't want to grab the spotlight with that. They sat there without moving for about a minute, then Jotaro sighed and, finishing his cigarette, he got up from the floor, making the girl lift her head, her eyes following him.

Sniffing silently, still having an apologetic voice, (Y/N) spoke. "W-what are you doing?" she asked the boy.


After he got up, Jotaro grabbed his uniform from the ground, but before he could open the front door, something grabbed his coat, stopping him. With wet eyes, (Y/N) tightly held a small corner of his coat. "Don't." she said looking down at the carpet. Jotaro couldn't help but stare at her, not knowing what his next move should be. "Please..." she whispered, the boy noticing a small tear falling on the floor, then being sucked into the carpet.

With all the things they both had spit, Jotaro knew that it was better for him to go. No matter how tight (Y/N) was holding the corner of his coat, with two more steps, he managed to make her let go of it. "Good night..." he said coldly before getting into the hallway. One second after he closed the door, the boy could hear (Y/N's) sobs and her hitting the floor with her small fist.

That night, Jotaro decided to spend the rest of the morning in Kakyoin and Polnareff's room, while leaving once again (Y/N) crying in the corner of the room. The girl eventually fell asleep from the fatigue accumulated from crying and smoking, but she wished she wouldn't wake up after that night.

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