Chapter Sixteen - The Memory

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(A/N: Look guys, I'm dumb, I procrastinated for three months, it happens. Now take this new drawing I made of Pure Silence and forgive me.)

What's wrong with him?(Y/N) thought as she held her pillow on her face, so the morning sunshine wouldn't get into her red and tired eyes. Why did he leave me again?‘ the girl sniffed into the soft pillow. That night, after Jotaro left her alone in her hotel room, crying, (Y/N) couldn't help but ask herself if it had been her fault again.

It was almost eight o'clock in the morning, about five hours after the boy left her room, and (Y/N) could still smell the scent of Jotaro's coat and cigarette smoke, which was weird, judging by the fact that she had slept with the balcony door open. Maybe it was only in her imagination.

However, despite the fact that she was once again on the verge of crying, (Y/N) was mad to the bone. She wished she had had the strength to assault Jotaro and hit him so hard, she would get his jerky behavior out of his head. All she had tried to do was to apologize to him about the other incident. Yet he got mad at her for not caring about Steely Dan's actions. However, what Jotaro didn't know was that (Y/N) had been acting careless, so she could've looked stronger to him. It seemed like her plan had gone wrong.

After a while, as the girl was clinging onto her pillow, a quiet knock on her door made her freeze. She knew that it was time for everyone to wake up, but she didn't feel like getting out of bed. She just wanted to remain there with her sad and angry thoughts and the pillow on her face. So that's what she did: (Y/N) stood still, cuddled in her sheets, pretending to sleep.

Suddenly, the door opened slowly, someone entering the room. Having her eyes closed, the girl couldn't see what was going on. Even though she knew it was probably someone from her crew who came in to wake her up, she still feared that there could be a thief or something even worse.

As (Y/N) was listening closely to the person's footsteps, she realized that they were walking up to her. The girl was ready to attack that moment, but she decided that it was better to wait for the person to make their move first. They were right behind her, when she felt a soft touch on her arm. (Y/N) almost revealed herself gasping, but gratefully the person couldn't hear her slight change of breathing.

"(Y/N)..." the girl heard a familiar whisper. That was the moment her whole body relaxed, knowing that right behind her was Kakyoin, probably sent by Mr. Joestar to wake her up. However, she didn't move, still not feeling like getting out of bed. (Y/N) knew very well that she was acting selfish and there was no time for something like that, but she couldn't help it. "(Y/N), I know you are not sleeping, get up." the boy continued with a rather serious voice.

Thinking that maybe there really was something important going on, like another Stand attack, the girl slightly narrowed her eyes, shifting on the other side of the bed. Exactly when she was expecting it less, absolutely out of blue, (Y/N) got a small kiss on her nose from Kakyoin. Her eyes widened and she blushed vaguely as the boy started laughing. "I knew you'd open your eyes after that!" he smiled. It looked like there was no Stand attack to worry about afterall.

(Y/N) rapidly covered her face with her hands. "Never do that again, Noriaki!" she exclaimed embarrassed. To be honest, that gesture actually cheered her up a little bit. She was so happy to have Kakyoin next to her during this journey, because he always knew how to cheer her up when she needed it most.

The boy took a step away from her bed. "Get ready, we're having breakfast in half an hour." he smiled sweetly and left (Y/N's) room, leaving her hazy, still trying to process that whole morning.

Fortunately, she got ready on time, her pajamas and other spare clothes going back into her bag. She got out of the room and went to the hotel's restaurant, only to have a quiet and awkward breakfast with the rest of the crusaders. Surprisingly, Jotaro was missing from the table, but Kakyoin excused him, saying that he wasn't hungry. The thoughts of Jotaro missing breakfast because of her started bugging (Y/N), but she once again tried to convince herself it was not her fault her classmate was not eating. After they were all done, the four men and the girl were ready to leave.

Having managed to halt The Lovers' invasive attack, Jotaro and the crew avoided the political unrest in Iran and Iraq and instead crossed the Arabian Sea at Karachi, to arrive at the United Arab Emirates. There weren't any Stand related incidents, so they all managed to make it there in less than half of the day.

The first stop they had to make was in Abu Dhabi, so Mr. Joestar could buy a car. Of course, he took Polnareff with him and left the students outside the huge building the most expensive cars were settled in. The three of them were staying right next to the entrance, none of them talking.

(Y/N) was playing with her fingers, so she could keep herself busy. On the other hand, Kakyoin was admiring the view around them. There was actually quite a beautiful view: right in front of the gigantic building, there was a glamorous garden, full of flowers that were gleaming in the sunlight. It was like a perfect place for a dream date, but, of course, none of the students was thinking about that.

The pink haired boy just couldn't help but smile, thinking about how lucky he was to see something like that. "Such a delightful landscape, isn't it?" he asked.

"Hm?" (Y/N) attention left her fingers, moving onto the boy and then to the garden. Her jaw almost dropped. "It is indeed! What do you say about it, Jotaro?" the girl asked without even thinking. Her eyes widened when she realized what she had just said. She froze, waiting for the boy to answer.

Jotaro was surprised to hear (Y/N) talking to him after he had left her crying in her room like that again. It was weird for him to think about it, but she was acting just like his mother. No matter what he did, she forgave him. The boy didn't look at the garden, but at his classmate. "Yeah... It's pretty." he responded with a neutral tone. However, he knew that he still had to make it up to her. Jotaro looked around then stopped when he saw a small convenience store in the corner of the street. "Tell the old man I'm buying cigarettes."

(Y/N) watched Jotaro as he left her and Kakyoin's side, confused. "Um, Noriaki?" she asked Kakyoin who remained right next to her. "You said Jotaro slept with you and Polnareff last night. What did he say when he came into your room?"

The boy rested his hand on (Y/N's) shoulder. "He told me he couldn't sleep because of his grandfather. Is there something wrong?" he seemed really concerned.

The girl knew that she couldn't have had Kakyoin know about her fights with Jotaro, because he probably had his own problems to worry about. Besides that, if there was someone who had to deal with Jotaro, that was her. "No, no! Don't worry, I was simply asking!" she exclaimed smiling. However, Kakyoin wasn't sure if (Y/N) was lying or not, so he pulled her closer to him and embraced her into a hug, surprising her. "What are you doing?" the girl asked starting to get flushed.

"I'm giving you a hug, of course!" the boy responded cheerfully.


"Because you seem like you need one."

(Y/N's) eyes widened, then narrowed softly as she smiled, hugging Kakyoin back. He closed his eyes and rested his chin on the girl's head, slowly rubbing her back in order to comfort her even more. She felt good in her friend's arms, she felt safe.

In the meantime, as Mr. Joestar and Polnareff were still choosing a car to buy, Jotaro came back from the store. He was walking up to the other students, when he saw Kakyoin hugging (Y/N) tightly. The boy stopped and stared at them with an empty look in his eyes. He had been such an idiot to think that she was alright. Even though she had found someone to brighten up her day, Jotaro was mad about the fact that that person was Kakyoin. Trying to refrain himself from frowning, he continued his way to them, lighting up a cigarette on the way. "Are you two done?" he asked coldly, leaning against a glass window.

Surprised by Jotaro suddenly appearing, the two jumped, letting go of eachother. One more embarrassed than the other, they didn't start any other awkward conversation until the old man and Polnareff arrived.


After getting the strange feeling that they were being followed, the crusaders took the luxurious car Mr. Joestar had bought, and made their way through the city. They were going to Yarpline, a village from where they were going to buy a Cessna, a plane to cross the desert, but they had to make it there by riding camels. No-one was surprised by the old man's idea, but they weren't fully agreeing with it either. Jotaro, on the other hand, was mostly bothered about the fact that his grandfather was the pilot of the plane. "Flying in a Cessna with a man who survived in three plane crushes. Yeah, sounds like the perfect idea to me." the boy said sarcastically, his eyes being covered by the shadow of his hat.

When she heard her classmate's statement, (Y/N) couldn't help but giggle, her hand covering her mouth. It took her a second to calm down, but after she did, she defended the old man. "Jotaro, none of us knows how to be a pilot, except Mr. Joestar!" she exclaimed, trying to make a point.

The boy smirked slightly. "Well it looks like he doesn't know how either!" Jotaro continued, intentionally pissing (Y/N) off.

The girl opened her mouth to say something, but then she realized that she had no comeback to tell him. She huffed and crossed her arms stubbornly, not wanting Jotaro to feel like he had won that argument. He had, but there was no need for even more of his pride to be shown. Mr. Joestar patted (Y/N) on the head, thanking her for trying to help him. She smiled defeated.

After they arrived to the point where they had to start riding camels, without giving any attention to the others' surprised faces, the old man exchanged the luxury car he had just bought for five camels, one for each one of the crusaders. They all got on their camels and were ready to continue their way to Yarpline, when (Y/N) suddenly stopped Mr. Joestar, who was supposed to ride in the front.

"Mr. Joestar, something is almost falling from your back pocket!" she shouted pointing with her right hand at the old man.

Jotaro's grandfather stopped and looked at her confused, then turned around and rubbed his hand on his pants back pocket, grabbing some kind of jewelry. It was a necklace with a shiny, red rock hanging from it. "Oi, thank God nothing happened to this!" he said putting it back into his pocket.

As they were riding, (Y/N) couldn't help but think about the rock on Mr. Joestar's necklace. It seemed rather familiar to her, but she couldn't remember why. "Um... I know I shouldn't ask something like this, Mr. Joestar, but..." she said scratching the back of her head awkwardly. "Where is that necklace from?"

The old man seemed a little bit surprised by her question at first, but after a second, he chuckled. "Well, (Y/N), it's quite a long story, but to cut it short, it's from an old friend of mine!" he exclaimed. While everyone was silently listening to him, the man took the necklace out of his pocket again. As he was staring at it with nostalgia, the red stone was slightly reflecting his image. "Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli." Mr. Joestar didn't take his eyes off the small jewel while speaking.

Maybe she was pushing it a little too far with all the questions, but (Y/N) was actually really interested in the old man's past. "Caesar Zeppeli? Sounds Italian..." she whispered under her breath.

"It is, actually!" Mr. Joestar exclaimed finally looking away from the necklace. "I met him a long time ago, in 1939, at a fancy restaurant in Rome." He laughed before continuing. "I can still remember our first Hamon fight..."

That was the moment (Y/N) remembered about the stories her grandmother had told her about her unusual trip to Italy. She smiled with her eyes closed. "My grandma went to Italy once as well! She told me that her Italian boyfriend, back in those days, met another man and they both started fighting next to some fountain, then, somehow, with some kind of unusual strength gotten after kissing her boyfriend, she beat the strange guy." (Y/N) giggled at the end, only to stop when she realized that no-one was laughing with her.

Mr. Joestar was looking at the girl with perplexed eyes, wondering if what he was thinking was actually right. "(Y/N), has your grandma shown you any photos of her during her trip?" he asked politely, wanting to remain calm.

"Yes, in most on them she was with her lover." Both (Y/N) and Mr. Joestar were concentrated at eachother, while the others were lifting their shoulders, not knowing what was going on with the two.

"So they broke up?"

The girl looked down. "No, I don't think so... She said he simply left her and never came back, after that incident next to the fountain. Why?"

"I..." The old man was overwhelmed by the emotions inside him, he didn't even know how to express himself through words anymore. "I think the reason why your grandmother's boyfriend never came back... Is because he died..." he spoke with a low tone, looking away from the female student, his prosthetic hand holding his head.

(Y/N) knew that their conversion was probably way more difficult for Mr. Joestar than it was for her, finally realizing that his old friend might've been her grandmother's friend as well. The girl knew she shouldn't have brought something like that up, so she apologized. "I'm so sorry I asked you about this, Mr. Joestar, I didn't know..."

Something inside her was telling (Y/N) that the old man's hunch was actually right. Her grandmother had described that man as a young gentleman with a shiny blond hair and an unusual ability to make ladies fall for his charms. If you thought about it, that could be a way to describe Dio as well, but the girl knew that that wasn't the case. A small flashback of herself standing right next to her grandmother on the couch, listening closely to the stories she had gotten from her trips to different countries, stormed through (Y/N's) mind. That had been such a long time ago, but it still felt like it only had happened some days ago, as she was spending more time with Mr. Joestar.

After a long sniff, Jotaro's grandfather turned his head back in her direction, smiling sadly, disturbing her deep thoughts. "It's alright, (Y/N), I can't hide this inside me forever!"

With the new story learned and some emotions let out, the crusaders continued their journey riding their camels. However, the weather was getting hotter and hotter every passing minute. (Y/N) was getting tired, even though it was still the middle of the day. Kakyoin, on the other hand, kept looking behind them, as he was making sure they're alone.

"Is everything alright, Noriaki?" she asked the pink haired student, tilting her head in his direction.

Hearing (Y/N's) voice calling Kakyoin by his first name was getting kind of annoying to Jotaro, but he knew there was nothing he could do to the two of them. He had to endure it, even though he couldn't stand it.

Something was off. "I still have the feeling that someone is watching us..." Kakyoin answered quickly, turning his head to her.

Polnareff immediately huffed amused. "Kakyoin, don't you think that you might be working a bit too much?" he asked after checking behind as well. The Frenchman was probably right, besides, they had been covering their traces since they had left. There was no way someone could be following them and they wouldn't have noticed.

Out of nowhere, Jotaro agreed with the other student. "No, I've been sensing someone's presence too." he stated, the shade of his cap covering almost half of his face.

(Y/N) nodded at the others, her eyes focusing on the boys black hat. Lucky bastard, he has that hat to protect him from the sun...‘ The girl slowly touched the top of her head with her left hand, however immediately taking it back after getting burned by her own hair. She rubbed her hands together to make the pain go away faster. "Maybe we should stop and have a look, just to be sure."

They all agreed to do what (Y/N) proposed to, but even though he used Star Platinum's vision, Jotaro couldn't spot anyone. As (Y/N) was trying to cool herself off with her uniform top, the others were talking about how they were going to camp during nighttime.

"Um... Aren't you guys hot?" the girl asked in a low and tired tone, laying down between Polnareff and Kakyoin, the boys helping her with some shade.

The white haired man smiled and pointed at her with both of his hands. "Maybe, but not as hot as you are!" his smile was so dumb, it almost made (Y/N) laugh. Everyone, especially the two other students, was looking with narrow eyes at the Frenchman who was hopefully only joking. He sighed and opened a water bottle. "Jokes apart... It's almost fifty degrees Celsius in here!"

"Yeah, it is hot in here indeed..." Mr. Joestar stated taking his watch out of his pocket. "But it's normal to be so hot at this time of the day... Huh? It's already eight? Wha..." the man stopped talking, looking shocked at the watch. Without telling the others anything yet, the man turned his head to his grandson and asked him to check his watch as well.

"It's ten past eight..." Jotaro's eyes widened after checking the time. "Oi, Jiji!"

The old man kept staring at his watch. He knew they had lost track of time, but he didn't know what the hell was going on with the sky. The crusaders were looking at eachother without knowing how to react. They all felt how the temperature was constantly growing, but they continued their way, none of them complaining.

(Y/N) wished she had the courage to ask one of the boys to borrow her their scarf or hat, but she didn't. She knew that they most likely needed them just as much as she did, so the girl didn't comment, no matter if she would've gotten a sunstroke or not. Instead, she kept wiping the sweat off her forehead with the sleeve of her uniform.

However, Kakyoin noticed that. "Don't you have anything to cover your head, (Y/N)?" he asked gently, getting closer to her with his camel.

That disturbed her from her thoughts. "I'm totally fine, don't worry!" the girl laughed awkwardly. (Y/N) still couldn't take the small kiss on her nose from that morning out of her head.

"But you sweat more than you should..."

Jotaro got distracted by their little conversation as well, even though the two were actually talking with low voices. He started getting closer.

"Oh that?" the girl continued. "It's nothing, really!"

Kakyoin hesitated for a second before replying to her again. "You know, if you want, you can borrow my..."

"My hat."

After his sentence got cut off, both (Y/N) and Kakyoin looked at Jotaro, whose camel was walking right beside theirs, his arm being stretched out, holding his black cap in it. The girl was looking at him confused, asking herself whether or not to take his offer. She looked back at Kakyoin, the pink haired guy nodding. With her camel, (Y/N) got closer to her classmate and took the cap from his hand, putting it on her head. It was rather big for her, but at least it was something. She kindly thanked Jotaro, but all he did was to ignore her.

While riding, the girl couldn't help but stare at Jotaro's shiny hair, remembering how the small curl of his curly hair, always on his face, had touched her forehead that night. It was weird that she was thinking about such an embarrassing moment.

Suddenly they all stopped and looked at the huge sun ahead of them. "Impossible!" Polnareff exclaimed. "The thermometer jumped at sixty degrees!"

"Why is it not setting...?" Jotaro's grandfather asked himself.

(Y/N) immediately gasped and pointed the sun. "Mr. Joestar, look! It's actually rising from the west!"

"No way!"

"Could it be..."

"An enemy Stand user!" the black haired student finished Kakyoin's sentence.

They couldn't walk anymore. It was getting so hot, not even the camels could stand anymore. The five crusaders hid from the burning sunlight behind a wall of rocks, if it could be called something like that, leaving the camels in front of it, not having enough space in the shade for the animals as well. They still couldn't believe that the sun was a Stand.

"This is why we couldn't see our stalker..." Kakyoin stated, narrowing his eyes while looking at the fire ball just above them.

Starting to breathe heavily, (Y/N) turned around and sat down on the dry sand. "This thing is going to roast us like some chicken strips..." she spoke trying to cool herself by waving her hands in front of her sweaty face. "It's seventy degrees Celsius outside!" she groaned holding Jotaro's cap stuck to her head.

"Agreed. Then how are we gonna fight it?" Polnareff asked looking at the Sun just like Kakyoin did. "It's impossible to tell if that Stand is just close or extremely far!"

They all sat there in silence for a moment, then Jotaro suddenly spoke in a determined tone. "The fastest way to defeat the Stand is to take care of the user..." (Y/N) looked up at the bulky, sweating classmate of hers. Even though he was probably feeling just as baked as she was, Jotaro wasn't letting any of his pain and discomfort be seen nor noticed by the others. Maybe she was still judging him the wrong way; maybe she could be learning something from his excessive control over all of his weaknesses. The girl was crying a lot after all, but she couldn't help it. That was her only excuse. However, that was no time to think of a reason to her lack of emotional control.

Mr. Joestar said that the Stand user should have been nearby, but there was one thing disturbing the crusaders: everything surrounding them was flat and yet they couldn't catch any sight of the enemy. That was the moment when Kakyoin decided to measure the distance between them and the enemy Stand, using Hierophant Green, ignoring everyone's opposing. However, when he got a hundred meters away from the rocks and attacked the Sun with his Emerald Splash, the enemy Stand started shooting with huge fire bullets. Beside injuring the pink hair boy, the attack also injured a camel. The others didn't wait, as Polnareff and (Y/N) took out their Stands to help them dodge the fire bullets.

With Star Platinum behind him and his dark, short curls waving in the air as he jumped, Jotaro shouted. "I'm gonna dig a hole into the ground, everyone, get in!" And with that, his Stand punched the dried sand and dirt, creating something like a small cave, to protect them from the fire attacks. (Y/N) turned her head in Jotaro's direction for a second, while she stopped paying attention to the way Pure Silence was dodging the fire bullets, one of them scraping her left forearm. She held in a shriek and hid behind the huge rocks, before hurrying inside the small cave.

The four men and girl were sitting on their belly on the ground, three of them in front and the other two in the back of the hole. Even though she was sitting right in front of both Jotaro and Polnareff, between Kakyoin and Mr. Joestar, (Y/N) knew that the two guys behind herhad no time to dare look under her wrinkled uniform skirt. Or, at least, she hoped they didn't. The girl looked at the cherry pink haired guy next to her, whose sweat was mixing up with the blood coming from his head. "Noriaki, are you alright?" she asked him softly moving her arm closer to his.

He looked her in the eyes for a second, then turned away. "I'm fine..." Kakyoin sighed. "I was in the middle of using the Emerald Splash when it attacked, so it's not that bad." the boy tried to reassure her, but the worry in (Y/N's) glowy eyes didn't fade at all.

"Let me help you..."

"(Y/N), let's get out of this situation first..." he refused her help. He was gazing at her determined (E/C) eyes when a slight smile appeared on his face. Kakyoin was proud of the way the girl's character was evolving. There had been days since (Y/N) had cried last time, or, at least, so he thought. However, something seemed odd about the girl. As he was staring deeply at her, the boy unintentionally glanced at her arm. His eyes widened and his smile faded when he saw through the burned material of (Y/N's) uniform sleeve the huge amount of burned flesh, blood slowly dripping out of her muscle, coloring the cloth surrounding the injury.

With his pupils getting smaller, Kakyoin opened his mouth to say something, but as she noticed his sudden change of expression on his face, the girl did it before him. "Let's get out of this situation first..." (Y/N) quoted him. She was trying to look comfortable with the condition she was in, but her slightly twitching eyebrows were revealing the unforgiving pain she was actually going through.

A bunch of minutes had passed. The crusaders had no water, nothing to help them find the enemy Stand user, but most importantly, they were slowly starting to go crazy. "Where are you, you son of a bitch?!" Mr. Joestar cried out loud, hitting the ground with his huge fists.

(Y/N's) head was pounding so loud and hard, she could barely hear the others deep, long breaths. She was on the verge of not being able to take it anymore. The pain from her arm, the one from her head, she was feeling like she could've collapsed any moment, but somehow the girl kept still. Suddenly, she heard a slightly high pitched laugh from Kakyoin's direction. (Y/N) looked at him with one eyebrow raised, as the old man next to her spoke. "Oi, Kakyoin! What the hell are you laughing about? Control yourself, man!"

The girl gasped as she heard the same kind of psychotic laugh behind her, coming from the last person she could have expected it to. Jotaro was laughing uncontrollably, Polnareff immediately joining him and the pink haired guy. However, there was one thing (Y/N) noticed before telling herself that the boys had gone mad: there had all been looking in the same direction before starting chuckling. She did the same and actually got shocked. Outside of the hole, in the distence, there were two rocks, looking exactly the same, but one of their shadows being reversed. That was the moment when it fully hit her. The girl giggled. ‘We've been fooled my a mirror. A damned mirror!‘ she thought as she laughed about how that was such a stupid trick.

On the other side of the hand, Mr. Joestar didn't know what to do with those 4 anymore. Once he had witnessed his grandson laughing so loud for the first time in that journey, he knew something had to be wrong. "Oh my God! They've finally gotten mad from the heat... Am I the only one who's still sane?" the old man talked to himself, not having anyone to listen to him anymore. "Oi!" he exclaimed grabbing Jotaro by the collar of his coat. "Get a hold of yourself!"

Just like he had expected, the black haired student was the first one to calm down. Wiping his tears, Jotaro told Mr. Joestar that they were not going crazy, followed by (Y/N), who tried to explain to the old man the trick the enemy Stand user was using to trick them, but it was useless. Without saying anything else, Jotaro took out Star Platinum, grabbed the first rock the saw and threw it into the first rock's direction, making a hole through the ‘sky‘. Or at least, that's what his grandfather thought he did.

In less than a minute, the huge sun on the sky disappeared, making space for the millions of beautiful stars on the night sky. (Y/N) got out of the hole and lifted her head observing the bright drops of shine painting the black canvas above them. Even though she was caught in the colorful image she was happily staring at, the girl remembered that she still had to cure Kakyoin's wounds.

With something like a pirouette, (Y/N) turned around, her left arm hitting Jotaro's, who was right behind her. "Ack!" she shouted falling to her knees, her sudden reaction making Jotaro widen his eyes. He looked at the place on his coat where the girl had touched him, spotting the trace of some blood. Along with Kakyoin who left Mr. Joestar and Polnareff before them, Jotaro took another step forward to (Y/N). He noticed the way she was covering her left arm with the other one.

"Show me your arm." he ordered.

The girl hesitated. What was his problem anyway? If he really cared about her condition, why couldn't he talk to her more gently?

Once Kakyoin made his way to (Y/N), who was silently sobbing in pain, the boy sat down next to her, right in front of the bulky student. Handling it with care, the pink haired guy turned up (Y/N's) uniform sleeve, uncovering the burned piece of her arm's flesh. At that moment, there was nothing he could do to help the girl get rid of the pain, other than bandaging her arm. That was exactly what he did. He took off his scarf and started wrapping it around (Y/N's) arm, both of them still ignoring Jotaro's presence.

The girl was feeling guilty for destroying her friend's scarf. "Noriaki, don't... It's gonna get ruined..." She squealed from the pain.

"Sorry!" the boy immediately apologized. "I can replace this scarf if I want, but I can't do the same thing with your arm..."

He was so sweet. Kakyoin was sacrificing his scarf to free her of grief, and maybe his life to save Holly's. (Y/N) had no more words with her, so she just smiled tiredly.

"Yare yare daze..."

The girl turned her head, hearing Jotaro's low voice and some steps moving away, that being the sign of her classmate leaving her and Kakyoin alone. She felt relieved to know that he wasn't glaring at them from behind anymore, but guilty for ignoring him at the same time. He wanted to help, afterall...

Aiming to his grandfather and the Frenchman, Jotaro puffed in anger, frowning and walking slowly with his hands in his pockets, each step coming with another annoying thought about (Y/N). Why did she refuse his help but not Kakyoin's? Well, she didn't directly refused him, but her reaction spoke for her. Even though he knew how much bad he had done to her the night before, he didn't do it for him. He did it for her, or so he believed. Besides, she seemed fine about him in the morning. Jotaro sighed, getting next to his old man. He growled, watching (Y/N) and Kakyoin from afar, and took out one of his smokes. After the French guy gave him a lighter, the student lit up his cigarette and took a deep breath out of the it, the smoke drowning his lungs. The boy still glaring at the two other teenagers right in front of him. His eyebrows twitched when he saw how close the two were.

He needed a break.

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