Nexus Force reunite

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(Location #1: City) <★★★★★>

(Location #2: Airack Household) <★★★★★>

(Location #3: High School) <★★★★★>

(Location #4: Nexus HQ) <★★★★★>

(OC/Canon: Rosalina, Chelsea, Chase, Isaac, Eugeo, Alice, Drake, Blake, Duke, Emily, Kimberly, Vonilia, Max, ????, ????, ????)

Rosalina: -Age: 22- {Hazard Level: 16.0}

Chelsea: -Age: 20- {Hazard Level: 20.5}

Chase: -Age: Unknown- {Hazard Level: 36.0}

Isaac: -Age: 20- {Hazard Level: 18.9}

Eugeo: -Age: 19- {Hazard Level: 7.4}

Alice: -Age: 18- {Hazard Level: 7.5}

Drake: -Age: 19- {Hazard Level: 15.5}

Blake: -Age: 17- {Hazard Level: 14.3}

Duke: -Age: 36- {Hazard Level: 275.5}

Emily: -Age: 32- {Hazard Level: 175.7}

Kimberly: -Age: 6- {Hazard Level: 0.0}

Vonilia: -Age: 3.5 Million- {Dark Level: 225.5}

Max: -Age: 6.5 Million- {Dark Level: 265.5}

????: -Age: Unknown- {????: Unknown}

????: -Age: Unknown- {????: Unknown}

????: -Age: Unknown- {????: Unknown}

(Opening Script: The Nexus Force returns!)

Rosalina: Let me think.

Chelsea: Alrighty.... But I wonder where Ms. Emily is still?

Kimberly: Ms. Emily is living very close to Nexus HQ mommy.

Alice: Thank you for the information Kimbery.

Eugeo: Should we head over there?

Isaac: Yeah.

Chase: Agree.

*At School*

Blake: I hope our art project gets good votes.

????: Yeah!

*At The Airack Household*

Drake: What to do...?

Emily: Drake! Can you cook for dinner tonight? I have to go to work.

Drake: Sure thing Mom.

*At Nexus HQ*

Duke: Emily is gonna be late at this rate....

*Somewhere in the city*

Vonilia: It's pisses me off!!!

Max: ..... *Ignores Vonilia Tantrum*

????: What's our target today.

Max: The Nexus members as usual....

????: I'm not surprised.

(★ Music ★) 

Nimbus Walks {LEGO Universe}

LEGO Universe {LEGO Universe}

(Tagged Users: CrimsonKeyBlade, Yuuna-Shigemura, JaedenShirley, UltramanBelial)

(The return of the Nexus Force!)

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