Strange memories

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(Location #1: Daybreak Town) <★★★★★>

(Location #2: Ashley's house) <★★★★★>

(OC/Canon: Cody, Ultraman Zero, Ian, Lillian, Yuna, Yuki, Ashley, Kevin, ????, ????, ????, ????, ????)

Cody: -Age: 19- {Hazard Level: 65.3}

Ultraman Zero: -Age: 12,000- {Hazard Level: 75.5}

Ian: -Age: 20- {Hazard Level: 20.5}

Lillian: -Age: 17- {Hazard Level: 9.9}

Yuna: -Age: 17- {Hazard Level: 11.0}

Yuki: -Age: 300 Million- {Hazard Level: Unknown}

Ashley: -Age: 19- {Hazard Level: 9.0}

Kevin: -Age: 17- {Hazard Level: 8.0}

????: -Age: Unknown- {????: Unknown}

????: -Age: Unknown- {????: Unknown}

????: -Age: Unknown- {????: Unknown}

????: -Age: Unknown- {????: Unknown}

????: -Age: Unknown- {????: Unknown}

(Opening Script: The strange memories of the past)

*In the memories of Daybreak Town*

Cody: Err..... Where am I....?

Ultraman Zero: Good question.... Where are we...?

Yuki: I see that you're awake.

Cody: Yuki...?

*Somewhere else in the memories of Daybreak town*

????: Hmmm.....

????: Something wrong?

*Elsewhere in the memories of Daybreak town*

????: ....

*Somewhere in the memories of Daybreak town*

????: Huh? *Sees me & Yuki* I wonder who they are?

*On a rooftop*

????: .....

*In Ashley's House*

Yuna: Why isn't Cody waking up...?

Lillian: I-I-I don't know.

Ian: Calm down, I'm sure he'll wake up soon.

Kevin: Hope you're right.

Ashley: We'll just have to wait.

(★ Music ★)  

daybreak town [field theme] {Kingdom Hearts Union X}

(Tagged Users: CrimsonKeyBlade)

(Memories of the past)

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