The beginning of a new life

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Small introuction to Daggerspite ::
- Pink horns (#FDB0C0), straight similar to Shurikens except they also extend out at the base, making a small V.
- Long hair bc ya (future, not as a child)
- Pink eyes to match his horns
- Idk rest is described

Gear :: Throwing daggers tipped in poison (Poison added on by Subspace)


Wandering through one of Blackrock's endless fields of snow, Subspace sighed to himself. The rot on his body was still fresh, only the cold seemed to numb it. Subspace found himself taking frequent walks for this reason, the pain in his jaw being almost too much to handle at times. Luckily, Blackrock was known for it's yearly blizzards.

Wandering towards a tree, movement snatched Subspace's attention from his mindless thoughts. Taking a closer look, there were small footsteps in the snow, leading to behind another tree a few feet away. Walking over to investigate, Subspace peeked around, coming face to face with a small demon, not much older than the age of 3. "Huh?? Where did you come from, kid?" He asks, reaching for the child that flinches away, falling into the snow. "Come here, I'm not gonna hurt ya." Subspace growls, annoyed as the child starts to cry, attempting to crawl away from the latter.

Picking up the kid, Subspace looks at it. "Why are you here?" They were miles away from the nearest building. "Where did you come from?" He asks the child, to which it only cried in response, shaking from fear of the stranger and the cold.

Grumbling, Subspace unzips his jacket, putting the kid inside of it and rezipping it. He still held onto the child, supporting it in his jacket. "Let's get you warmed up so you'll actually talk." He sighs, walking back the way he came.

Around half way through their walk, the toddler had stopped crying, still shivering but not as badly. They clinged onto Subspace's shirt, pressing themself close against his chest. Subspace had a brisk pace, trying to get to his home to figure something out as quick as possible. "What's your name, kid?" He asks.

The child is silent for a moment. "..D-..Dagger..spi'e." They mumble softly. Subspace could barely hear them. "Daggerspite you said?" He asks to confirm, the child nodding in response. "Well, Daggerspite, where are your parents?"

"..Gone.." The child mutters, their voice rasp from their earlier sobbing. "Oh." Subspace is silent for a moment, "well, where did you come from?"

"U-Uncle.. 'old me 'o s'ay..." The child can't seem to pronounce their t's. Subspace quietly curses at himself for picking up an abandoned child. "I'll.. bring you to an orphanage I guess..?" He looks down at the child, still clinging onto his chest like their life depended on it. "Are you a boy or a girl?" He asks.


"Alright." Subspace slightly rocks the child in his grasp. "Do you know where you are?"

"Uhm.." The child looks around slightly. "B-Black..rock?"

"Yes, very good. Do you come from Blackrock?" At least the child knew the faction from it's terrain.

"No.. Playground.."

"Oh." The current factions were currently at war with eachother. Subspace assumed his parents must of died from said war. "So you know you're in enemy territory?" This was going to make finding an orphanage very difficult.

"Mhm.." Daggerspite nods, leaning his head on Subspace's chest again. "I don' wanna... go back." He sniffles, about to cry again.

"Why not, bud?" Subspace asks, reaching to his head and softly ruffling Daggerspite's hair. Such an aggressive name for a child.

"I don' like i' 'here. 'heyre mean..!" The small child manages to growl, surprising Subspace slightly. Kids usually didn't learn how to growl until older ages like 5. "How old are you, Daggerspite?"


"Wow, the big 3! Do you know when your birthday is?" Subspace wasn't the best with kids, but he tried his best to keep the small child's mind away from what seemed to be a traumatic experience around Playground.

"Uhm.." He thinks for a moment. "J..Joon.. sifh!"

"June sixth?"

"Mhm!" Daggerspite nods happily, looking up at Subspace. "Where will I go..?" He asks hesitantly.

"I'm not sure yet, but we'll find out soon enough. I promise you'll go somewhere safe and warm, bud." Subspace gives the kid a reassuring pat on the back.

"What's you' name?" Dagger asks, begining to look around more as he felt warmer and less afraid.

"My names Subspace, I'm a Blackrock scientist." He gives a small introduction to himself, causing Dagger's tail to wag.

"What's a... sc...sciwen'st!" He asks excitedly, eyes sparkling with joy.

"A scientist is someone who works with really cool things. They make real magic." He explains in simple terms for the child so he can grasp his young mind around it.

"I wanna see!" Dagger pipes up, curious. This causes Subspace to chuckle.

"Alright, alright." He takes a crystal out of his pocket, covering Daggerspite's ears with his head and chest. He throws it, causing the crystal to explode with impact on the ground.

"WOAHH!!" Daggerspite yells, mesmerised by the pink smoke and new indent in the snowy ground. "'HAT WAS COOL!" He looks at Subspace, smiling wildly.

Subspace chuckles again, "I'm glad you liked it. Are you hungry, bud?"

Daggerspite nods quickly. "Mhm! Uncle didn' gim me no food."

"I'll get you somethin' to eat soon, bud. We're almost in town." Subspace promises, scratching Dagger's head. He's careful to not accidentally hurt the child with his claws.

Soon reaching town, Subspace walks into one of the many fastfood places scattered among the streets. Daggerspite silently watched in awe at the unfamiliar place, staying close to Subspace's chest. "Can you read?" Subspace asked, patting the child's back.

"No!" Dagger exclaims happily.

"Alright then, I'll just pick something random for you off the menu." Figuring it wont matter since Dagger looked like he was starving, Subspace ordered a kids meal.

It was done within a few minutes. Subspace took it and sat down at a table, putting Dagger in the seat beside him with a booster seat. The child looked hungrily at the food at Subspace set it out of the bag for him. "Eat up, it's all yours." He patted the child's back lightly.

Daggerspite quickly took one of the apple slices, quickly biting into it. He basically devored most of his food within minutes before stopping. "I'm full!" He announces happily. "'ank you!" He smiles, hugging Subspace's arm. Subspace smiled.

"Look, it comes with a toy." He takes the cheap plastic toy out of the bag, giving it to Daggerspite. He gasped with his eyes lighting up, quickly grabbing it. It was a mini figureine of a popular Blackrock kid's show. "'ank you!" Dagger repeats his thanks, his tail wagging aggressively as he fiddles with his toy.

Putting the rest of the food in the bag, Subspace figured the child would be hungry agian later. He stands up, grabbing Dagger and securing him back in his jacket. "Come on, bud, let's go." He laves the establishment, continuing the walk to his house. "Do you how to summon your gear yet?"

"Mhm! My mama said 'hey were 'oh-wing daggers!"

"Throwing daggers?"


"Interesting." Subspace couldn't help but wonder where the 'spite' in his name came from. Maybe he was an oopsie child and his parents spited him. Shrugging it off, Subspace focused back on his walk, quicking his pace. "How 'bout I give you a nickname, bud?"


"What about.. Sweets? Since you're so sweet! Your namd hardly suits you, buddy." Subspace lightly pinches Dagger's cheek, causing the child to giggle and turn his head away.

"Ok! I 'ike 'hat name!" He smiles up at Subspace happily. Sweets. What a sweet name.

Subspace's eyes narrowed at Sweets as an idea formed in his head. He smiled to himself. His Biografts were a success, but what if he had another weapon? One more.. manipulative. "What do you think about staying with me, Sweets?"

"I wanna! Can I p'wease s'ay wi'h you!" Sweets' eyes instantly lit up as he shakes in excitement, wrapping his arms around Subspace as best he could. "I p'omise 'o be good!"

Subspace chuckles, "I'll see what I can do, bud."


Now weeks later, Subspace had gotten attatched to Daggerspite, the kid had even started to refer to him as dad. He was growing well, his speech also improving. Subspace coudln't help but feel pride as he watched his new adopted son grow. But then, an issue occurred. Subspace had enough vacation time to take a month off of work, but now he had to go back and couldn't risk his son being around the harsh poisons.

Growling, Subspace looked through pages of sketchy babysitters. He had debated going to a completely different faction for Dagger's babysitter, but quickly ruled out too much time. Deciding he didn't trust any of the 1-star rated babysitters, he painstakingly opened his contacts list. Only two were listed. Sighing, he called one.

It rang once.

It rang twice.


"Heyy, Hyper..!" Subspace greeted awkwardly.

"What is it? You got a job that needs to be done?" Hyperlaser's gruff growl came from the other end.

"Uhm, kinda.. I'm kind of in a bit of a.. situation." Subspace admitted.

"..What situation?"

"Well.. Would you be willing to take a job of watching something for around.. 11 hours tomorrow?"

Hyperlaser was silent for a few moments. "How much will I be getting paid?"

"50 bux an hour."


"Great! I need you to come to my place, 8am sharp! You should already have my address." Subspace's tail happily wagged.

"Alright. What exactly am I going to be watching? Should I bring my gun?"

"NO. Do NOT bring your gun." Subspace growled. "You'll see when you get here, bye bye!~" Subspace hung up before Hyperlaser could ask any more questions. Getting up from his chair, he left his office, shutting the door behind him. Walking into the main room, he found Daggerspite happily coloring in a notebook with some crayons. "Sweets, I have news."

"What is it?" Sweets asked, looking up from his drawings.

"Some nice man is coming to visit tomorrow. I won't be here so he's going to look after you." Subspace announces, sitting beside his son.

"A new friend?!" Sweets happily asked, his tail wagging. "Is he nice? Is he mean? What's his name? Does he like to draw?"

Subspace chuckled. "He's nice. His name is Hyperlaser, I'm sure he'll draw with you if you ask him nicely."

Dagger happily hugged his notebook. "I can't wait!" He chimed.


The next morning soon rolled around. Subspace had just woken up Daggerspite and gotten him dressed for the day. He made sure there was food pre-cooked for all meals, multiple snacks, and detailed instructions on what to do and what not to do for the whole day. Hearing a knock on the door, Subspace placed Dagger on the couch, quickly answering. "Hyper! So glad you could make it."

"Yeah yeah, what exactly am I watching?" Hyperlaser asked, taking his boots off as he walked in.

"Come see." Subspace signaled for Hyper to follow him as he walked into the main room. "Meet my son!" He announced happily, showing off his child.

"You have a SON?" Hyperlaser asked loudly. Subspace didn't need to see his face to know there was a look of pure shock on it.

"Yep! His name is Daggerspite, but he also goes by Sweets."

"Hi Mister!" Sweets excitedly got up from the couch, running to Hyperlaser. "You look cool! Is your name Hyper..laser? Daddy said it was! Your helmet looks really cool!"

"Hey.. bud..!" Hyper kneeled down to get a better look at Dagger. "Why did your daddy never tell me he had you?" He looked back at Subspace.

"Daddy just got me a few weeks ago!" Dagger announces. He notices Hyperlaser's hand and grabs it. "Woahh! Your hand is so big!"

Hyper softly ruffles Dagger's hair, standing back up. "You didn't tell me I was babysitting."

"Now you can't back out. All the foods cooked, snacks are prepared, and I have a list of everything you could possibly need." Subspace takes a paper out of his pocket, giving it to Hyper who unfolds it to read. "I have work now, I have to go before I'm late. Call me if you need anything!" Subspace chimes, quickly picking up Daggerspite to give him a quick hug before setting him back down and leaving the house.

Hyper looks at the child. "So.. Sweets was it? What do you like to do?" He awkwardly tries to converse with the child.

"I like drawing! Do you like drawing?" Dagger quickly grabs his notebook, showing Hyperlaser his drawings.

"Wow, you're an artist!" Hyperlaser compliments, making Dagger giggle as they sit on the couch together.


Hyperlaser's phone vibrated with a message. Taking it out of his pocket, ne noticed the message was from one of the high bosses. Stiffening, he quickly opened it.

>>Hyperlaser, I need you to get this job done tonight. If you don't, consider yourself to be the next target. The target will be at Thieves' Den bar, 5pm tonight.
--3 attatchments--

The attatchments were of the target's information. Growling to himself, he quickly called Subspace. Currently, Daggerspite was taking a nap after eating one of his snacks.

Subspace didn't pick up. Cursing, Hyperlaser quickly dialed his lab's number.

It rang once.

It rang twice.


"Subspace Tripmine, who's calling~" His chime sounded from the speaker.

"Hey, Sub.. One of the highs gave me a job, I have to do it at 5, can't decline it." Hyperlaser states awkwardly.

Subspace was silent for a second, "can you safely take Dagger with you? And how long will it take?"

"Well it's right infront of Thieve's Den at Crossroads. I guess I could take him with me, but.. Is it really a good idea to y'know.. watch someone get murdered?" Hyper was nervously tapping his foot.

"It's.. fine. Just take him with you, he should learn about death anyways. I'll pay you extra." Subspace's sigh was heard. "Just make sure he doesn't get hurt."

"Don't worry, I won't. You know I stay out of danger on my own, I'll be especially careful now. I'll let you know before and after my job is done."

"Alright, thanks Hyper. Let me know his reaction too, I know he has the concept of abuse and possibly death already, but I'm unsure if he's ever seen a murder. Try to limit the trauma too, if you can."

"Gotcha. I'll make sure nothing bad happens. Alright, cya Sub." After a bye from Subspace, Hyperlaser ended the call. Luckily, he decided to bring his gun in his truck despite Subspace telling him not to have it.

A few hours later, it was time for Hyper to complete his task. "Hey, Sweets. We're gonna go on a little adventure together." He told the child, picking him up.

"Adventure? Okay!" Dagger beamed happily, holding onto Hyperlaser's jacket.

"It's going to be a secret adventure, scary too!" Hyper puts his boots on and grabs Sweets' shoes, walking out to his truck and getting in. Placing Daggerspite on the seat beside him, he gives the child his shoes. "Put those on."

Dagger happily obeyed, putting his shoes on with hardly any struggle. "Where are we going?" He asks.

"We're going to watch someone's head explode."

"Will that hurt them?"

"No, they won't feel any pain, but they'll be asleep for a long, long time after." Hyperlaser gritted his teeth as he began to drive to Crossroads.

"Cool!" Dagger exclaims, kicking his feet in the air.

"You have to stay very, very quiet when we're there though. No one can know, it's a secret." Hyper reached over to pat Dagger's back. "You think you can do that?"

"Yep! I can be really really quiet!" Sweets smiled, his tail wagging.

"Alright, bud."

A few minutes later, they reached the bar at 4:50. Hyperlaser slowly made his way through the shadows, gun in one hand and Sweets in the other. He had instructed the child to stay very still and quiet, and he was pleased that he listened.

Climbing onto the roof, Hyperlaser got into position, gun pointed at the entrance of the bar. From the ground, he wasn't visible at all. Sweets stayed put where he was, even restraining his tail from quivering in excitement.

One minute passed.

Another minute.

Five minutes.

The target came into view. Hyperlaser waited as he spoke to another demon. He waited. The target walked towards the door, grabbing it to open. Now. Hyperlaser pulled the trigger, the target's head exploding into a mass of blood. His body fell limp as bystanders screamed, running in terror. Sweets peered up to see the damage done, staring silently at the limp body below.

Hyperlaser quickly grabbed Dagger, silently making his way to the ground, moving seamlessly through the dim lighting of alleyways, coming back to his truck. Hurridly getting in, he texted the boss.

>Done. No problems with the job, unseen.

He looked over at Dagger who was basically shaking. "You can talk now."

"THAT WAS SO COOL!" Dagger yelled at. "HIS HEAD POPPED LIKE A BALLOON!!" He squealed, tail wagging. "Can you do it again?!" He urged, looking expectantly at Hyperlaser.

Hyper chuckled. "Not right now, bud. Maybe another day you can come along with me again. Starting his truck, he called Subspace, putting it on speaker as he began to drive.

Subspace answered almost instantly. "Is everything okay?" His voice sounded worried.

"DADDY!" Dagger yelled into the phone. "I saw a man's head EXPLODE like a BALLOON!" He giggles.

"Really, bud? Were you scared?" Subspace asks, his worry easing.

"NOPE! I stayed super quiet like Mr Hyperlaser told me and I didn't move at all! Daddy can I go with Mr Hyperlaser again? Pleaseee?" Dagger begs into the phone.

"We'll see, we'll see." Subspace says, chuckling. "One day, you'll be able to make heads explode like that, all by yourself!"


Link to the chapter ao3:

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