A new mission

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Subspace gives his son a new mission, but it's rather different than his normal tasks
Will Daggerspite succeed?

Small info: This is 13 years later from chapter 1

Daggerspite is 16!!!


Daggerspite growled as his alarm beeped in his ear. Sitting up, he tiredly hit one of the buttons, turning it off. Rubbing his eyes, he yawned. 6am. Getting up, Dagger stretched, shaking the tiredness from his bones. His father had told him he could sleep in, but Dagger was on a strict schedule. Slugging to his closet, he grabbed one of his uniforms, walking into his bathroom to take a shower.

After his shower, Dagger felt fully awake, ready for the day. Walking into the kitchen, he took out some eggs and pancake batter, begining to cook. Making two servings of each, he put one plate of food in the microwave, eating the other one hurridly.

A sigh escaped his lips as he finished his food within 5 minutes. "Let's see what jobs I have today.." He mumbled to himself, taking his phone out of his pocket. Looking at his schedule, he only had one task assigned to him. [SEE SUBSPACE IN LABRATORY 17. 10:00AM.] "Huh." At 16 years old, Dagger was an active worker in Blackrock. Throughout his youth he had helped his father with his duties, simply tidying up or working with actual crystals. After there was an accident and Dagger's back was cursed with the same rot as Subspace's jaw, his father was hesitant to let him in the lab for a few years.

That was in the past by now, Daggerspite was used to the aching rot that lathered a gash in his back. It didn't bother him anymore. Looking at his gloveless palm, he noticed the burned Blackrock symbol was fading.

Subspace wanted to engrave Daggerspite's mind with where he belonged. In doing that, he burned Dagger's palm with the Blackrock's logo and his right shoulder with Subspace's own logo every few months. Dagger didn't mind this, it made his father happy.

"Ugh, I have nothing to do." Dagger mumbled to himself, looking around the kitchen. Everything was already clean. Perhaps he should have slept in. "I'll just.. go for a stroll." He spoke to no one in particular as he got up, grabbing his gloves from near the door and putting them on before he left. He knew his father was still asleep in bed so he quickly texted him;

>I'm going out for a walk, dad! I'll make sure to be at your lab for whatever meeting you assigned to me. Breakfast is in the microwave

Daggerspite loved his dad. Sure, Subspace was a bit brutal at times during trainings, pushing him to fight with Biograft until every bone in his body ached, but Dagger was grateful for it. Subspace had made him into one of Blackrock's best fighters. He often got assigned to do high-skill assassin tasks, paying him beyond what he could ask for.

Strolling through the streets of Blackrock, Daggerspite noticed a pitiful scene infront of him. A mother with her two kids, all three looking deathly thin and sickly. Despite being a cold-hearted murderer, Dagger felt pity for his faction mates. Taking out his wallet, he approached the begging mother, handing her 50k bux. "Here you go, ma'am!" He smiled at her brightly.

Seeing the sheer amount of bux she was just given, she stares in disbelief, starting to weep. "Thank you so much! Thank you, thank you, you kind hearted soul!" She bowed to him in gratitude, making him smile more.

"You're welcome! I have more than enough money for myself, I'm happy to share." He continues along as the mother takes her children, seeming to go straight to a store for some food.

"My good deed for the day!" Dagger chimes to himself, continuing his walk. Good fortune came to those who were kind to the less fortunate, he had always told himself that. Feeling his phone buz, he takes it out to see a message from his father. Opening it, he read;

>>Thank you for the breakfast, Sweets! It was delicious <3 I expect you to be there at 10 sharp, not a minute late. It's important.

Dagger made a mental note to himself to keep an eye on the time.

Passing the vendors of Blackrock, he stopped as something caught his eye. Horn rings. Taking a closer look, Dagger studied one of the rings before taking it and trying it on. His soft pink horn shined, the silver ring complimenting it. He looks at the vendor who was watching him silently. "How much for it?"

"15 bux, young sir!"

Taking out his wallet, he put 15 bux on the counter, satisfied with his purchase. "Thank you!" He thanked the vendor before walking off. What a quick and easy interaction! Despite being hyperactive and easily approchable, he wasn't a social butterfly, preferring to stick to short chats whenever needed.

Happily purring, Dagger eventually made a loop, walking back to his home. Checking the time, it was only 7:34. He had spent only around an hour on his outing. "Waiting around is so boring." He grumbled, taking out his phone to text his dad.

>Dad is there any way I can come earlier than 10? I'm bored, I have no other jobs today and I'm curious as to why you need to be meeting with me for a job instead of just bringing it up at dinner!

Subspace soon replied;

>>Fine, fine. You can come in now, I'm not busy today anyway. I only made it 10 since I told you to sleep in. However, you obviously didn't do that.
>I'm on a schedule! I can't break it! I'll be there in a bit, I'm like a 30min walk away
>>Alright, I'll be waiting.

Happily increasing his pace, Dagger made his way along to Blackrock's main facility.

Upon reaching the facility, Dagger scans his fingerprint at the entrance, satisfaction washing over him as it unlocks. He had been added into their system at age 10. Usually demons had to wait 5 years after first getting their job until they were added. He was aware of the stares of jealousy of older workers eyeing him.

Walking through the halls, Dagger made his way to his father's lab. Knocking three times before opening it, Subspace was waiting for him, a Biograft next to him. "Hey dad! What did you need me here for?" He greeted, walking up and hugging his dad.

Subspace returned the hug. "I have a very, very important mission for you, Sweets."

"Well what is it?"

"I want you to go into enemy territory. Gain a specific demon's trust. Bring him to me. It may take weeks, months, or years, but I need you to do this for me, Sweets." Subspace looked into his son's eyes, holding his shoulders.

"So.. you want me to pretend like I was horribly mistreated or something and manipulate the enemy?"

"Yes, exactly! But it has to be.. believeable." Subspace's face was grim. "I could never bring myself to hurt you with my own hands, but Biograft however.."

"You want me to let myself get beat up by it?" Sweets asked, slowly following along.

"Exactly! Right after I clear your markings that is!" Subspace happily nodded over to the tools he used to burn the marks into Dagger's skin.

"I.. can do that. Who's the target?" Dagger slowly nodded. He'd do anything to please his father.

"Great!" Subspace gave a little clap before grabbing a folder. "This is your target. He's a member of Lost Temple. Everything you need should be in there. Remember everything, it's too risky to bring the file with you."

"I can do that." Dagger nods more confidently, taking the folder and looking in it.

_AGE: 34

"Yeah, easy. I just need his address, don't I? 184 Zin, I got this!" He examined the picture of the supposed Medkit. A teal deer-like demon. Easy!

"Thank you, son." Subspace smiled. "He has wronged me in the past, with your help I can finally act back. Now come along, the iron should be hot enough now." Subspace led Dagger over to the heated iron tools used to burn his flesh.

Taking off his shirt, Dagger turned around, feeling nothing but satisfaction as the hot iron pressed against his shoulder. Subspace was always careful to burn it in the same spot, the nerves being long numb. Turning around and taking off his glove, the same action was done to the palm of his hand. Remembering when the burns first happened, Dagger almost laughed at how much he screamed. How weak he was back then!

Putting his shirt and gloves back on, Dagger shook his long, pink hair. "Should I go now, dad?" He asked.

"Biograft has to do some damage to you, and you must walk to Lost Temple yourself. Tell them your name is Sweets, act as if my name brings trauma to you if questioned. If they ask about said trauma after some weeks, give them a sob story." Subspace looked expectantly at Dagger. "You think you can do that?"

"Of course!" Dagger smiled. "Anything for you, dad!" He walked over to the idle Biograft in the room. "Ready whenever!" He chirped.

"Biograft, Attack Daggerspite. Do not kill." Subspace ordered. The robot wasted not even a second before lunging at Dagger, doing a nnumber on him. Once Subspace deemed him hurt enough, he ordered Biograft to stop.

Now kneeling on the ground in pain, Blood seeped from Dagger's body, a cut seemingly on every limb. He groans, "this is going to be one hell of a walk." Getting up, he gave himself a painful shake.

"You can manage, right?" Subspace asked.

"Of course! I'm not some pussy. I'll be on my way now, I'll text ya when I get there dad!" Despite the pain, Dagger still smiled at his dad before limping out of the lab.

Suddenly having regrets about agreeing, Dagger was acutely aware of the pain in his leg. He didn't even have to force a limp. Holding one of his shoulders, he limped out of the facility, dragging himself through the snow towards the way he knew was Lost Temple.


Medkit sighed as he followed Sword around helplessly. The younger demon had insisted on going for a walk along Lost Temple's outskirts. "What was the point of this again, Sword?" He hissed.

"Just for fun! It's nice to get out and get some exercise!" The red demon replied, kicking sand for no reason.

"It's just SAND, Sword! What's fun about this?" The doctor growls. It was nearly 4pm and they were in the complete wild.

"Live a little! I know where we are, we're not lost or anything!" Sword rolls his eyes. "We're only like 15 minutes away from home!"

"Right.." Medkit grumbled. Movement caught his eye. "What's that?" He asked looking towards it, squinting. He couldnt quite tell what it was.

"Is.. Is that a demon?" Sword had obviously seen it too. "It looks like a demon. Hurt." He started jogging towards the person, Medkit sighing as he followed.

Upon approaching, the pink demon had fallen to the ground. He was terribly beat up, clothes worn and ripped. "Here to finish me off?" He scoffed as the two approached.

"Oh my, what happened to you!" Sword quickly kneeled beside the demon, adjusting him to a sitting position, using his knee to prop him up. "Medkit, you can help him, right?"

"Not fully without my gear, but I can some." Medkit replied, already taking crystals out of his pocket. Smashing them on the ground beside the young demon, some of his wounds healed. "That's all I have."

"Why aren't you killing me?" The pink demon scoffs, looking utterly defeated.

"That's not what we do here. Where are you coming from?" Sword asks as Medkit kneels to examine the demon's wounds.

The demon is silent in return, flinching with a hiss as Medkit ran his fingers down a particularly bad gash along his leg. "Sword, give me your shirt." Medkit orders.

"Why..?" Sword asks, confused. He takes his shirt off anyways, giving it to the doctor.

Medkit quickly wraps the shirt around the demon's gash, tightly securing it. "To stop the bleeding. You look as if you're about to faint." He notes to the pink demon who only glares in reply. "Come on, Sword carry him to my place so I can properly treat him."

"On it!" Sword quickly but carefully picks the demon up who lets out a huff of annoyance.

"I can walk myself." He growls weakly.

"Obviously not considering you collapsed in the sand just before we reached you." Medkit replies, his tone harsh. "What faction are you from?"

The pink demon gives no reply, making Medkit click his tongue. "He reminds me of you when I first found ya, Meds!" Sword cheerily states.

"Yeah well you already knew who I was by the time you found me from the mass of wanted posters." Medkit rolls his eye. "I hope you know where we're going." He reduces his pace to let Sword take lead, following him.

"Of course I know where I'm going! Gosh, Med!" Sword looks down at the demon in his arms. "I think he's about to pass out."

"Let him, it'll be less trauma for his brain."

Soon reaching home, Sword carefully laid the now unconcious demon on the guest bed, Medkit quickly tending to his wounds. Taking off the demon's gloves, he noticed the Blackrock symbol burned into his flesh. He reeled back in disgust, Sword leaning over to look. "Guess that answers where he came from.." He mumbles.

"Yeah." Medkit takes off the demon's ripped shirt, starting to properly bandage his arms. Once the arms are done, he turns to Sword. "Hold him sitting so I can get his torso."

"Got it." Sword carefully grabbed the demon's shoulder, holding him to a sitting position. What he seen almost made him drop the demon, gasping in shock.

Medkit quickly looked to see what shocked Sword, his eye widening as he saw it too. The demon's back was gashed with rot, much like on Subspace's jaw. Not only that, but his shoulder was burned with Subspace's self-made logo. "Subspace." Medkit growled. "Another one of his victims." He grapped a substance, smearing it on the rotten gash. "Hope this helps.." He mumbles half to himself as he wraps the demon in bandages.

"He looks so.. young." Sword comments. "Like a teenager."

"Subspace has no morals. He probably is a teen. We can ask when he wakes up." Medkit sighs. Shooing Sword out the room, he continues to bandage the boy, only leaving his boxers on to properly dress the wounds. Now taking some clothes he bought just for this event, he dressed the pink demon in a white shirt with black sweatpants.

Leaving the room, he left it cracked. "Now we wait for him to wake up, Sword, prepare him a glass of water, would you?"


Waking slowly, Dagger was met with a sharp pain in his head. Grumbling he rubbed his eyes, slowly remembering the job his dad had given him. He happily recalled that his target had found him right before he fell unconcious. Sitting up with a grunt, he noticed his clothes had been changed and he was completely bandaged. Mumbling some curses, Dagger massaged his temples, taking a deep breath.

The noise had obivously alerted the demons that brought him here. He could remember Medkit's name from the task, but he couldn't recall the red demon's. "Where am I?" Dagger croaked out, his voice gruff. "Who are you?" He growls.

"My name's Sword and this is Medkit!" The red demon introduced himself happily. "We found you near dead in the sand and brought you here to help nurse you." He explains.

Medkit steps forward. "What's your name?"

"..Sweets." Dagger closed his eyes, his head spinning.

"Where are you from?" The teal demon pressed.

"None of your business." Sweets growled, glaring at Medkit.

"It kind of is since you're in my house currently, but I guess I already know the answer. What is your relationship to Tripmine?" Medkit growls.

Sweet tensed up, not replying. He looked down silently, his body starting to shake as he recalled 'horrid' memories of Subspace.

Medkit sighed, patting Sweet's shoulder. "Hey, you're okay. You're safe away from him here. We just want to know more about you. How old are you, Sweets?"

"..16." Sweets seemed to relax a bit at the doctor's words. "I'm 16."

Medkit and Sword exchange a glance. "You're so young..." Sword mumbles, stepping over to get a closer look at Dagger. "Can you tell us any other details about what got you here?" His voice was kind.

"I.." Sweets seems choked up. "He.. He wanted me.. gone." He manages to stutter out, his body tensing up again with his breathing more shallow as he begins to have a panic attack. "I-I didn't.. mean to! B-But he.. w-wanted me.. I-I didn't b-behave... a-and..." Sweets starts to sob as he wraps his arms around himself.

"Hey, hey! It's okay, you're okay! You don't have to talk about it, it's okay." Sword quickly wraps his arms around Sweets in a hug, desperately trying to comfort him. Sweets flinches at the touch but ultimately accepts the hug as he cries.

Medkit sighs, walking out of the room. A few minutes later, Dagger calms down from his panic. Sniffling, he rubs his eyes as Sword releases his grasp around the teen. "You're safe now, Sweets." He reassures the teen, smiling softly at him. Sweets didnt reply, his head remaining down.

Medkit soon returns to the room, holding something. "You like honey buns?" He asks, handing one to Sword and holding another out for Sweets. Sweets hesitantly looks over and slowly reaches to take it. "..Thanks." He mumbles, just holding it.

Sword instantly rips his open to begin munching on it like a starving child. Medkit has his own, slowly chewing his. "Thanks Meds!" Sword says with his mouth full. "Stop talking with your mouth full Sword, you're going to choke and its rude." Medkit rolls his eye.

Turning his attention to the demon who still hasn't touched his snack, Medkit speaks. "I know this is a big adjustment so me and Sword will give you some time to yourself. We'll just be in the next room over, feel free to look around the house if you can stand, or call one of us if you need anything." Medkit grabs Sword's shoulder, leading him out of the room, pulling the door so it's slightly cracked open.

Now left alone in the room, Sweets smirks to himself, quickly grabbing his phone that was on the night stand, texting his father.

>DAD!! The target actually FOUND ME! I seen him and some red demon walking towards me when I was still a bit away from the destination, so I pretended to lose all my strength! I told you knowing how to make myself pass out on command was worth it
>They actually seem pretty nice tho, am I allowed to ask why medkit is a target? he gave me a honey bun and took me to his house btw

Sweets opens his honey bun and begins to eat it while he waits for a reply which is no more than a few seconds.

>>That's great, son! I'm proud of you for taking this mission, the rest of Blackrock as well
>>That demon is nothing more than a manipulator, Dag. He has a bounty on his head for a reason. I'll tell you the full story of what happened between me and that doctor whenever you finish your mission
>Okay!! Well, I'm gonna go act like weak n scared or somethin, I'll talk to you tonight, dad!
>Love you!
>>Love you too Sweets, fill me in on everything that happens

Putting his phone back, he finishes his honey bun, looking around the room. There wasn't much to it, it was almost fully empty. A bed, nightstand, closet, and dresser. A few plants were scattered around, giving more life to the light green walls and white furniture. It wasn't the best looking room, but it wasn't downright ugly. It just needed some decoration.

Swinging his legs over the side of the bed, Sweets got up, instantly falling. He had forgotten about the gash, groaning in annoyance rather than pain as he hit the floor. The thud caused both Medkit and Sword to rush over. "Are you okay?" Sword quickly asks, picking the teen up from the floor.

"Yeah, sorry. Just.. forgot about my leg." Sword looks down at the leg he can barely put any weight on. "Made me lose my balance, but I'm fine, thanks."

"Good, good. Me and Meds were about to go watch some TV, would you like to join us?" Sword offers, smiling.

Sweets hesitates for a moment, "..sure." He lets himself be taken away by the happy Sword, lead into the main room. Sword takes a seat in the middle of the couch, Medkit against the arm of the cushion. Sweet eyes this pattern and takes a seat on the opposite cushion from Medkit.

Sword being closest to the remote happily turned on the TV, being on the news channel. On the news was Subspace, looking worried sick, a picture of Sweets beside him on the screen. "Please, anyone who finds my son, bring him ba-" He can be heard saying before Sword changed the channel.

Medkit and Sword both slowly looked over at Sweets who was stiff, tears already filling his eyes. "You're his son?" Medkit asks slowly.

Tears start to flow from Sweets' cheeks as he stares at nothing, his body begining to shake in another panic attack. Sword quickly scoots over to wrap his arm around the teen. "Calm down, you're okay." He soothes. Medkit remains staring is disbelief.

Sweets snaps out of his panic rather quickly after Sword's soothing. "..He's.. he's not my dad." Sweets growls, keeping his eyes in his lap. "He just.. says that because he found me. He's not my dad." He repeats, wiping tears from his eyes.

Sword sighs, patting Sweets' back. "I can't believe he's gone low enough to do this to a child." Medkit growls, taking the remote from where Sword was sitting and flipping through a few channels.

"..How do you know him, if I may ask." Dagger asks the doctor. His voice is quiet and hesitant.

Medkit looks over, "oh, well me and him used to be lab partners a while back. Psycho bitch snapped one day and took my eye so I ran away. He's been after me ever since." Medkit shrugs. It's been years since the incident so he's not very sensitive over it.

"Oh." Daggerspite thinks for a moment. "Sorry if this is weird to ask, but were your horns green when you were younger?" Sweets remembers seeing a picture that looked similar to the medic. His father had kept it tucked away in his desk's drawer.

"..Yeah, I did. How did you know that?" Medkit asks, eyes narrowing. "Da- Subspace had a picture of you and himself younger in his drawer before, I seen it when snooping a few years ago." Dagger had almost made a mistake.

"That's odd. I wonder why." Medkit replies, "but then again, I don't really care why." He shrugs, turning his attention back to the TV.

Happy to have the attention off of himself, Sweets supresses a grin as he watches the TV as well.


Now a few hours later, Sword had went home after Medkit cooked them dinner. Laying in bed, Medkit had already gone to sleep. Left to himself, Sweets quickly picks up his phone to fill Subspace in.

>Medkit told me you two met as lab partners years ago
>and that you took his eye
>You didn't tell me you were gonna be on the news earlier! I wasn't prepared to fake a sob "h-h-h--hhes not my dad..!!!!" >:(
>Remember to eat dinner btw, I know your habits when I don't cook

Happily waiting for his dad to reply, he goes to text Hyperlaser.

>Hi Hyper!! Did dad tell you about the mission I'm on?

Hyper replies almost instantly.

>>yeah, he did
>>how you holdin up bud?
>Good! I'm already in the target's house, but I had to fake a lot of crying so my eyes kinda hurt
>I think they're starting to trust me already!!
>>thats good bud, just make sure you remember where your loyalties lie and the mission
>Of course! I would never stray from my beloved faction! Especially my father as well, I owe him my life!
>>you're a good kid, Sweets
>Thank you Hyper :3

Hyper not responding causes Dagger to switch back to his messages with Subspace, who has now replied.

>>Yeah, we were lab partners and I did take his eye. But I dont think he's told the full story. That's fine for now, I promised to tell you the whole of it once your mission was done anyways
>>and Hyper dropped some food off at my lab for me
>Good! What've you been up to today?
>>Just the usual, found a bug in Bio's code that I had to fix, I'm thinking of starting a new version of Bio. Less damage and resistence, but stealthier and quiet
>Oooo, I think that's a good idea! It could resist some of the assassins if done right
>>Hopefully. But it's late Sweets, you should get some sleep
>Fine, fine!! Goodnight dad, I love you
>>I love you too, goodnight Daggerspite

Smiling, Sweets puts his phone down, he clicks off the lamp, getting comfy in bed. Taking a deep breath, he feels his body relax into sleep.


Small fact: 

underlying subkit??

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