Trauma bonding

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Idk what to say__

Waking with a jolt, Daggerspite took a moment to remember where he was. Looking around he sat up and sighed. His muscles ached from his wounds and walk yesterday. Grabbing his phone, he checked the time. 8:14am. Deciding to not beat himself up over messing up his schedule, he opened his messages with his father.

>>YOU SHOULD HAVE UNPLUGGED YOUR CLOCK. Made me get up and be productive too early in the morning
sent 6:12am

Dagger chuckled to himself before replying;

>Sorry dad!! Maybe you need to be productive earlier, you get more work done!

Smiling, he put his phone down, getting out of bed. His leg ached from a particularly bad gash Biograft had given him. Peeking out his room, he noticed Medkit was awake, sitting on the couch on his phone. Limping over, Daggerspite greeted him. "Goodmorning."

Medkit jumped, looking over before placing a hand on his heart, "gods! You scared me, Sweets." He stares. "But goodmorning. How'd you sleep, I assume you're a bit sore?"

"I slept fine, and yes, I am sore. My leg is killing me!" Sweets takes a seat on the couch near Medkit but not too close to him. "That Biograft did a number on me." He sighs.

"How'd you get away from it?" Medkit asks, eyeing the teen. "Biografts are hard to fight off."

"I've been training against them since I was 6, I'm a master at fighting them! I only got beat up because it caught me off guard." Sweets grumbles. "Subspace prefers someone else, even a bot, to do his dirty work. That includes training people."

"Forgive me if I'm being pushy and opening sore wounds, but what was it like living with him as a forced parental figure?" The doctor is basically staring into Sweets' soul, making him a bit uncomfortable.

"It's..." He trails off nervously. "It wasn't.. the worst." He admits. "He was cruel, yes. Abusive, also yes. Manipulated and exploited me for almost everything, yes, but it also came with perks. I was respected in Blackrock and got a large amount of bux. Not everyone gets to be in Blackrock's VIP system at 10 years old. I was actually hired as an assassin when I was... 9? Subspace trained me tough, but it did come with many perks." Daggerspite recalls, acting a bit choked up at the topic.

"I'm glad you found positives in your situation. However, you're lucky to have gotten out without worse injuries." Medkit closes his eye. "Were you born into Blackrock? I don't see why Subspace of all people would take to a child."

"No, I was born into Playground. There was a war at the time and my parents were killed, my uncle didn't want to deal with me and dumped me in one of Blackrock's fields, hoping I'd die there. Subspace found me on a walk and decided to take me in since I'd be killed upon entering any orphanage." Sweets explains, remembering the day his father found him with an internal smile.

"Do you remember much of your parents?"

"You're quite pushy with information, y'know." Daggerspite slightly narrows his eyes at the doctor.

"Apologies, I'm simply curious about you. You don't have to answer if you're uncomfortable, but you're someone who my greatest enemy considers his son."

"I guess that makes sense. I don't remember much of my parents, I barely even knew them. They had both been drafted into the war from the earliest I can remember. The only thing I can remember is the fact I have my mother's hair and eye color." Daggerspite fiddles with his fingers nervously, a habit he picked up from his dad.

"Why does Subspace want you dead?"

"I.." Sweets goes silent, choking up. "I don't want to answer that." He growls.

"That's alright, thank you for answering my other questions." Medkit gets up, "are you hungry? Breakfast is still warm. I made eggs and bacon."

"Yeah, thanks." Sweets gets up, following the doctor into the kitchen. Medkit hands him a plate of food as Sweets sits at the table.

"Milk or orange juice?" Medkit asks, looking at him.

"Orange juice, please!" Daggerspite forces a smile. He missed his dad. "Do you think I could leave the house without being.. recognized?" He asks.

"You'll get looks, but no one will really do anything at Crossroads. Someone might try to kidnap you for your bounty if you pass any.. suspicious areas, or near Blackrock. Just stay out of alleyways and stay with someone trusted." Medkit sets a glass of orange juice beside Daggerspite who begins to eat.

"What about phights?" The demon asks with his mouth full. "I've always wanted to join one, or at least try out for them, but Subspace never let me. He said they were a waste of time and he only went to test out things."

"I can probably get you into a phight. Not until your wounds are healed though. I want to test how good at battle you are first, assuming you have your gear?"

"Yeah, I have it. I always kept it stored instead of out, I was always anxious about it getting taken or something." Daggerspite gives a slight nod. "I'm open to sparring with anyone, I know my skills."

"I'll get Sword to spar with you when your wounds are healed. Speaking of Sword, he asked if you'd be open to meeting Rocket, his lover."

"Sure! I don't mind meeting new people. If you and Sword deem them trustable, then I have no reason to not trust them as well. You've treated me well so far." Dagger soon finishes his food as Medkit takes his phone out of his pocket to message who he assumes to be Sword. "Oh, do you happen to have a phone charger I could use? I wasn't really able to take any of my stuff. I can pay you back for one, I did have my wallet on me."

"I can give you one, no need for cash back. You're my guest and patient, I expect no money from you, Sweets." Medkit's voice was stern. "I'm a doctor, my job pays well, and if I ever needed the money, I'm a support in phights, I get the highest share of bux out of everyone."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Sweets. Just focus on getting better right now."


Now hours later, Sweets has had a change of clothes, some of Medkit's spares as they're around the same height. Sweets was only two inches shorter. Sweets laid sprawled out on the living room floor, bored. Medkit sat nearby on the couch, on his phone. "Sword and Rocket should be here soon." He announces.

Sweets sits up, happily. "Finally! I'm bored!" He stands up, now pacing around the living room for the knock at the door. A few minutes later the knock comes and Sweets limps over to the door, opening it. "Hi!" He greets Sword and a smaller blue demon who he assumes is Rocket.

"Hi Sweets!" Sword returns the greeting. "This is Rocket, my fiancé!" Sword introduces the phighter next to him as they walk into the house.

"Hi! I'm Sweets, it's nice to meet you!" Sweets holds his hand out to shake Rocket's hand.

"Lovely metting you as well." Rocket smiles, shaking the teen's hand. Sweets realizes he has two prosthetics. "Ooo, nice prosthetics! They're high quality." The teen comments.

"Thanks! Meds actually made 'em for me." Rocket follows Sword into the living room with Sweets behind him, still engaging in the conversation.

"How'd you get them, if you don't mind me asking?" Sweets asks, curious.

"Had an accident with one of my 'launchers. I was 'round your age when it happened." Rocket replies. His accident wasn't a sensitive topic, he was glad that Sweets wasn't fawning over him like he wasn't able to do anything for himself as some people did.

"Cool!" Sweets smiles, sitting on the couch near Medkit who was now talking to Sword.

"You're all beat up too, what's with that?" Rocket asks in return of his sharing.

"Biograft got me, nothing too bad though! Only one bad gash on my leg is botherin' me, but it'll heal good in a few days." Sweets answers. Trauma question for a trauma question is only fair.

Daggerspite's attention is snapped to the other two demons' conversation at the mention of his name.

"..was woundering if you could spar with Sweets in a week or so." Daggerspite didn't catch all of the doctor's sentence.

"Sure, I'd be happy to!" Sword smiles cheerfully, stepping over to Rocket and basically pushing him on the couch to sit beside him. Rocket and Sweets were next to eachother.

"Anything you'd all like to do today?" Medkit asks his guests.

"We were going to go to Sling's cafe later, you two can come with us if you'd like." Rocket offers. "Until then, we don't have any plans."

Medkit looks at Sweets, "would you like to go?"

"Sure, I'd like to get out of the house. I hate staying home and doing nothing. Thank you for inviting us." Sweets simles at Rocket who returns the gleam.

"I think we should all go for a walk!" Sword chimes.

"Right, let's go for a walk with someone who's leg is injured and has a limp." Medkit rolls his eye at the red demon.

"Oh, right." Sword sniffs dramatically. "How about we go and hang out at Crossroads!"

"With two people who have high bounties together, one being fresh?" Now ir's Rocket's turn to roll his eyes.

"Okay fine, I'm out of ideas!" Sword growls, crossing his arms.

"I think a walk is a good idea, I can manage with my limp. It's not the first time my leg has been hurt, Subspace still made me work through it." Sweets peeps. "I'd like to know the area more since I've never really been outside of Blackrock except for assassin missions and tagging along with some mercenaries."

"Assassin missions?" Medkit looks at the pink demon.

"I was raised to be one of Blackrock's weapons, earned some bux while doin' it." Daggerspite shrugs.

"No wonder I didn't hear you come in when you woke up, even with your limp." Medkit comments. "But if you're sure your leg won't be a bother, I suppose we could go on a walk."

"Yay!" Sword cheers, standing up quickly. "If his leg starts to hurt, I can carry him since I had suggested it." Sword offers, his feathers puffing up in glee.

As they all leave the house, Sweets takes note of all surrounding him. He makes sure to remember which house belongs to Medkit and how to find it. Despite his limp, Daggerspite doesn't fall behind at all, clearly used to pushing through any pain he has.

Lost Temple doesn't have much scenery other than people's expensive decorations in their yards of desert. Daggerspite suddenly feels a pang of homesickness, beginning to feel physically sick. Maybe it's the heat. "Gods, why's it so hot?!" He complains, sweat rolling down his forehead.

"Right, you're used to the cold." Medkit reminds himself. "It took me a few months to get used to Lost Temple's heat. Even now I still miss the snow sometimes." Medkit sympathizes with the younger demon. "You'll get used to it eventually."

"I don't see how either of you could like the cold!" Sword converses, "I love the heat here."

"You're also the son of a deity, hun. The elements don't affect you like they do us." Rocket rolls his eyes, also sweating.

"Sounds like a you problem." Sword shrugs. He seems to be the only one enjoying the weather, because he is the only one enjoying the weather. No one else likes this weather. Sword is weird.

Rocket elbows Sword in the ribs with his prosthetic arm, "ow!-" The red demon growls. "What was that for!" He whines.

"Shut up." Rocket huffs. "Walks are boring in Lost Temple, there's nothing except rich snobs and sand!" Sweets couldn't help but silently agree with the blue demon.

"Wow!" Sword acts hurt, placing his hands over his heart. "My own lover, hating on my dear faction!"

"Yeah, I am. And I'm seirous about not moving here, this heat is hell!" Rocket growls. "We either have two houses, or we live in Crossroads or Playground!"

"What about Theive's Den?" Sword bickers, not wanting to give in to the choices he was given.

Tuning the other two's love life bickering out, Sweets looks at Medkit. "Why did you move here out of all places? Surely it couldn't be easy adjusting to the heat."

"It wasn't easy. Still isn't, I grew up in Blackrock's cold, I will forever hold the scenery dear to me. Sword found me like how we found you, I guess Lost Temple just became home after I was living with him for so long." Medkit shurgged.

"Would you.. ever go back to Blackrock if you had the chance?"

"No. I'm a traitor to Blackrock. Even if I had the chance, the people there would not treat me well. I wouldn't be able to get a job or anything with my reputation."

"Why did you leave?"

"Subspace. He's the reason I left. Blackrock was already a cruel faction, Subspace made it unbearable." Medkit growls. "He attacked me and took my eye, so I left and didn't look back."

"Oh." Sweets realizes the conversation has died and goes back to admiring the scenery. There wasn't much. At least Blackrock had the beauties of snow to admire. Sand was just sand.


The group of four had found themselves wandering into Crossroads. Sweets' leg had grown more painful, but he ignored it. A good fighter never showed his weaknesses after all! They made their way towards the Theive's Den sectoral, chattering amongst themselves as they reached Slingshot's Cafe. "Finally! I was looking forward to this!" Rocket exclaims, opening the door to hold as the other three enter.

Sweets had never been here, only heard rumors that it was good. He looked forward to trying it for himself. Upon entering, a sweet smell hit his nose, pleasantly welcoming. As the group walked to order, Sweets noticed something blue out of the corner of his eye. Hyperlaser was here with his 'friend' Katana that he heard so much about. "I'll be right back." Sweets whispered to Medkit who nodded. They'd be there a while anyways due to Sword not knowing what to order.

Limping towards the mercenary, Sweets happily hugged the phighter, startling him. "Sweets, hi!" Hyperlaser greeted, returning the hug. "How've you been? Why are you here?"

"Good! Everything's going great so far." Sweets smiled before looking at Katana. "Hi, you must be Katana! Hyper has said a lot about you over the years. I'm Sweets!" He greets happily.

"Has he?" Katana's voice is gruff with age. "I've heard about you as well. It's nice to finally meet you." Katana nodded.

"You shouldn't be going up to Blackrock members, y'know." Hyper scolds the teen. "You're going to get yourself in trouble!"

"Yeah, yeah. You're the only one I'd ever approach! I know you'd never turn me in!" Sweets smiles. "Well, I'd better get back to my group. It was nice seein' ya, Hyper!"

"Nice to know you're doin' well, kid. Be safe."

With the conversation closed, Sweets limps back to his group to find Sword still deciding what he wants. The cashier looked annoyed. The green demon growled, "come on Sword! My break starts soon!" He complains impatiently.

"Fine, fine! Just give me a..." Sword looks at Rocket who was equally annoyed. "Just give me what Rocket ordered!" He decides with a huff.

"Finally!" The green demon growled, writing the order down before turning to Medkit. "And you?"

"Just a black coffee, small." Medkit answered "See, that's how you order something!" The cashier glared at Sword who crossed his arms. Turning his attention to the pink demon, he spoke again. "I've never seen you before. What's your order?"

"Oh, uhm." Sweets quickly looked at the menu. "Uhh, just a vanilla milkshake is fine." He orders, nervously fidgeting with his hands.

The cashier wrote it down quickly. "Alright, is that all?" He asked, all of the party nodding in reply. "Okay, go sit down, I'll bring it to you when it's done." He huffed before disappearing into the back.

"Shuriken is so rude to customers!" Sword complains as they take a seat in a booth.

"You took forever to order, I'd be rude too! And it's not like he was being rude to anyone he didn't know." Rocket grabs his lover's hand, squeezing it.

"Where'd you disappear off to?" Medkit asks, looking at Sweets who was sitting beside him.

"Oh, I just seen one of my old friends and wanted to greet him, that's all. I knew he wouldn't do anything rash, even if he's from Blackrock." Sweets replies, slightly squirming in his seat. He hated the attention being on him and his whereabouts.

"You're friends with Hyperlaser?" Rocket asks in disbelief.

"Uh yeah, I guess he's kinda like an uncle to me." Sweets shrugged. "He babysat me a lot."

"Wow! Never took Hyperlaser for a babysitter!" Sword chuckles at the thought.

"Subspace had to pay him extra, but he was a good babysitter! He took me along with his job a few times, gave me the stealth I needed to be a good assassin." Sweets elaborates on his childhood.

"It's good that you had a positive role-model there." Medkit comments, recieving a quiet 'yeah' in response.

Continuing to chat about random stuff, the previous cashier soon comes with their orders. "Here." The green demon previously named Shuriken places the items on table in front of their respected orderers. He places the bill as well. "Don't call me if you need anything, I won't answer." He walks away.

"Horrible customer service!" Sword calls after him, causing Sweets to chuckle a bit.

"I hate that guy!" Sword huffs, angrily sipping on his drink.

"You say that, yet he's one of your closest friends." Rocket rolls his eyes, biting into the donut he ordered.

Sweets listens silently, sipping on his Milkshake. A few minutes pass before someone approaches their table. Sweets looks over to see Hyperlaser. "Hey, bud." He greets Sweets, ignoring the rest of the table. "You sure you doin' alright?" He asks, concerned.

"Yeah, of course. I'm alive and in one piece, aren't I?" Sweets blinks at him, the rest of the table just watching their interaction.

"Just makin' sure. Call me if you need anything, Dag." Hyperlaser reaches over to ruffle his hair, earning a swat from the pink demon. "I'll leave you be, if you're ever in a situation, you know you can rely on me bud." He offers a smile, hidden by his helmet before walking away back to his table.

"Wow." Rocket comments. "As if you wouldn't be doin' alright with Medkit! He fusses over his patients like a mother and a sick new born!" Rocket rolls his eyes, causing Sweets to giggle.

"I told you, he's like family to me. He's just worried since he had to watch me run away covered head-to-toe in blood!" Sweets offers his reasoning.

"I guess that makes sense." Medkit replies. "It's nice to see that someone from that damned faction cares for you."

"Yeah, he's always been like that."

"Why did he call you Dag?" Sword asks randomly. "Yeah, why did he call you Dag if your name is Sweets?" Rocket intrigues.

"Oh, uh." Daggerspite thinks of an excuse quickly, "it's just a nickname." He comes up with. "My gear are daggers, he calls me Dagger or Dag because of them." He quickly states, fidgeting with his hands.

"I wanna see your gear!" Rocket exclaims, obviously interested.

"When we're outside, sure! I can't in here, they're poisoned and I don't want to accidentally touch something with them and cause a problem." Sweets smiles, going back to his milkshake. He successfully lied about his name.


Now being finished with their cafe snacks, the group was making their way back to Lost Temple. By now, Sweets' leg was killing him, his pace slowing ever so slightly. "Show us your gear!" Rocket prods, his tail flicking with excitement.

Sweets sighed silently to himself before summoning his gear. Throwing daggers tipped with a bright pink poison aura spawned into his hands. They connected at the ends with a string, giving for easy retrival as summoning more took energy that wasn't always available during combat.

The other three examined them closely. "These are cool!" Sword chimes. "Am I going to die if I get hit with one during our spar?"

"No, the poison on these aren't that strong since I was scared of accidentally cutting myself. These have an effect closer to an ant's poison, they'll hurt like hell and back, but they're not lethal." Sweets explains. "Unless you leave the poison in for too long, then your wounds will get infected and rot."

"I like the design on them." Medkit compliments. The daggers had an intricate design of swirls, candy, and hearts on the handles. A twisted blade complimented this.

"Thank you!" Sweets smiles, placing the string of daggers around his waist, clipping them in place.

"While we're in crossroads, would you like to get some new clothes?" Medkit asks. "I'll pay," he offers kindly.

"Yeah sure! And I'll pay for myself, I have my own money." He takes out his wallet, checking it. He had a large sum of bux stuffed inside. He put it back in his pocket.

"If you insist." Medkit shrugged. "Are you two coming along?" He asks the other demons.

"I have to go help dad with his shop soon, I should probably get goin'." Rocket sighs. "You know how he is when I'm late!"

"Whatt, I wanna come!" Sword grabs his lover's hand. "I like watching you work!"

"Fine, you can come!" Rocket rolls his eyes. "We should get goin' now though. We'll see you guys around, cya!" Taking their leave, the two hurridly rush off towards the Playground sector of Crossroads.

"Well, come on then." Medkit leads the way towards the middle outskirts of Crossroads. Most vendors and clothing brands resided in this area.

Upon entering the sales region, Sweets took his time to look at everything. Medkit said nothing, following the teen along as he looked. The doctor was never one for shopping, but Sweets would die for it.

Examining every detail of a shirt, Sweets hadn't noticed the stares of some obvious Blackrock members giving him. Medkit subconsciously stepped closer to the pink demon, his hand protectively on his revolver. Daggerspite obvliviously continued fawning over items he found, happily taking some to purchase as his own.

"You're quiet when shopping." Medkit comments.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I just like looking at stuff!" Daggerspite replies, his tail wagging. "I haven't gone shopping like this in a while, I only pick up stuff I find from vendors I pass on my walks in Blackrock." He smiles, "I like shopping."

"Well, we have all day, take as long as you need." Medkit stays close. "Just be careful, some people are eyeing you."

"Oh, are they?" Sweets looks around, seeing eyes flicker away from his gaze. "Oh." He starts to feel uncomfortable. "I think I've got enough stuff for now." He looks at the clothes he's carrying.

"Are you sure?" Medkit asks, "don't let the stares bother you, they won't try anything here."

"I'm sure, we can come back another day." Sweets nods.

"Alright then." Medkit leads him to the vender organizer.

The organizer takes the tags off of the clothing, storing them in their respective compartments. The vendors were paid at the end of every week based on the tags collected. Calculating the price, Sweets pays with no worries. He knew he had enough bux in his account to buy out the entire organization, but he still had a limit with cash.

"Thank you!" Sweets offers the organizer as he takes his bags of clothing. "Can we leave now?" He eagerly asks Medkit, now aware of eyes burning into the back of his head.

"Yeah, let's go." The doctor stays close to the teen as they leave the region, making their way back to Lost Temple. "They'll be staring at you for weeks."

"I know." Sweets sighs. "I'm used to stares, but before they were stares of jealousy and admiration. Now they're.. hostile." He fidgets with his hands as he limps.

"I get that. I was respected at Blackrock too before I left. You'll get used to it eventually. You've warmed up to everything fast so far."

Daggerspite offers a forced smile as a reply, the two settling into silence as they walk.


Point out any mistakes.

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